TOPEKA STATE JOURNAL, SATURDAY ENING. JUNE 7, 1902. until after the fifth race, when a heavy J. L. Oaveny; county treasurer, .John ' rain fell and the last race was in the Blay; register of deeds, fc. R. Mc Arthur Children mud. surveyor, Q. P. Vaughan.' The platform Little indorsed the state and national admin famous well-kno- Cincinnati. istrations and the record of can safely take this Racing at man Congress Madi of Al II er ford Announfes a Hatch Cincinnati. June 7 Rosance, a maiden The Turners For Chester I. Long. remedy. entirely ran the fastest five fur- Preparing herl-s- , warranted free from mer- of Little Ones. longs of the meeting in the fifth race Annual F4yent, Given a Life Sentence. 1:01 7. that at Latonia, winning in over a Lawrence, Kan., June J. B. Shane, ! ' and poisonous substance, I"- - ; ; i cury, field of eleven youngsters in clever who was convicted of murder in the i V H i is everyone likes fashion. The hurdle race, the first of IV Be first degree for killing Edward Kather a - - Arjrc L i why Joa (Jans and Geo. MeFadden the season on the local track, was ill Held in l.eaveuworth man on the streets of Lawrence, was j ' won S., fi'Qm the " Dated 26. equally by Sophie backed 21-2- 4, 11)03. given usual Kansas sentence. Ha I - I For Juse S to 1 to 3 to 2. June was sent to the penitentiary until ms, r"-- death warrant is signed by the gover 3secliain's Eanastar is Withdrawn. nor, which practically means a life ! ! New York. 7. of CONTESTS. tern. The motion for a new trial in the THE ri!03IISE LIVELY E0UT. June The secretary the ATHLETIC BEST' Coney Island Jockey club announced to- case was overruled. day that Banastar and Garrv Herrmann ; i have been deciartd out of the Suburban Fail to a , Will in at which is to be run Societies Will !Also Be Find Jury. 10c and 25c Fight Frisco Hayes handicap, Saturday. Singing Sold Everywhere la tores June 14. Clarence H. Mackay.the owner of Washington, Kan., June 7. The mur- r Valley Club. Banastar. was not in town, but it was said Present to Compete, der trial of Andrew Peterson is not at his office that Banastar had been retired I ' I - I progressing rapidly. Three days have ' -- permanently to the stud. gone and no jury is yet secured. About ; ' men ; 1 Each Other Four Band Will Accom- sixty have been examined and 1 Hare Fought Hemphill Goes to St. Louis. Marshall's nearly all rejected. Another venire has Cleveland, O., June 7. Outfielder Hemp- mJj Solid Comfort Times Before. Crowd. been drawn. Peterson is charged with I hill, who was released by Cleveland, has pany Topeka'a Carl atGreen-lea- ' 1 I to for the St. Louis American killing Holt and his niece f A signed play last 5 ? league and will report for duty at January. : I I - Buffalo, N. T., June 7. In an inter- once. Leavenworth, June 7. The Turners view last night Al Herford said; are beginning to prepare for their an- Iola B; Jefferson City 4. closed over the NATIONAL LEAGUE. nual state Turniest to be held June 21st Jefferson City, Mo . June 7. !o!a won "I have just a match 22d the wire the Joa AT BROOKLYN. and in Leavenworth this year, from Jefferson City by the score of 5 lor lightweight champion, Chicago won from Brooklyn by bunching first time in the last six years. An un- to 4. The score: . It. II. E. Cans, to meet Geo. MeFadden for the hits in the fourth inning. Attendance, crowd is and world. usually, large expected Jefferson City ,..4 n i lightweight championship of the are being- made to ac- . 7 3 arrangements Iola i d The contest ia to be called oft" under Score by innings: R.H.E. commodate between five and ten thous- I 1 Ath- Chicago 1 00400.01 0 7 2 Batteries Jefferson City, Courtright h1.. a tLPruf UAf--- the of the Valley . ." 0 o 2 1 11 1 Ku-ra- n. auspices Hayes 26. Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 03 and visitors. and O'Halleran; Iola, Morgan and letic club in San Francisco, on June Batterk-- s St. Vrain and Kling; Hughes They will come from Marysville; To- ' 'This MeFadden is the toughest and Ahem. peka, Lawrence, St. Joseph, and Kansas I one of the lightweights, and he would Kan. These have I? fft AT BOSTON'. City, places promised Ola the Papers to Consolidate. I m , rather fight any other fellow except excursions and when the time comes i U ., ' - J him. Of course we don't have to Cincinnati won the opening game of the Olathe, Kan., June 7. The News-Heral- d .A fight others will send - series. Both teams played listlessly at the delegations. has pur- - - ! him, as Gans has three victories over bat and in the field. XOUO. The annual Turnfest is an event look- Publishing company s and Attendance, chased from W. A. Mitchell his half in- I I 4 f i MeFadden, only decisions at that, Score by innings: R.H.E. ed forward to by the Turners. It is in in MeFadden knuKed Gans out once in 23 Boston 0 7 3 of comes of. terest the Olathe Mirror. The two i i 20000001 w U13 4 the nature an outing and will rounds, but that has been three years Cincinnati o 1 1 0 0 1 4 10 a custom followed in the Fatherland. papers consolidate and hereafter . Batteries Olathe will have but one Since time Ga.ns has improv- Mallarkey and Kittredge; Republican " 1 ao. that The season is given over to athletic News-Heral- d : I ed 100 cent. V e leave here for Cal- Thieiman and Peitz. paper. F. N. Hamilton of the ' per contests, dancing, and a general relaxa- will be in ifornia on Sunday morning at 2 o'clock, AT NEW YORK. tion from life's daily cares. temporarily charge. I I TwoTREMO"Bands are ; 1 ex- in- j arriving on the coast Wednesday. The New York team played an eleven This year the event will take place at I to on the coast until Septem- ning game to a tie with A triple Seed For Boer Farms. ofSame value as one 'tag from --v. ? CHICAGO pect stay in Pittsburg. Korman's park. Among the classes J ber, fighting in Denver, Sacramento, play the ninth inning by Ritchey and which will compete tor honors will be Lawrence, Kan., June 7. The Kansas ' Wagner was a feature of the game." j 'STAR: "HORSE Stockton,. Oakland and San Francisco in the: seed house of Barteldes & Co.. today re- SfiCE: gave way to Evans the box in 1 TO and Los I will be back in the 5,41.10. ceived' a Angeles. the ninth inning. Attendance, Junior classes, 14 to IS years. large telegraphic order for "SPEARHEASSTANDARD NAVYT east about September. While out there, Score by iumiuss: R.H.E. Young men's classes, IS to 30 years. seeds to be sent by express for the re- ' if we defeat MeFadden, I intend to force Pittsburg 0 001030000 C 1 S 4 Men's classes, 30 to 100 years. stocking- of Boer farms in South "01D PEACH NEW Y02K the new for hon- New York 0000200200 04 10 1 no Africa. &HONEY'orll.T. aspirant championship n, Indies' classes, age limit. ors, into a fight. Also, Batteries Doheny and H. Smith: Jimmy. Dritt, Evans, Yeager and O'Hagen. For superiority in any of the various w ' Kuf'e Turner, New York Jack O'Brien, contests a. diploma of honor is given. Harvest in Harper County. Jobaccoi Three Otto Siloff, Kid Farker, in fact, all ot AT has. of 7 har-- . no PHILADELPHIA. This proved more an incentive Harper, Kan., June 'Ahe wheat them; first come, first served, but St. Louis could not hit Voorhees to any than the offering: of money prizes. vest has begun in Harper county and Trains splitting of purses for me. Every purse advantage while Philadelphia was success- to the the sing- will soon be on in The out- T 3 ful m In addition athletics, full blast. niust be cut ier cent to winner and bunching hits. Attendance, 1.3. societies of the different cities to look for the wheat as well as other 115 cent to or winner take ail." Score by innings: R.H.E ing Dally per loser, Philadelphia 2 4000020 S 16 2 be represented, will contest for diplo- crops is very promising. St. Louis 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 25 13 3 mas. Other music will be furnished by Enquire of yosr nearest EaiSrsai SZL.EE Batteries Voorhees and Jackiitsch; of which there will be a of aftes iranz. Yarkts and J. O'Neil. hands, good Population Coffeyville. litket Agent or write supply, Marshall's band will come with 7. filanager of the White Stockings Buch's with the Coffeyville, Kan., June The asses- CEO. CULLEN NATIONAL LEAGUE STANDING. Topeka, Lawrence, sor's returns on Coff eyville's popula- A, Seeks a First Baseman, Clubs Won. Lust. Be Leavenworth Military will play and tion show it to be 6,oi4. a ) Oca'l Western .. 3L' 7 .&21 are some. amuse- today gain Pass'r Agent 7. is Pittsburg there still The usual of 20 per cent over last year. a fifr-FTT- 1D.3 New York, June FVank Selee Chicago .. 25 14 .6(1 ments such as IfrtvFTTD Adams .
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