The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448 [email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus "v^ *->-"•' IJ j-*^.» O-il v^s^^-i? fV CAMPUS CRISIS The Diminishing Dollar gWlMMP May 1968 June ^ -y. -r >- tributes to the overdevelopment of our r^dSSEi military muscle." As a remedy, he advocates turning in draft cards thereby signifying refusal to "coop­ erate in a system of mass murder." "I recommend we clear up the constipation of the brain Mr. Clennon's assertions are an ex­ and diarrhea of the pen . ." ercise in mindless rhetoric. His pro­ posal of enlightened resistance is typical of those misdirected individuals ABOUT RELIGION ON CAMPUS I mental sanity of this protest shoidd who demand peace at any price. It would seem there are those on I come as a cause for rejoicing for all When are they going to realize that the Campus who are just finding out : those concerned with values at ND. the Vietnam war is a part of an that the Catholic Church is and has ! Surely those students who really wish organized plan of Communist aggres­ been a part of Christianity for cen­ ! to participate in the Mass can leg it sion designed to eventually overthrow turies and, in fact, is the only true I an extra few blocks to the dozen or so the US? Our government has decided Christian religion. : chapels already functional. Proposing to make its stand in Vietnam, That I have had the privilege of meeting, ! to build yet another ND chapel, in decision is made and it is irrevocable. knowing and working with ND men I the era of the war on poverty, re- It is up to all responsible citizens to for many years and they are clearly ; fleets a schizophrenia ND should have insure that the challenge of Com- leaders of Christianity and very fine ] been done with years ago. mimist aggression is met NOW! Catholic Americans. They have i —WiHiom L. Cooke MD 'S7 Oiu- military muscle must not be worked diligently for God, family and Dallas subverted by draft dodgers like Mr. countr)- for years now. Quite frankly Clennon. Any such action clearly we resent young gentlemen presently i ABOUT PACIFISM AND WAR contributes to a system of mass sur­ attending the University trying to tell I Concerning Gary Jones '65 letter render. us we haven't been Catholic and we I which appeared in the last issue of the —James fi. Kelly '6S haven't been Christian and we don't 1 ALUMNUS wherein he says he is a Yonkers, NY know what we are doing. I member of the Third Order of St. If there arc young priests on the ! Francis, or was when he was a stu- In the March-April ALUMNUS David Campus who believe the ideals ex­ j dent, and that "in his Rule Saint Clennon '65 expresses what he terms a pressed in the article are true, then ; Francis says the members are not to minority opinion opposing the war in it's about time they found out more I bear arms," I'd like to state the way Vietnam and the existence of ROTC about this whole world than they { he presents his stand is a bit confusing units at ND. Clennon's emotional let­ presently know. Rev. Louis Putz CSG j and misleading. It is possible he has ter was prompted by the battlefield knows better and I'm not concerned : taken his statements out of historical death of Army Lt. Jim Pavlicek, a about comments that he may have '• context and applied them to 1968. classmate of his — and of mine. Clen­ made which might have been taken i Without going into the historical non did not know Jim Pavlicek, but out of context to be used in the arti­ I origin, it is possible that in his days, I knew him from our mutual partici­ cle. ; St. Francis may have had his members pation in the ROTC program. From what I have been hearing : live under certain restrictions which Mr. Clennon would subordinate all about the student body of late, it i no longer apply. But I was also a other considerations to his one prin­ would appear to me that it's about : member of the Third Order here on cipal concern — material existence. time the University returned to a Christianity, teaching that the ulti­ position of discipline which would mate good is not in the corporeal life intelligently make the student under­ The ALUMNUS welcomes all letters but in the spiritual, seems to disagree. stand that he is there to learn and not regarding the University and its The Christian martyrs seem to dis­ to teach; that he is there to follow Alumni but reserves the right to agree. The men who fought Nazism and not lead: that he is subordinate edit them to meet space limitations. in World War II, many of them prod­ and not dictatorial and that if he Short letters stand the best chance ucts of ROTC at ND, seem to dis­ doesn't like it he can go elsewhere of publication. agree. The men presently enrolled in because he wouldn't make the type of the ND ROTC programs seem to dis­ ND man that he should be proud of agree. So perhaps Mr. Clennon, Camous when I was a student, and with his part-time pacifism, part-time and the University would like to be later I returned to join the faculty proud of in the future. Christianity, tj in the minority of ND and accept the post of faculty moder­ Alumni. I certainly hope so! In closing I might recommend that ator. And I never once knew, or had along with the old-time religion we —John C. Zink '65 ; been taught, or taught others, that as South Bend also exercise one of the old remedies : members of the Third Order of St. and take a dose of intellectual castor Francis they were not to bear arms. ABOUT HUMAN RIGHTS oil and clear up the constipation of Mr. Jones' statements do not seem the brain and diarrhea of the pen My sudden interest in the Univer­ to be substantiated by the fine record sity is provoked by the ND Club of which is so clearly depicted in articles of one of our alumni, Vince Mac- of the type hereinto referred. NYC and the failure of its president Aloon, who was an excellent leader to become meaningfully involved in —Roymond J. l^ariin 'SO i and member of the Third Order here the New York Athletic Club flap en­ Portland, Ore. i on Campus in his and my student gineered by Newsweek's Ken Wood­ : days, and is still one of the lay-leadeis ward, a classmate of mine. To borrow After being subjected to the first 20 i in the Third Order. Vince was in the a word from the March-April issue of pages of the March-.^pril issue of the I service, and not only was a member ALUMNUS, how "special" is the ND ND -ALUMNUS, I wonder: What is a of the Third Order while in the US man who measures his interest in the University? What is a Catholic Uni­ ; military, but is responsible for many cause of human rights on the basis of versity? What is the purpose of a • converts which he prepared himseif Woodward's affiliation with the NYC University? And just who in hell i while he was a GI. And now he is Club? should be in charge of a Catholic : founder and director of the ND Hos- Presiunably Pres. John McNamara University? j pitality Headquarters in Rome. would have been enthusiastic about Either ND should be operated as ' I do not like war any more than the effort to crack the racist rule of a Catholic University or chitnge its I Gary Jones, I am sure. I am for the membership in his city's athletic club, name. ! peace of Christ too. But sometimes if Woodward had drawn beer at the —Leo C. Heringer '24 I LOVE of country may require support ND Club picnic. Normal, III. of country in things we would rather The clincher is McNamara's curios­ not see take place. ity about Woodward's support of the Many Alumni doubtless were grate­ —Rev Robert J. Lochner CSC '37 Challenge and SUMMA fund drives. ful for last issues's "Religion on Notre Dome Not only is this none of McNamara's Campus: to be Catholic or Chris­ business, it is not germane to the is­ tian?" I know I was. From the entire .\s a veteran of the Vietnamese con­ sue. It is rather an example of the article, the most heartening passage flict, I was disturbed to read the 1931 brand of "checkbook faith" that was the one describing student pro­ recent anti-war diatribe of my former has separated Catholicism from most test over the proposed $2 million I classmate, David Clennon. Mr. Clen- American Negroes. chapel to be constructed among the I non finds supporters of the war guilty —Phil Donofiue '57 new high-rise dormitories. The funda- • of "mindless patriotism" which "con­ Doyfon Cover Story page 13 May 1968 June While you're trying to figure out what happened to the old-time Vol. 46 No. 3 college student, try also to figure out what happened to the old- time buck which carried the campus community a long way, back when . The task isn't an easy one.
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