Australian Museu~I

Australian Museu~I

18i5. :KEW SOUTIT WALES. AUSTRALIAN MUSEU~I . (REPO.&l' FROM TRUSTEES FOlt 1874.) lt)rc::lcntrb to l,tl.trliammt putsuant to lilct l7 1Jicl. ,Go. 2, stc. !.l. REPORT OF 1:1L8 TRUSTEE OF TilE AUSTRALIAN 1\IUSEUM, FOR TilE YEAR EXDIXG 31sT DEC.El\IBER, 187<.1:< • .... To Urs ExcEttFM'iC'l TirE GovER..'iOR-n--CnrEF,- Tho Trustees of the Australian :U:useum have the honor to submit to Your Excellency this their twenty-first .\noun! R eport. The Trustee>~ ha\'e to e:cpress their deep regret that circumstances have occurred during the pa~st )'car \\ hich disclosed an utter want of care and attention in the dit~chnrgo of his duties on the part of Mr. Krefl't, their Curator and 'ecretary, and which resulted, after rcpeatccl acts of disobedience to the lawful ord~r::~ of the Tru ~tecs, in the remo,·al of that officer from hi;; po~ition, nnd in the dosing of the Institution to the public for a short period. It will be ncces~<ar_v, in order to explain nnd vindicnte the course which the 'l'ru::~tccs felL lhcmsehes eompellecl to adopt, and for the infol'matton of your Excellency, to furnish the history of I hc:-e t rrm~actious iu Lhci r proper order. •U the beginning of Lhe year some of the Trustees became awarc that specimens of gold to the ,·nlue of £i0 had been stolen from the cabinets of the )luscuw in "hich theX had been deposited for e.\hibition. A ~pecial meeting was called, on requisition signed by three of the l'nt~!ecs, and was held on the Glh of January, for the purpose of investigating the matter, and the Curator then reported the theft to the Board. \Yhile the Boarcl was engaged in the proijccution of thi11 inquiry, a communication was rccci,•od from the Hon. the Colonial Secretary, com-eying his doubts of the propriety of the proposed invcstigatiou ns a ]>Ossible frustration of the efi'cH·ts of the ['olico to bring the oll'ondors to justice. On this intimation being made to the Board, it was decided to eavc tho mnLler in Lhu hands of' the police; aml up to tho pt·esont time no one has been prosecuted for the otloucc, not· has the gold been discovered, or its loss in any way accounted for. At the usual monthly meeting, held on lhe Gth of Uarcb, the 'l'rustces wore informed by one of theit· uumbct· that indecent pholog•·aphs had been ~ccn iu the workshop of lhe Museum. 1'he photographs, some of which were of the most indecent character, were produced, and an immediate inquiry into the matter was ins lit utcd. One of the taxidermists (llcury 13arncll) stated that he had, by Mr. Krcft't's order~, tnken from fifty to sixty copies of these indecent pictures. 'l'hc Curator deniecl the statement, and asscrtccl that he was the victim of n conspiracy on tho part of the sen'nnts of the Institution. On tho Jt h of J unc the :ntcution of the Board was cnllccl to the circumstance that numerous st~tcmeut>~ rellcclinu- upuu the character and t•onduct of Mr. Krcfi't were conh\ined in Lhe e1-ideoce given before the Select C:ommiLtee of the Legislatire Assembly, "hich had been appointed on the 2Hh dsy of February, l">i J., for the purpose of inquiring into nod reporting 11pou the condition :md system of manage­ ment of the Museum. It nppea•·cd by this t•cport that certain charges had been preferred ngainst some of the ~uste~s_by the Curator. Among oUtet· accusations it was alll"ged that some of tho Tru,tccs had used thetr posttlon for the bcm•fit of themsehell, and to thl" injury of the In ~titution. After a long and pntient Parliamentary in1e,;tigntion, during which a n~mbcr of the 1'rustees and nil the officers and sen·ants of the :Museum we~e examined, and the :;clcc.:L Committee inspcclccl the Tnstitution, it wn~ found lhaL there wns no truth m lh~sc or in any other of the t·harge~ which had been made n~niust tho Trustees by t~to Curator: ~he emlcnce aclclu.:Nl before the , elect Committee tended to t~how work had been done m the l nstltution Jor two of the 'l'ru,tees ()fr. Pnrkc:s nod ir ,\lfred S~cphcn), but no C\'itl<:nce was cnllcd t~ establish the f:tct thaL eilht•t· of the~e gentlemen was aware of the ctrcmustnncc. And the ._elect ex~ressly reported that tho Cut·ato•·lJimself had ordc•·ed the work to be done, nnd Llml the proponderatmg CYtdence given before the Committee showed tl1at he was a most unfit man for a position oi' trust. It thut~ became the impet·nth·e duty of Lhe Trustec11 to instit.uto an immcdiato rigid inquiry into ~he comlucL of the Cut·ator nnd the general management of Lbe Institution ; nnd it was resoh•cd at the meeting on the Hh of .lunc, before alluded to, that a special meeting 11hould bo h~ld on the llLh .T~ne. 'fhe Cumto1· WIH! inHtr·uctcd to c·nll such mcetiug, and in the meanwhile to oblam twcuty-fout coptes of the reporL and cvidcucc of the f3clecL Committee, and lo furui t~h a copy to each of the 'l'rustecs. G - A Six 2 Six members of lhc Board attended the spct·ial meeti1~g of the Uih .of ,J uue, but the Curator having absontcd himself and h~t·kctl up the Botlrd-l'oom, tlw mt•ellng wa~ held In a tun.all usuall) appro. ri:lt<.'rl to one of the la ti<lcrmi~ts. As none of the m emher" l)l'l'Nt•ni had I'<'CCI\ eel from_ the Curntor a p 'tt t' . • .., the eeh'n~ there was rca~ou to ~'lll>llose that none hall been 1!1.-n1ecl. It was Wl'l (.'n 110 u•e COU\C 0 I 0 .., 111 1 . ' • • • t d ('>) h then• fore re~ oh·ell-{ t) uot to proc<.'c with the busine~:> for whll'h the mcotm~ wa~. appo1~ e ; :- i at the disobt•dicm·e of orders anti contempt exhibited bJ tht> Curntor dcm:uulell soul~ muncc.IJ~te action 011 the art of th<' Tru~lce~; (:l) that a speci11l general mectinJ! "htndd be c~llccl f~r the .lunc, for the ~urpo•e of taking into consideration the condu··t of the Cnratnr on Uus oet·;tl:IJOll ; nnrl abo to carry out tbt• objcct for "hirh the pre,t>ut meeting bad been "pecmlly callt•cl. , . 'fwcll'e 'l'ru,tee~ attended the spel'inl meeting. held on the H•th .lunr. '~ hrn 1t wa>< unam.moualy resolvi.'J-•· Thnt }[es~r,.. R olleston, ..llleyne, Hill, and Liv er~idg<• should be appnmted a sub-comn11tlee to inquire into the folio" iug charge~ against the Cw-ator, nnml'ly :- " 1. Drunkeuncss. " 2. Propo~ing to the Bnrneses to bring a f.'ll~e t•lm!gc ngninl!t a man named T o~t. " 3. Permill ing indecent photogm]lhS to be take.n m the ~~~~~ruu1. " 1. Sellin~ photo~apht! through thl' ~en-nuts ol tlw I nst1lutton. " 5. Oettin~ l'u1·uitw·c made for himself in the )Jusoun~ oui of i\Juril'llllt uul!er1al. " 6. Onlel·iu~ the servants of the :Uuseum to make• ca~es nnd Kct up spoctm ·nt~ with Museunl material for private individuaJs. r· . " 7. Tnkiug receipt!! front Robert 13arnca for work done ltiHler Lhc uam(' of '\\ Ill mm Brndlcy, w1th the 1•iew of llccei1•iug Lhe Board nf 'l'I'Ut~toeH. '' 8. 1\bliciously b1·eaking up a foasiljnw lenL to the l\f u~eum. by lk I3cnuet.t. " r>. Sending nwa,y, M donations in his own name, valuable K(le<·Jmens, the (H'O(lCI'ly of the l\Iut~eum. " lO. l\Inking a false return of the numbers of vi~itrH"s. " 11 ..M ~a king n f'al:"e ::~taternent in writing to the Colmwll Sccl·clai'Y I'C~prchug an nitendauce of a deputation of the Trustees. "12. DiRobeyinrr the o1·cler,; of tbe T1·u stcc~ ,::h·en at l)tc last o1·dinat'j monthly meeting." The next monthly ~eeting was bel1l on the 2url of July. The Curatnl' for flU adjournment tor a 1vcek. On the T1·ustees requiring the minute-book tht>y were intill'mod hy a message from 1\fr. Krdl't that it 1vas in 1\!Jol!. Krefl't'a room, and could not be t~cnt. The du1irman ol' the ~ub-committee ()Ir. Christophcr Rolleston) reported that the committee bad hclcl tlm•c mcctin:,"ll-thnt the Cm•;ttor had been t<upplil'd with copies of the charges, and repeatedly uH itc1l lo uttt'lhl, the ~crond meeting hn1·ing been adjournccl ~Pl'Cially to enable him to be present. lie. bowe,·c1:, l't•fu~c·d to altP111l. .\.1. the third meeting the committee, in the pru~ecution of their inquiry. dc•irl'd to pa!<S thron!!h the )luseum. The Curator w::t~ applied to fo1· the keys, but he refused to ghe them up, nll<·~in!:{ as the rrason fhr his rcfu~al that it wa• after J o'clock, and the only way to that portion of the pn•mi,eH wa" 1lown the cellar.

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