Canada A t W ar The Kelowna Courier A Review of Developments on the Home Front Kelowna, Jlritish ('olumhia, Tliursdav, fune 10th, 1943 VOLUM E 39 it«UBe»staRue NUM BER 46 riic UNITED NATIONS FOOD CONFERENCE com­ Missing pleted its task of writirijj a new world charter based on PEACE LOCAL FLYERS AND PLENTY, and agreed to set up a permanent organization Production Com m ittee Apple Prices Show to plan and co-ordinate global food resources. Juivisaging a ARE NOW ON post-war charter of i)cace, based on abundance and enforced by Form ed H ere To D irect collective security, the conference agreed to establish an interim COASTAL OPS. commission, consisting of one representative, of each of the Large Increase O ver forty-four nations, to draft the constitution of a PERMANENT Em ergency Labor P l a n Flying Officers Embrey and FOOD ORGANIZATION. The interim commission, on which Rennie Still Team Up In Famed Mosquito Pre-war Averages 1 Canada likely will be represented by L.B. PEARSON, Minister- Delegates From Key City Organizations Approve Counsellor at the Canadian Legation at Washington, will meet Action Under Dominion-Provincial Emergency A letter received from Flying in Washington by July 15 to start its work of planning a per­ Olliccr Bill Embrey discloses Uiut Returns Will Run Thirty-three Per Cent Higher Than Labor Scheme—H. C. S. Collett Appointed As he and his shipmate, Geoll Rennie, manent organization. Meanwhile, the conference drew up a Placement Officer to Work With Selective Service are still teaming up as crew of one Average For Five Pre-War Years—Eight Per MINIMUM DIETARY STANDARD for the world—a simple of the famed Mosquito bombers. Cent Over Last Year—Winesaps Brought Best Office—Survey to be Made at Once—All Workers The lads are now oil the low level yardstick against which the nutrition of every man, woman and attacks over Berlin and other Nazi Price—Shippers Have Received Payment—Re­ Should Register at Labor Office centres and are with the coastal child can be measured. It is based on the original premise of command In Britain. ‘‘Interesting bate Payable Soon Will Be Down Owing to Berry the conference, that better diet is essential to a better world. but not exciting," says F.O. Embrey meeting of representatives from key Kelowna organizations Failure Devised with full regard for calories, vitamins, proteins and the in his letter. A met in the Board of Trade rooms last Tuesday night and A page from tlie R.CA.F. news other elements of a WELL-BALANCED DIET, this minimum form a War Agriculture Production Committee under sheet, "Wings Abroad,” was en­ closed with a sliort write-up ubout Year's O perations Reviewed standard calls for a daily ration of: Ten ounces of grain pro- Dominion-Provincial Emergency Farm Labor Service, F.O. Fred Ewer’s trip to tlie Skoda ducts, suchich as bread and cereals. Slightly more than ONEuim ji. NinejNme representative representative citizenscitizens whowno werewere delegatesueicgaies toto theme PILOT OFFICER WILLIAM WAHL works, which was described in de­ tail In a recent Issue. e. Tree Fruits Ltd. announced the closing of the apple pool P IN T of milk A half-pound of starch-rich vegetables such as meeting will act on the committee together with two appointees who was recently reported missing 1 ’ Cl- t ^1 *1 from the vegetable and fruit industries. Organizations having F.O. Douglas Bruce, of Penticton, B * last week and bulletins have gone out to the shippers with potatoes and yanns. Sl.ghtly more than one ounce of legumn - ^ committee are the Kelowna City Connell, Board after air operations overseas. was mentioned in ^ e jw per as be- ^ fisting of final returns net to the shipper. After paying five ous vegetables such as peas and beans. Four ounces of such Xrade, Canadian Legion and W.A., School Board, Rotary ian%quT(£^^Tn TJdsb. He ^ varieties in order to take care of increased VITAMIN-RICH products as citrus fruits and tomatoes. Four Retail Merchants, and the Women’s Advisory Service ffnishing touches to a Heinkel HI packing Costs, the result has been an increase over the five-year ounces of leafy, green and yellow vegetables. Six ounces of under the Price Board. SHIPPERS MEET in co-operation with three other average of thirty-three per cent. This is an advance over last if wS th^%^adrS^^rs^ 1? twcnty-five per cent increa.se was recorded. other vegetables and fruits, FIVE OUNCES of meat, fish, or The meeting decided, that the placement oflicer shotdd work with UNION OVER isia after being transferred from The figures released are subject to deduction of charges poultry. the local Selective Service office, the Middle East. by shippers before cheques are forwarded to the growers and and H. C, S. Collett will act in that SEWER PIPE these charges vary with each packing house in some details. capacity. NEW CONTRACT Growers’^ cheques are now going out from the packing houses Beer parlor sale of BOTTLED BEER to be carried away Two matters of importance were stressed during discussions on or­ SHOULD BE Meeting to Hear and Consider LOCAL OFFICER and distribution should be completed in a few days. by the purchaser for consumption elsewhere came under the ganization work carried on by the com m ittee. C.C.L. Vegetable Workers’ In commenting on the pool closing ban of the Liquor Control Board last week. Licensees were ‘The Kelowna Junior poard of REPLACED Demands Lasts All Day DESCRIBES prices, A. K. Loyd pointed out that, notified that hereafter they must not serve bottled beer except Trade will again conduct a house- while the maintenance and advance Representatives of the Okanagan s i B l m E ™ in price levels have been satisfac­ in OPENED BOTTLES served to the customer at the table. “boH Federated Shippers Association, _____ tory, this is offset by a material in­ For some time past the beer parlors were allowed to sell not conjunction with the C.R.C. Corps. by Present Pipe—Replace­ headed by F. L. Fitzpatrick, togeth­ crease in growers’ costs. In addi­ — ^ ^ . _ ^ . A. _ X 1.^ AM A MAAA WA AM ^ * ment May Create Problem tion, he mentioned that orchardists more than six bottles to a customer at the regular beer parlor er with A. G. DesBrisay, F. W. Lieut. Colin Carruthers,Tells of Owing to Delivery Delay King, F. A i^wis, J. White, T. Wil- Corvette Sackville’s Fight had many'poor years in which little price of 25 cents. The new ruling applies to all cities where made next week, if possible, and kinson and G. A. Barrat, spent all A MEAT VAllIE or no profit was realized and the . __ Axr TT residents are asked to co-operate by The city of Kelowna is badly in day Tuesday conferring with twen- Against w on racK excellent i^esults of the past five there are government liquor stores and Chairman b . K en- phecking the date which will be ty representatives of vegetable years in many cases go to make up need of sewer pipe replacement, , ^ i i Details of the sinking of one Nazi Customers Are Entitled nedy says th a t it should make for a FAIRER DISTRIBUTION advertised and either being at home Alderman Sutherland reported to w^kem C.CX«. locals, deficits prior to the war. Kelowna sub and the damaging of another by B^ance of Coupon Value in among all beer drinkers.- Licensees were also warned sternly canvassers, the City Council at its meeting on Deliberations m the Board of Trade rooms turned on th© Canadian corvette ‘‘Sackville Other Meats brom Any pgj. box was levied because the five against allowing opened bottles to be taken off the ACTUAL The survey will probably be made, consideration of amendment propos- last November are described by ‘The matter came up when"^ fu­ G roup year average includes packing costs als to the agreement and wage Lieut. Colin Carruthers, son of Mr. ——— and, therefore, if costs have gone LICENSED PREMISES to another part of the building, whe- "^^he^eTond^point that was stress- ture application for sewer connec­ classification scale and cost of liv- and Mrs. E. M. Carruthers of this Some complaints have reached up, the average is thrown out of ther by the consumer or by any person taking it to supply an- ed was the fact that all orchard tion was mentioned, and Alderman ing bonus in force last year. In- city, in an article from North Ire- Sutherland then stated that the sys­ creases in scale are being requested land as follows: the Ration Administration, Wartime line. The addition was made to cor- other person,— Beer parlors ean selTbeer only for consump- ^‘‘^Swer tem was overtaxed. by the C.C.L. .organizations headed “The first alarm came when the Prices and Trade Board, that a few rect this discrepancy. After this butchers have declined to make was done the balance in the pool tion in th e licensed beveraere parlor,” Mr. Kennedy said. this year should notify the place­ , “Pressure on the pipe is 28 pounds by Danny O’Brien, organizer for rear ship in our group was torped- ment .officer, H. C. S. Collett, at the over normal,” he stated, ‘‘and the the Okanagan. oed,” he said. “We did a pattern of- up the balance of coupon values by was applied on a percentage basis, • Government labor office on Bem- ■pumping facilities are also over­ At the close of a long session fensive with undetermined results small quantities of other meats.
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