DOCUMENT RESUME ED 423 184 SO 028 692 AUTHOR van der Berg, Henda, Ed.; Prinsloo, Roelf, Ed.; Pienaar, Drienie, Ed. TITLE Directory of Human Sciences Research Organizations and Professional Associations in South Africa. Second Edition. INSTITUTION Human Sciences Research Council, Pretoria (South Africa). ISBN ISBN-0-7969-1715-9 PUB DATE 1995-00-00 NOTE 380p.; For related directory, see SO 028 693. PUB TYPE Reference Materials Directories/Catalogs (132) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC16 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Development; Economic Development; International Cooperation; International Organizations; National Organizations; Organizations (Groups); *Professional Associations; *Research Opportunities IDENTIFIERS South Africa ABSTRACT This directory is intended to be a comprehensive reference source for identifying research organizations and institutions, and for promoting research cooperation and facilitating networking. This second edition provides a broad background to the development of the human sciences as well as an overview of existing and emerging science and technology policies of South Africa. The directory is intended for use at both the international level and the local level. The guide is divided into three sections. Section One, "An Overview of Human Sciences Research in South Africa," contains 10 chapters, including: (1) "Science and Technology Policy in South Africa: A System in Transition" (Anastassios Pouris); (2) "Human Sciences Research at South African Universities" (Johann Mouton); (3) "The Role of the Human Sciences Research Council" (Hendrik Marais; Rose Morris; Jan Beukes); (4) "Human Sciences Research in the Government Sector" (Johann Mouton; Magdal Pienaar); (5) "Human Sciences Research Performed by NGOs" (Ross Jennings; Johanna Malaudzi; David Everatt; Mark Orkin);(6) "Market Research in South Africa" (Clive K. Corder); (7) "The Role of Donor Organizations in the Development of the Human Sciences in South Africa" (Richard Fehnel); (8) "The Availability of Human Resources: Professional Researchers in the Human Sciences" (Cas Prinsloo); (9) "Databases in Support of Human Sciences Research" (Jill Barnes; Repke de Vries; Maseka Lesaoana; Roelf Prinsloo; Hettie Terblanche); and (10)"The Role and Potential of Human Sciences Professional Associations in South Africa" (Elisabeth Lickindorf). Section Two contains "Human Sciences Research Organizations," compiled by Henda van der Berg, and Section Three offers "Human Sciences Professional Associations," compiled by Drienie Pienaar.(EH) ******************************************************************************** * Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made * * from the original document. * ******************************************************************************** SECOND EDITION 1995 DIRECTORY OF HUMAN SCIENCES RESEARCH ORGANIZATIONS & PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS IN SOUTH AFRICA U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Office ot Educational Research and improvement PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE AND EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION DISSEMINATE THIS MATERIAL HAS CENTER (ERIC) BEEN GRANTED BY 'Thisdocument has been reproduced as 00 received from the person or organization originating it. 0 Minor changes have been made to StumEE improve reproduction quality. Points of view or opinions stated in this TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES document do not necessarily represent INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) official OERI position or policy. ci) HUMAN SCIENCES RESEARCH COUNCIL DIRECTORY OF HUMAN SCIENCES RESEARCH ORGANIZATIONS AND PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS IN SOUTH AFRICA DIRECTORY OF HUMAN SCIENCES RESEARCH ORGANIZATIONS AND PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS IN SOUTH AFRICA Edited and compiled by Henda van der Berg Roe lf Prinsloo Drienie Pienaar Centre for Science Development HSRC Publishers Pretoria 1995 4 © Human Sciences Research Council, 1995 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or byany means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or using any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. ISBN 0-7969-1715-9 Layout and design: Susan Smith Cover design: Glenn Basson Published by: HSRC Publishers 134 Pretorius Street 0002 Pretoria South Africa Printed by: Sigma Press (Pty) Ltd, Pretoria About the- authors Ms Jill Barnes, Centre,for Science Development, HSRC o Dr Jan Beukes, Executive.Director: Support Services, HSRC, Pretoria o Prof. Clive Corder, Chairman and Managing Director, Market Research Africa o Drs .Repke de Vries, Deputy' Director: Steinmetz Archive, SWIDOC, The Netherlands o Dr David-Everatt, Deputy Director, Community Agency for Social Enquiry o "Dr Richaid Tehnel, PrOgramme Offider: Soutli-Afri6. and Namibia, Ford Foundation o Mr Ross Jennings, Community Agency for Social Enquiry o Dr Maseka Lesaoana, Head: South African Data Archive, HSRC o Prof. E. Lickindorf, Head: Department of English, University of Port Elizabeth and Chairperson: Consortium of Human Sciences Societies of SouthernAfrica (CoHSSSA) oDr H.C. Marais, past Vice-President: Science Development,HSRC, Pretoria o Dr Rose Morris, Director: Science Promotion, Centre for Science Development, HSRC, Pretoria o Prof. Johann Mouton, Department of Sociology, University of Stellenbosch 0. Ms Johanna Mulaudzi, Community Agency forSocial Enquiry o Prof. Mark Orkin, Director, Community Agency for Social Enquiry o Ms Magdal Pienaar, Centre for Science Development, HSRC, Pretoria oDr Anastassios Pouris, Director, Science ConsultancyEnterprises, Pretoria oMr Cas Prinsloo, Centre for Science Development, HSRC oDr Roelf Prinsloo, Director: Research Information, Centre forScience Development, HSRC oMs Hettie Terblanche, Centre for Science Development,HSRC Acknowledgements The HSRC wishes to express its appreciation to allinstitutions, associations, societies, etc. for returning the questionnaire and for the supporting documentation that has enabledus to compile this edition of the Directory of Human SciencesResearch Organizations and Professional Associations in South Africa. Thanks to all the authors for their contributionto make this publication possible. BEST COPYAVAILABLE Suggestions and comments welcome Users are encouraged to bring new or unlisted researchorganizations and professional associations to the attention of the compilers. Comments on orsuggestions for improving the directory are always welcome. Although the data in the directoryhave been repeatedly checked, errors and omissions may still exist. All modificationsand additions should be entered on the questionnaire at the end of this directory and sent tothe HSRC at the address mentioned below. Centre for Science Development Human Sciences Research Council Private Bag X270 PRETORIA 0001 Telephone: (012) 202 2728/202 2934 Fax: (012) 202 2892 AVAILABLE BESTCON Abbreviations Abbreviations1 AFRA Association for Rural Advancement AMPS All Media and Product Survey AIVIRO Association of Marketing Research Organizations ANC African National Congress ARC Agricultural Research Council CACE Centre for Adult and Continuing Education CASS Centre for Applied Social Science CCMS Centre for Cultural and Media Studies CEAS Central Economic Advisory Service CEPD Centre for Education Policy Development CHP Centre for Health Policy CoHSSSA Consortium of Human Sciences Societies of Southern Africa COSATU Congress of South African Trade Unions COSSA Consortium of Social Science Associations CPS Centre for Policy Studies CRIC Careers Research and Resource Centre CSD Centre for Science Development CSDS Centre for Social and Development Studies CSIR Council for Scientific and Industrial Research CSS Central Statistical Services CTH Committee of Technikon Heads CUP Committee of University Principals DAG Development Action Group DBSA Development Bank of Southern Africa DNE Department of National Education EDA Environmental Development Agency ED UPOL Education Policy and System Change Unit EMG Environmental Monitoring Group EPU Education Policy Unit ERASE End Racism and Sexism Through Education FRD Foundation for Research Development FTE Full-time equivalent FWRRP Farm Workers Research and Resource Project GDP Gross Domestic Product GEM Group for Environmental Monitoring GTZ German Technical Cooperation HBU Historically Black Universities HRC Human Rights Committee of South Africa HRD Human Resource Development HSRC Human Sciences Research Council HWU Historically White Universities IBIIR Independent Board of Inquiry into Informal Repression ICT Institute for Contextual Theology " For abbreviations of Part II and Part III see separate indexes at end of each part. Abbreviations IDASA Institute for a Democratic Alternative for South Africa IDP Institute for Defence Policy IDRC International Development Research Centre IEQP Improving Educational Quality Project ILRIG International Labour Resource and Information Group IPHR Institute for Peace and Human Rights IRS Institute for Reformational Studies ISER Institute for Social and Economic Research LAPC Land and Agriculture Policy Centre LHR Lawyers for Human Rights LRS Labour Research Services MRA Market Research Africa MRC Medical Research Council MRG Military Research Group NAC National Accelerator Centre NALEDI National Labour and Economic Development Institute NECC National Education Coordinating Committee NEDLAC National Economic and Labour Council NGO Non-governmental organization NICRO National Institute for Crime Prevention & Rehabilitation of Offenders NIEP National Institute for Economic Policy NLC National Land
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