--_.--....~----~- ~ -- ~ -~- $ • • $ • All the News of All the Pointes l * * * Every Thursday Morning rosse ews Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes lJome of the News VOLUME 22-NO. 49 Entered as Second Class Matter III the Posl Ofllce at Detroit, MICh, GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, DECEMBER 7, 1961 7c Per Copy , $4.00 Per Year 24 PAGES-TWO SECTIONS-SECTION 1 -----------------------_._---------------------------------------------------------------------- , oj tbe i r~-~-c-~i~ns;~~\~Oi~~t~o:Annua_I;~;ClP~~-~,a!e~~-~~-jPoliceman in Parkl~~a~~~~~~p lVEI~K As Compiled by tbe Grosse Poime Nt'WI f'-.,,:.~:~;~f~_':.~:~;~:il Run Down, Hurt ~:~l:~o~s~:e:.~ Thursday, November 30 ENOS, A CHIMPANZEE. is -~~:~ ~-=~-~,->;:-':'~::;-~ -:=-:2::,---':' ~''''''--; . ~'il!l: By Stopped Driver I ~~~s~:B~;'~~_?f~~~~~; back on earth today after twice orbiting the' globe, Un it e d '"_ ........~-. ' . y ''''>:~'11 -------- Members of the Grosse States scientists had originally sche'duled three round trips; I Detroit Motorist Arrested at Home By Detroit Police Pointe Lions Club will be they safely rocketed the 37Y.!- After Getting Away in Chase that Reached on the streets Monday, De- pound chimp into orbit, but Speeds of 70 MPH cember 11, selling special were forced to halt his flight e d it ion s of the Grosse when 3paeecraft troubles devel- A Detroit man, who ran down and injured a Park Po in t e News and daily oped. By the time Enos landed officer who stopped him for a traffic violation, was ar- papers, to raise $10,000, the Wedne'sday ill the A t I ant i c rested by Detroit police on Monday, December 4, and goal set to bring Christmas Ocean, 225 miles southeast of turned over to Park authorities, happiness to the Pointe's Bermuda, part of the trouble Donald Z. Leadmon, 23, of .-.-------------1 needy. had already corrected itself. Scientists said that a human 1264B Frankfort, is being held C 1 V.. This will be the Lions Clui,'s passenger fould have easily cor- for violation of probation and ras t lctlln 33rd Annual l\'ewspaper Sale, rected the' remaining small dif- a warrant was obtained by Volunteers, including personnel ficulty. Park police charging him with Stl.ll Ll.St~,1 from the policc' and fire depart- felonious assault, according to ~U ments of the Park, City, Forms * *J * Park Pol ice Chief Arthur and ShOl'es, will start sel1l1,::: JOHN HERSCHEL GLENN, Lou\\'ers, As Criticlll their newspapers early in :Iw JR. will be the first AmericAn Leadmon, II'ho is accuscd of mOl'lling, regardless of the \'.ca- to orbit the globe. United States violating probation imposed for ther. officials announced selection of a Detroit burglary, was stoppcd Hospital Reports I Com- Persons purchasing papers .11'e the 40-year-old Marine lieuten- by Park Patrolmen Henry WiI- • uI"ge'd to be as generous as IJ'l" ' l' F' t t Rid 30th ant colonel at a pre'ss confer- son and WII lam ur all', a panlon e ease , ers sible because all the proceeds ence ~'esterd~y. Navy Lt. Com- about 1:10 a.m" on IlIonday, for Still in Serious Condition of the sale are used to allevidt~ mand. r Scott Carpenter will be having no real' license plate distress among the blind, infi! m Glenn's backup man, and Astro- lights on his car. Lcadmon was Joseph Tucker, 17, 22815 and needy, naut Donald Slayton is sched- forced to the curb at Kercheval Laukel, St, Clair Shores, Two Chairmen Named uled for the second manned and Yorkshirc, driver of a car involved in Club Pre'sident Art h u r F. orbital shot. Glenn, oldest of Had A Passenger a fatal accident on Lake Churchman appointed Ralph P. the seVen astronauts, backed up These are the members of the Grosse Pointe Lions firemen and police (jf all the Pointes except the Woods, Wilson approached Lcad~on's l~ 0- Martin, chairman, and John 'F. b"th Sheparu and Grissom at Club who \vill be on the streets Monday morning to Shore road Saturday, Dig deep and give generously when you buy your car and demanded Leadmon's 25 Unti, co-chairman of this year's their suborbital flights last sum- sell papers in the annual Goodfellow drive to 'raise vember is still on the paper Monday, ope~ator's license, The offic~r critical list: but holding his committee, mer. funds for charitable projects, They will be aided by notIced anot~er young man In I own, He had been given a Chief recipients of financial He believes that a man could the automobIle, l' h t]' assistance from the Pointe or- have corrected the spacecraft S 1m c ance 0 lve, ganizalion, are the Leader Dog problems that fC'rce'd the chim- Be corn i n g suspicious, the The accident claimed the lile League for the Blind, public Center Tree ParI{ Wins Fil'st ROIUld pa,trolman ordered .Leadmon to, of Richard IlL Belmore, 18, of and private charities and needy panzee Enos down after only Relief Setver,n.; . twice circling the earth, and is :alse t~e hood of hiS car for an 22511 Thirteen Mile road, St. individuals, Many of the form- ready to go up as soon as pre- Lighting Set In Tilt to Test Validity IIIspectlOn of the car motor, ,and Clair Shores, critically injuring er were provided with Braille parations for a manned shot can Pro ject Gets¥:: went to th~ front of the velll~le, Tucker and seriously injuring watches, and in some instances, be completed, Project Mercury For Dec. 17 WIthL~admon,the demand,lIIstead ofsteppedcomplymgon I four :;thers in the automobile, Braille type\\Titers were fur- officials have reserved the At- Of Its Fencillg Ordinance Under WllY the gas peddle and the car shot Others wh~ were hurt are nished to others SD that tllCY lantic missile range for Decem- forward Charlcs Lell'ls, 18, of 22710 can make' theil' O\\'n \\'<ll' in the ber 20 to 29, but have noi stated Traditional Ceremony is Circuit Court Judge Nathan Kaufman Hands Down ' Blackburn; Joseph F. Suit, 18, business world, ' definitely that they will attempt To Cost $33,430 and Will Scheduled Early; All Resi- Decision, Also Giving Residents Right to Wilson attempted to leap of 21915 Harper lane; Paul C. Financial assistance is also to place a man in orbit at this Cross Lochmoor C Iu b away, but was not filst enough. Davey, 16, of 22437 Pointe providcd for those who need time. dents Invited to Attend Appeal for Re-Hearing He was knocked to the pave- drive; and Richard Champine, treatment, or correction of faul- Property; Completion ment and suffered an injured of 2271B Blackburn, all of St. ty vision, or operative surgery * * * The Grosse Pointe War The validity of the Park's fence ordinance, limiting Date Set for April r leg, not serious. Clair Shores. for the sa\ mg of sight, and who AMERICAN MOTORS CORP, the height of fences and hedges on private property, was president George Romney has Memorial's annual com- The officer got into the police Only One Released need care for othel' l'i1al physi. announced that he' is consider- munity Christmas Program upheld in. a decision by Wayne Circuit Judge Nathan Excavation was begnn on cruiser and with Furtaw, took Suit, his shoulder and a leg cal nee'ds, ing running for governor of the and Tree Lighting, given Kaufman on Thursday, November 30. Monday, December 4, pre- up pursuit of Lcadmon. in casts, is the only one Of the .Gives Help To Youths State of Michigan on the Repub- for all Grosse Pointe fami- The ruling' upset a contention i I paratory to the installation Leadmon turned onto York- group to be released from thc The club is active ill en"our- lican ticket. Romney, presently lies, \vill take place Snn- of John and Mary Fannon, Jr., claimed that the six-foot fence of the $33,430 Vernier Road shire toward Jefferson, turned hospital, and he is recuperating aging and promoting Pointe of 780 Grand Marais boulevard, was a necessity because it Relief Sewer that will run left on Jefferson to Bishop, and at home, The others are still in youth activities, thereby dis- serving as a delegate to the day, December 17. The pro- th,at ~he ordinance was un~on- served to protect neighborhood under the Lochmoor Golf left on Bishop to Mack avenue, too serious a condition to be couraging delinquency and en- 'S tat e Constitutional Conven- gram .for the youngsters tion, was forced to de'clare his stl~utl?nal. The Park ~ad flIed children from falling into their Club property, according to ignoring stop signs and traffic released. eouraging healthier minds and possible candidacy by Congress- will begin at 4:30 o'clock SUIt 111 ~ourt, ch~rgmg t.he new pool. They offered to in- information released by lights, The chase was at speeds The car, with Tucker behind attitudes among its future citi. man Robert P. Griffin, who has with the actual tree light- Fan.nons w1th vlolatlOg the cIty stall additional safeguards, but Woods May 0 r Kenneth 'IP to 70 miles an hour, (Continued on Page 2) zens. been touring the State, saying ing taking place at 5:30 ordmance when they erected a the board refused to allo\\l the Call Sent Out ----- In past ye'ars, the Lions Club six-foot fence in their back yard fence to remain and ordered it Koppin. that unless Romney announced p,m. This is a week earlier When the Park officers lost D d T established new progressive his plans, .he (Griffin) would de- (Continued 011 Page 3) to screen in a newly eonstruct- lowered.
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