DBA IntelIigence Publications Titles with FOl Exemptions Second Section 1997 - 2015 As of july 25. 2015 Prod- No. Title Year 01005 (b)(7')(A) Coca Cultivation & Cocaine Base Production 2001 01015 Cultivio de Coca y Producción 2001 studies in (b)(7)(A) | 02036 2002 NPMP-142 (b)(7)(A) Marijuana Routes 2003 NPMP-142 Money Laundering Routes 2003 NPMP-142 Methamphetamine Routes 2003 NPMP-142 Pharmaceutical Routes 2003 04039 Methamphetamine and Chemical Diverson Situation! (b)7)(A) | 2004 05007 (b)(7)(A) Technical Notes, First Edition 2005 05019 |(b)(7 )Coca Yields 2005 06002 Technical Motes 2006 06019 Opium Poppy Cultivation and Heroin Production inf (b)(7)(A) 2006 NPMP-102 (b)(7)(A) | Cocaine Routes 2006 (b)(7)(A) | Cocaine Base Processing m the| (b)(7)(A) | 07022 2007 DIB-004-07 |an^ (b)(7)(A) Traffickers Expand Ties in the Methamphetamine Trade 2007 DIB-005-07 (b)(7)(A) The New Front Line in the Battle for the Border 2007 Jo t (b)(7)(A) |5tudy to Estimate Coca Leaf Yields in the| (b)(r)(A) Region of (b)(7)(A) 08014 in 2008 08024 Drug Related Deaths (b)(''HA) |Aiea of Responsibility (Unclassified) 2008 08027 (b)(7)(A) Studies to Estimate Coca Leaf Yields in the (b)(7)(A) Growing Regions of Arauca and Vichada 2008 08029 Dictionary 2008 Joint (b)(7)(A) Study to Estimate Coca Leaf Yields in he (b)(7)(A) of (b)(7)(A) 08041 t 2008 09005 (b)( 7 )(A) Study to Estimate Coca Leaf YieIds i n the (b)(7)( | Regio ns of (b)(7)(A) ] 2009 09010 Study to Estimate Coca Leaf Yields in the) (b)(7)(A) |Regian of| (b)(7)(A) | 2009 09014 (b)(7) |Heroin Assessment for the (h)(7)(A) | field Division 2009 09023 Studies to Estimate -Coca Leaf Yields in| (b)(7)(A) 2009 09027 Studies to Estimate Coca Leaf Yields-in the (h)(7)(A) |Growing Region of| (b)(7)(A) 2009 Financial CPOT Target (b)(r)(C) | Extradited from Hong Kong to the United States on October 27, 2008 DIB 09-020 | 2009 DIB 09-032 Mexican Drug Trafficking Organizations Expanding Heroin Trafficking and Distribution Operations! (b)(7)(A) | 2009 DIB 09-034 Drug Traffickers Use Communications Technology to f (b)(7)(E),(b)(7)(A) ] 2009 DIB 10-010 | (b)(7)(A) DEA National License Plate Reader initiative: An Effective Tool Against Bulk Cash| (b)(7)(E) | 2010 Impact o TX7) (A) Produced-Methamp het am inf (b)(7) | Market DIB 10-011 f 2010 DIB 10-019 AQIM Members to Face Charges! (h)(7)(A) 2010 DIS 10-025 Drug Traffickers! (b)(7)(A) |(U S. Person) Use| (b)(7)(A) | cards (U S Person) 2010 (b)(7)) | Heroin Abuse Crisis Driving Cooperation with the United States DIB 10-029 2010 DIB 10-038 (h)(7)(A) (Trafficking Organizations Forge Drug Monopoly 2010 DIB 10-042 | (b)(7)(A) J MONEY LAUNDERER | (b)C' )(C),(b)(r )(A) | 2010 DIB 10-048 Follow the Money Strategy Results in the Extradition of (b)(7)(C) | 2010 DIB 10-059 Large Opium Poppy Field irf (b)(7)(A) fried to the Distribution and Use of Illicit Opium Tea (b)(7)(A) | 2010 DIB 10-060 (h)(7)(C) |Extraduerj io U.S. Marks (h)(7)(C) |to Face U S. Justice 2010 DIB 10-062 New Ansari Moves $2 3 Billion on Flights from (h)(7)(A) A Three Year Period 2010 DIB 10-084 Operation against Drug Transportation Cells Expected to Have Short Term Crippling Effects (b)(7)(A) | 2010 NPMP-142 (h)(7)(A) |Heroin Routes 2010 RPT-003-10 (b)(7)(A) |h studies to Estimate Coca Leaf Yields in the (b)(7) | Growing Region of| (b)(7)(A) | 2010 DLA Intelligence Publiccations Tides with FOI Exemptions Second Section 1337-2015 As of july 2015 RPT-004-10 (b)(7)(A) Studies to Estimate Coca Leaf Yields in the (b)(7)|Growing Region of| (h)(r)(A) | 2010 RPT-016-10 Studies to Estimate Coca Leaf Yields in the (b)(7) | Growing Region off (b)(7)(A) 2010 DlB-010-11 |(b)(7)(A) improved (b)(7)(A) Counternarcotics Relationship Manifested by Successful) (b)(7) |Raid 2011 DIB-016-11 Assessing (b)(7)(A) Readership Involvement in Owe Trafficking 2011 DlB-022-11 Mexico -|(b)(7) Head qua Hert| (b)(7)(A) offers Security but Potential opportunities(b)(7)(A) | 2011 DiB-033-11 (b)(7)( |- Arrests Highlight Link Between Drug Trafficking and Terrorism 2011 DIB-040-11 Drug Trafficking Organizations Establishing(b) |Cocaine Transit Route to| (b)(7)( | 2011 DIB-046-11 Increased Mexican Black Tar Heroin Availability in the| (b)(7)(A) | 2011 Mexico -| (b)(7)(A)Establish) (b)(7)(A) |for Expansion into] (b)(7)(A)| Mexico DIB-052-11 2011 Venezuela - Extradition of| (b)(7)(C) pays Substantial Dividends for Santos and Colombia DIB-0 58-11 2011 RPT-019-11 (b)(7)(A) Studies to Estimate Coca Leaf Yields in the (b)(7)(A) growing Region of| (b)(r)(A) | 2011 RPT-024-11 Studies to Estimate Coca Leaf Yields in the (b)(7)(A) [Growing Region of) (b)(7)(A) | 2011 RPT-031 11 Studies to Estimate Coca Leaf Yields in the (b)(7)(A) |Growing Region off (b)(7)(A) | 2011 RPT-035-11 Consolidation of Cocaine Base Laboratory Operations in| (b)(7)(A) | replications for increased Cocaine Production 2011 (b)(7)(A) RPT-039-11 | Studies to Estimate Coca Leaf Yields in the (b)(7)(A) |Growing Region of! (b)(7)(A) | 2011 (b)(7)(A) involvement in Drug Trafficking Grows in Northern] (b)( 2011 DIB-008-12 Profits Drive Cartel Control over] (b)(7)(A) | 2012 DIB-030-12 (b)(7)(A) increase m Drug Flights from) (b)(7)(A) (Underscores Continuing Trafficking Route 2012 DIB-032-12 (b)(7)(A)Organized Crime - A Consortiums Growing Threat 2012 (b)(7)(A) DIB-042-12 |Alleged "Mexican White" Heroin through (b)(7) signals (b)(7)(A) (influence 2012 DIB-045-12 Expansion Could Open the food Gates to Criminal Exploitation of| (b)(7)(A) 2012 - (b)(7)(A) Studies to Estimate Coca Leaf Yields in th (b)(7)|Growing Region of| (b)( )(A) J RPT-004 12 e 7 2012 RPT-009-12 Studies to Estimate Coca Leaf Yields in the (td(7) Growing Region (b)(7)(A) 2012 RPT-016-12 Studies to Estimate Coca Leaf Yields in the Growing Region of 2012 RPT-017-12 Further Spread of| (b)(7)(A) [style Laboratories in (b)(7) |increases Cocaine Processing Efficiency 2012 SUL 001-13 Heroin Dispatchers from (b)(7)( usine (b)(7)(A) | 2013 BUL-007-13 US Foreign Based Ground Crews:| (b)(7)(A) | 2013 BUL-016-13 Crary Clown Causes Severe Medical Concern in the| (b)(7)(A) | 2013 BUL-023-13 (b)(7)|Appiicatiom| (b)(7)(A) I.. 2013 BUL-D29-13 Indoor Marijuana Grow inHouse Seized in| (b)(7)(A) | 2013 BUL-042-13 Meth-Odo)ogy:[(b)(7)(A)DTO Geostrategy in the (b)(7)(A) (field Division and Other Kesi(b)[Markets 2013 DIB-002-13 (b)(7f Drug Traffickers E xploit Limited Air Intercept Capabilities to Smuggle Cocaine tof(b)(7)(] 2013 DIB-003-13 (b)(7)(A) peace Talks 2013 DIB-006-13 (b)(7)(A) J Alliance between| (b)(7) |Commander, Drug Traffickers (b)(7)(A) [increasingly Threatens Security 20 L3 DIB-007-13 DEA (b)(7)(A) |Disrupts (b)(7)(A) |to (b)(7)(A) |Air Bridge 2013 DIB-012-13 (b)(7)(A) | Arrests Will Prolong (b)(7 Cocaine Shortage, Result in Organizational Disarray, and Potentially Lead to Increased Methamphetamine Use 2013 DIB-013-13 North Africa | (b)(7)(E),(b)(7)(A) increasingly Profit from Drug Trafficking 2013 DIB-015-13 Mexican Drug Trafficking Organizations Replace| (b)(7)(A) Communications with Emerging Technologies] (b)(7)(A) | 2013 DIB-016-13 (b)(7)(A) | Drug Trafficking Situation Unlikely to Change) (b)(7)(A) | 2013 DIB-018-13 (b)(7)(A) The Evolution of an Escalating Methamphetamine Threat 2013 DIB-025-13 - Mexican Drug Trafficking Organizations Likely to increase Methamphetamine Trafficking Role 2013 D1R-003-13 (b)(7)(A) Coca Yield Study in the| (b)(7)( | Growing Region ol| (b)(7)(A) | 2013 DIR-011-13 (b)(7)| An Analysis of 2010 P2P Production Method 2013 DIR-013-13 (b)(7)(A) Studies to Estimate Coca Leaf Yields in the (b)(7) |Growing Region of| (b)(7)(A)| 2013 DIR-016-13 (b)(7)(A) Disrupted Illicit Air-Bridge Results in Maritime Smuggling Increase and Air Smuggling Disguised as Legitimate Flights 2013 DEA Intelligence Publications TiTLES with FOL Exemptions Second Section 1907 -2015 AS of July 25, 2015 (b)(7)(A) DlR -019-13 Studies to Estimate Coca Leaf fields in the (b)(7)(A) | Growing Region (b)(7)(A) | 2011 DIR- 020-13 Studies to- Estimate Coca Leaf Yields in the (b)(7)(A) | Growing Region of| (b)(7)(A) | 2013 BUL-017-14 (b)(7)(A) I Recent Enforcement Actions to Peter Use Of Digital Currency in Near Term 2014 BUL-0 23-14 (b)(7)| Aligning with (b)(7)( |for Criminal Enterprises 2014 BUL-026-14 Rising Mathamphetamine and Heroin Secures in| (b)(7) | 2014 BUL-027-14 Levarmsole Cocaine Cutting Agent ) (b)(7)(A) | 2014 BUL-033-14 Emergency Treatment for Bath Salts Significant!y Decreases io|(b)(7)| 2014 BUL-034-14 | Emerging Source of Methamphetamine Trade 2014 BUL-041-14 First Crystal Methamphetamine Conversion Lab Seued| (b)(7)(A) | 2014 BUL-043-14 Haitian DTOs; Smuggling Technique from the (b)(7)(A) | 2014 (b)(7) | Drug Traffickers Use Hacker) (b)(7)(A) | BUL-054-14 2014 BUL-053-14 (b)(7)(A) | Drug Trade Provides Over $400 Million USC in Furtherance of Criminal Enterprise 2014 BUL-067-14 Concealment Method for Heroin from) (b)(7)(A) | 2014 BUL-073-14 Sinaloa Cartel Involvement in Cocaine Trafficking (b)(7) | 2014 Bulk Cash Shipment) (b)(7)(A) BUL-074-14 2014 BUL-078-14 Traffickers use Patient Sponsors to obtain Schedulell Pharmaceuticals m| (b)(7)(A) 2014 BUL-083-14 (b)(r)(A) | Spice/Growth in Analogue Drug Trade 2014 BUL-087-14 First US-Based Bitcoin atm Launched in) (b)(7)(A) | 2014 BUL-093-14 Moen Rock Availability in the).
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