21st Report of the JSC on Municipal Corporations and Service Commissions PARLIAMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO Fifth Session (2014/2015) TENTH PARLIAMENT Twenty-First Report Joint Select Committee Appointed to inquire into and report on Municipal Corporations and Service Commissions oonn aa RReevviieeww ooff tthhee AAddmmiinniissttrraattiioonn aanndd OOppeerraattiioonnss ooff tthhee SSiippaarriiaa RReeggiioonnaall Ordered to be printed with the Minutes of CCoorrppoorraattiioonn Proceedings and Notes of Evidence 1 21st Report of the JSC on Municipal Corporations and Service Commissions An electronic copy of this report can be found on the Parliament website: www.ttparliament.org The Joint Select Committee on Municipal Corporations and Service Commissions (with the exception of the Judicial and Legal Service Commissions) Contact the Committee’s Secretariat Telephone: 624-7275 Extensions 2277/2527/2282, Fax: 625-4672 Email: [email protected] 2 21st Report of the JSC on Municipal Corporations and Service Commissions Twenty-First Report of the Joint Select Committee appointed to inquire into and report on Municipal Corporations and Service Commissions [with the exception of the Judicial and Legal Service Commission] on a Review of the Administration and Operations of the Siparia Regional Corporation Date Laid: HoR: 08.06.2015 Senate: 05.06.2015 3 21st Report of the JSC on Municipal Corporations and Service Commissions The Committee Mr. Anthony Vieira Chairman Mr. Hugh Russell Ian Roach Mr. Prakash Ramadhar, MP Vice -Chairman Member Mrs. Vernella Alleyne - Toppin , MP Ms. Marlene Coudray Ms. Shamfa Cudjoe Member Member Member Mr. Chandresh Sharma, MP Ms. Marlene McDonald, MP Mr. Devant Maharaj Member Member Member Mr. James Lambert Mrs. Joanne Thomas, MP Mr. Rodger Samuel, MP Member Member Member 4 21st Report of the JSC on Municipal Corporations and Service Commissions Committee Mandate and Establishment In accordance with provisions of section 66(A) of the Constitution of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, on September 17, 2010 the House of Representatives and October 12, 2010 the Senate, agreed to a motion on the subject of the appointment of a Joint Select Committee to inquire into and report to Parliament on Municipal Corporations and Service Commissions with the exception of the Judicial and Legal Service Commission on all matters relating to: . their administration . the manner of exercise of their powers . their methods of functioning; and . any criteria adopted by them in the exercise of their powers and functions. Powers of the Joint Select Committee Standing Orders 71B of the Senate and 101 of the House of Representatives outline that inter alia the Committee is empowered to study and report on all matters relating to the mandate, management and operations of the Ministry or Body assigned to it by the House. In consequence, the Committee has the powers inter alia: to review and report on all matters relating to: . the statute law relating to the Ministry/body assigned to it; . the program and policy objectives of the Ministry/Body and its effectiveness in the implementation of same; . other matters relating to the management , organization of the ministry or body, as the Committee deems it fit; to send for persons, papers and records; to adjourn from place to place; to appoint specialist advisers either to supply information which is not otherwise readily available or to elucidate matters of complexity within the Committee’s terms of reference; and to communicate with any other Committees of Parliament on matters of common interest. 5 21st Report of the JSC on Municipal Corporations and Service Commissions Membership The members of the Committee are as follows: . Mr. Anthony Vieira1 - Chairman . Mr. Hugh Russell Ian Roach2 - Vice-Chairman . Ms. Marlene Coudray3 . Mr. James Lambert4 . Ms. Shamfa Cudjoe . Mr. Devant Maharaj . Mrs. Vernella Alleyne-Toppin, MP . Mr. Chandresh Sharma, MP . Mr. Rodger Samuel, MP . Mr. Prakash Ramadhar, MP . Ms. Marlene McDonald, MP . Mrs. Joanne Thomas, MP Secretariat Support Secretarial assistance was provided by the following officers: Mr. Julien Ogilvie - Secretary Ms. Candice Skerrette - Assistant Secretary Ms. Kimberly Mitchell - Graduate Research Assistant Mr. Johnson Greenidge - Parliamentary Intern Meetings For the purpose of this inquiry, the Committee held one meeting with officials of the Siparia Regional Corporation on Friday July 25, 2014. 1 Mr. Anthony Vieira replaced Mr. Elton Prescott on the Committee with effect from September 23, 2013. 2 Mr. Hugh Russell Ian Roach replaced Mr. Subhas Ramkhelawan on the Committee with effect from May 6, 2014 following his resignation as a Senator on 10 April, 2014 3 Ms. Marlene Coudray replaced Brig.(Ret’d) John Sandy on the Committee with effect from 16.10.12 following the termination of his Senatorial appointment on June 25, 2012 4 Mr. James Lambert replaced Mr. David Abdulah on the Committee with effect from 16.10.12 following the termination of his Senatorial appointment on June 22, 2012. 6 21st Report of the JSC on Municipal Corporations and Service Commissions Contents Page # List of Figures ................................................................................................................................ 9 Table of Abbreviations ................................................................................................................. 9 Executive Summary .................................................................................................................... 11 Chapter 1 ..................................................................................................................................... 14 Summary of Recommendations ........................................................................................ 14 Chapter 2 ..................................................................................................................................... 17 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 17 Background of the Review ................................................................................................ 17 Conduct of the Inquiry ...................................................................................................... 21 Ministerial Response ......................................................................................................... 23 Chapter 3 ..................................................................................................................................... 24 Key Issues, Findings and Recommendations .................................................................... 24 Human Resources .............................................................................................................. 24 Financial Management ...................................................................................................... 29 Public Health ..................................................................................................................... 31 Infrastructural Development ............................................................................................. 36 Policing and Security ........................................................................................................ 39 Disaster Management ........................................................................................................ 41 Tourism and the Environment ........................................................................................... 44 Strategic Planning ............................................................................................................. 45 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... 47 APPENDICES ............................................................................................................................. 49 Appendix I ................................................................................................................................... 50 Entities falling under the purview of the Committee ........................................................ 50 Appendix II .................................................................................................................................. 52 Minutes of the Proceedings of July 25, 2014 .................................................................... 52 Appendix III ................................................................................................................................ 68 Excerpt of Verbatim Notes of the Public hearing held on July 25, 2014 .......................... 68 7 21st Report of the JSC on Municipal Corporations and Service Commissions Appendix IV ................................................................................................................................ 98 SRC Organizational Chart ................................................................................................. 98 Appendix V ................................................................................................................................ 100 SRC Staff Requirements ................................................................................................. 100 Appendix VI .............................................................................................................................
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