Jum.b. 44. 969 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. WELLINGTON, THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1919. Proclaiming Nati~ Land to be Grown Land under Se.ction 14 Proc/,aiming Native Land to be Grown Land under Section 14 of the Native Land Amendment Act, 1914. of the Native Land Amendment Act, 1914. [L.B.] LIVERPOOL, Governor-General. (L,S.] LIVERPOOL, Governor-General. A PROCLAMATION. A PROCLAMATION. ·w HEREAS by section fourteen of the Native Land HEREAS by section fourteen of the Native Land - Amendment Act, 1914, it is provided, inter alia, that W Amendment Act, 1914, it is provided, inter alia, on being satisfied that the purchase of any Native land has that on being satisfied that the purchase of any Native land been duly completed by or on behalf of the Crown under the has been duly completed by or on behalf of the Crown under authority of the Native Land Act, 1909, the Governor-General the authority of the Native Land Act, 1909, the Governor­ may issue a Proclamation that such land has become Crown General may issue a Proclamation that such land has become land: Crown land: And whereas the purchase of the Native land set out in And whereas the purchase of the Native land set out in the Schedule hereto has been duly completed by or on behalf the Schedule hereto has been duly completed by or on behalf of the Crown under the authority of the Native Land Act, of the Crown under the authority of the Native Land Act, 1909: 1909: Now, therefore, in pursuance and exercise of the power Now, tl,_erefore, in pursuance and exercise of the power and authority so conferred upon me by section fourteen of and authority so conferred upon me by section fourteen of the Native Land Amendment Act, 1914, I, Arthur William the Native Land Amendment Act, 1914, I, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor-General of de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim the land the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim the land set out in the Schedule hereto to be Crown land. set out in the Schedule hereto to be Crown land. SCHEDULE. SCHEDULE. MoHAKA 55o Block: Approximate area, 149 acres 1 rood 14 PIKAUNGAEHE No. 2 Block: Approximate area, 407 acres perches; Mohaka and Waihua Survey Districts. 3 roods 15 perches; Taramarama Survey District. Oiven under the hand of His Excellency the Ri(lht Given under the hand of His Excellency the Riiht Honourable Arthur William de Brito Savile, Honourable Arthur William de Brito Sa.vile, Earl of Liverpool, Member of His Majesty's Earl of Liverpool, Member of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, Knight Grand Most Honourable Privy Council, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Cl'oss of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Knight Grand Cross Michael and Saint George, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Excellent Order of the British of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Member of the Royal Victorian Order, Em.Pire, Member of the Royal Victorian Order, Knight of Grace of the Order of Saint John of Kmght of Grace of the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Governor-General and Commander­ Jerusalem, Governor-General and Commander­ in-Chief in and over His Majesty's Dominion in-Chief in and over His Majesty's Dominion , of New Zealand and its Dependencies ; and of New Zealand and its Dependencies; and issued under the Seal of the said Dominion, issued under the Seal of the said Dominion, at the Government House at Wellington, this at the Government House at Wellington, this· second day of April, in the year of our Lord one second day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and nineteen. thousand nine hundred and nineteen. W. H. HERRIES, W. H. HERRIES, Native Minister. Native Minister. Go» SA VB THB KING ! Go» SA Viii 1'Hlll KING ! A 970 THE NEW· ZEALAND GAZETTE. lNo. 44 Proclaiming Native Land to be ve&ted in Hia Majeaty under SECOND SCHEDULE. Section 868 of the Native Land Act, 1909. RoAD CLOSED. APPBOXIMATB areas of the pieces of road closed :­ [L.s.] LIVERPOOL, Governor-General. A. R. P. A PROCLAMATION. 0 0 17·3 Adjoining or passing tlfrough O.L.C. 7. HEREAS by section three hundred and sixty-eight 0 2 4·7 W of the Native Land Act, 1909 (hereinafter referred 0 1 19 to as " the said Act"), it is provided, inter alia, that t"l-.e 1 0 20·9 Crown may purchase any Native land in pursuance d a 0 0 8·6 • resolution of the assembled owners passed and confirmed 0 1 4·6 in accordance with Part XVIII of the said Act, and on 0 3 11 the resolution being adopted by the Native Land Purchase 0 1 1·8 Board it shall become a contract of purchase as between Coloured on plan : Green. the Crown and all persons who are the owners of the land ; All situated in Block V, Takahue Survey District. (S 0. and the Governor-General may, by Proclamation, at any 19977.) time after the contract of purchase has been so made, declare All in the North Auckland Land District; ail the same are that the land so purchased is vested in His Majesty the King, more particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. and it shall be vested accordingly and shall become Crown 45465, deposited in the office of the Minister of Public land: -Works at Wellington, in the Wellington Land District, and And whereas a resolution was passed hy a meeting of thereon coloured as above mentioned. assembled owners, im.d duly confirmed by the Waiariki District Maori Land Board, that the land set out in the Schedule Given under the hand of· His Excellency the Ri~ht hereto be sold to the Crown : Honourable Arthur William de Brito Savile, And whereas the Native Land Purchase Board has adopted Earl of Liverpool, Member of His Majesty's such resolution : Most Honourable Privy Uouncil, Knight Grand Now, therefore, in pursuance and exercise of the power Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint and authority conferred upon me by section three hundred Michael and Saint George, Knight Grand Cross and sixty-eight of the said Act, I, .Arthur William de Brito of the Most Excellent Order of the British Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor-General of the Do­ Empire, Member of the Royal Victorian Order, minion of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim and declare Knight of Grace of the Order of Saint John of that the land set out in the Schedule hereto is vested in Jerusalem, Governor-Genera.I and Commander­ His Majesty the King. in-Chief in and over His Majesty's Dominion of New Zealand and its Dependencies ; and issued under the Seal of the said Dominion,. SCHEDULE. at the Government House at Wellington, this PouAKANI A No. 2B Block: Approximate area: 350 acres; second day of April, in the year of our Lord one Ranginui Survey District. thousand nine hundred and nineteen. W. FRASER, Given under the hand of His Excellency the Ri~ht Minister of Public Works. Honourable Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, Member of His Majesty's Gon SA v11 THIil KING ! Most Honourable Privy Council, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Member of the Royal Victorian Order, Lana proclaimed a, a Road. and Road closed, in Blocks XVI, Kmght of Grace of the Order of Saint John of Tiriraukawa, and XIII, Hautapu Survey Di$trict,, Rangi­ Jerusalem, Governor-General and Commander­ tikei County. in-Chief in and over His Majesty's Dominion of New Zealand and its Dependencies ; and [L.s.] LIVERPOOL, Governor-General. issued under the Seal of the said Dominion, at the Government House at Wellington, this .A PROCLAMATION. second day of April, in the year of our Lord one N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by thousand nine hundred and nineteen. I section eleven of the Land Act, 1908, I, Arthur W. H. HERRIES, William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor­ Na~ive Minister. General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby, with the consents of the owners and mortgagees of the land Gon SA VB THIil KING ! • described in the First Schedule hereto, and of the Rangitikei County Council, being the local authority in whose district the said land is situated, proclaim as a road the land in Land proclaimed a• a Road, and Road cloud, in Block V, T1riraukawa and Hautapn Survey Districts described in the Takahue Survey District, Mongonui County. First Schedule hereto; and also do hereby, with the like consents as aforesaid, proclaim as closed the road described [L,s.] LIVERPOOL, Governor-General. in the Second Schedule hereto. • A PROCLAMATION. N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by FIRS'.!.' SCHEDULE. I section eleven of the Land Act, 1908, I, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor-General of LAND PROCLAIMED AS A Ro&D. lhe Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby, with the consents APPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of land proclaimed as a . of the owners and mortgagee of the land described in the road:- Firel Schedule hereto, and of the Mongonui County Council, A. R. P. Portion of being the loc"l authority in whose district the said land is 7 2 4 Omuia Block, Block XVI, Tiriraukawa Sur­ situated, proclaim as a road the land in Takahue Survey vey District; coloured red.
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