a « o H THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 19j^- Avanse Daily Net Freas Ron ■ M Sttening iirraUi Pbr TIm Week ijfcded The Weather 9, 19df Partly cloudy totiigM. Low in 20a. Tomorrow ik n S y and A b o u t T o w n Christmas Play Wallet Stolesi, windy. High in 80^ Contained $220 LAST MINUTE GIFTS AND 15,563 Cub Scout Pack 144 will meet Given at Bowers Manchester— City of Village Charm tonl(ht at e:S0 at the Keeney St. "The Christmas Candle," a A wallet contalninig $220, be- School to go caroling. play of early colonial times, Icriging to WHliam Oleon of MIL VOL. LXXXVIL NO. 70 (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1967 (Claaelfled AdverUahig on Page IT) PRICE SEVEN CENTS was presented Tuesday at Bow­ Vernon, N.Y., diea$>pee<red from Members of Co. *. Town Fire ers School for parents and the ithe rent room a t the Purdy- Department, Will meet tonight at upper grades by Mrs. Mafgaret EhtIb Oerp. art HUHnrd SL 7:80 at the W.P. Quish Funeral McCarrick’s 4th grade reading Oleon, who commutes dally Molasses Blvd. Home, 225 Main St., to pay re­ groups. Amm Netw York to imtan elec­ tronic equipment at the plant, AUGUSTA, Oa. (AP) — spects to the late Mrs. Edward The scene of the story is the TOYS Things were sticky along Orlowski, whose brother, John Swansea, Mass., cottage of Mis­ told police he left the wallet LBJ s in Khorat SMa-Tohoggaae-lUkei-Trikei Twiggs Street as a motorlat Reggetts, is a member of the tress Brown about the time of in the rest room yesterday mnmlflg and it was not there discovered when his car went company. King Philip's War. Wermsley, AT LOW DISCOUNT PRICES into a slow, harmless skid. an Indian who threatens the a t 2 pm. The street, one of Augusta’s Members of Manchester Brown family, is frightened off The wallet also contained Ol- OPEN EVERY NIGHT THIS WEEK thoroughfarea, was covered WATBS will meet tonight at 7:30 when they light a Christmas eon’s personal papers. Police Inches deep in blackstrap candle containing gunpowder at aearched the scrap barrels at During Mystery Trip at the D'Esopo Funeral Chapel, molaaaea — about three or 288 Wethersfield Ave., Hartford, y the crucial moment. the plant for the wallet, but and SATURDAY EVE till 11 P iL I tour thouosind gallons of it. /\ emdd not find it. to pay respects to the late Mrs. ’The cast of characters includ­ e Uae Your C.C.P. or O.A.P. Bank Charge PInn e KHORAT, HioUand AP — the Prestdent meant by Gila, unannounced refueling stop Dan Smith, vice president Thomas Riord'an, whose sifter, ed: Mistress Brown, Elizabeth A ring, bracelet and three Prealdent Johnaon flew here ee- whether he planned to be home earlier. of Southern Milling Co., said Mrs. Joseph Kamor, is a mem­ Dougan; Benjamin Brown, John games wtth a total value of $58 carOy Friday night on the latest Saturday or Sunday, His big Jet landed at Thursday night someoone for­ were taken from a parked car MANCHESTER SURPLUS SALES CO, ber of the group. Bigelow; Mary Brown, Tamar 169 N. BIAIN STREET AT DEPOT S4JUARE—648-7U1 leg of a continuing mystery trip, There had been talk he ihlght about 8:88 p.m., AustraUan- got to shut off a storage tank Heads Club Cohen; Warmsley, Peter Klein; belonging to Nlchok^ Costa of telling combat pilots "I want to come back to Washington via Oentral Standard Time; for a pump. Mr. and Mrs. David R. Spen­ Swift Arrow, Kevin Marceau; 12 Bonnw Dr. Tuesday night as look each of you In tha eye.” Rome after a talk wUh Pope stop that the White House hoped cer of 118 Forest St .will have Mrs. William Oellers of 68 Red Wing, Maureen O’Sullivan; he was chopping at the Park- MORR MORB Paul VI, but there was so coci^ would remain undlsoloeed. an open house Saturday from Richard Rd., Vernon; recently Little Morning Star, Linda WU- aide. Police say no forced entry Johnson flaw to this Ameri- flrmotion. The Darwin destination was 7 to 9 p.m. at their home for was elected president of the liams; Indian, Brian McNama­ was made into the car. can-buUt Thai air force base, Johnson told the airmen at announced for the first time State News Miss Penny Spencer and Dr. Syrlart- Lebanese American ra; Master Harden, Patrick Over the past few 'days, 20 which plays a role in the air Khorat: * while newsmen were in the air and Mrs. Victor Rivers and Women’s Club of Greater Hart­ Joy; Master Reed, Robert Christmas lights were taken war over Vietnam, after attend­ "Through the use of air pow­ aboard their chartered Jet family, all of Detroit, Mich., ford, at a meeting in East Hart­ Richardson. from the residence otf Roberta ing memorial rites In Australia er, a mere handful of men-^as plane. who will be spending Christmas ford. Atao, Mistress Reed, Dawn Completes Navy Flight Training Gamoche a t 182 Maple St. The for hla friend and Vietnam ally. military forces are reckoned— Assistant White House nress with the Spenoers. Others elected are Mrs. Mi­ Lindsey; Ellen Reed, Carolyn vlothn toM police she saw a Prime lOnlater Harold Holt. are pinning down some 700,000 Secretary Tom Johnson, told Money chael Zaglool of West Hartford, Lt. (J.g.) Fred P. Leonard HI, son of Lt. Col. (ret.) Fred P. boy on the porch yesterday af- North Vietnamese. 2 Richards; Guests at the party, FREE FREE The White House staff had newsmen there would be a 2 vice president: Mrs. George Scott Gray, Patricia Gonsalves, Leonard of 73 Mountain Rd., has his Navy aviator wings pin­ tenlDon and gave Ws descrip­ sought to keep the trip here se­ "They are increasing the cost "complete lid” on presidential Hospital Party Forzlly of Vernon, treasurer, Deborah Kruescher, Lynn Ger­ ned on by his mother after completing flight training at Cor­ tion to poUce. cret. Word got out about the of Inflltratlon. They are impos­ movements for the reri of the Expected and Mrs. Dewey Santacroce of ber, Stephen Giles, Mary Mar- pus Chrlsti, Tex. After a holiday leave at home, he will go to 1968 Khorat atop, but a secrecy lid ing a high rate of attrition when day and that no one would be Attended by 500 Vernon, secretary. zlalo, Brian Moran, Kathy O'­ Miramar, Calif, for a few months, and then to Atsugl, Japan. Xerox Copy Service still was on the President's fu­ the enemy is engaged, and giv­ permitted to disclose that the Scholar^p awards were an­ Dwyer, Patrick Scanlon, Court­ Lt. Leonard got his pilot’s license while attending the Univer­ ing him no rest when he wlth- chief executive had landed at sity of Southern California under a full Naval ROTC scholar­ ture travri plans. ByNHRR More than 800 Manchester nounced at the meeting and will ney Wheeler, Diane White, Greg M onoheever There was much speculation draws Deirwln. be given to Miss Joan Nassiff ship. He graduated from the university in June 1966 with a Blueprint and Supply, Ihe. Memorial Hospital emyloyes, Anderson and Kerry Regius. REUGIOUS CALENDARS that he might visit Vietnam It- "And air power Is providing Communications Uaison men NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP)— of 241 Vernon St.; and Michael In charge of lighting were degree in industrial engineering. (Official Photograph U. S. 690 Hartford Rd., Moncheater trustees. Incorporators, and 649-8698 self, although hfa staff refused moblUty \riUch meets and from private companies told The bankrupt New Haven Rail­ Zaglool and Raymond Roman­ David Shearer and David Navy.) to say where he woidd go next. matches the stealth of an enemy road expected $1.7 million In members of the Women's Aux­ os, both of West Hartford. BodcvUle Exchange Ent. 149B their potential curiomers that Mitchell. Roimle Glardin Speaking to men In uniform tactics are based on «id- although they had set up special help today from the registry of iliary enjoyed a Christmas handled the curtain. For all Manchester Parishes now available at here, J'ohnaon said: den hit and run attacks.” the U.S. Dtstrlct Court here. 2 party and buffet supper last key, ham and roast beef were At a second assembly yester­ “I realize that an old man Is a President Johnson made an (See Page Ten) The way was paved Thursday night from 6 to 0. devoured at the buffet, along day by the 6th graders, pupils AMERICAN LEGION POST *102 our Manchester office while the supply lasts. In New York City, where the The event, the first of its kind the OLD poor excuse for your wife and with mountains of potato and explained the holiday customs 20 Leonard S»., Manchester your family and your loved 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Ap­ at the hospital in over 10 years, macaroni salad, relish trays, of several countries and sang Come in early and don't be disappointed. peals turned down a bid by was termed a huge success by ones, but I wanted so much to cakes, cookies and the like, re­ songs ^rom those lands. be with jtou at Christmas. I some New Haven bondholders hospital officials. The turnout ported Ronald Schmalz, direc­ The speaking parts were pre­ NEW YEAR'S EVE CELEBRATION W eldon to block the line from receiving was so large It overflowed the want to look each of you in the tor of personnel, who planned sented by Peter Heard, John eye.” .
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