109 SEP 2 1955 (Affidavit of Publication. * Tax Collector to collect ORDER NO 113% Registration Fee on all-.inotor vehicles.) Date: Sept. 23, 1955. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS BEFORE NE, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Rex Smith who says upon his oath that he is the Credit Manager of the "Dallas Times Herald, a newspaper published in Dallas County and having general circulation in Road District No. 1 of Dallas County, Texas, and that be caused a true copy of the election notice attached hereto to be published in said paper on the following dates, to-wit: September 2nd, , 1955; September 9th, , 1955; September 16th, , 1955; the date of the first publication being not less than twenty one full days prior to the date fixed for the election. 7q qL Credit Manager SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME this the 16th day of September. , 1955. NOTICE OF ELECTION The State of Texas, County of Dallas: To the Resident, Qualified Electors of Dallas County, Texas: Take notice that an election will be held In Dallas County,L Texas, on the 1st.dy of October, 1935, on the propo- sition and at the places more particu- (SEAL) larly set forth in the election order Passed by the Commissioners' Court of said County on the 29th da y lOsS, which order Is as follows: of August, "An order, calling an election on the question of makin g effeethie In r,ounty House Bill No. 863, Acts of the Fifty-Fourth Legislature as amended by House' Bill No. 938, LegIsiture, Acts of the same \*,hereas there has been presented to this Court Petitions signed b y '1007 Qualified voters of Dallas County pra g that this Court order an election ony -in the proposition hereinafter Stated and Whereas, this Court finds that Such election should be held so as to deter-, mine , whether Dallas County may pro- ceed with the purchase (of right-of-way for -State and Federal Highways and make provision for the for; payment there- Be It Ordered by the Commissioners' Court of Dallas County, Texas: 1. That an election be held ill Dallas County on the 1st day, of October. 1955, at which election, the following proposi- tion shall be submitted:, •es 01. me same ,I Legis- lature which-jaw. - among otherbin gs req uIres the. Tax Collector to collect --for right-of-way purposes on all motor ye- cl,es•' fl noUflb.ecJual. to 33f, ç5: of- the couectea-on- -lrucks-tratl- semi-trailers, motor- - buses and street and suburban buses will hi- -MOO PCI' axia: but not to exceed 3.9 1,:, rl nf eii registration lee?' ....... 2.'That said-election shall b held at e, following places in Dallas County, E xas: RECINCT •'..- . .... LOCAON,- , -' - 101 Co pl)ell School, Coppell, Te,;- 102 Carrollton City Hall, CàrrolltOn - - -Texas; 103 Addison Community House, 'Additon, - Texas; -- . .%` -_ - - 104 Richardson . Community' -liouze, Rich- ardson, Texas; . -- - - ..... 105 Estelle Community House,- Estelle, - Texas; - ... 106 Hackberry Grocery,, Northwest High- way and O'Connor Road; - 107 Farmers Branch City:.J-iall, - 1irmcr Branch, Texas; -.- 108 Lotot School, Letot, Texas- 109 Bachman Service Center 2530 Bach- man Blvd.; , 110 Breedlove Service Station, Alpha and Preston Road; 111 Walnut Hill School, 10115 Midway I Road; - 112 Hillcrest . High School, 9924' Hill- crest Road; - I 113 Preston Hollow Grade School, Wal- nut Hill and Tibbs; • 114 Vickery Grade School. Ridgecrest and Holly Hill. Vickery, Texas: . ho Stephen C. Foster School, 9661 Womack Drive; 116 Real Estate Office, 5151 West Northwest Highway; 117 Hillcrest High School; 119 Cochran Chapel .Methodist Church, 9027 Midway Road: 120 Sudle L. Williams School, 4518 Pa- -_- - --------- -- --- - SEP 2 1955 -.-O,' 121 Fire Station. e'iu .122 Gump and la Real Estate Of- fice, 8418 Preston Road; 123 Robert S. fl yer School, 3920 caruth; 124 Northwav Christian Church, 8400 Airline Road; ne, Texas: 123 University Park School, 3,300 Lovers 408 League Bld g., (Arcadia Park), 706 Lane; N. Justin Street; 126 Pleasant View Baptist Church, 409 Sidney Lamer School, 1100 Vvalms- Fisher Road and Mockingbird Lane; 127 Fire Station, 8101 Cedar Springs; 410 School;. Madison and Ballard 125 Lovers Lane Methodist Church, 5002 Avenues; W. Lovers Lane; 411 George Peabod y School, 3101 Ray- 129 Henry W. Longfellow Grade School, dell; - Inwood Road and Boaz; 412 Stevens Park Club 1-louse, Stevens 130 Highland Park Senior High School Park; (East Gymnasium), 4220 Emerson 413 Kessler Park Baptist Church, 1139 Street; 'l'urser; 131 Park Cities YMCA., 6000 Preston 414 Rosemont School, 712 N.I. Mont Road; ,',Claft; 132 University Park Fire Station, 3S00 415 Fire Station, Bishop and Davis University Blvd.; Streets; 133 House, 3111) MIlton Street; 416 lames Bowie School, K. 7th and N. 134 Thomas Transfer Company, 2819 Lancaster; Greenville Ave.; 417 Cockrell Hill City Hall. 1014 Sun- 135 ,Sowers ,School Building, Sowers, nyside Avenue, Cockrell Hill. Texas; Texas 418 Fire Station, 420 S. Ham pton; - 136 North5 i'itajn Baptist. Church, Grau- - 419 Sunset High School, 2120 W. Jef- wylgr -dd, N. Britain, Irving, Texas; ferson; 137 Union Bower School, Union Bower, 420 Myer Bros. Car Sales, 1000 W. Jef- Texas; ferson; - 138 Obadiah Knight School, 2615 Anson 421 John H. Reagan School, 530 Melba Road; Street; 139 Maple Lawn School, Inwood Road 422 V. H. Adamson High School, 9th and Cedar Springs; and Beckley; 140 Bradfield School, Southern and 423 Earl Hayes Chevrolet Company, 9th Douglas; - 141 Bradfield School, Southern and and Lancaster: Douglas; 424 L. 0; Donald School, 1218 Phinney; 142 John S. Armstrong School, Cornell 425 Lids. Moos School. 2400 Gladstone; and Byron Streets; - 426 Lelia P. Cowart School. 3.801 South 143 Highland Park Town Hall, 4700 P.avinia Drive; - Drexel Drive; 427 Felix Curtis Real Estate, 232o V. 144 Ben , Milam School, 4200 McKinney Clarendon Drive: - - Avenue; 428 W. K. Greiner Jr. High School, 62a 145 Fire Station. Armstrong and Cen- S. Edgefield; tral Expressway; 429 B. F. Goodrich Store, 436 K. Jef- 146 Stonewall Jackson School, 5820 ferson; East Mockingbird Lane; 430 Court or Oak Cliff. 412 S.. Beckley; .147 6112 E. Mockingbird Lane; 431 James Bo;vje School, Alice ,Street at 1 .148 Robert K. Lee School, Delman and Tamarra Lane, Grand Prairie, Vanderbilt; Texas; 149 Lakewood School, 3000 Hillbrook; 432 Avion Village Community House, 150 Fire Station. Abrams Road and Grand Prairie, Texas; Palo Pinto Street; 433 Henderson Elementary School, 2200 121 Thomas 2. Rusk, Jr. High School, - S. Eilgefield; 2929 Inwood Road; 434 Clinton P. Russell School, 3031- S. 152 Stephen J. Hay School, Gilbert and Beckley; Herschel]; - 435 Fire Station, Duncanville, Texas; 153 Brook Slays Piano Store, 3531 Oak 436 Jeffe rson Davis School, 1101 Kiest Lawn; Blvd.; . 154 Fire Station, 5435 Lewis Street; 437 Bigg s Filling Station, Hampton and 155 Ha!loway & Company, 1924 Green- ville Avenue; 136 Lakewood Sport Store, 2023 Abrams 3; The said election shall be held Road; - under the provisions of House Bills 157 Southland Feed Mills, 5225 Maple Numbers 863 and 938, Acts of the Avenue; Fifty-Fourth Legislature and only quali- MiS Sam Houston School, Dickerson and fied voters residing in Dallas County Knight; shall be permitted to vote and each such 159 North Dallas High School, 3130 N. voter shall vote in the election pie- Haskell Ave.; duct of his residence. 160 James Bonham School, Henderson 4. The ballots for said elections shall and Manett; have printed thereon the following: 161 James Fannin School Annex, Ross FOE making effentive in - Daltas and Fitzhugh Avenue;Avenue: County the Law (House Bill ? o. 863, 162 Fire Station, 3828 Cedar Springs Acts of the Fifty-fourth Le gislature, as Avenue; amended by House Bill No. 938, Acts of 163 William B. Travis School, 3001 Mc- the same Legislature) which among Kinney Avenue; other things, requires the Tax Collec- 164 School Administration Bldg., 3700 tor to collect for right-of-way purposes Ross Avenue; on all motor vehicles an amount equal 165 Moreland Y.M.C.A., 2700 Flora to thirty-three and one-third per cent Street; ) 331/4% ) of the State registration fee, 166 Sleep-Ezy Mattress Company, 2239 except that the amount to be collected Cedar Springs; on trucks. trailers. semi-trailers, motor 201 705 Garland Avenue, Garland, 2.50 5i bUiioing, Lawson Texas; buses or st reet or suburban buses will Texas; 301 Station, Ca he Three Dollop (sit: per axle but not 202 'Johnston Mfg., Company, Sachse, is; diz and Akai'i Texas; 302 to exceed thirty -three and one-third per 0 School, 2830 -Hickory Street cent (33t1 1,1 ) of such registration fee.' 203 McClain Garage (across from Pleas- 303 beau B. Lamar School, 140; 'AGAINST making effective in Dallas ant Valley Store); th Street; County 204 Saint Davids Episcopal Church, 304 the Law (1-louse Bill' No. 863, Station, Park Row and Mar - Acts of the Fifty-rpunth Le5jlature, as Garland, Texas; Street; amended by House Bill No. 938. Acts of 205 Central Fire Station, Garland, 303 t Avenu.fl Texas; Meyers: School, Foresi the same Legislature) which, among 206 Rowlett School Building, Rowlett, other things req uires the Tax Collec- Texas; Morrell Street; tor to collect for night-qf..,va y, purposes 207 Rose Hilt School Dining Room, Rose i'se; DrugL Store 3641 Colonial on all motor vehicles an amount equal Hill, Texas; 308 to tlkr(y-th ree ona one-third ncr cent 208 Casa View School, Farola and Moo- Park Comj-nunity House, 2522 (33i %) of the State registration fee, terrey; 309 except that the amount to be collected 209 Fire Station, Garland Road and Thompson School, 5700 Bexat' on trucks, trailers, semi-trailers, motor Buckner Blvd.; - 310 -, Q.
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