.Keenan Revue VOL XV, NO. 83 an independent student newspaper serving notre dame and saint mary’s TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1981 SMC students City arrests Corby’s patrons By JOHN M. HIGGINS and made nine arrests.” Staff Reporter Students Colleen Rooney, Patricia Brandy, Laura Potts, Kyle Woodward, Brigid Streb, Patricia Wrenn, The recent arrests of eight underage Saint Mary’s stu­ Eileen Heidkamp, and Mary Agnes Muldoon were dents inside Corby's Tavern may not present difficulties charged with possession of an alcoholic beverage by a when the bar’s liquor license comes up for renewal minor. Corby’s bartender Kurt Bottjer was charged later this month, according to an Alcoholic Beverage w ith sale o f an alcoholic beverage to a m inor. The nine Commission official. were released on bail and are to appear in C ircu it C ourt Local ABC Board Chairman Joseph Szekendi said that later this month. normal procedures for renewal of the license may not After their arrest, the students were transported to St. be disturbed because the arrests occurred so close to Joseph County Jail, where charges were filed against the regular date for renewal of Corby’s license. them. They were eventually released after posting *50 Under Indiana liquor law, a liquor license is automati­ bail, but not before they were strip searched by female cally renewed unless the licenseholder has been con­ corrections officers. victed of a violation w ithin the previous year. The affect Winter storm warnings translate to battery warnings...and An officer at the jail said that the strip search was of the arrests on the current renewal is not clear. trouble, (photo by Anne Fink) standard procedure for anyone entering the general “The arrests may not affect the license until next prison population. year," Szekendi said. “ But I can’t really te ll u n til I meet w ith the state." Szekendi said he w ould be meeting w ith Attorney and Notre Dame faculty member Richard State Excise Officials at the regular Board meeting Hunter termed the procedure “legal, but a little tom orrow . ridiculous.” He speculated that the search was con­ President Reagan commits The students were arrested last Friday evening after ducted to “ humiliate and emharass the students.” South Bend Police officers entered the bar at 1026 Hunter urged students to protest “this demeaning Corby Street. treatment” by registering their disappoval with South troops to South Koreans “We had received a number of complaints about un­ Bend Prosecutor Michael Barnes. WASHINGTON (AP) - President United States w ill remain a reliable derage drinkers in Corby’s,” Special Operations Captain Saint Mary’s Director of Residence Life Sr. Karol Jack Reagan prom ised South Korea yes­ and Pacific partner and we shall Walter Benninghoff said. "An officer inside observed a owski said that the College would take no disciplinary terday that the United States w ill maintain the strength of our forces number of underage people We called in more officers action against the students. maintain its troop strength in the in the Pacific ” Pacific region and its long commit­ Reagan said U.S. Asian allies, ment to defend South Korea "against including South Korea, Japan, aggression.” Australia and New Zealand, “will Reagan told the visiting South have our continued support as our Hesburgh commentsKorean president, Chun Doo-hwan, European allies have.” that “our special bond of freedom For his part, Chun said; “ President and friendship is as strong today” as The follow ing is the second part , wheno f the students applied for it, ment of a sheltered life, but I think it was 30 years ago. Reagan has given his firm assurances tl at the United States has no in te n­ a two-part Q&A with Fr. Theodore there was no visiting at all. They said that’s necessary for a student. I think During remarks after a one hour tion of withdrawing the American M. Hesburgh, as interviewed Ob by that if the Trustees would give them these are 4 great years that students meeting w ith Chun, Reagan made forces in Korea. I am pleased that the server Staff Reporter David Sarphie.this much, they wouldn’t ask for w ill look back on with great joy. clear that his administration will present level o f the United States more. give high priority to its relationship Q: What should America do in the military presence in Korea will be Q: What is the administration with South Korea, which had suf­ future if an embassy takeover maintained.” doing about o ff -campus crime? fered strains during the four years of sim ilar to the one in Iran occurs? A: 1 think there’s crime throug­ the Carter administration. Chun said U S forces provide “ a vi­ hout the whole country. We don’t A: I think each case is a particular By inviting Chun for a visit ahead tal and indispensable contribution have a corner on crime here in South case, and there's no way on earth we o f leaders o f major U.S. allies, Reagan to not only peace in Korea, but Bend, Indiana. I think people who can sit here now and say what they also showed his adm inistration has peace and tranquility in the North­ live off campus live in the real should do in a hypothetical situa­ confidence in the Chun govern­ east Asia region. ” world. The real world is a world tion. The fact is we’re constantly ment, which seized power in a Reagan and Chun met for an hour, where there is crime. 1 spend a good having troubles w ith our embassies. military coup following the assas­ and then Reagan held a luncheon in Fr. Hesburgh deal of time in cities like New York We had trouble in Khartoum; they sination of President Park Chung Chun’s honor in the White House and Washington, and you can’t walk killed an ambassador and some of hee in October of 1979. Red Room. Also attendingthc lunch­ down those streets late at night the staff people. We had trouble in The United States maintains a eon were Vice President George Q: Do you ever foresee thewithout exposing yourself to crime. Colombia, and the negotiations military force of about 39,000 in Bush, Secretary,of State Alexander elim ination o f parietals at the Uni­Of course in a time of depression went on for a month or two before South Korea. Former President Jim­ M. Haigjr., National Security Adviser versity? there’s always more crime, because they freed the ambassador. We’re my Carter withdrew several Richard Allen and Secretary of A: I don’t think so. I think this people become desperate. 1 think constantly having Americans killed thousand U.S. troos in 1979 to the Defense Caspar Weinberger. school has a definite character, and 1 there’s more crime now, because throughout the world who get dismay of the Korean military, and think that right now you can visit we’re in a depression. caught up in one revolution or anot­ Chun wanted assurances that Matlock has been in charge o f the back and forth in the halls for half the Q: Do you think studen ts at Notre her. We just lost 6 people in San Sal­ Reagan w o uld n’t resume a U.S. mission in Moscow since the day. It seems to me that people have Dame lead too much o f a sheltered vador, several o f them nuns and one, withrawal policy. Carter administration's ambassador, to sleep sometime and study and go existence? a Catholic religious worker. They Speaking to reporters with Chun Thomas Watson, left here Jan. 15. to class sometime, and that's a pretty A: First of all, students at Notre won’t be coming back, because they at his side, Reagan said he has President Reagan has yet to appoint big chunk of the day to be able to Dame are home for a third of the were killed. assured the Korean leder that “the a successor. visit freely. I don't know why it has year. Even during the school year to be larger. 1 doubt that the Trus­ students go around town and to tees w ould make it any larger. In fact Chicago. I think there’s a certain ele­ Claims of terrorism Reagan criticisms sting Soviets By THO M A S K EN T day by the Soviet state news agency A senior West European envoy AP Moscow Correspondent Tass said “ any allegations about the said the Tass com m ent “ goes Soviet Union’s involvement in ter­ beyond the level of ordinary The Soviet Union has been severe­ roristic activities represent a gross propaganda, and is a very serious ly stung by Reagan adm inistration and malicious deception. They can- thing.” w m claims that the Krem lin is in league The news agency statement was a with international terrorists and has TUESDAY partial response to last Wednesday’s struck back angrily at what it calls an allegation by Secretary of State “ anti-Soviet campaign” in the United Alexander M. Haigjr. that the Soviet States. FOCUS Union supports policies that "foster, Senior Western diplomats here support and expand international said Monday that Soviet officials not but cause feelings of indignation terrorism.” have dispensed with any idea they and legitimate protest in the Soviet Some Western diplomats here might have had about extending a people.” said they saw Haig's stance — and "honeymoon ” period to the new The statement began, “Soviet Reagan’s com m ent Thursday that foreign policy team in Washington.
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