THE WEEKLY NEWSPAPER OF INDIANA UNIVERSITY-PURDUE UNIVERSITY AT The SAGAMORE INDIANAPOLIS T_ Feb. 20. 1989 Vol. 18, No. 26 THIS WEEK Olympic center Students defend delayed until 1990 dorm front By JEFFREY DellERDT Still, students may encounter By CHRIS FLECK athletes by mid-March if the IUPUI’s Olympic flag may be USOC approves Indianapolis as With their collective eye on an further on the horizon than first one of four designated Olympic Olympic training center, campus planned. training centers. administrators don't want their “We will make the transition The official designation will aim to suffer. over 18 months, not 9 months, have been made during the “We're not going to shoot oyr- as we said before,” said Robert USOC meeting Feb. 18-19 in selves in the foot," said Robert E. Baxter, special assistant to Portland, Ore., at which details E. Baxter, special assistant to IUPU1 Chancellor Gerald Bepko and some time tables of changes Chancellor Gerald Bepko, refer and IUPUI’s representative in to be made to the IUPUI campus nng to the proposed abrupt negotiations. may bo finalized. relocation of Warthin Apart *Even if they (the United “We have a 99 percent chance ment residents to other un States Olympic Committee) of keeping the permanent desig­ designated facilities because of came to the table right now with nation,” said Baxter. But, Bax­ the planned Olympic center. all the funds, we would still wait ter said he will not know exact During a three hour meeting until then,” said Baxter. time tables until much later. with 40 Warthin residents in a During what Baxter termed as “By the first of June HI know," small room in the apartments, an “old-fashioned town hall Baxter said, "That’s when 111 Baxter; Richard Slocum, aasoci meeting” with Warthin Apart­ know about funding.” ate dean of student affairs, ment residents Thursday, Bax­ The athletes that arrive in David Paul, director of student ter said that he had received March will be temporarily housing and Winston Raker, permission from Chancellor housed in the Union Building. student resident life representa­ Bepko to extend Warthin con­ “Most of the facilities that tive, discussed a plan of action tracts, therefore pushing back have been built in Indianapolis that the school would like to the date of a possible ground­ can handle all the sports,” Bax­ take concerning construction of breaking to the summer of 1990. ter said,“Housing is one of the new housing for the current in Warthin Apartmonts will be things that we were short.” habitants of Warthin Apart used for housing athletes, dis­ The other Olympic centers are ments. placing students that live there. located in Colorado Springs, ’The USOC has been going “We already have the private Colo., Lake Placid, N.Y., and funding we need to turn through a lot of changes, and Marquette, Mich. Ihe center in Warthin Apartments into a there is o problem of timing,” Michigan may gradually be Baxter said “the timing may be IUPUI’s rat maybe-mascot keeps an eye on Cavanaugh Hall with the '.raining facility, but we have yet phased out, said Baxter. pushing things a little bit from help of Glenda Smith, president of the Student Government See to receive funding for building theirReport side and from our side.” See CENTER. Page 5 related column Page 15. Photo by MARK DOWNING See PRICE, Page 3 looks at Lighting policy needs illumination By MICK McGRATH Cavanaugh Hall never came on. tests of the emergency lights in Apparently they did come on, campus buildings minority Lack of communication con­ but for varying lengths of time. Both Black and Wallace said cerning the emergency lighting that the emergency lighting sys­ D’Nyeal Banks, deputy fire tem exists to allow for emer­ system on campus has left the marshal with the Indianapolis gency exit of buildings and not enrollment electrical department head in Fire Department, said that the as a backup to normal lighting. By DAVE CLARK the dark. city has adopted the standard of Dick Wallace, supervisor of the the National Fire Protection As­ “It's not designed to keep the Black enrollment in Indiana’s university’s electrical depart­ sociation. According to Section building in operation, it’s to universities has not kept pace ment, said that according to 5 9.2.1 of the NFPA Life Safety empty the building,” said Wal­ with overall student enrollment. state law emergency lights are Code, emergency lights are to lace. “I think it would help in That is the thrust of a draft required to be on for only 15 remain on for an hour and n the fiiture if people knew what minutes. But Lowell Block, coor­ those were for." working paper presented at the J. Herman Blake half, said Banks. Indiana Commission of Higher dinator for fire protection ser­ “They’re provided so that you vices on campus, said that ac­ The discrepancy between what Education’s meeting Feb. 9 and can find your way out,” said cording to the state electrical the electrical department uses 1 0 . voiced concerns about. In an ef­ Black. "They are by no means fort to improve minority enroll­ code the lights are to rerniun on as a guideline for a time require­ intended to provide continuing The draft report developed by ment and the actual guideline is the commission’s staff and in­ ment and retention, they have for an hour and a half, which light sources so business con would mean that all of the lights the result of bad communica­ tended “for information only," hired J. Herman Blake to be a continue.” during the Feb. 9 blackout tion, said Black. states that “using any of several vice chancellor at IUPUI begin­ Black said that areas where measures of college participa­ ning this July. Blake is present­ would have remained on for the T h ere’s such a host of regula­ there was not enough sunlight entire blackout. tion and setting aside the issue ly a visiting professor at tions that I don't think any one to continue business should of student migration, Indiana Swarthmore College in Pennsyl­ During the blackout some of person can keep up with them have been evacuated during the higher education enrolls from vania. the emergency lights in campus all,” said Block. blackout "It was not permissible to al­ 6,000 to 9,000 fewer black stu­ Blake, who was approved by buildings were on for 15 Black said it was his responsi­ low people to go back to what dents than it should.” Which is the IU Board of Trustees as a minutes while others stayed on bility to inform Wallace of the they were doing,” said Block true, the report's cover letter vice chancellor at IUPUI on Feb. for the entiro hour and 15 guidelines and that he would do He added, however, that in­ adds, “despite impressive gains 6, has spent the last 18 months minutes that the power was off. so. on some campuses.” working with a number of com- A story in last week’s structors and administrators The numbers confirm what Sagamore reported erroneously The electrical department is probably had not been informed IUPUI officials have previously Sae INDIANA'S, Page 4 that some of the lights in responsible for running monthly of the policy. P a g e 2 The SAGAMORE Feb. 20. 1989 N O TICES done!lino is Tliursdav at noon TODAY Health and Wellness activities will take place throughout the Commission offers $1,000 to future educators week including the movie preeentation of "Gaby-A True Story" at 8:30 p.m. in the Ball Residence lounge. For more information, call The State Student Assistance Commission of program on a full-time basis. Following certifi­ \ Karen Marks at 274-3931. Indiana announced that applications for the cation the scholar is required to teach three out ‘ ^ • • • 1989-90 Minority Teacher Scholarship program of five years in an accredited Indiana are now available. elementary or secondary school. The University Writing Center will sponsor the workshop The atate-fbnded scholarship program is only Applications are available in high school guid­ "Revising Your Writing" from noon to 1 p.m. in Cavanaugh 427. Call available to minorities, defined as black or ance offices, college financial aid and school of 274-2049 for information. Hispnnic; The program provides renewable education offices and should be submitted to the scholarships up to $1,000 for those students financial aid office of the university that the who want to be .teachers. L student will attend. The application deadline is TUESDAY Scholars must, pursue a teacher certification set by eacffeollege that will be participating. The American Society of Women Accountants will hcJld its Feb­ ruary meeting at 5:30 p.m. at the Milano Inn. Accounting students from the area will be honored, William A. Spencer of IUPUI will Employers, employee^ come face to face at job fair speak on T h e Power of Positive Writing." Call 927-5649 for informal Nearly 300 job-seeking new college graduates Recruiters from private business and indus­ tion. will come face-to-face with recruiters from more try, as well as the public sector and not-for- than 50-employers during Centralized Inter­ profit agencies have arranged to give between WEDNESDAY view Day, Feb. 23 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the 600 and 700 interviews throughout the day. Alicia Cox McMahon of McMahon and Moeher Public Relations Indianapolis Convention Center. Employers in the event include Eli Lilly & will speak about different aspects of public relations at 7 p.m.
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