SOUTHERN NE W HAMPSHIR E UNIVERSITY I N COLLABORATIO N WIT H OPEN UNIVERSIT Y O F TANZANI A TITLE: UYOGR O SOLI D WASTE MANAGEMEN T PROJECT , TEMEKE, DA R E S SALAAM CITY BY: LEM A L . E . "A PROJEC T REPOR T SUBMITTE D I N PARTIA L FULFILMEN T OF TH E REQUIREMENT S FO R TH E DEGRE E O F MASTER S O F SCIENCE I N COMMUNIT Y ECONOMI C DEVELOPMEN T I N TH E SOUTHERN NE W HAMPSHIR E UNIVERSIT Y A T TH E OPE N UNIVERSITY OF TANZANIA " SUPERVISOR: MARI A MAREALLE DATE: 200 5 TABLE O F CONTENT S Supervisor Certification i Declaration ii Copyright ii i Dedication i v Acknowledgement v Abbreviations vi i Operating Definitio n vi i Abstract vii i CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTIO N 1 1.1 Backgroun d 2 1.1.1 Objectiv e o f Upendo Youth Group (UYOGRO) 3 1.2 Justification/Rational e of the Study and Technical Assistance.... 5 1.3 Proble m Statement 7 1.4 Objectiv e o f the Study 8 1.5 Scop e of the Study 8 1.6 Assignmen t 9 CHAPTER TW O 2.0 LITERATUR E REVIE W 1 0 2.1 Theoretica l Revie w 1 0 2.1.1 Th e Concept s o f th e State , Civi l Societ y an d Socia l Wast e 1 0 Management 2.1.2 Urba n Waste Managemen t i n Governance Perspective 1 2 2.1.3 Importanc e of Governance 1 3 2.1.4 Wast e Managemen t a s a Community Concer n 1 4 2.1.5 Historica l Backgroun d o f Urba n Governance i n Tanzania 1 5 2.1.6 Th e Central-Loca l Governmen t Relationshi p an d it s 1 9 Implications for th e Governanc e o f Waste Managemen t 2.1.7 Th e Emergenc e o f Civi l Societ y an d it s Rol e i n Soli d Wast e 2 1 Management 2.1.8 Th e Rol e of th e Centra l Governmen t an d Nationa l Institution s i n 2 2 Urban Waste Managemen t 2.1.9 Th e Rol e of NGOs an d CBOs 2 3 2.2 Empirica l Revie w 2 5 2.2.1 Cas e Studies i n Selected Countries 2 5 2.2.2 Experienc e o f Soli d Wast e managemen t i n Developin g 3 1 Countries 2.2.3 Lesson s From the Above Studies 3 3 2.2.4 Contributio n o f M y Study i n Solid Waste Management Chapter . 3 6 2.3 Polic y Review 3 7 2.3.1 Th e Rol e o f th e Urba n Authoritie s i n Waste Management : Th e 3 7 Legal Framewor k 2.3.2 Th e Rol e of the Privat e Forma l Sector in Waste Management... 3 9 2.3.3 Th e Backgroun d o f the Privatisatio n o f Solid-Waste Collection i n 4 0 Dar es Salaam 2.3.4 Th e Role of the Res t of the Emerging Civil Society 4 2 CHAPTER THRE E 3.0 RESEARC H METHODOLOG Y 4 4 3.1 Introductio n 4 4 3.2 Researc h Design 4 5 3.3 Unit s of Inquir y 4 5 3.4 Samplin g Technique 4 5 3.5 Dat a Collection Methods 4 6 3.6 Dat a Analysis Methods 4 7 CHAPTER FOU R 4.0 PRESENTATIO N O F TH E ACTUA L DATA : ANALYSI S AN D 4 8 DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS 4.1 Overvie w o f Communit y Base d Soli d Wast e Managemen t a s 4 8 Practiced i n Dar es Salaam 4.2 Procedur e for Awarding Contrac t fo r Soli d Waste Management.... 4 9 4.3 Cas e Stud y - Upend o Youth Group (UYOGRO) 5 0 4.4 Furthe r Analysis of Dat a 5 2 4.5 Surve y Results 5 4 4.6 Finding s 7 4 4.6.1 Ineffectiv e bylaws enacted b y the Municipa l Council 7 4 4.6.2 Lac k of Enough Equipment 7 5 4.6.3 Inabilit y to effectivel y collec t the wastes which ar e produced i n the 7 6 neighbourhood a t hig h rate s 4.6.4 Lac k o f enough activitie s t o ensure UYOGRO's sustainabilit y a s a 7 6 CBO 4.7 Recommendation s 7 6 4.7.1 Ineffectiv e Bylaws 7 6 4.7.2 Lac k of Enoug h Equipment an d Sustainability Activitie s 7 7 4.7.3 Inabilit y of UYOGRO t o Collect Waste 7 7 CHAPTER FIV E 5.0 IMPLEMENTATIO N 8 4 5.1 Introductio n 8 4 5.2 Registratio n o f UYOGR O a s a Lega l Communit y Base d 8 5 Organization 5.3 Establishmen t o f UYOGR O Organizationa l Structur e an d 8 7 Management 5.3.1 Expecte d Impact , Outcome s an d Outpu t o f Goo d Organizationa l 9 0 Structure 5.4 UYOGR O Busines s Plan 9 2 I PRELIMINARIE S 9 3 II BACKGROUN D INFORMATIO N 9 3 III MARKETIN G PLAN 9 4 IV COS T ANALYSIS 9 5 V FINANCIA L PLAN 9 5 5.5 Th e Way Forward 9 9 BIBLIOGRAPHY 10 1 LIST OF STATUTES 10 6 INTERNET SOURCES 10 7 APPENDICES 1. Introduction Lette r 2. The Work Pla n 3. Response from Various Authoritie s 4. Certificate o f Registratio n SO No. 1293 3 5. Questionnaire 6. Data Analysis and Frequency Tables 7. Appreciation Lette r fro m UYOGRO t o th e Autho r o f thi s Report SUPERVISOR CERTIFICATIO N This i s t o certif y tha t I have gone through th e dissertatio n fo r Lem a Leslie titled "UYOGRO SOLI D WAST E MANAGEMEN T PROJEC T TEMEKE , DA R E S SALAAM CITY " and found i t i n a form acceptabl e for th e partia l fulfilmen t o f th e requirements fo r th e MASTER S O F SCIENC E I N COMMUNIT Y ECONOMI C DEVELOPMENT o f th e Souther n Ne w Hampshir e Universit y an d Ope n University of Tanzania. Maria Marealle NATIONAL HOUSIN G CORPORATIO N Date: (ii) DECLARATION/STATEMENT O F AUTHORITY "I certif y tha t thi s Projec t Repor t i s m y ow n work , an d tha t i t ha s no t bee n submitted fo r a simila r degre e i n an y othe r University , an d tha t al l source s o f references hav e been acknowledged. Signed Date: (iii) COPYRIGHT "No par t o f thi s Projec t Repor t ma y b e reproduced , store d i n an y retrieva l system, o r transmitte d i n an y for m b y an y means , electronic , mechanical , photocopying, recordin g o r otherwis e withou t prio r writte n permissio n o f th e author o r th e Ope n Universit y o f Tanzania/Southern New Hampshir e Universit y in that behalf . (iv) DEDICATION Community base d organisation s hav e playe d a greate r rol e i n huma n lif e development a t th e grassroot s leve l towards communit y an d eventually nationa l and internationa l economi c development . I n orde r t o develo p a stron g community, the n th e poo r people s hav e t o b e considere d first . Th e rol e o f community-based organisation s require s specia l attentio n an d direction . Thi s work i s dedicate d t o CBO s who m I am reall y indebte d t o hel p an d buil d thei r capacity as they ar e the typ e o f organisation s which ar e close to the communit y at the grassroots level. (v) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would lik e t o tak e thi s opportunit y t o than k m y family, wif e Lilia n and m y thre e daughters, Aikande , Neem a an d Madelein e for thei r lov e an d encouragemen t throughout th e time o f writing thi s projec t report . I am indebted t o m y supervisor, Maria Marealle for he r constant encouragemen t and useful advice throughout th e perio d I was preparing this report . Further gratitud e i s extende d t o al l staf f o f th e Souther n Ne w Hampshir e University a t th e Ope n Universit y o f Tanzania , especiall y our instructor s i n thi s subject Mr . Michael Adjibodou, Mr. Khatibu Kazungu and Mr Felician Mutasa for their co-operation throughout m y studies. Finally, I hol d mysel f responsibl e for an y fault , erro r o r an y othe r shortcomin g that might b e in this project report .
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