Current Research in Chinese Pleistocene Archaeology Chen Shen and Susan G. Keates (eds.) British Archaeological Reports International Series 1179. Oxford: Archaeopress, 2003, 152 pp. (paperback), £30.00. ISBN 1-84171-546-8 Reviewed by PARTH R. CHAUHAN Stone Age Institute & CRAFT Research Center (Indiana University), 1392 W. Dittemore Road, Gosport, IN 47433, USA his volume, edited by C. Shen and S. G. Keates, com- The next paper, “Retrospect of Fifty years of Palaeo- Tprises 12 papers (23 authors) and is dedicated to Pro- lithic Archaeology in China” by Chun Chen, is similar to fessor Wei Qi for his “life-long research on the geoarchae- the previous paper, as it deals with a historical review of ology, biostratigraphy and Palaeolithic Archaeology of the Paleolithic research in China over the last five decades. As Nihewan Basin.” The volume resulted from papers pre- Cormack does, Chen offers readers a condensed but infor- sented at the symposium, “Theory and Practice in Chinese mative overview of various historical events including key Pleistocene Archaeology,” at the 65th annual meeting of discoveries in Chinese paleoanthropology. More than just the Society for American Archaeology in 2000 in Philadel- a historical review, however, Chen delves into an interpre- phia, PA, USA. The papers include an introductory chapter tive “diary” of important factors and implications and di- by the editors as well as general concluding remarks by vides the chapter into three formal chronological sections Richard Shutler, Jr. The preface is provided by O. Bar-Yosef, (e.g., 1950-1980). A useful table that guides readers through who was a discussant at the symposium. He introduces the the text is found on page 24, listing all the major archaeo- theme, Chinese prehistoric archaeology, in a positive man- logical and hominin fossil sites discussed. Chen’s paper is ner and points out the paleoanthropological wealth of the all the more unique as it represents the views of a Chinese geographic region encompassed by China. The different researcher rather than a Western researcher, which prob- chapters or papers cover a mixture of diverse topics rang- ably would have been considerably different in perspective ing from historical perspectives, reviews, new discover- and presentation. ies, biostratigraphy and taphonomy, hominin subsistence, The fourth paper is by S. G. Keates, “Biostratigraphy, faunal studies, geochronology, and hominin paleontology. Taphonomy, Palaeoenvironments and Hominid Diet in the These papers, some of which were added after the original Middle and Late Pleistocene of China.” It covers numer- symposium, are described below, followed by some gen- ous sites in eastern China and Keates attempts to correlate eral comments on the volume. diverse types of evidence including archaeological, faunal, The first paper, “Current Research in Chinese Pleisto- geological, stratigraphical, and geochronological, from cene Archaeology: An Introduction,” is by the editors, C. various localities that have yielded hominin fossils. By do- Shen and S. G. Keates. They begin by highlighting some ing so, the author addresses hominin resource subsistence of the more seminal publications of Chinese and Western as well as the depositional and palaeoenvironmental con- scholars on the subject of Asian Paleolithic studies and go texts of many of these sites. Some of the sites studied are on to list a number of important studies carried out by var- Chijiawo, Dali, Kehe, Zhoukoudian (Localities 1 and 13), ious researchers in recent years. In addition, they briefly Gulongshan, Xujiayao, Banjingzi, and Guanyindong. The mention the relevance of the work of key pioneers in Chi- various faunal lists compiled from the localities are particu- nese prehistoric studies, thus also laying the groundwork larly useful for comparative purposes. The table on page for the remaining papers and preparing the reader for the 49 is slightly difficult to follow as the “relative abundance” included topics. Some of the classic works they mention densities appear to be arbitrary and not easily quantifiable. are Davidson Black, W. C. Pei, and Jia Lanpo. Short sections on seasonality and hominin diet are also in- K. L. Cormack authors the second paper, “Davidson cluded. Black and His Role in Chinese Palaeoanthropology.” This Youping Wang, the author of the next paper, “New historical narrative discusses the impact of Davidson Black Discoveries in the Middle Yangzi River Region, Southern and his research efforts in China and basically is a short China,” focuses on a region in southern China. Following a professional biography of the Canadian scientist. Follow- short review of the work done in the Middle Yangzi River ing excerpts from Black’s journal, explanations of how Black Valley, new discoveries from the same region are discussed was influenced by other palaeoanthropological discoveries at some length. Specific sites reviewed include Quyuan- at the time in Southeast Asia (by Eugene Dubois) are also hekou (Yunxian), Huzhaoshan, and Jigongshan. Various included. The majority of the chapter however, focuses on tables depicting the stratigraphy, archaeological material, Black’s experiences and work in Beijing/Peking. The main fauna, and raw materials are shown for the sites men- contribution of this chapter is the recreation by Cormack tioned. Although comparatively short, this paper covers a of the academic atmosphere of the time, revealing various large amount of data from a geographically restricted area. factors that influenced and triggered the scientific events at All sites have yielded combinations of hominin fossils, ver- Zhoukoudian and the resulting interpretations. tebrate fauna, stone tool assemblages, and related informa- PaleoAnthropology 2006: 92−94. Copyright © 2006 Paleoanthropology Society. All rights reserved. BOOK REVIEW • 93 tion. This synthesis, predominantly based on published Chinese sites, namely Hexian, Jinniushan, Miaohoushan, data, concludes with a general discussion of all the sites Zhoukoudian, and Wushan. Again, the figures are of high and the associated evidence. Some of the most unique and quality and clear, particularly the SEM images. The authors well preserved evidence is represented by the stone circles conclude with recommendations for further research, in- from Jigongshan, estimated to be late Middle Pleistocene cluding a cautious note on the lack of conclusive evidence in age. at Xiaochangliang for cut-marked bones. They emphasize The sixth paper, “New Evidence of Hominid Behavior the need for taphonomic and site formation studies in the from Xiaochangliang, Northern China: Site Formation and basin, since marks from carnivore behavior and post-depo- Lithic Technology,” deals with one of the most important sitional abrasion appear to be common. archaeological sites in the Nihewan Basin, and in Asia, for The next paper, by C. A. Schepartz, D. A. Bakken, S. that matter. The authors, C. Shen and C. Chen, begin by Miller-Antonio, C. K. Paraso, and P. Karkanas, is “Faunal translating the name of the site—“small and long-narrow approaches to Site Formation Processes at Panxian Da- hilltop” (p. 67)—and then provide a brief background to dong.” This Middle Pleistocene site in southern China is earlier research in the area before proceeding in greater de- a large karst cave with exceptional faunal preservation. tail regarding recent excavations that took place in 1998. The fauna recovered here is diverse and indicates a mixed Interpretative results for both the lithic assemblages and woodland environment with some availability of bamboo. faunal specimens are discussed. In spite of the overwhelm- The authors provide a detailed description of specimens re- ing amount of data yielded by the site, the authors are able covered and related information such as specimen density to provide an adequate synthesis and useful tables depict- or the nature of spatial concentrations, body size and body ing assemblage composition information and related quan- proportion representations, and the quality of preservation. tification of the use-wear analyses. An important feature As most artifacts here are made of poor-quality limestone of their paper is the type of input and modern conceptual and from the abundance of dental specimens recovered, the methods utilized to make inferences from the archaeologi- authors infer that “teeth of suitable size and shape could cal data. For example, basic methods of geoarchaeology have provided an alternative to poor quality raw material” and geomorphology are utilized to understand how the site (p. 105). In addition to the large number of animal teeth, formed in a lacustrine context. Finally, an in-depth func- five human teeth were also recovered and the site has been tional analysis of the artifacts is also presented, including dated through the application of U-series and electron spin microscopic use-wear observations on the working-edges resonance methods, suggesting an age of 13 – 250 ka for the of select lithic specimens. This approach, relatively new in deposits. In fact, the next paper is primarily concerned with Chinese contexts, provides information about tool use by the ESR results at this site (“Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) early Asian hominins. However, despite the high quality of Dating of Mammalian Tooth Enamel at Panxian Dadong the paper and the associated figures, their conclusion is not Cave, Guizhou, China”) and is co-authored by W. J. Rink, proportionate (in length and information) to the amount of L. A. Schepartz,
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