Men Are Adopted' by God THE GOSPEL for the second Sunday after Easter proclaims the with Him, in a higher sense than we are one with Adam, our earth­ intimate relationship between Christ and mankind. Jesus says that ly progenitor. He is the Good Shepherd, knowing His own in the same intimate way Even withoi^t the Incarnation, God could have adopted us as His that God the Father knows Him and He knows the Father. He is not children and mkde us brothers of His natural Son, by conferring someone whose only business with the sheep is that He is appointed grace on us. But without the Incarnation this dignity would have to guard them. They are so much a part of Him that He gives His lacked a basis in us, and would have been less perfect, because too life for them. high above us. Whence comes this intimacy? It is due to the assumption by the BY THE INCARNATION, however, we are all in truth embodied Word of God of our human nature, whereby we become truly one in the persons of God’s Son and have become His members. God looks upon us no longer as situated upon the low level proper to our own persons; He sees us in His Son, and His Son in us. He holds us substantially united to His Son, and kin to Him. That is what Jesus meant when He said: “My sheep are known to Me and know Me; just as I am known to My Father, and know Him” (John x, 14-15). Because of Christ our sonship is no longer a mere­ T ly adoptive sonship, since we receive it from God the Father not as strangers but as kinsfolk, as members of the only begotten Son, and can lay claim to it as a right. He is opr Father in somewhat the way that He is Father of the God-Man in His humanity. We are in some sense one single son of the Father in the Son and with the Son. \ Encourage Spiritual Like a huge magnet, the Person of the God-Man mysteriously dominates the whole race and pervades it with His personality, thus men belong to Christ more than to themselves, and in a large sense form Formation of Children one person with Him somewhat as Christ’s own hum­ By Rev. Joseph A. Hughes by inadequate preparation and taste for better things across anity forms one Person with the Son. THE HOME is basically a by superficial demands upon the line in reading, music, and art. IN A WIDE SENSE man is a member of Christ’s school. Parents are the prin­ them. Spiritual formation for chil­ cipal teachers of little chil­ The religious program in Body by the very fact that he belongs to the human dren. The primary lesson of dren should include indoctrin­ family life ought to include race, but only so far as he is thereby called actually ation in the liturgical spirit. life is how to live — for joy the basic and positive lessons to attach Himself to Christ and to enter into the or­ It is quite easy and very de­ and peace and character on of charity and the apostolate. ganism of His Body, which is the Church. earth and for beatitude in lightful for children to learn It is not enough to teach the and live the liturgical year at In this parable Christ says: “Other sheep I have eternity. little ones not to offend kind­ that are not of this fold. Them also I must bring, and ness; there should be some at­ Christian children will grow they shall hear My voice, and there shall be one fold to love the Christian life or tempt to motivate them to­ ward searching out the poor and one shepherd” (John x, 16). to ignore it — in the home. Sometimes this sentence is taken to mean that Technical information and The and forgotten, and underpriv­ professional training in the ileged so that they may bring eventually all the world will belong to Christ’s Church. help where help is needed. area of parenthood is impor­ It at least means that all men are called to become Love ol Neighbor tant. Spiritual Children should be taught its members, for we can come to Christ only through that there is more to religion Because St, Peter Claver “Apostle of the such differences as superficial and unim­ And it is altogether too bad His Church or by receiving influence from it, for the than avoiding sin, that reli­ Negroes” had a true love of God,- he truly that college students will qual­ Church is none other than the Body of Christ. portant. He would board the slave ships and Life gion is essentially faith and loved men as images of God. In Colombia, ify for academic degrees and distribute food among the slaves and try to love, that all Christians are S. America, he became a slave of the slaves assist them spiritually. Love of neighbor for train themselves minutely for business or law or me^cine called by God to grow in the for Christ’s sake. He was indifferent to racial Christ’s sake motivated St. Peter Claver as It home, not only at Christmas supernatural life. and nationalistic differences because he saw shocld motivate ail Christians. or engineering or nursing or and Holy Week but at all the teaching or some other tech­ high and low points of liturgi­ PERHAPS IT should be said nical field and content them­ cal interest. briefly here, too, that it is a selves with a “smatter” This knowledge is imparted course in homemaking, when sacred duty of parents to give through simple and uplifting their children adequate sex A w and Learn homemaking is their basic ca­ prayers. Children can be reer. education, an understanding P. 0. Box 1620, Denver, Colorado Brown Scapular Pledge taught to join with others at of God’s plan for human life at Mass in reciting prayers IT IS ESPECIALLY sad and reverence for the mys­ and singing songs and taking teries of married love. A Writer Asks? that women will struggle part in processions. Of tAary's Protection ihrough four years of college Their mature understanding With diligence and concern Q. As a free-lance writer for juvenile periodicals I find it life and wrestle with all man­ of all this will often surprise for the spiritual welfare of impossible to make a living by supplying my articles (on ner of technical and profes­ adults who were not given the children, parenthood can be­ sports and hobbies) exclusively to Catholic and secular publi­ THE MOST striking feature of the lar would invite chastisement instead sional training and at the opportunity to know early in come a more thrilling expe­ cations. Some time ago I succeeded in placing my photos and sacramental known as the Brown Scap­ of blessing. same time treat parenthood liife the thrill of sharing with rience than it seems to be to writings with a Protestant youth magazine. Is there anything ular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel is But granted that the wearer does and child care and fam­ others their prayers and sac­ some harrassed fathers and wrong with so doing? the promise that is believed to have ily health and education and rifices and their love for the mothers. There is hope and A. No. You might be compared to a caterer who make a sincere effort to live a life satisfaction and reward for been made to St. Simon Stock in 1251 pleasing to God, we may assume that similar items, strictly as an Lord. supplies ice cream to a Protestant Sunday school afterthought. At home children can, with even the effort to bring God by the Mother of God: “He who dies this sacramental is a sort of congealed to children and to grow with outing. Your co-operation in a non-Catholic religious clothed with this Scapular shall not A new pattern of family life little effort, learn to do a bit prayer perpetually imploring the as­ of spiritual reading regularly, children in the life of grace. enterprise is remote and is justifiable by your suffer eternal fire.” can be started by the enlight­ sistance of the Mother of God for a ened parents of this genera­ even if it should amount in vocation. Every Catholic understands that the happy death, and that it is a constant tion. There are signs that a the beginning to looking at It is human to err; it is dev- The case would be different if the magazine wearing of a Scapular must be accom­ reminder of the wearer’s obligation to new race of parents is rising pictures. The Bible seems of­ lish to remain wilfully in er­ made a practice of attacking the Catholic religion panied by true faith and a sincere ef­ live so that he may not die unpre­ out of the desolation of a neo­ ten to have an amazing at­ ror. — St. Augustine: Sermon (Canon 1386, par. 2). As a rule, however, Protestant pagan age. The beginnings traction to children. 164, 14. fort toward good living, though occa­ pared. « * youth magazines do not offend in this way. sional falls do not void the promise. If will be made adequately only A wavering or shallow mind worn for safety in sinning, the Scapu- by fathers and mothers who MORE ATTENTION could IT MEANS that the Blessed Virgin search their souls for ways to be paid to introducing into does perhaps as much harm Escape Because of Ignorance by her powerful intercession will draw to others as a mind that is form their children fully for a young lives a love for the Q.
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