, ,ourt ~d Beroit College Sorority ases The Happy His·tory of GoingA-Maying work 01 urt Were On Social Probation Picasso, among others, is tradi­ By DEAN MILLS Romans, who usually had m 0 r e and windows with lhe brancbes and Maidens who didn't make the tionally awarded by the Commu­ feJUdge St.ff Writ.r than trees on their minds. Ovid, flowers. grade still had a cbance - a wide­ unly AI- a triclly non-forester Roman poet, When t b e celebrations became ly-believed superstition told them nists on the eve of May Day cele­ "May, with all. thy floures and put the damper on non-vegetable well-eotrenched on the Isles, a 1ay if lbey washed Iheir faces in the brations. After Pledging Negro thy grene, rill be to revelling by condemning the month pole was a permanent fixture in dew of the lay morning their skin May Day, 1961, b r 0 ugh t an­ of old By JUDY MAACK but Mrs. Presion said they didn't "W.lcome be thou, f.lr fresh for love-making. every English town_ Streamers and Ilould be beautiful lor the next nouncements from Ihe newest Com­ May," r and NORM ROLLINS have time." Bona Dea, the Roman goddess of ~trings of flowers we rewound competition_ muni t nation, Cuba, Ihat elections -Chauc.r had been abolished there_ Plans ror he cases Staff Writers She said the national fraternity chastity. had already claimed the around Ibe pole in a special dance Robin Hood got into the act the months, sent letters of advice to the Beloit It's doubtful that most SUIowans month as hers and was probably which often lasted all day_ hard way - according to legend loday's celebrations in the Commu­ for lhree Delta Gamma sorority at Beloit chapter, but this was informal and will be as enthusiastic abollt May's Ovid's chief ally in preventing love l\1 any modern - day Europeans he died on lay I. Arter then the nist world include traditional mass College, Beloit, Wis., pledged a 1I0n-orficiai. "Because there are no advent as the medieval poet, but and marriage during May. suspect the 1ay pole was actually Britons included him and his sweel­ rallies in Cuba, Ru sia, China, and Negro coed, Patricia Hamilton, 21. clauses, nothing could be done," the ancient world and part 01 the So it was left to Merry Ole Eng­ a phallic symbol held over from heart, '1aid farion, in their com­ satellite countries. a junior from Madison. Wis., in Mrs. Nash said. modern one have commemorated land 10 make the month merry, and the older fertility rites. Sevenleen­ memoration. ~ay Day was instituted as a March. About 10 days ago, the sor­ "The Beloit chapt.r will be on the first of the montb in celebra­ they did just that when May Day th-century English Puritans may Leaping over £ire remains in re­ labor holiday in 1886, when organ­ ority was placed on social proba­ probation for thr•• months, Ind tions ranging r rom fertility rites reached their island. Celebrations have had similar suspicions, since mote parts of tbe British Isles as ized labor in the United States tion by tbe national fraternity, for during this time th.y can hold no and human sacrifice to missile there which commemorated spring they outlawed the "sticking eye­ a remmant of earlier Druidic hu­ held massive slrikes and demon­ undisclosed reasons. sorority rituals. In other words," parades. vegetation had come from ancient sores" in 1644. The Restoration, man sacrifices on the day. strations in favor of the eight-hour Mrs. Robert W_ Preston, Long Mrs. Nash said, "it would be im­ The Romans began the first re­ agricultural and fertility riles. however, brought the poles back. Scorning traditional capitalistic day. Island. N.Y., president of the na­ possible to initiate Miss H.milton corded celebrations of the arrival Chaucer reported Englishmen of Disregarding Bona Dea's claim 10 frivolity for May 1, the Commu­ Communists trace their celebra­ tional fraternity (sororities are or­ until next fall." of new vegetation with dances pay­ all classes "going a-maying" at 'lay, the B r i Ion s empbasized nist use the da)' to parade military tions of the day to 1889, when the ten chartered rormally as rraterni­ Mrs. Nash said at the national i ng homage to the trees. dawn on May 1 "to fetch the flow­ beauty during the month. In all w e a p 0 n san d is ue pleas (or socialist Second International Con­ lies), said in a telephone inter­ convention to be held this summer, Sex, strangely enough, did not ers fresh." When they came back the villages a "Qucen of the May" "peace." The Lenin Peace Prize, gress adopted it as a labor holi­ view with a DI reporter I here were enler into most celebrations by the from the woods, they decked doors was selected to reign for lhe day. thi year awarded to painter Pablo day. various reasons Ibe sorority was placed on social probation. Sorority-:- Refusing to elaborate on the rea­ (Continued on Page 6) sons, she said, "This is a matter stricUy between the national fra­ lernily and tbe local chap~er." When asked if one of the rea­ Elsea Named sons for placin, the sorority on ~ . probation was because it pledged I Negro coed, she said, "I don't ail owan know what you are talking Daily Iowan and People Iowa .bout." Sermng the State Univ61'sity of Iowa the of City Phyllis Farnswortb, Delta Gam­ ma sorority president at Beloit, Editor for 162 Established in 1868 Associated Press Leased Wire and Wirepboto United Press International Leased Wire. 5 Cents per Copy Iowa City, Iowa. Tuesday, May 1.1962 refused to make any comment about tbe pledging 01' the fact the Jerry Elsea, A4, Sioux City, was sorority is now on social proba­ named editor of The Daily Iowan lion. She also refused to give rea­ Monday night by the board of Stu­ Tornadoes Kill sons as to wby the local chapter dent Publications, Inc. He will as­ Is on probation. sume the editorship May 15 rrom Olher students at Beloit a Iso gave Phil Currie. no reasons for the national rra­ Elsea, on hearing the news of 5 in Midwest; Kennedy Says He Dislikes lernity's action. The general con­ his appointment, said, "} gladly sensus, bowever, was that the stu­ accept this appointment as a man­ dent body supports the Della Gam­ date to exercise ma pledging. editorial judgment Damage Heavy A junior coed at Beloit said she and a p poi n t a By Unlt.d "re .. 'ntern.llon.' lelt the local alumnae chapter sup­ competent DI slaff • ported the pledging. She said ror the next year. Tornadoes and dealh - dealing when Miss Hamilton was pledged If the board whicb winds Monday collapsed the roofs by the Delta Gammas, no meas­ yearly extends the of two school buildings, unroofed In Prices factories and a supermarket, rav­ Intervening ures were taken at that time. "The DI staff this man- ". u.s. national knew the local chapter date sbould soon aged an Air Force base and carved might bid her, but the national be dissolved, the a broad, skip-and-hlt traj) of de­ took no formal stand." DI staff will ques­ struction across five Midwestern Miller Upton, president of B,­ tion any possible states. Ioit, said he is waiting to hear cbanges in control Five persons were killed and at from the national fraternity for over The Daily Iowan. least 13 others injured in Ihe vi­ Senate T0 Get Defends Steel the reasons for social probation. "Until a change takes place, tbe cious onslaught of winds. At least H. said as far as things art now, DT will proceed on its present 40 persons were treated for injuries ....re is no "situation" on the course, serving as a laboratory for in South Bend, Ind., alone. Action, Cites 1.lolt campus. the Scbool of Journalism and servo The National Guard was called Proposal for "The pledging of Miss Hamilton ing the University and people of out at hard·hit T h r e e Rivers, is not out of line with campus Iowa City." Mich., I town of about 7,000 per. tradition," Upton said. "The col­ Elsea is now sports editor for the sons where one house out of .v­ Probing Bias Gold Outflow lege has always had Negroes ill its DI. He has been a staCf member .ry two was dam.ged and power student body, and there has never of the Dl for )Ih years, and is a and most telephone service was By STEVE SANGER Says Administration been any race difficulties. " member of Sigma DeUa Chi, pro· Staff Writ.r wiped out_ Shares Concern over About 1000 students are current­ fessional journalistic society. Elsea Two of the victims were killed ly enrolled in Beloit College, with won two national Hearst awards A plan allowing Student Senate when a twister sent an advertising to take more active role in off­ Cost-Profit Squeeze approximately four Negroes in the [or editorial and sports writing. pylon toppling through the rooC of sludent body. Miss Hamilton is the campus housing discrimination ill­ Elsea received four votes, Pete a supermarket at Rantoul, lll. A vestigations will be presented to WASII1NGTON (AI') only Negro in Beloit's Greek sys­ Donhowe. three votes, and one tem at this time. Tbere are five 12.ycar-old schoolboy died in the the Senate tonight. President Kennedy told the na­ member abstained from voting.
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