Complimentary to churches •S/,< -si^/^-f/ Y-j, and community groups jMfnnrtt^ ©pporhmfttj Nefas 2730 STEMMONS FRWY STE. 1202 TOWER WEST, DALLAS, TEXAS 75207 VOLUME 7, NO. 16 December 15-31, 1998 TPA From ft ^^# The Editor r%^-i Chris Pryer No, Kwanzaa is not Merry Christmas! a Black Christmas From the United States Con: Isn't it bad enough that we have dis­ torted the so-called celebration of the In a season traditionally devot­ legislators. Republican Majority persist in engaging in this grinding, birth of Christ—at least for now^ we still ed to displaying peace, love and Whip Tom Delay and Democrat divisive and distracting exercise of call it Christmas^ doggedly fighting off goodwill to your fellow man—at Sheila Jackson Lee represented two forcing Bill Clinton out of the pres­ the encroachment of the graphically con­ least among the citizenry of a so- idency, then the man in waiting. venient (and socially symbolic) X-mas— opposite poles of opinion. DeLay, to the almost vulgar display of crass com­ called Christian nation—it is too known on Capitol Hill as "The Vice President Al Gore, will be mercialism we all know as the Christmas bad and too sad that a partisan por­ Hammer," began counting votes given a huge head start in his cam­ shopping season? Even that term is much tion of the United States Congress for impeachment fairly early. Some paign for President in the year less a description of the predominant reli­ has chosen to ignore those senti­ might argue that as majority whip, 2000. Gore, weaned on privilege gious legacy'in this country than it is an ments. Apparently, the Republican the congressman from Sugar Land, and power as the son of the recent­ economic term. We have heard so much members of Congress prefer to Texas, was only doing his job. But ly deceased ex-U.S. Senator Al about the impact of the Christmas shop­ subject the entire nation in their Gore, Sr.—and one who can almost ping season on the Gross Domestic Prod­ from the Democrats perspective. uct that we feel almost obligated to fulfill exhaustive, vindictive pursuit of call Washington, D.C., his home­ our part in contributing to the success of proving the president of the Unit­ town—already seems to have a all the retailers whose bottom lines are ed States guilty of "high huge advantage. Now, made or broken by how well they sell crimes and misde­ before both houses of during Yuletide. Yes, despite it being win­ meanors." All this stem­ Congress cast their ter time, the heat is on. ming from his ill- . votes. Republicans So how wonderful it was when Dr. advised, albeit ado­ ought to be mindful Maulana "Ron* Karenga, a professor of lescent, tiyst with the of the Christmas African American studies at California State University-Long Beach, originated now infamous for­ gift they might a "cultural" holiday that is uniquely mer White House give Al Gore. Do African American. (Contrary to popular intern, Monica the Republicans belief, Kwanzaa is not an African holiday.) really want to Lewinsky. Dr, Karenga's intention was to encourage enhance Gore's superi­ With the House Judi­ African American families to "restore or position by ousting the and reaffirm our African heritage and ciary Committee reporting hated Clinton? Do Republi­ culture." What he definitely did not some four articles of impeach­ cans resent Bill Clinton so much intend was for Kwanzaa to be a kind of ment to the full 435 members, the that they would knowingly hand Black equivalent of the mostly commer­ media's attention now turns to cialized event we call Christmas. Instead, the White House—its power and how soon a floor vote will come Kwanzaa would serve as a festive, cul­ DeLay seemed to be hammering prerogatives—to Democrat Al and whether the loyal opposition, tural holiday devoid of the superficial home the implication that those Gore? and burdensome material trappings that also known as Democrats, will be Republicans who might be even many African Americans, still languish­ allowed a censure resolution. Once remotely entertaining the idea of It's a tangled web that has been ing at the lower levels of the socio-eco­ the House completes its vote, the voting against the articles of woven. From Clinton's trysts with nomic strata, could not afford. saga will shift to the Senate. That impeachment would pay a dear Monica Lewinsky to Independent I don't think Dr. Karenga ever august body will conduct a trial. political price. Counsel Ken Starr's voyeurism to thought every Black American would The senate's vote will be the last abruptly stop,celebrating Christmas and From the other side of the polit­ Republican zealots bent on punish­ replace it with Kwanzaa; however, I don't Constitutional provision leading to ical aisle, Houston's Democratic ing their seemingly indestructible think he intended for Kwanzaa to serve the president's possible removal representative Sheila Jackson Lee and Teflon-like nemisis. Even if the as an economic opportumty for would- from office. joined three of her colleagues in highly improbable occurs and Bill be entrepreneurs either. But slowly, sure­ Despite Judiciary Chair Henry sponsoring a resolution calling for Clinton is successfully impeached, ly, it seems to be sliding in that direction. At first, it was on a very grass-roots level, Hyde's pledge to be fair and non­ censure. Democrats have main­ the plot will only thicken for the this Kwanzaa retailing. Enterprising partisan, the committee votes pre­ tained all along that whatever Pres­ Republicans. Black men and women who saw an dictably split along party lines. ident Clinton may have done, it The real issue is not obstruction opportunity to provide the Afrocentric More than party line voting, how- does not rise to the level of a trans­ of justice or perjury or, at the very wares that could help authenticate the ever^ public disclosure of Republi­ gression worthy of impeachment. least, a most serious lapse in judg­ Kwanzaa celebration. Small, handcraft­ can drafts of articles of impeach­ In other words, lying about an ment. It's about power—and poli­ ed items that reflected our African her­ extramarital liaison is not in the itage. But the "KwanzaaFest" ment came before the President tics. During this Christmas season, grew, procured corporate sponsors, Clinton's lawyers had even com­ same ballpark as treason. it's too bad the two parties of Con­ became more commercial, more "main­ pleted their presentation. So much As this edition goes to press; gress cannot exercise goodwill and stream.' Heck, even JC Penney began to for hearing, or rather listening, we will resist the temptation to pre­ peace towards each other—for the hustle Afrocentric merchandise in order with an objective ear. dict what the House of Represen­ good of the nation. to seize the "Kwanzaa* montent. During the Judiciary Commit­ tatives will do. One thing is for MON Here we go again. tee hearings, two key Texas-based sure, though: If the Republicans r mf,trrtV.g^^i?i^cirriK^^ 0 •/TT^r^gc B^TT7i^.:iT^^^ ^•iii__:-'-»-•-*-•-'-? J-•-• •.'-•-•^.•^ Ufjj '.*J-lJJ.'t*^if*trdt»il*t •- k u I rijj l^BHW^SPMll >• • • (A) LightChurch Cover Story Jot/ce Ann Brown's life U Kwanzaa: What Is It? inspiring It's Time You I just wanted to let you know that Editorials Cheryl Smith's article, "A Compari­ Stepped Into 02 Merry Christmas son of Tunes," in the December 1-15 issue (pg 7) was a very inspiring arti­ "The Light" cle to me. Please convey to her my Cyberspace appreciation for such a positive and 11 What You Should Know informative article. OF CHRIST! With Pastor Ron Shaw About The'Net I am a regular subscriber and reader of MON, not just because I Columns write an article for it, but because of 320-5744 2834 N. Bucker at Pcavy Road 02 Editor's Comments its continued excellent quality and Dallas. TX . 05 Struggle Continues service to the community. I believe such' stories as the "Joyce Ann 07.......Pen Notes Each Sunday Each Tuesday Brown" story spotlighted by Cheryl 10:30 a.m. & 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 09 Q&A: Kim Godwin-Webb should be kept before our young peo­ Worsliip - Bible Seminar 10 Ethnic Notes ple to demonstrate how you can overcome the odds and live through 18. Book Review adversity and [go] on to victory. 19 Entertainment Again, thank you! 20 Personal Finances 21 Living Ron Shaw 22 Spiritual Pastor, LighlChurch Recurring Ron Shanf writes a regular column for our **iW^C 03 Letters Spiritual department, "You And God." —Editor Mr.•.BufordLKempJr) - fWSSW^ h 04 Around The State 11, •"i.rrKzuzijr'-— 08 In The News \czjtm: 12,13 SWB Community Calendar Get those fmMM&sM:^ -iU 23 Emporium 23 Career Opportunities PROFITS -^rMoving! fjNnn /J^j^^ JC Contact MON's Advertising 214-606-7351 Chairman Emeritus Jim Bochum Publisher Letters Policy Thurman R; Jones FMIENDSHIP Contributing Editor MON welcomes the letters of its readers. We "ATerer Explain-Your Friends Do Not Need It, Jason Webster reserve the right to edit all letters for the sake of And Your Enemies Will Not Believe It Anyway" Subscribe To: Editorial Department clarity or space. (972) 606-3B90 Letters should contain full name and Sales/Marketing Department Minontyi ©pportunitfi BEOJS (972) 606-7351 address and daytime phone number so we cart Edllor .Chris Pryer reach you for clarification or confirmation. 1 year (24-Issues) subscription $50.00 • 1st and 15th of each month AiiL to thi Edllor .Tonya t.
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