Rugby Football Union W THOR E 1 COUNTY CHAMPIONSHIP DURHAM V CHESHIRE Saturday 31st Ocfober 1981 MOWDEN PARK R.F.C. 22 Yiewsley Drive, Mowden Park, Dartington KICK OFF 2.30p.m. Cost of programme: 20p 'r.' .. • '. Ir .-~ =:. '~-;' 1:000 ... _ _. • WE'RE LOOKING FORWARD TO SOME REALLY BRIGHT RUGBY. THORN EMI Lighting MESSAGE FROM MR. J.A. SIBLEY As we enter the third year of involvement in the THORN EMI County Championship we can look forward to the constructive changes in the arrangements fo r the competition which the R.F.U . plan to introduce in the 1982/83 season. Thi s in turn will add a little extra bite to the current round of matches as 1981 / 82 results wi ll determine the fina l line up for the counties in the new format of the competition. THORN EMI is happy to learn of the increased standing to be given to the County Championship which provides the opportunity for players from as far apart as Cornwall and Northumberland to progress in th e game and hopefully attract the attention of the selectors. ln the past two years we have witnessed memorable County Champion­ ship finals-the mud at the Vale of Lune and the fog and Blayden Races at Gloucester. What does this year have in store? 1 believe it w ill again produce many hard fought matches played in the true Rugby spirit - if so th en ail spectators wi ll enjoy themselves. l DIRECTOR & COMPANY SECRETARY ~. - . ~ THORN EMI pic The heart of a perfect kitchen 3000 Combined Oven/Grill • The fi,.t buUt-in gaa • Unique ·Th,,,m,, ••" oven with combined f ••tur. brlnga .ulomatic .y.-I evel grill. and thermost.tle control • Clin be installed Into to halplate cooklng. standard housing unit. • Patterned control panel in • Advanced fully auto matie • Advanced fully automatic toughened glass. conlrols. control s, • Modern " Iow profile" • PaUerned Qian • Four equally rated burners appearance, see-Ihrough ol/en doo, - can with superb simmering bel.ft or rigl'lt l'land hlnged. control. • Rotisserie and kebab • Qven IInings that help atlachments in oven. ctean themselves as you • Separate removable • Very targe oven, cook. spillage bowls for easy incorporaling oven liOn!. cleen1ng, • Oven haat lones allow • Vitreous enamel hOlplale you 10 cook li complele meal surface - hard weating and at one settino _ easy to clean, • Drop down grill door. • THE NEW IMPORTANCE, AND OLD FASHIONED FUN OF COUNTY RUGBY Two seasonsago THORN EMI gave the County Championship a new lease of life; and now the R.F.U. have given it a further, deserving, shot in the arm. 50 the 'Division lobby' lost, and, indirectly, the THORN EMI County Championship is a principal beneficiary. And l, for one, am pleased . Inevitably, for those who played in County rugby ones feelings on the matter-the 'up' -or 'down-grading' of the Championship - must be influenced by ones experience of it. M y lasti ng memories of County football w ith Oxferdshire and 5urrey will be of a great dea l of fun - even if there were sorne Wednesday afternoon matches when the quality of rugby did not seem to warrant the watching presence of even the two men and a dog parading the touchline (i n addition to the committee who invariably outnumbered the players!). But it wasn't always like that. On top of sorn e fiercely contested county 'derbies: the occas­ ional Group success and subseq uent 'play-off; quarter- or semi-final, gave one a taste of what county rugby cou Id be. Even then, and that's a few years ago now, most of the players wou Id have welcomed a county competition of greater significance, as it promises to become next season. 1 wish the changes had come sooner. But there was always th e pleasurable and va luable experi ence of partnering pl ayers from different clubs, of witness­ ing the junior club representative making 'the big time: of encountering opponent's away from their normal beat, or simply of widening ones circle of rugby friends. There was, too, a genuine identity to enjoy, additional to that of ones club, which had as its basis historica l, local and intimate loyalty, and one that a revitalized, 5aturdays only, CountyChampionship can only enhance. Hopefully, the new style County Championship w ill also provide a helpful mid-point between club and country representation. If so, that's a bonus for the selectors. But there does seem to be a body of opinion which can only see the County Championship as a means towards an end, and not as an end in itselr. 1would suggest they're missing the point, and perhaps have not fou nd the pleasure that there is to be experienced w h en in­ volved as a player, or another capacity, in county rugby. The new structure of county rugby will surely provide the impetus that's been missing from the competition. 1doubt if next season there' 1I be any likelihood of dressing-room intro­ ductions between one player in a county tea m and another of the same side, 20 minutes before both take the field together, or occasions when a si de starts a match with 13 players- 2 others lost en route to Colchester or Chipping Norton! Mind you,occurrences like that were part of the fun ... in retrospect! 50 while we wait twelve months for a restructured County Championshipon a league basis, w here do we search for this year's THO RN EM I County Champions? Weil, if the last 6 years are anything to go by cast your eyes far and wide, si nce in that time champions have emerged from ail corners of England. No, it's not just a Gloucestershire-l ancashire private ciuel , though their part in the competition has been substantial enough. Perhaps a stronger guideline might be to look for Cen tenari ans. Remember it was Northumberland's Thorn Trophy last year, Middlesex won the title 3 years ago, and thi s time? .. You'd better keep a special eye once again on Bill Beaumont and his lancastrian lads! By NIGEL 5TARMER-5MITH, Editer of Ru gby Post and BBC Rugby Commentator. (iRICITY 1 One way or another,we've helped to make the British Kitchen what it is today. Thorn Domestic Appliances (Electrical) Ltd., New Lane. Havant, Hants POg 2NH Il, , ~" Il Aftertoday's match sit down and watch some adion replays. • • ~r_!fI;,NiSl. _ .. ~_ <~~~~ =-.:c ~=.- --L ­ )= -- THORN EMI Video present 8 cassettes that give you the chance to watch and learn from champions of 5differentsports. [IJ Howto play bettertennis and golf. International gymnastics featuring the ......l...... USSR international display team. The storyof Pelé, theworld's greatest i!= [I);h'[j.',1 1 footballer and a decade of Grand Prix VIDEO racing(1970-79) including Acastofthousands the FrankWllliams story. in your living room. rnMN (MI STOCII.IStSINCLUOE LEAOI .. a 8R4,\cHESOF n\ \\OOL\\ORTH BOOTS .. \,. S'UlH )O H' M['ZI[S CO oP H"'VSHOPS RAOtO REHTAlS OER MUlllBROAOCo\ST REOIFf\lSlO .. rEtEF\,S' O~ GR.\'.JoO.\ S[lECTED RECORD STORES :'''0 lEAOI'G "'IDED OOTLfT5 No more disappointment in mi ssing that match winning try or last minute penalty kick atoneof the major rugby matches of theseason. A Radio RentaIs video recorder can record ail the action and excitementfor you - even if you've planned a week's holiday away from ital!. On return you can simply playback your recording again and again at a time of your choosing. So pop along to your local Radio RentaI s showroom and we'll putyou completely in the picture about our video range. Makethe mostofcokuwith Radio Rentais Video Reniai terms available on rl'ques! from over SOO branches throughoullh ~ United Kingd om. Reco rd ing and playbackofmaterial ma )' requin!consent. SeeCopyright Act 1956 and Performers PrOiecti on Acts 1958 and 1972. Radio RentaIs Lld. Rela y House. Percy St. Swindon SN2 288. aren't you a double Iife? While you're out enjoying recording another. yourself, a D.E.R videotape Or recording what you're recorder at home could be watching: to see a'gain, whenever storing up the tv programmes and as olten as you like. you want to watch. 50 you can Renting from D.E.R makes see them later when it suits you. leading the double life simple. Or while you're watching And aflordable. And fun . one programme, you can be Come and see us and find out. aren't you a double Iife? We'Il keep you in the picture. Apex Ho u,e, Twickenham Road, Feltham, Middlesex TWI3 6JQ. Tel: 01-898 4444. Message from the President Today sees us weil into our Thorn County Championship programme for this season and on behalf of the Durham County Rugby Union [ would Iike to welcome you ail to Yiewsley Drive. Our opponents this afternoon are from Cheshire and to them we extend our own brand of Durham hospitality. We have enjoyed Rugby friendship between the Counties for very many years and long may it continue. Of course with the reorganisation of the County Championship, today's game takes on added significance as it may be many years before we meet aga in. Last year at Sale we were involved in a very dour battle. Let us hope that the game today will be enjoyable for both players and spectators. Both teams are capable of playing good, attractive, attacking rugby. Perhaps today will be a game to remember. May [ point out to ail our supporters that after the Thorn County Championship programme the County Colts XV and the County Schoolboys XV embark upon their own County series.
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