SUPPORT GET BEHIND THE SENIOR We Patrician THE LA SALLE AUXILIARY... SCOREBOARD Published by the Students of St. Patrick’s High School DRIVE STARTS MAY 1 Volume 6 APRIL, 1953 Number 7 Brother Bonaventure Thomas To Speak To Grads PRINCIPALS AT THE APRIL 8th JUNIOR PROM Manhattan College President Accepts Invitation For Graduation Ceremony by Jim McKnight Brother Bonaventure Thomas, F.S.C., Ph.D., president of Manhattan College, has generously accepted the invitation of the Senior class to speak at St. Patrick’s graduation ceremony, which is to take place at Columbus Hall on Sunday evening, June 21, at seven P. M. In a letter to the graduation C9mmittee, Brother Thomas expressed his gratitude for the invi- -ation which he said he would attempt to gra- -iiy as well as he could. Brother Thomas is in his sixth year as president of the famous orothers’ instiution in Riverdale, New York City. Left to right: Class President Dick Monroe, and date Beverly Steffancci, a princess; The graduates will wear summer formal Gene Marshall, Chaperone Mrs. Larry Oliva crowning Queen Frances Barrett, Marshall’s dress, instead of the traditional gowns. There date. Also, Mrs. Francis Travis, Chaperone; Princess Betty Fanning and escort Sean Morris. will be group singing by the graduates, and a salutatory speaker will speak on the part of the class. 22 COUPLES ATTEND 3rd JUNIOR PROM It was thought that the ceremony, since it will be held in the recently redecorated Colum­ AT GREEN ROOM; MISS BARRETT QUEEN bus Hall, can thereby be made more informal, and more enjoyable. by Dick Monroe -----•----- Wednesday evening, April 8, marked St. BRO. GREGORY PLANS Patrick’s social calendar with the third suc­ FIRST SPORTS BANQUET cessful Junior prom. Twenty-two couples glided Seniors Complete Plans across the floor of the Green Room at the MAY 5th AT GREEN ROOM Hotel Newburgh to the music of Gillie Mon­ For June 22 Promenade roe’s quintette. The Green Room was generously by Jack Martin made available by Mr. Stanley Levinson, man­ On Tuesday, May 5, Saint Patrick’s High Under general chairman Jack. Martin, the ager of the hotel. The evening was highlighted School will hold its first Athletic Award Dinner. Senior class has completed final plans for the by the Grand March and crowning of the Plans for the affair, which will be held in the annual Senior prom. Paul Diema, popular Queen. Miss Frances Barrett of Newburgh, Green Room of the Hotel Newburgh, are being Newburgh bandleader, has been signed to play escorted by Gene Marshall, was crowned queen taken care of by Brother Gregory, the school for the big affair. As has been the case in by Mrs. Lawrence Oliva and Mrs. Francis athletic director, and Bo Gill, sports editor of the last two years, the prom will take place at Travis, who, with their husbands, generously the Newburgh News, who will be Master of the Newburgh Country club on Route 17-K, contributed their time as chaperones of the Ceremonies for the evening. and will take place on Monday evening, June affair. Attendants to the queen, or princesses, 22 . the day after graduation. Vic Rossi were Miss Beverly Steffanci and Miss Betty Presentation of Letters Planned is arranging for favors. Dick Daley has charge Fanning, escorted by Richard Monroe and The meal will consist of fruit cocktail, a of the patrons, and Dick Dillon is arranging Sean Morris respectively. The choice of the roast beef dinner and dessert. Immediately the program. queen was a difficult one, as it always is, be­ following the dinner, major letters will be pre- The class is looking forward to the biggest cause all the young ladies were pretty and (Continued on page five) formal event in the history of the school. beautifully attired. Those attending were: Miss Judy Schneider escorted by Ed Travis, Miss Shirley McCurry by Jerome Cauda, Miss Winnifred Hayden by Martin McKneally Wins Naval Reserve Scholarship; Ludwig Ruf, Miss Peggy Hart by John Burns, Miss Katherine Strickland by Jerry Byrnes, Tuition, Expenses Paid; Graduates Comm. Officer Miss Virginia Stark by Ronald Wilson, Miss Mary Kennelly by Jim Keenan, Miss Marion Martin F. McKneally, leading Senior honor Kneally family. Martin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Angelo by Jim Kennedy, Miss Bernadette student, was notified during the Easter holi­ George F. McKneally, 100 Johnson Street, Burnah by Ralph Sheehan, Miss Frances Bar­ days that his efforts in connection with the Newburgh, has a sister, Anne, who, upon gradu­ rett by Gene Marshall, Miss Eleanor Carlstrom Naval Reserve Officers’ Training Corps scholar­ ation from Mount Saint Mary’s, Newburgh, by Donald Glynn, Miss Peggy Howard by ship had merited for him the tremendous won the state Regents College scholarship, Hugh Morgan, Miss Lee Schwartz by Paul government award ... a four year college which she is now using in the College of New Evens, Miss Alberta Jesek by Charles Byrnes, scholarship covering completely tuition, books, Rochelle. Miss Dottie Delaney by Bob Burns, Miss Jane equipment, uniforms, etc., and including Martin, a winner of the life scouting award Montague by Charlie Hill, Miss Betty Fanning $600.00 personal expense money. The scholar­ from the Boy Scouts of America, an honor by Sean Morris, Miss Beverly Steffancci by ship may be used by the successful applicant student of long and high standing here at St. Dick Monroe, Miss Joyce Rainboth by Bob in any college wherein the approved naval Pat’s, plans to use the scholarship at Holy Lucas, Miss Mary Stacklum by Joe Ravesi, R.O.T.C. unit exists. Cross University, the Jesuit institution in Massa- Miss Frances Barry by Jim Fanning, and Miss Second Scholarship Winner In Family chusettes. Toni D’Agati by Jim Moran. This scholarship is not the first in the Mc­ Jerry Cauda The Patrician Page Two The Patrician SOPH SNAPS SENIOR SLANTS Jeff Hall and Dick Devine asked for con­ Seniors engaged in the big sports program, Editor-in-Chief Richard J. Dillon ’53 tour seats for better sleeping comfort during 1. e. track, baseball, golf, and tennis are: Nick Managing Editor John S. Martin ’53 school time. Colonel Murphy is having trouble Pucino, Jack Marshall, Jack Martin, Dick Business Manager Richard J. Daley ’53 with his five-sided triangle. Charlie Smith, our Dillon, Ed Travis, Charlie Schneider, Gerry mathematical genius, has formulated a new mul­ Byrnes, Gordon Doyle, and Ron Wilson. Con­ Mgr. - James McKnight ’53 Assistant Business tiplication table . 6x4=20. The sophomores gratulations to Martin McKneally on winning Sports Editor Martin F. McKneally ’53 have sent out an urgent S.O.S. for pall-bearers. the naval scholarship. John Burns is now court­ Freshman Editor Ralph Brown ’56 Anyone interested should contact Tom (Digger ing a New York damsel. Ed Travis and Cappy Sophomore Editor James V. Clifford ’55 O’Dell) Donahue. Does anyone know where (yours truly), among others, are burning about Dom Palisi can obtain 100 feet of shoreline? a "sportwriter?” on the East side of the river. Junior Editor Joseph Walsh ’54 Ask Vic Pecore what he and Hitler have in The Senior class asks the support of the entire Faculty Advisor ■ Brother B. Henry, F. S. C. common. Good luck to the track team. Sopho­ school for the coming program of dances to mores on the team are Mike Kane, Gus Man­ support the scoreboard drive. NEWS STAFF cuso, Tom Donahue, Fran Carey, and Dick John Burns '53, Gerald Byrnes ’53, Jerome Cauda Pallazza. Fred "Mr. Angler” Henry is battling Cappy Schneider ’53, Ludwig Ruf ’53, Charles Schneider ’53, the currents but so far has not had too much John Vondras ’53, Donald Glynn ’54, Charles luck. Bill Gallagher, Larry Cauda, and Charlie ---- •---- Moriello are thinking of wearing sun glasses Byrnes ’54, Hugh Morgan ’54, Robert Burns ’54, to protect their eyes from Lonnie Zimmerman’s red Kopser ’54, Jim Browne ’54, Ken But well ’54, dazzling orange vest. Bob Hockler, P. S. C., JUNIOR JOLTS Ed Caren ’54, Leo Ryan ’54, Dick Delaney ’54, (pencil sharpener-in-chief) is still grinding Paul Evans ’54, Richard Monroe ’54, Robert away. What are those stabbing pains Mike Most of the Juniors have colds as attested Kane has been feeling in his back? How about by the coughing and sneezing during Latin Jaqusch ’54, Sean Morris ’54, Richard Murphy it, Don Terry! Vin Antonelli is still Brother and English periods. Now our class managerie ’55, Martin O’Sullivan ’55, Victor Pecore ’55, Edmund’s aide-de-camp. Tom Popowick has has two additions . Charlie Byrnes, the prize Thomas Donahue ’55, James Moran ’55, Anthony just purchased a new limousine ... a 1941 gander, and Babe Sheehan, the laughing hyiena. Mancuso ’55, Charles Smith ’55, Richard Pal- La Salle. His mother calls him Willie, but Lately, Saturday nights have been a cause for teachers call him Maher. The only period that joy with Joe Ravesi and Bob Lucas, for they lazza ’55, Francis Carey ’55, John Daley ’56. Marty O’Sullivan and Jimmie Moran like their have found their true loves. Jim Fanning’s new dance step is the talk of St. Patrick’s. SIEGFRIED PRESS g'lSyTc. NEWBURGH, N. Y. front row seats for is English . wonder why? We hear that Frank Profaci has been throw­ Congratulations to Dick Monroe on being ing rocks at his dog to perfect his peg. Dan elected editor of the May issue of the PATRI­ Donovan’s ideas aren’t always right, but at CIAN. Brother John: Translation of "per least he has ideas. Dick Devine and Ed Killmer anorum gratis,” please. Kopser: For one year A Little Help, Please are two Beaconites who are planning to be­ .
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