VOLUME; LXXXII NO. ae •S> BANK. N. A, WEDNESDAY, 2S.19W 7c PER COPY Sewerage System Postal Plan's Critics Hearing Oct. 26 Rapped by Auchinclose UTTLB SILVER — Tat SEA BRIGHT - Rep. BH BBJ a SenNCajBaj SSwNBl C AucbbKWM (R-NJ) M dBmtMdh MBMMaaa. 4fca* Khrush EM* rapped crttici of hMotaa dlttokBow tag coatoUdatioa of pottal ten* loa hi Ruaitoa aad'Saa Bright* oa dM matter WM Shows Ha appatrad at the Bh _ : for Oct X from I PA4, 2 Top Cops to M p. m. ta the Markkas Referrmg te"a nmark Aag..M School. Wear by MiyorThamM ParnUlfcM Lewis R. Lowry ttMIho posta| l ' ptaa wu a "dMy at ttM Premier Heads Oppose Police Exec trick.' * TOWN — The local ia theco«aty"w. , thaamti ri-mm trytag to pat a ke the nport of a stsdal Sact- East Tonight .._ -.-it. aad Mck over eaiSta Bright" . tad thli actiM wadd gtanrndaf the coimcU table for After Iowa Stay aadhtadt of tte two «• destroy the morale aad MOMMSM, lUp, AiirldatlnM add- mlht poUc* departs* Ive of the neo ta the do- td, "Aad I wtoh dM auyor wen Tas snap hat eppoM a propceal to ban to I coaM tan Ma to MI study to ttM i aa executive police of- Capt WOUam Woodward, bead tote." Mayor Parnll wu ab> eaeaai " tht ualform divitUm. tad Capt I Mat tram test dghft ATOMC MM UMNCiai—TU UM fo«a* Hmty. «M«kar iMMMar p '. over Chief Earl N. Hoyer. RayMoad WaUag, dttectHo oV"I *»t hellew thtre't M The pnpoMl, reporttd tost mIMH. laMMhlBf auk, H IBMMJM. •» wVwta«. CWM. Tk« Patrick Hanry, 310 faof VWM head, voiced ilaUar oob-«b B IM Bright who tovM IMMJ aatf waiakia* 1,400 taM. b rU aavMlk mwJMr |M>warad oakmarina to bo hiirt it to bring a mta from BihBrightt mote dtha a I ddo," ho outside the townihip to bead tha a» «nta«, COM. (AP Wlraphata) felt that hs ptea At lane ben It a proponl to ccot department be it. ghro dM Ramaoa poet office Jurk> Detactivt Robert Lttti. pred- dlctiea ovor the IM Bright pott dent of the PEA, ttid CUef Hoyer hat boaa a the ortaniiatloo it at dM aaftrtmaat SI yaan. Pewter OeoMt tee to flgfct.lht any move to bring aa of the "all the way -• body tmfauay I into tht department. V d^ %9 Propose 33-point Yacht Harbor attacked tkt pau. However, A«t> "We fed we have oat «f AcconUag to Towawlp Com- teg Poatmattar AadfornefIntthBe.bedMaot way." Ha Program, To Include New Jetty out be will retln ta to«r body an aot "wholly agreed" yetrt. Sea Bright r ATLANTIC HNHLANDC-Tht CMt Of * Pita oa it "at thu potat Rep. AuchincioM odd dMM oatatyaafly rathorlhaa ana aad other pubUc fadHttoa. Mr. OOttttBdl wHt QM would be a aavug of m.BM ta a tlpoiatE prograa for tht Hag or BO- tXaastract a SIMott letty Jetty Plans duMHuieat taeka penoaael wtth tbt operation of the Sea BrtaM oTtht a tonod ovar to thh o bboro- mffldeat ekpefience to Ito atM DM other hearten an eett ef pier d. the proposed aew Job. office, and a nvtag of SMH) to tht opanttoa ef AM Locast peat offtdals MM no Highly critical ot tht chief, office, which would tarn ootoe wm bo apraad ever a fMt ot ana Announced i milntalM thit a ana h) Mayer P. Part Cam* aaU «M the letty aad at rlgw aa- " " j'a olyetn. Borough G«ta State needed to "putt the thaplBBta! tobatrymgto «Mta together." We! from trytag to peck OK to Exceed Debt Too department hat tog area, to MOM •even! major cbaagM m "Ill bewUdertag to MM why Allot $3 Million for Rt 35 Unit for PrognuM. ut year. thrrt't M M maay nhjecttau to It* iMlatty. SEA BRIGHT — CoaMnctioa Capta. Wtllug tad Woodwar. dj ha add. Locutt u far aa I eat IM aaM. ii art hi aagr I. Coattnct tola* • aohidali bad hoaa Relocation Right ot Way of two aow JottiM aa North wen aamod u division " m Man, ia rather glad to have dM at that ho ceaM get lag aad outgoiag laaachiag napt Beach., to raplaeo . Uuiy after both men fobbed a *•"£•- tte Jetty aad pier eta. I waaM aay we wffl be away Stt •Oft €f tht ladycoMtractoabythtnU-imnidpel polke adntHiHrrattoal "WlMU wiU See Bright IOM with Of HWni nffl Wft Dtfvft «t MSMM •* -*- ftnajnan JAatkd capable ot haadUag 1* boat* ia i, la Included m IWe bor- count at Rutg*n Uaivonity. *!• «utgMtkn?" Rep. AuchU. __•_»«» |_ *a_-. -fptaf Inpj fjBMMM •WMMP drMMMMy a» e^BMwR^aja<«MMMjM-BMMMMFJ Mch directtaa at oae ttae. 1 Jetty program tfw year. Seven! traatfen of men to<*»»atked. atBBeT ami wBB SJBy IVeT flS"W _^_^^^^_ AW_ fjaMkBLaam MBBBI B^BJ Alerted 4.Pra*Mta h tht dtttctlvo bunatt au» htTti HI *»'t think U will Icet aay» Mr. Lowry M — M* AMUS WSW iMUsuaai por iBaa^ari inn tv Ma eottodMl.7toi . the ckrk. beta made. < >> ho aaid, la aBiwarto tag Mhat baa takaa ftoce to < Hurricane put of ptor ate with a nmp at Mtt ajghft The Jha _ which • dttocttvtl There will be so ttUfenaeo ta I Wifl todMIBjlHHM nrigasd from the tont *» aarrlee to Iaa Bright nd< Florida bletheaambtref bMta it aad mar aargaaat was da- «M»\ tad tha boreugh't "Ma> wtlh a a peace ear Way taBtaa wtwMt be n- he added. to • [buat; npain wM to BMdi to 0 I. Ceavart gnaad ak» Bivaf' tt, JaBjr, aad dMTrade rdtag to Mr. CoBMtos,ttM kt tokMtta •I wffl bo dMnajiy daa-j I toto a head- Wto* Jatty oa loath Baa 1 to a N aaataM ft DwUht Tht fery of Iho tko _ '—*- kMtor oat of tht project day that SM,7*\m baa bats ear- Fire Rate vtawief dMcea M MM*. Oftkk) aawHat. dM u ta my aptataa, ki markad tor right ot way bam Rt h) gMBC WMM, If the aw* M 17 to Port Lee. ," Adtag Mayer Ndto ,____ Increases rmtian^,taM. Ha aakaa why BMMBMI •*ama*m** MMBM BBB«MBM> Ml el Baton! aM dtot caa hi af Sea BrlgM Director Jo- In Red Bank Irwto aaM dM leMft) Wtft) owMft) tWMe ahli Rot If ho had iw tM pajbUc ask tato tkthet BraBratt dgfaeightt mottht of Amarleaaa. dMy won adM,\rtth- toOowadby Orade at S a. Ptoat abBBt« INI tkah a therh e wen k all of UaaerdMi P.RBB, AucktadoM add, "yoa gat • aat ' ' ~ — - - MM Botkrtat daagw aad at tt WM that the state MM. poach. Than an i MM. I toUUaa dalan wffl bo Fin Chief Albert T. aMBtaa rlakt at way aaar Pat- Board of Local 1 "»wn wUI bo aa tattal coat pan, ho add, aad i t. Pktat MHabto ihrubt aad authsriMd lea Bright to aid add then were Ml ftna rt- to dM UMtad Statoa who COB- toft from Florida to tho !'. bat I'MJooktej » Jut..,! Its debt limit «p to ITMto forP«ted >• SHtf Oat aWVWt ttVSJS^PMf ptSB . SJOVISN h total wu M. However, kt addm. tbto from "M a ktad of nnat a threat ***< Weather damage from tint but year WM Jmt IN HM coat kM af Soviet Ian la Moral aM far totontatt Mirier thta ia 1MI. latllto. that Iaa Bright wU Here le e breakdown: (coattoaad oa papa 2) X Ikon wis bo a eoot Ooaeral dtrme ta INS-W; m koboOMbytto WMt Prooway. dM M* atve •> coatnOBM "^ tartor of lint flow ajMrton. Of Ml wawr a Pnoway. Kt «la M HOBM catta ta UM—O; to MM M. what Mad g aad Kt » hi The Jetty tOTorMa aa dM waat aMa si pptar ate aad -a. Baby Chokes D# HwWNMBM* SUn aUrmi ta MM-a: ta Hi MM t^$ eMtaMtefaternvotoredtoMf - rtor to protect tko toata of Ml MM aa ptor okt dw dopdi of dw p To Death In aad M toot aa ptor tto to pro. Sd i Pinmea speot 71 been at VatBB to «t 47 la OhM- Oracle toak ft*o daya to fena. latt year, the chief sdd. ThLont g Branch MM BMBagBBB BM OMfMROM "Tht Job nay be aadar cea- dght moan total for MM It 71 •Bk? Hardly dructioa by ttM ftnt at headdad. L0NO BRANCH- latddMtdMt Stm alanni. the chtot add, dd Chutes OiHla choktd to ef BMfO) MlBL kvl^tf *M an for Minor sock M O^aMMMMMMMM MB BB. ' at dM Soviet poo- raetttoV jfrnaffMBM' BJI a| Pdtot stM d» mfaat bad km) frnkaod a bottle of BUM aad was oat "MaHy Invdve only MM fire ataMdaaa hod by kta compaay. Pin reports nodvtd Mrs. Jtaa OMH, 71 ePeWfrJl AV«V Blame 5 South Jersey Deaths at poUce btodBBtrton an i ad ever to tht cktof aad ha tor/ton by kto mdMr, Robert Oam\ wag On Mosquito-Borne Disease BBMMT BB tfaW Ami tamV SBBMMV IMMML k77 la ekarto at aa AM tchadt M tht banagh won Tla) oVM BOfVffM SB ti*t fJtJtt laatto cheeked tor fin Mftty reguhkv 4OTm fJBBitMb? MBjphBaaMlfaBj ajpaafl; B^fIW , «7fMBBBBBXBMM«BMM| * by Pat MM aad aarker thai year, MM ottof •r. Ill TIBM Aft., a NtoftN t Robert I. Inrta Ttw ttisy fJM It ct, w dw Mtt by Swaa Tawatbto, tint to aadfy M, - dM BMBY by •§• MMdMbrata aha a ef taw Hthttodd- A Rs. MSMM RJdMid OrModl. wfco 1 y y tmmna? B^Hwdaf f^afAMmTmMmaada aMBmBM W^at VrnMamW BBMMMMMM( BBBBBBMBI V^HBaa) at died Seat.
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