iianrteatrr ) Umlh Manchester — A City of Village Charm o Saturday, Dec. 19,1987 HOSPITAL NAMES CHIEF Former official Michael Gallacher picked for post By Andrew J. Davis Manchester Herald Michael R. Gallacher. former acting executive director of Man­ chester Memorial Hospital, has been named the hospital’s next president. The announcement of Gallach- er’s appointment was made by the hospital Friday. Gallacher. 47. replaces Warren L. Prelesnik. Who resigned in October. “ It’s a life-long dream to become a president.’’ Gallacher said in a telephone intevlew from Green­ wich. " It’s a great opportunity for us to come back to Manchester.” He is currently senior vice presi­ dent at Greenwich Hospital. Gallacher. who is expected to Join sSI the hospital staff on Feb. 29. rejoins the hospital after a three-year absence. He resigned his position as acting executive director in June 19M. A former assistant director at MMH. he had been acting executive director for six months after the resignation of Executive Director Edward M. Kenney. Kenney left MMH to become director of Green­ wich Hospital. After leaving MMH. Gallacher b^am e executive vice president of the Anna T. Jeanes Foundation and chief executive officer of the Jeanes Hospital in Philadelphia. In June 1985. he rejoined Kenney as senior vice president at Greenwich Hospital. However. Gallacher longed to come back to Manchester, a town he had left after being passed over for the position of executive direc­ tor. Instead. Prelesnik. who could not be reached for comment, was named to the post now known as president. "Manchester. I was there for 10 years.” Gallacher said. “ You can’t Raginald Plnto/M«nch«tt»r forget that association.” BUSY TIME OF YEAR — Postal worker Jim Rivera prepares to sort a Ph® of M. Adler Dobkln. president of tlie narknaes at the main Post Office at East Center and Main streets on Friday search committee and second vice afternoon The job has become a familiar one this chairman to the MMH Board of residents keep the U.S. Postal Service busy by mailing gifts to their loved Please turn to page t ones during the holiday season. ‘Colorization’ is attracting men More use fashion technique ... Page 4 -MAGAZINE PULLOUT SECTION Tax increases target corporations SNAFU by Brue* ■•iW* Gallacher to head hospital By Jim Luther some items were still being computed dependent care so they can work, for special motor fuels. $445 million. The Associated Press Friday. expenses of overnight camp. $117 —Deny the foreign tax redit and tax-deferral benefits for U.S. compan­ Continued from page 1 —Extend the tax on local and million. WASHINGTON - Corporations will long-distance telephone service through —Require doctors, entertainers and ies’ Income earned in South Africa. $43 Trustees, said the decision to hire have to ante up most of the money under 1990. $3.6 billion. other professionals who form personal million. Gallacher was finalized on Thurs­ a deficit-reduction tax increase await­ —Require employers to pay Social service corporations to pay a flat 34 —Tax “ greenmail” payments re­ day. He said Gallacher was chosen ing final congressional approval. Security taxes on all cash tips paid by . percent rate on all taxable income. $200 ceived in r^emption of stock bought in over nine to 10 applicants. But a bit of the sting will be felt by their customers. $465 million. million. a takeover attempt. Under $1 million. Dobkin said the search for a telephone users, wealthy estates and the —Impose a $4.56-a-dose tax for DPT —Freeze the maximum estate-tax —Deny the targeted Job tax credit for president took such a short time parents of every child who gets a (diphtheria, whooping cough and teta­ strikebreakers. $6 million. because of the quality of the whooping cough shot. nus) vaccine, $4.44 for measles and rate at 55 percent; otherwise, it would drop to 50 percent next year. This rate —Redefine limits on employer deduc­ candidate. The measure includes a little relief for mump shots and 29 cents for polio tions for employee pensions. “ We knew him. his interview was individuals who had too little tax vaccine. The money would finance generally affects only estates of more than $2.5 million. Also, benefits of lower —Limit to $1 million the amount of excellent and he knows the town.” withheld or who underpaid their quar­ compensation under a 1986 law for home-mortgage debt on which interest Dobkin said. “ Everything fit into terly estimated taxes this year and thus children who suffer injuries from such rates would be denied estates above $10 million. may be deducted, including boats or place. He seemed to be the right risked a penalty. A requirement that 90 vaccines, in most cases relieving mobile homes used as a first or second man for the right time.” percent of tax liabilities be paid in vaccine manufacturers of liability ex­ —Extend through next July 1 IRS authority to withhold tax refunds from home; prohibit deduction of interest on Though he did not want to advance will be delayed until 1988; the cept where negligence is involved. home-equity loans over $100,000. compare Gallacher to past presi­ old rule of 80 percent will remain in Treasury Secretary James A. Baker people who have past-due government loans. dents, Dobkin said the selection effect for 1987. III has said this provision could prompt —Restrict, except for small compan­ should benefit the hospital as a ies, the completed-contract method of The bill, which won tentative approval Reagan to veto the bill. —Require corporations to pay more of whole. of congressional negotiators Thursday —Extend Social Security taxes to accounting, which allows defense con­ “ He expresses the personality their taxes earlier. $1.2 billion. tractors and big construction compan­ night, would raise about $23 billion over weekend drill pay earned by military —Narrow a 1986 provision under that will benefit this hospital. the next two years. It is likely to pass reservists, some farm employees, ies to delay some taxes until a project is There's no doubt in my mind.” he which estates of some wealthy corpo­ complete. wasting your money.' final votes in the House and Innate on workers employed by their spouses or rate executives could avoid the estate said. Saturday and be signed into law by parents, and to premiums on employer- George Roy, interim president tax on stock sold to employees. $2.6 —Restrict a special tax benefit for President Reagan as early as next financed group-term life insurance billion. automobile manufacturers and others and chief financial officer vice week. Most provisions would take effect policies above $50,000. $461 million. Connecticut Weather president, said he was glad to have —Deny the tax-deferring cash method that .regularly sell from inventory on the Jan. 1. —Increase the payroll tax that of accounting to family owned farming installment plan. Gallacher return even though he is Here are highlights of the tax finances part of the Railroad Retire­ Central, Eastern Interior, Southwest Interior; enjoying his term as president. corporations, such as ’Tyson Foods, Inc. provisions and, when available, esti­ ment program. $326 million. and Perdue Farms, whose gross re­ —Tax certain gains arising from Mostly cloudy Saturday with a 30 percent chance of “ I thought it was very good.” he —Deny the child-care credit, which mates of how much money they would ceipts exceed $25 million a year. The disposition of corporate stock during a snow showers. High 35 to 40. Winds iight southwest. said of the selection. “ He’s been in raise over two years. Estimates for benefits parents who have to pay for the hospital field for many years. inripact would be lessened by allowing liquidation. Cloudy Saturday night. A 50 percent chance of snow —Require tax-exempt organizations He had been very good with the such farms that are required to switch possibly mixing with sleet and freezing rain. Low 25 to that are ineligible to receive deductible patients.” accounting methods to continue avoid­ 30. A 50 percent chance of rain, snow or sleet. High in contributions to state that fact on the 30s. A graduate of Providence Col­ ing taxes on past deferrals so long as lege, Gallacher received his mas­ they remain family owned. $69 million. fund-raising solicitations. Also, tax- West Coastal, East Coastal: Mostly cloudy Saturday exempt groups that solicit donations in ter’s degree in Health Care Admin­ —Restrict employers’ ability to defer with a 30 percent chance of snow or rain showers. High return for services available free from near 40. Winds southwest around 10 mph. Cloudy istration from the Hartford RaglMid Plnto/Manchwtw Hwald taxes on money deposited into a fund for Graduate Center. Prior to joining employees’ vacation pay. the government, such as a summary of Saturday night with a 50 percent chance of rain or Social Security benefits, to disclose that snow. Low around 30. Cloudy Sunday with a 50 percent the hospital in 1975, he was an Michael R. Gallacher,h the new president of Manchester —Extend through 1990 the 0.2 percent administrative assistant and as­ temporary unemployment tax on em­ during solicitations. chance of rain. High around 40. Memorial Hospital, says his appointment is a "life-long” —Treat Judges as employees for Northwest Hills; Mostly cloudy Saturday with a 40 sistant administrator of the Mem­ ployers. $1.7 billion. orial Hospital of Pawtucket. R.I. dream. —Require wholesalers, rather than Individual Retirement Account pur­ percent chance of snow showers. High 30 to 35. Winds poses, denying deductible IRAs to most. light southwest. Cloudy Saturday night with a 50 retailers, to collect taxes on diesel and percent chance of snow and possibly some freezing rain.
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