8P - MANCHESTER HERAl.D. Thiirsdiiy, Aug. 21. 1986 MANCHESTER SPORTS Cheney Hall unit Air museum has Boston bats bury ^ MANCHESTER ^ eyes., Exxon cash 328 Middle Tpke. West flights of fantasy Cleveland arms In Front of Parkade Shopping Centar ... pane 3 ALL TOWN FAIR TIRE STORES J( paoe 11 ... page 15 OUR Tel 646-8227 27th CONN. STORE! PRICES GOOD AT ALL TOWN FAIR LOCATIONSI 27 STORES THROUGHOUT CONNECTICUT CONFIDENCE BRAND NAMES IXiV/, LOW PRICES! SATISFACTION check oat FREE eervicesl mxdmtnManchester — A City ol Village Charm HrralJi O' FREE MOUNTING! •TATIC S ' FREE BALANCING! m « W B I O B T * Friday, Aug. 22, 1986 i C l A I .1 25 Cents S ' FREE ROTATION! is:;t iiiLBa A S ' FREE ‘iisrCHANGEOVER! FREE FRONT-ENO J \ ALIGNMENT STEAL S ' FR E E FLA T R EPA IR ! WITH THE PURCHASE OF O’Neill calls FOUR NEW TIRES R Every tire told by Town Fair it backed by our famous 'GUARANTED LOWEST NICE POLia" ‘1R0N-CLAD NO HASSLE" Guarantee! WITH wants ^ Every tire told at TO W N FAIR TIRE is guaranteed Torfor defec’defects P U R C H A S E *When you’re ready for tires, don't sacrifice the quality. in workmanship or materials lor as long as you own the lire — regardless of years in service or O F 2 N E W state’s roads . performance and guarantee you need. Town Fair TireS, mileage received. If a defect in workmanship or materials develop, return it to TO W N FAIR We TIRES U whom you can trust, has a store near you — and there will repair it at no charge or replace it. YOU PAY ONLY FOR W H AT YOU HAVE USED! you’ll find just the right tire at.. GUARANTEED LOWEST debate PRICES*. Don’t compromise. Town Fair Tires’ experience We have selected tires GUARANTEED against costs no more. glass, sharp metal, deep holes and all road haz­ NO $ 1 7 9 5 Bv George Lavng an emergency *“lf you find a lower price advertised in Connecticut FR ards, and it’s FREE! PURCHASE Herald Reporter within 30 days of purchase on the same merchandise . NECESSARY ' ■ * CAR S bring us the advertisement and we will beat the price." COMPARt US TO A ll OTHER TIRE DEAIERS! Aitfbend and McPhorson Strut Not included on All Above Eighth Utilitie!5 District advo­ .MICHILIN • GOODYEAR • FIRISTONE • DUNLOP • GENERAL « cate Robert Blefchman charged By Carole Thompson spokesman Lf. Edward Dailey Thursday the real goal of the newly The Associated Press said Thursday. “It is. at least B.F. GOODRICH • ARMSTRONG • UNIROYAL • YOKOHAMA partly, an engineering problem. G and many more famous brand tiros formed Committee for Charter Revision is to consolidate the HARTFORD - Gov William A, Pulling more police officers out O’Neill today declared a .state of there isn’t going to solve the district with the town of Manches­ emergency on the .statc’.s roads ter. The group has said its purpose problem” and vowed that every step possible The Department of Transporta­ ALL-WEATHER SPORTS out TIRES is merely to change the Town would be taken to halt truck tion released a report Thursday Charter so that the district could accidents in Connecticut. TRACTION WHITEWALL TOWN fAIR DISCOUNTS ONE OF THE LARGEST SELEaiONS OF' not veto consolidation. that .studied the rise in traffic 155/80R13.....................»55 FINE QUALITY IMPORTED TIRES EAST OF THf RHSSISSIPPi. “ I have had it with truck acridents on Interstate 84 near “A skunk by any other name accidents on our highways” 165/80R13 IMPORTS BRIDGESTONE . CONTINENTAL • DUNLOP smells the same” said Blefchman. Harflord The report cited in­ 175/80R13... O’Neill said during a news confer­ ALL-SEASON PIRELLI -MICHELIN -GISLAVED an attorney who heads the group creased traffic, speeding and a 185/80R13 721’ YOKOHAMA . SEMPERIT -GOODYEAR ence in his state Capitol office 155ni2........ts STEAL — Stop Tampering with the confusing laydut of ramps and 185/75R14... Better Quality “I am ordering a slepped-up 195/75R14... STEEL 1S5R13........>M MICHELIN IMPORTS Eighth’s American Liberties. He curves as factors in the crashes. MICHELIN 1658R12... ...N 1 17S8R14.......•M safety enforcement program that I 205/75R15... 185113 ..>M Imported Sports Car Interstate 84 runs diagonally DISCOUNTED AT BELTED 1458R13... .-..*66 1668R14.......•M said the Committee for Charier 215/75R15... STEEL BELTED RADIALS 176/708R13 •M promise will be our most aggres- through the slate, from Danbury, TOWN FAIN TINE 185115........*45 155112.......... >39 175114............. *42 1B88R13... ...•44 Revision is the “son of the 186/r08Rl3..^M siye ever” 225/75R15... PLUS M O R E 175114........*47 145113.......... »29 175/70113 ,,..'39 1688R13... ...•46 through Hartford, to the Massa­ 235/75015... F R E E SENVICES 16S8R14... 166/708R14.. • « Committee for One Manchester." ECONOM Y RADIAL 185114 ..Me IS O H S l.........'12 195/70113 ....'42 a group that actively urged consol­ Tractor-trailer trucks were in­ chusetts border. Insterstate 95 ALL-SEASON 175/70113....>45 195113..........'35 195/70114 ....'43 MICHELIN TRX II volved in four separate accidents runs along Connecticut’s coast and FOR AMERICAN CARS (Comowaij) 185/80R13 195115..........>39 195/70114 ... >49 idation during the last merger DOUBLE BELTED 185/70113....*47 ie5/70HR36S . ................*89 V on Connect icul highways on Thurs­ is a major connector to New York MICHELIN • ADVANCED COMPUTER STEEL BELTED 175/75R14 180/65HR390. .................. *99 n push in the late 1970s. WHITEWALLS XH DESIGN • HIGH MILEAGE RADIAL W.W. 185/70114....*48 ~ E C O N O M Y R A D IA L 190/6SHR390. ..............*109 II day that left one man dead, five City and Boston. 155/80R13. 185/75R14 195/70114....•es SPORTS TIRES The Committee for Charter 175/80R13..... *62 195/75R14......»74 215/75R15..... *82 165/80R13. others injured, and brought traffic In another accident Thursday on 165/80R13... 195/75R14 199112 .......................... 1 7 199114 . 1 7 YOKOHAMA || Revision was unveiled Thursday to a standstill on Inicrslalcs 95 and 185/80R13......*65 205/75R14......*78 225/75R15..... *84 175/80R13... 185/80R13. — 199113 .......................... 17 179/70113....14 by its chairman. William H Sleitli. 1-95 near exit 40 in Milford . an 105/8OR13... 185/75R14. 205/70R14 195113......... *39 199/70113.. , H 84. easlbound tractor-trailer attempt­ 185/75R14......*71 199119......... *34 199/70114..., 1 9 168R12..... •41 166R1S..... •U il the former head of the Iona 2Q5/75R15......‘79 235/75R15......*88 185/75R14... 195/75R14 . 148RI3..... ^41 175/70SR13..*66 |fi The mo.sl serious accident was ing to slow down In the rain about 195/75R14... 205/75R14. 205/75R15 ...»7 7 | BRIDGESTONE 179114......... 1 9 186R13..... *44 166/70SR13..*M U Manufacturing Co. Sleifh admitted 205/75R14... 215/75R14. 215/75R15 ...* 7 7 155R13.......*53 166R13..... *46 166/706Rl4..*6t 1 on 1-95 in Norwalk on the Yankee 2:30 p.m. started to jackknife and 215/75R14... 178R14..... *n that some of the group’s members Doodle Bridge. Isaac Feliciano 2fi. 205/75R15. 225/75R15 ...» 7 9 ! 165R13.......*57 Qntinenfal 196/708Rl4..^6i || were members of the Committee overturned on the median as the 205/75R15... 215/75R15..... 175/70R13.. *66 of Bridgeport was killed in the driver over-correefed his skid, 215/75R15... 225/75R15..... 235/75R15 ...* 8 7| 155RT3........... •! 165/703813.. • » for One Manchester. 16M13.........A 185/70SR14..Pft four-vehicle pile-up that left Jose stale police said. The driver. Jan 225/75R15... 235/75R15. 185/70R14,. *74 FAMOUS BRAND BUY.'l 178«14............• 166/708R14..P76 However. Sleith stressed that the 195;70R14.. *79 169113......... 186/706R13.... Perez. 25. a Bronx. N.Y.. resident Bersz.akiewicz.. was ticketed for mCEBREAKERS iMnu.........A 206/70HnU m 199113......... purpose of the new group was to 196/7(j8Rl4.... seriously injured. 2 17B/708R13..A 186/e5TRlS..*r» 1T5/708113... “IIt I speeding, stale police said. There “urge the people of Manchester in Since June 3. there have been ul were no injuries. E C O N O M Y November to vote ’yes’ on a least 19 major tractor-trailer acci­ C U S T O M DOUBLE BELTED referendum question which hope­ Hfrald photo by Pinto In Cheshire, a flatbed tractor- f,000/VEAR P O L Y S T E E L RADIAL W.W. dents in the state, killing seven trailer with faulty brakes and an fully will remove from the charter people overweight load of .steel caused a Radial Whitewalls 155/90113....................................'33 ALL SEASON VECTOR the impediment which has pre­ Gov William A. O’Neill sche­ six-ear pileup on 1-84. police said. .. *56 205/75R14 . *68 195/90113....................................1 9 The game must go on 185/80R13 . 175/90113....................................1 7 vented a rational and rea.soned BRAND NAME RADIAL W.W. duled a news conference today, Raymond Vickers. 42. of Fore- 175/75R14 , . *56 215/75R15 . *72 195/90113....................................I f T IR E S A T solution to the embarrassing dis­ ____*75 195/75114....................................1 9 155/80R13..'62 195/75R14..*78 and he was expected to reveal his slviile. Md . was approaching 195/75R14 . >64 225/75R15 . O F F B R A N D sension that has existed between Although it was raining Thursday, the 205/75R15 . *68 235/75R15 . .. *79 P R ICES! 205/75114....................................'42 165/80R13..*86 205775R15..*B4 East Hartford tries to stop him from plans for dealing with the safety slow-moving traffic on the bottom 215/75114....................................>44 the two parts of our town for many weather didn’t stop a friendly game of problem. 205/75115....................................>42 175/80fl13,.*«5 215/75R15..*86 ILTRA-HIGH PERFORMANCE Ri years.” scoring.
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