for Action Weather Distribution 7 a.m. temperature 48. Becom- Today lag fair today, high in the Sta. Cloudy tonight, low in the «s. 25,625 Tomorrow, tunny, Ugh 60. Sat- I Red Bank Area f hPjl TIi) I tii il urday, cloudy. See weather, page y Copyright—The Red Bank Register, Inc., 1965. DIAL 741-0010 MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS [nued daily. Mondmy through FrMty. Second Clui Pwtact VOL. 87, NO. 201 Paid mt Itei But *nd U Addition*! MUUiu Ottlcea. THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1965 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE An Answer to ECOM'S Future at Fort A Citizens' Committee Is Needed By DORIS KULMAN future at this military installa- where the county's enlightened as commanding general of the —6,347 of them in ECOM. Its Approximately 1,850 of the mili- all the property-owning, school- authorized civilian strength, 57 be- (Final Article in a Series) tion? best interests lie." fort, said he would be happy to annual civilian payroll tops $60 tary personnel are assigned to tax-paying ones. low its authorized officer strength. FORT MONMOUTH-Organize The general made the sugges The committee also could meet with such a civic group. million. More than $50 million of ECOM. The federal aid for pupils It has 106 enlisted men too many. • Monmouth County Citizens tion during an exclusive inter- serve as liaison between Fort "I would be responsive to a it is dispersed to ECOM's em- In addition to the payroll, most whose parents work and live on It can't expand because it Committee. view with The Register. Monmouth and the county com- responsible citizens' committee," ployees. of which gets spent in Mon- post is double that amount — hasn't got the room. One of the That is one of the answers sug- As the general envisions it, the munity of which it is a part, he said. The rest of the 1,036 civilians mouth County, every school sys- $388.93 per child per school year. reasons it hasn't the room is that gested by Maj. Gen. Frank W. citizen group, aware of the vital interpreting the needs of the post It doesn't take much studying are scattered among "tenant" tem attended by fort civilians No other county employer can Congress never forked over Moorman, military head of the role this base plays in the local to the public and reporting the to decide that the county's best activities at the fort: 737 in the and/or military personnel re- make those statements. No other money to complete the Hexagon, U. S. Army Electronics Com- economy, would study the needs concerns of the public to the in- economic interests are inter- Signal School; 119 in the Satel- ceives an annual federal subsidy. county employer can match that which houses a portion of ECOM's mand (EC0M), here, to the criti- of Fort Monmouth and of Mon- stallation. woven with the fort's futufe as a lite Communigatiens Agency; 103 The federal donation for young- cash contribution. Electronics Laboratories. cal question: What is ECOM's mouth County "and determine Gen Moorman, who also serves thriving military base. in Patterson Army Hospital; 41 sters whose parents work on the And, to state the matter brutal- Four sides of the planned six- More specifically, until some- in the Combat Division Com- post and live off it is $194.46'/2 ly: ECOM is stagnating. body conies along with some- mand, and 36 in the Radio Propa- cents per child per school year, It needs men, money and facili- sided building have been com- thing bigger and better to re- gation Agency. pro-rated according to the days ties. It needs to be made more pleted. At the time the labora- place it, the county's best eco- The installation's military the student is in actual atten- easily accessible, by land and tory was planned, it was assumed nomic interests' are interwoven strength is between 5,500 and 6,- dance. And Uncle Sam shells air. It needs influential friends in its construction would be author- with ECOM's future here. 000 and the payroll exceeds $12 that money out [or the children high places. ized and funded in three succes- The fort employs 7,383 civilians million a year, plus allowances. of all fort employees, including ECOM today is 346 below its (See FORT, Page 3) —t LBJ Talk Stirs Controversy WASHINGTON (AP) — Con- Johnson announced U.S. read- Nam if and when peace it at- "if our actions now should be laying he had no indication or troversy flared today h Congress iness to negotiate and called for tained. interpreted as meaning that the :vidence that the Communists over President Johnson's declar- a massive co-operative economic Sees Challenge Viet Cong would humble us into ire willing to negotiate under ation that the United States is development program for South- Senate Democratic Leader a $1 billion offer in order to call conditions that might lead to willing — without preconditions — east Asia in a major foreign Mike Mansfield said Johnson had it quits when freedom is on the peace, he spoke last night of to try to negotiate peace in Viet policy address last night at Johns laid down a challenge "to all altar." American readiness for "uncon- Nam. Hopkins University in Baltimore. nations concerned to find the Johnson, in his major foreign ditional discussions." "Is this another case of where The President, in the national- way to shift from the path of policy address, affirmed U.S. Last week he said North Viet the American trumpets sound destruction to a united, construc- support for South Viet Nam and ly broadcast and televised ad- Nam must show intentions of retreat?" inquired Senate Repub- tive and peaceful effort which restated the U.S. view that North abandoning its assault on South lican Leader Everett M. Dirk- dress, said he will ask Congress will benefit all of the people of Viet Nam, egged on by Com- Viet Nam before negotiations sen, heretofore a stanch ally of to authorize a $1 billion Ameri- Southeast Asia." munist China, is guilty of ag- could be worthwhile. the President in U.S. Viet Nam can investment in the program, But Dirksen blasted the Presi- gression against its neighbor. In outlining his co-operative policy. which could include North Viet dent, saying it would be tragic But while a week ago he was development proposal Johnson suggested that UN Secretaiy-Gen- ral U Thant launch the plan. The President invited all indus- FOUR OUT OF SIX — This is the Hexagon, New Shrewsbury home of the U.S. Ar- Red Bank Magistrate Post rialized countries including the my Electronics Command's (ECOM) Electronics Laboratories. Four sides of the Soviet Union to join and an- planned six-sided building, which houses only a portion of the laboratories' 2,675 nounced a special team of prom- inent Americans headed by civilians, hare been completed. Congressional authorization for completing the struc- Eugene Black, former president ture ran out in 1962. of tit« World Bank, wou/d guide Mayor to Name KenrigHy VS. putkipttloit. .;;.-;,;. 1^*%!! But whfle showing the Com- munist world the carrot, the RED BANK - Mayor Cites Experience and that term expires next President did not forget the stick. Benedict R. Nicosia will ap- Mayor Nicosia cited Mr. month. He said of U.S.. involvement in Plan Deputy Chief jpoint a fellow Democrat, KenneHy's trial experience as Ends in 1968 the war at the. sjdeof South Viet Francis X. Kennelly, 8 High- another advantage. It would Subsequently, in the sum- Nam: land Ave., to the local magis- provide a good background in "We will not-withdraw, either trate's bench at the April 19 evidence and trial practice, mer of 1964, a bill was passed to correct the situation. The openly or under the cloak of a meeting of Borough Council. he said. The mayor is also a meaningless agreement." Mr. Kennelly, a trial lawyer lawyer. next magistrate's term will be from May 31 to Jan. 1, Ready, But ... Fbst for Walling practicicing in Jersey City, Mr. KenneHy's appointment And while he said the United 1968. has agreed to accept the ap- would be the fourth replace- States is unconditionally ready MIDDLETOWN—The Township has not been reached as to what Police Chief Earl N. Hoyer and pointment if it is confirmed ment of a Republican by a Mr. Kennelly is already to discuss peace, he said: Committee will introduce an ordi- personnel changes will be made Capt. Walling, by council. If voting follows Democrat in a major post serving the borough as a "Such peace demands an inde- nance Tuesday night creating the or who will command the re After considerable discussion party lines, it will be. since Jan. 1 when Republi- member of the Planning pendent South Viet Nam—secure- post of deputy police chief. aligned units. and debate, the committee con- Since Mr. Kennelly is a cans lost control of Borough Board. He has been an un- ly guaranteed and able to shape The committee announced at a Call Caucus ferred privately for about 20 commuter, he would sit at Council for the first time in successful candidate for Bor- its own relationships to all others press conference last night that Mayor Ernest G. Kavalek, po- minutes and then announced its night, probably two nights a Jhe borough's history. ough Council twice. —free from outside interference Capt. Raymond X. Walling, now lice commU'tee chairman, said an decision to go ahead with the week, the mayor said.
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