VOLUME 47 NUMBER 5 FE�RUARY 27, 1984 Going Places: 'And the Nominees are ...' TWA and TWU GoodFood - In .Agreement It's enough to make your mouth water: a Local 540 of the Transport Workers Union 10-day gastronomic air tour across the (TWU) , representing TWA flight dispatch United States and Europe for winners of . employees, has reached agreement with The Sunday Times of London competition the company on pay, benefit and work rule promoting Egon Ronay's 1984 TWA modifications to the existing contract in Guide to 500 good restaurants . support of TWA's need for co�t relief. , "Good food is good food anywhere in Following opening of the contract for the world," Ronay maintains, "and while that purpose late in 1983 , the new agree­ it is impossible to evaluate a dish in abso­ ment includes: - lute terms, there is no reason why one • Term effective immediately through shouldn't express the same delight about Sept. 30, 1985. the clean flavor of a sea bass with fennel in • A 13% wage concession across the Venice , the light creaminess of a chowder term to be achieved through both reduction in Boston, the delicious blend of shellfish and deferral. and chicken in paella in Barcelona... " • Work rule changes to improve pro­ In setting out to choose 500 good restau­ ductivity. rants in 53 cities in 18 countries for this • Establishment of reduced "B" scale year's guidebook, Ronay assembled an in­ wage and benefit schedules for future new ternational panel "to reach a convincing hires. consensus.': They .were: Rafael Anson, • Profit sharing and participation in the secretary of the Academy of Gastronomy," Class 4 Special Pass privilege. Madrid; R. W. Apple, Jr., chief of the New . Commenting on the agreement, Capt. York Times London bureau; Wina Born, Dick Kenny, vice president-flight opera­ restaurant critic of Avenue magazine, Am­ tions, said that the new pact ''demonstrates sterdam; Charles Florman, European di-­ again that serious negotiation motivated by rector of Fortune magazine; Claude Jolly a desire to preserve the common best inter­ of L' Expres, France; columnist Noel ests of employees and their airline is still Lorande of Le Soir, Brussels; Georges Makeup on TWA flight attendant Pace Ballard is adjusted for bright lights as she workable." Prade, member of the I' Academie Gastro­ Noting- that the TWA dispatchers had prepares to go before the television cameras for· a current TWA Ambassador Class nomes, France; William Rice, editor-in­ commercial. previously participated in a pay pause and chief of Food and Wine magazine, New work rule relief, Capt. Kenny added, "Al­ York; and H. E. Rubesamen, of the Frank­ Two TWA flight attendants are appearing though this is a relatively small workforce, furterAllgemeine Zeitung. on prime-time network television these Special Pass their contribution to TWA's futureis no less days, but don't blink or you might miss significant than that made earlier by sala­ Plain & Fancy Is Extended them. Pace Ballard (LAX) and Geri New­ ried employees and our pilots." "They made sure that human enthusi­ berry (JFK) play the parts of TWA flight To allow more eligible_ salaried em­ asm dominated our choice, that food attendants in a 30-second commercial pro­ ployees the opportunity to take advan­ Game Fare counted for more than fancy facilities or 'moting TWA's Ambassador Class service. tage of the Special Pass Program made dazzling decor," says Ronay. They also Competition for such roles is fierce and . available to TWAers participating in "If it's so dam important for us to get took the position that price is no guarantee both had to go through several auditions wage and benefit reductions to ease higher yields, then why are we setting off a O of good food, he adds. before being selected by Ogilvy & Mather, the company's cost burden, the valid­ new fare war by offering an lympics fare? On their recommendations, Ronay and TWA's ad agency. ity period has been extended two more Is this an example of what the company . · wants to do with concessions from the TWA planned a fO-day itinerary for the It took over 16 hours, from 7 a.m. to months, to December 31, 1984. contest winners , starting with TWA's after 11 p.m., to shoot the 30-second se­ The passes will continue to be sub­ employees - tum around and hand them out to the public?" Royal Ambassador Service, that ''assures quence and get it letter perfect. The use of ject tq the International embargo per­ No sooner had TWA announced its care­ off-beat delights as well as grand gastro­ videotape allowed. instant replay for cor­ iod of June 15 through July 15, and nomic occasions. " rection of errors. The opening sequence August 15 through September 30. fully targeted special promotion fares On arrival in San Francisco, the guests alone , in which two·"passengers" jostle (topage5) (topage5) for elbow room in standard coach seats, required 34 takes before it was accepted. When 34 Years Tota/37 The actors, both professional "talents", Fair Shares actually wore elbow pads to prevent Anyone .holding shares of Trans Wo rld bruises. Corporation common stock as of last De­ In addition to Pace and Geri, also on cember 28 was entitled to receive, on the camera were the two "principals" (a man February 1 spin-off, two. kinds of TWA and a woman) , and 13 other passengers. stock -common and preference-accord­ Another 25 people were involved off cam­ ing to the fo llowing fo rmula: for each era, including the director and assistant share of TWC common, ·.9302848 shares director, camera man, grip (who moves the of TWA common plus .3557494 shares of . camera dolly), gaffer (who wires the light­ TWA preference stock (not to be confused ing) , sound man, hairdresser, and stylist with TWA's "Preferred" stocks). Payment (wardrobe). Pace and Geri wore their own by check in lieu of fractional shares was TWA uniforms . Shooting was done in an made at the rate of $12.971 per share of aircraft cabin interior mockup at TWA's common. Since the preference stock is not television/movie facility near Los traded on any excqange and there is no Angeles. Voice over, music and lettering current market for it, payment for frac­ were added later. tional shares will be made when a market Pace- Ballard and Geri Newberry have establishes a price for it. both studied acting (in fact they still attend Tq avoid possible confusion, anyone classes) and both have hopes of doing more still holding shares of the old TWA com­ television work in the fUture. mon-that is, shares issued prior to forma­ Pace, who will mark16 years with TWA tion ofTWC in 1979-can exchange them this June , has done several other TV com­ for an equal number of shares of TWC mercials, including one for TWA two years common, either through their broker or Mr. ago. She has tried out for many more but, Co-workers at Madrid honored clerk Miguel Rodriquez and his wife, Alejandra Norman Lawrence, Morgan Guaranty she notes, '_'It's very competitive out Senra, when be retired recently after putting in nearly 37 years with TWA in only 34 Trust Company, Stock Transfer, 4th floor, there." She also recently performed in a years. How's that? We ll, Miguel was never late for work, the reason being that he 30WestBroadway,New York ,NY 10015. (topage5) always reported an hour early. Those extra hours added up! =--------------�� Georgia, accompanied Jim and his mother to Germany in early OCtober for treatment Editor's Notes at a cancer clinic there. "Jim was a fine human being," says George, who had· 'Jack Frye's Airline •.• ' known him from childhood. "He was a gentleman's gentleman." It was like Christmas in February earlier The Clinic could not help Jim,. and Es­ this month when the Skyliner office re­ telle Manfredi, a friend and co�worker ceived a complete set .of Skylirters dating from his days in passenger marketing, and from October 1942 through December her husband, Victor brought him home 1982, beautifully bound and in mint co di.,. � later that month. "When Jim changed tion. Our own set of bound (but not so planes at JFK, everyone came out to greet nicely) Skyliners, frequently used for re­ him," Estelle says. "It was a moving expe­ search by ourselves and others, is getting rience and one that I'll never forget. Jim shopworn, so we were especially grateful Tucker was a beautiful human being in to have a perfect set fo� our "archives." every sense of the word." Our benefactor, the late Adeline Rudick, a Dayton ticket agent, had left her collec­ Friends of Captain Fr�d Richardson will tion to Sky liner in her will. By all 'accounts, be saddened to learn of the death of his Adeline was a remarkable person. She wife, Anne, on Christmas Eve. Anne was joined TWA in-November 1942 and was· marriedto TWAas long as she was to Fred, always an extremely conscientious and en­ starting with Transcontinental Air Trans­ ergeti� employee. In addition to her own port (TAT) in 1929. Their first domicile duties, she willingly took on many chores was Waynokar Oklahoma, then on to in the ticket office which weren't officially Clovis, New Mexico, where a son was born her responsibility. Adeline always read the in 1930. Jack Frye business_section of the daily Dayton news­ After 33 years of flying, Fred retired in papers. ·whenever she saw that a TWA 1962 and they moved to Maryland, on -r---------------------------1 customer had received a promotion or other Chesapeake Bay.
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