Th» W«Mlnr af V. ■. w« a tm , m M lM i|M wtaiy. ttm M t* Ml M m ehm Ur^A CUy • / Charm VOL. LXXXV, NO. 8 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY, OCTOBER A A4mtMBg M Vat* ID PRICE SEVEN ooni ■ V i 'V”’- Vi. Pope Asks It.* - V ' Thousands Greet UN S eek Pontiff on Route NEW YORK (AP)—Pope Paul VI, spiritual ruler of 5S0 million Roman Catholics came to America tod iy War’s End as a peace pilgrim to the United Nations, and to meek with President Johnson. UNITED NATIONS, N. The first Pope to visit the New Worid airtved at Y. (AP)—Pope Paul VI Kennedy Airport at 9:27 a.m. after a nine-hour i e t today reaffirmed his sup> flight of 4,280 miles from Rome. port of the United Nations Awaiting the pontiff were high-ranking officiala of and urged as its goal “No more war, war never all levels of government and the church. The A litalif again.” Airlines Jet taxied to a red carpeted welcoming oere^ mony. ^ In a speech prepared for Red velvet roping enclosed the area and a long black delivery before the 117-nar limousine stood waiting to take the Pope on a motor* tion General Assembly, the cade parade through Queens and Manhattan. Thou« 4 Pope declared: sands of spectators had turned out hours earlier to wait “If you wish to be broth­ for a glimpse of him. ers, let the arms fall from Among the spectators at the life to ths hope of immortality, * your hands, one cannot -U ■ i sealed-off airport and along the God blase thla land S( love while holding offen­ papal routes were big delega­ yours!" sive arms." tions of Catholic children, pert Showing no sign of weaiineaM He urged the audience, of the 706,000 from 1,091 metro­ from the long flight, ths PapSL of diplomats to find ways politan area piuochlal schools 88, walked to the UmouaiM. R l to guarantee international ' which declared a holiday for the' clear plastic top had been left security “without having, historic visit. off for the 24-mlIe parade ■ , ' ^ r/y U.N. Secretary-General U Manhattan and St. Patrick’s recourse to arms." "This is Thant, the official who tovtted Cathedral, where soma paraena a most noble aim," he said, > the Pope to lay his Church’s had been waiting oveniiglit. * “this the people expect of plea for peace before the Inter­ A crowd oontimiad to pesM you, tiiis must be obtain­ national body, headed the wel­ around Mm even as Pop* Pad ed.” , coming delegation sat on the special seat wMoh The ponUff u id : M He Prepare* to Leave Airport. Crowde Line- Route of Hig .Motorcade. No other aircraft were In the can lift Mm seven iaOhas ab efi "Gratitude will be expressed cool, clear sky as the big Jet Ms fellow pessengere. Ha shook t^Orou by all peoples, relieved approached from the east for a many of the bands oatatrstehail as they will then be from the State News , landing. Airport activity ceased to hUn- crushing expenses of arma­ V*S, C I t i e « as workers and spectators Police motoreyelea and * ae*> ments, trusting ia your senti­ Johnson Offers Asylii watched. Iser led the way and the pnsei ments o< humanity and generos- To Receive • With Ihant were the other slon started. 1^." Bus Strik e official greeters: Secretary of Pope Paul’s Umouaine, flytag He urged further that the sav­ Cuban Exiles , State Dean Rusk, New York the papal and American fligS) ings resulting from arms reduc­ Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller, MIAMI; Fla.^(AP) - The'lm H in ges on was the sixth car to the metoc* tions will be diverted to the bea- To Refugees from Mayor Robert F. Wagner and cade. Ms host, Cardtoal Spefl> •flt of the developiifg countries. pact of a new (Aban refugee Francis Cardinal Spellntan, man, rode with Mm. The pontiff told th* delegatss; flood, antlcipeited here In view NEW YORK (AP) —1 port of entry — choppy, whlte-#doors tor Cubans who seek to Union Vote archblrtiop of New York. Also Minutes later, howsvar, tbp "You have performed and you of President Joimaon's favora­ capped New York habor — to join some 270,000 of iheir coiav tiiere were foimer' Italian Pre* Presidertt Johnson set the WEtHEBflFDDLD (AP)-Con- procession stopped and the Popt •ontlnoe to perform a great ble response to Fidel pastroVi open the gates of another, Mi­ trymen already In the Unl)ed mier Amlntore Fanfeni, presi­ sbiftad to boMuaia* with § work: The education of man­ 'Mars of government and ami. He said the Florida city State*: t naqfiou) Go> buses wairq stltt run­ ding- of tba i U.N. Geneeal A*- 'let them go” offer, would-be diplomacy in ,motioa. today, ning to tiw (i«rtfqr4,*RB)». Bk- Bimbly, Slid 'ttm fmir .dkaf^.ltoiii* itm Vnpkasitol kind in the ways of peace. The toK tfaiouilMiA;. theT-pnli^ wiU l^.,"a teinpcrary stopping —Ma.aald h« 1m» aikad'-tha Mrlak sag a M M ^ ' ' United Nations is a great school to Amferlca'h tefuge place tor r^ugees as they, reset­ Stats Deporiment to seek vsh and StatotM txati ja^tay, V.^^^urdlaals. ttafes, wy persons laaktng Randl Fomasaa. * • Aaaaa(Mk>' where that education th Im pi^ 0 Cubsns who seek to tle in other paria cf this oettn- ^elN*''»o*w6ra*ito peadt^wab.lttiloi* m4M^iw*htp pontiff, wUte-rolwd and «iMiSS»^t»1i*tidle the iltitt an arcaogamant tor the mova- vote 'on the oompony’t latest wearing a crimson eapa.aad c tf ed Preaa photograpiMr •d, today In tiM im- -ef*-”.* . •• - ' eave. ...Communist try.” pient of rafunea from Cuba to contract offer. with gold embroidei sembiy hall of Uiat school. V^en New arrtvals would rapid^ island Fidel Castro. Johnson’s dramatic announce­ ment ovetVhadowed hl6 tnajOT M l ^ ^n>* tiitttad itote* dost you leave this hall, the world be sent to oltle* other ttwa Ml- I declare to the people of looks upon you as the architects Cuba that thoee who seek refuge mission on Liberty Island, Oie not maintaJh..ftlptemaUe 'rela- 9790 tLiim jtai waved to aipt,” B ^ a'spoKeemen at tba ttona WMhCdba.' , % " uhtu 4he abo- unton Iwi ’Ortvers crowd. compartment to the c ceremony In which he signed a and constructors of peace." Cuban Refugee Center. i here ia Amerloa will find it," and mechanics get a chance to tion occupied by tba 'piaka and He continued: Joixwon said Sunday In a wind­ new immigration biU into law. Johnson said he Wants the He slowly descended the TQie U.8. govemment-opera- hear the company proposal and ramp, smiling, and shook hands distributed oommemorailv* "Peace, as you know, i* not ted center already has resettled swept, bW-aignlng cerem<Hiy at U will erase the system of Im­ Swiss to seek Cuban agreemmi migration quotas based on na­ vote on It with the waiting dignitaries. medals. The flight was smooth built up only by means ot poli­ 92,000 exiles In 2;000 cities in the the statue of Uberty. in a request to the International Meetings were scheduled to most of the way. with eoly • ties, by the balance. of forces tional origin. Johnson called the Red Cross OomitUttee tor assist­ An excited conversation swept 60 slates in order to rriiev* the ‘ilie dedication America to the company's three dl-visiona through spectators watching little turbulence over the Atlaa- our tradittona as an asylum tor old system un-American. ance In processing' refugee (See Page Ten) \ exUe concentration load here. TTie company called its .pro­ from the airport observation tic, Fornezsa sold. As cffidals braced to meet tiw . oppirassed is going to be Scores of government officials movement. and hundreds of sight-seeing posed three-year contract a deck. Crowds four and five panona T tite expected Influx, exfiee gen. upheld,” But Castro in his Havana "final offer.” deep flanked the Pope’s path Jcliniton thus took up the chal­ tourists thronged Liberty Island speech rejected the idea of Red "There he Is!" ecally were overjoyed at the State and federal mediators The watchers applauded and through Queens. About every 9* Preeldent’B amHuncement that lenge posed by Castro’s offer to as Johnson signed the measure Cross aid. Castro* sidd he was and passed out souvenir pens. worked with management and shouted as the Pope stepped feet, a policeman stood teetog Daley A sk ed dlploroatlc wheels tor the ml- let those of Us people who wish ready to begin negotiating the union officlalB over the weekend the human wall, Ms bask to Ih* leave their homeland and go to Before the crash of pen-seekers matter with the SwlM Embassy, onto American soil — at 9:87 g ;^ o n had been set la motion. to an effort to head off the a.m. roadway. Bxcitement hi tiie mdle eolcny Aanerioa. was oyer, he passed out three which represents tiw U.S. gov­ oartsons tuH, pertiaps 800 pens. threatened walkout. The meet- The crimson-capped cardinals To Step mto wtts high. But-Just taoura after Johnsen ernment in Havana. Castro- imd-’. tog. that began Sunday often’ (gee Page Tsa| Johnson said fing priorUy in ed: "The Itod Cross, is not nec­ Joined to the applause as the Manuel AtUme, who helped spoke, Castro laid down a new noon went on-until 2 a.m. today. Pope stepped onto the platform, lead the unsuccessful 1061 Bay Immigration to the United essary in this.’’ It was not Immediately School Crisis challenge in a Havana speech, States wlU go to Cuban refugees donned spectacles, and with at Pigs Invasion of Oiba, s ^ In New York, Johnson also: learned what attitude union of­ telltog the U.S.
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