LEHIGH LAW JOURNAL ESTATE AND TRUST NOTICES Carl, Francis K., dec’d. Notice is hereby given that, in the Late of Whitehall Township. estates of the decedents set forth below, Administrators: Renee Olewine the Register of Wills has granted letters and Elie Jabbour. testamentary or of administration to Attorneys: Gladys E. Wiles, the persons named. Notice is also Esquire, Snyder & Wiles, P.C., hereby given of the existence of the 7731 Main Street, Fogelsville, trusts of the deceased settlors set forth PA 18051, (610) 391-9500. below for whom no personal represen- tatives have been appointed within 90 Flounders, Ann Marie a/k/a days of death. All persons having Nancy Flounders, dec’d. claims or demands against said estates Late of South Whitehall Town- or trusts are requested to make known ship. the same, and all persons indebted to Executrix: Amy Baker c/o said estates or trusts are requested to Douglas J. Tkacik, Esquire, 18 make payment, without delay, to the East Market Street, Bethlehem, executors or administrators or trustees PA 18018. or to their attorneys named below. Attorney: Douglas J. Tkacik, Esquire, 18 East Market Street, Bethlehem, PA 18018. FIRST PUBLICATION Bellis, David C., dec’d. Gallagher, William A., dec’d. Late of Allentown. Late of Lehigh County. Administratrix: Bridget A. Weiss Executrix: Shannon M. Galla- c/o Robert A. Nitchkey, Jr., gher, 2101 Eaton Avenue, Esq., Hemstreet Nitchkey & Bethlehem, PA 18018. Freidl, 730 Washington St., Attorney: William K. Malkames, Easton, PA 18042. Esquire, 509 Linden Street, Al- Attorney: Robert A. Nitchkey, lentown, PA 18101. Jr., Esq., 730 Washington St., Easton, PA 18042. Hinkel, David, dec’d. Late of 4741 Linda Lane, Em- Bergenstock, I. Betty Jean a/k/a maus. Betty Jean Bergenstock Executrix: Sharon Kile, 4741 a/k/a I. Betty J. Bergenstock Linda Lane, Emmaus, PA a/k/a Irene Betty J. Bergen- 18049. stock, dec’d. Late of Lower Macungie Town- Howells, Christine, dec’d. ship. Late of Whitehall. Co-Executrices: Donna J. Ker- Executor: David Howells, 1460 shner a/k/a Donna Bergen- Beverly Hills Road, Coopers- stock Kershner and Janine A. burg, PA 18036. Skokan c/o James R. Wish- chuk, JD, Esquire, 2310 Wal- Hudock, John A., dec’d. bert Avenue, Suite 103, Allen- Late of Allentown. town, PA 18104-1360. Executrix: Amanda K. Hudock- Attorney: James R. Wishchuk, Staver c/o Law Office of Michael JD, Esquire, 2310 Walbert Av- Prokup, 2030 West Tilghman enue, Suite 103, Allentown, PA Street, Suite 201, Allentown, PA 18104-1360. 18104. 19 LEHIGH LAW JOURNAL Attorney: Michael Prokup, Es- Rosario, Maria, dec’d. quire, 2030 West Tilghman Late of Lehigh. Street, Suite 201, Allentown, PA Executor: Carmen Nieves, 525 18104. S. Leh St., Allentown, PA 18104. Meyers, Geraldine A., dec’d. Roth, Carl K., dec’d. Late of 815 E. Walnut Street, Late of Orefield. City of Allentown. Executrix: Diane J. Harrington Executor: Raymond J. Meyers c/o Rebecca M. Young, Esq. c/o The Roth Law Firm, 123 and Lia K. Snyder, Esq., Young North Fifth Street, Allentown, & Young, 119 E. Main Street, PA 18102. Macungie, PA 18062. Attorneys: Larry R. Roth, Es- Attorneys: Rebecca M. Young, quire, The Roth Law Firm, 123 Esq. and Lia K. Snyder, Esq., North Fifth Street, Allentown, Young & Young, 119 E. Main PA 18102. Street, Macungie, PA 18062. Patrei, Gildo P. a/k/a Gildo Pa- Rothrock, Edward C., dec’d. trei, dec’d. Late of North Whitehall Town- Late of Allentown. ship. Executor: Aaron Lesko a/k/a P. Executrix: Barbara D. Rothrock Aaron Lesko a/k/a Paul Aaron c/o David B. Shulman, Esquire, Lesko, 6837 Patterson Court, Shulman Law Office PC, 419 Allentown, PA 18106. Delaware Ave., P.O. Box 157, Attorneys: Mark H. Scoblionko, Esquire, Scoblionko, Scoblion- Palmerton, PA 18071. ko, Muir & Melman, 2030 West Attorneys: David B. Shulman, Tilghman Street, Suite 105, Esquire, Shulman Law Office Allentown, PA 18104. PC, 419 Delaware Ave., P.O. Box 157, Palmerton, PA 18071. Pickel, Mae, dec’d. Late of Macungie. Sampliner, Malcom L., dec’d. Executrix: Nancy Gernerd c/o Late of Allentown. Noonan Law Office, 526 Walnut Co-Executors: Marjorie Hertz St., Allentown, PA 18101. and Frederick Sampliner c/o Attorneys: Noonan Law Office, Law Office of Michael Prokup, 526 Walnut St., Allentown, PA 2030 West Tilghman Street, 18101. Suite 201, Allentown, PA 18104. Attorney: Michael Prokup, Es- Pieroni, Ralph J., dec’d. quire, 2030 West Tilghman Late of Lehigh County. Street, Suite 201, Allentown, PA Co-Executrices: Lisa G. Barlok 18104. and Annette M. Van Dien c/o Anthony G. O’Malley, Jr., Esq., Schmidt, Dolores, dec’d. Law Office of Anthony G. Late of Allentown City. O’Malley, Jr., 233 Pershing Trustee: Robert W. Schmidt, Blvd., Whitehall, PA 18052. Sr., 837 E. Walnut Street, Al- Attorneys: Anthony G. O’Malley, lentown, PA 18109. Jr., Esq., Law Office of Anthony Attorney: David A. Peckman, G. O’Malley, Jr., 233 Pershing Esquire, 29 Mainland Road, Blvd., Whitehall, PA 18052. Harleysville, PA 19438. 20 LEHIGH LAW JOURNAL Teter, Catherine E., dec’d. Attorneys: Anthony G. O’Malley, Late of Allentown. Jr., Esq., Law Office of Anthony Administratrix: Lisa Aderhold, G. O’Malley, Jr., 233 Pershing 2205 Riverbend Rd., Allentown, Blvd., Whitehall, PA 18052. PA 18103. Buss, Paul K., Sr., dec’d. Welsh, Donald D., dec’d. Late of Coplay. Late of Allentown. Executors: Paul K. Buss, Jr. Executrices: Brenda Welsh and a/k/a Paul Kenneth Buss, Jr. Debra Ruggiero c/o Gardner and Megan Rose Keinert a/k/a Law Office, 740 Main Street, Megan R. Keiser c/o Charles A. Bethlehem, PA 18018. Waters, Esq., Steckel and Stopp Attorneys: Gardner Law Office, LLC, 125 S. Walnut Street, 740 Main Street, Bethlehem, PA Suite 210, Slatington, PA 18018. 18080. Attorneys: Charles A. Waters, SECOND PUBLICATION Esq., Steckel and Stopp LLC, 125 S. Walnut Street, Suite 210, Bailey, Clair A. a/k/a Clair An- Slatington, PA 18080. son Bailey, dec’d. Late of Orefield. Executrix: Regina A. Bright c/o Correll, Florence A., dec’d. Sally L. Schoffstall, Esquire, Late of Allentown. Schoffstall Elder Law, 2987 Executor: Roland J. Correll, Corporate Court, Suite 200, 1329 Nevada St., Allentown, PA Orefield, PA 18069. 18103. Attorneys: Sally L. Schoffstall, Attorney: Nancy K. Busch, Es- Esquire, Schoffstall Elder Law, quire, 825 North 19th Street, 2987 Corporate Court, Suite Allentown, PA 18104. 200, Orefield, PA 18069. DeLong, Melville M., dec’d. Baker, Bernardine J. a/k/a Ber- Late of Allentown. nardine Baker, dec’d. Executrix: Juliann Bond- Late of Emmaus. DeLong a/k/a Juliann Bond, Executor: Tragg D. Baker c/o 6504 Station View West, Zions- Rebecca M. Young, Esq. and Lia ville, PA 18092. K. Snyder, Esq., Young & Attorneys: Aman M. Barber, III, Young, 119 E. Main Street, Esquire, Fiore & Barber, LLC, Macungie, PA 18062. 418 Main St., Ste. 100, Har- Attorneys: Rebecca M. Young, leysville, PA 19438. Esq. and Lia K. Snyder, Esq., Young & Young, 119 E. Main Follweiler, Ralph M., dec’d. Street, Macungie, PA 18062. Late of Kempton. Executrix: Pearl F. Follweiler Bloomfield, Philomena Marie, c/o Charles W. Stopp, Esquire, dec’d. Steckel and Stopp LLC, 125 S. Late of Lehigh County. Walnut Street, Suite 210, Slat- Executor: Edward J. Bloomfield ington, PA 18080. c/o Anthony G. O’Malley, Jr., Attorneys: Charles W. Stopp, Esq., Law Office of Anthony G. Esquire, Steckel and Stopp LLC, O’Malley, Jr., 233 Pershing 125 S. Walnut Street, Suite 210, Blvd., Whitehall, PA 18052. Slatington, PA 18080. 21 LEHIGH LAW JOURNAL Frantz, Maureen M., dec’d. Harding, Emerson F., dec’d. Late of 6535 W. Tilghman Late of Allentown. Street, Apt. 1, Allentown. Executor: Donald J. Gehman Administrator: Richard M. Vi- c/o Thomas J. Turczyn, Es- ands, 142 Jamestown Street, quire, 1711 W. Hamilton Street, Lehighton, PA 18235. Allentown, PA 18104. Attorneys: David N. Lint, Es- Attorney: Thomas J. Turczyn, quire, France, Lint & Associ- Esquire, 1711 W. Hamilton ates, P.C., 308 Fallowfield Av- Street, Allentown, PA 18104. enue, Charleroi, PA 15022, (724) 483-3525. Kistler, Debra E., dec’d. Gearhart, Ethan A., Jr. a/k/a Dr. Late of Macungie. Ethan Allen Gearhart, Jr., Executor: Donald S. Young c/o dec’d. Rebecca M. Young, Esq. and Lia Late of 3853 Highpoint Drive, K. Snyder, Esq., Young & South Whitehall Township. Young, 119 E. Main Street, Executors: Ethan A. Gearhart, Macungie, PA 18062. IV and Sandra G. Soler c/o The Attorneys: Rebecca M. Young, Roth Law Firm, 123 North Fifth Esq. and Lia K. Snyder, Esq., Street, Allentown, PA 18102. Young & Young, 119 E. Main Attorneys: Larry R. Roth, Es- Street, Macungie, PA 18062. quire, The Roth Law Firm, 123 North Fifth Street, Allentown, Kratzer, Bonnie B., dec’d. PA 18102. Late of S. Whitehall Twp. Executrix: Kim Artjuch, 2729 Gilbert, Mary Mittl a/k/a Mary Terrwood Dr. East, Macungie, M. Gilbert, dec’d. Late of Allentown. PA 18062. Executrix: Julia M. Terrell c/o Attorneys: Neil T. Devlin, Es- Daniel K. McCarthy, Esquire, quire, Skarlatos Zonarich, 320 Davison & McCarthy, P.C., Two Market St., Ste. 600W, Harris- City Center, 645 Hamilton burg, PA 17101. Street, Suite 510, Allentown, PA 18101. LeBow, Helena, dec’d. Attorneys: Daniel K. McCarthy, Late of the Township of Lower Esquire, Davison & McCarthy, Macungie. P.C., Two City Center, 645 Trustees: Joel M. LeBow, Val- Hamilton Street, Suite 510, Al- erie E. Holliday and Gabrielle A. lentown, PA 18101. Hampson c/o Timothy J. Duck- worth, Esquire, 2045 Westgate Gutekunst, Edna D., dec’d. Drive, Suite 404, Bethlehem, PA Late of Whitehall. 18017. Executor: Thomas R. Gutekunst Attorneys: Timothy J. Duck- c/o Emily A.
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