*wv .» DEVOTRD TO LITERATURE, AGRICULTURE, LOCAL AKD GENERAL NEWS, AND THE ADVANCEMENT OK THE INTERESTS OK SOUTHERN NEW JERSEY. ESTABLISHED IN 1860. TOMS RIVER, N. J., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1878. V O L U M E 29— N U M B E R 4. BUSINESS CARDS. Country Sounds. God Incomprehensible. Feats of Strength. The North and the South. N e w J e r s e y C o u r ie r . BEWINQ MACHINES. SELECTED POETRY. Ofllee, Mffperthwtit'i IxehURt, Sometimes one ia conscious o f a sound A dog loves though he is abused; he Marshal Saxe, the most famous gener­ Congressman John F. House, in ad­ OVER THE rOST OFFICE, A. A. BRANT, CORNELIUS FECK, Bilant Meeting. impossible to locate or defiuc. I t is a loves without recompense; he loves al o f the last century, prior to the ap­ dressing the Democrats at Nashville, DEALER 7.4 T on» Both. O cran Counit, N. J. Sole authorized Agent for the sale of the genuine Esther, the blue-eyed Quakeress, . delieate murmur, which seems to oome against all manner of misusage; it iB pearance of Frederick the Great, was a Tenn., on the oooasion o f his recent re­ S. C. JB.VXIMCl*, Editor ittd PublUIicr. LUMBER, COAL, BRICKS, LIME, H o f fair sbe smiled on First-day morning! from nowhere iu particular, but whioli his n a —he can’t help i t H e con­ man o f remarkable bodily BtrongtU, of nomination, said ; Lath, Cement, Planter, Hair, aiilnaiea. SINGER SEWING MACHINE Fresh as a rose, in simple dress, tinues loving without motive aud with­ which he was far prouder than even of In the next contest between the two tssms-^TWO Do llars,* jo*r, Onii Dollar tor Doom , NaMlien, m in ds, Jfcc., is as unmistakable as the more blatant Without a thought of vaiu adorning! g iim o n S i; PW*We ia advance. At Low Prices. noises that sm ite the ear. I t oomes out recompense or reciprocation. Now, his well-earned fam e os u commander. great parties, they will divide upon gov­ TaatHlSXT AB________ V ERTI3BMSNT9_______-Tw - elve line*, IN OCEAN COUNTY. White Pine, Yellow Pine, Basswood, Cedar. Demure she sat, still uuawarc, from a multitude o f sources, and is re­ wbeu a dog stands in my presence he To nstouish those around him by straight­ ernmental policy, and without sectional /0Ue/iiuelncL inch apace,) 7ft16 cents oone insertion. Bach Spruce and Hemlock; Frame Stuff, all sizes and The Singer is now sold for T h ir ty D a lla m , Luanion. bo centa. Larger advertise All through the long and silent meeting, animosity. Sectional hatred w ill be *“ uu'atunitorui rates, wMen will no made known lengths; Bridge Timber and Planks; Rough and Including all the attachments. Sold on Instal­ cognizable only in a peculiar stillness of understands m e ; that is to say, just as ening a horse shoo or beuding a bar of Dressed Biding, Flooring, Celling, liase and Cas­ ments, $3 monthly. What furtive glances watched her there, eliminated from the contest. So far as j j mw oiPoe. Looaa N o ticib, 10 eeata a line. ings; Feuce Boards, Paling and Rails; Boat Attachments. Needles, o il, Ac., for all Ma- the atmosphere. This tissue o r gossam­ much of me as is dog. And if you oan iron was hiB greatest delight, and for a Waiting to catch her modest greeting. Boards; Oyster and Clam Rake Handle*, Ac. c iines, on band or furnished at short notice. the South is concerned I am oertaiu that C O A L—beat, quality, all sizes. Parts of any Machine furnished promptly. er sound is the nearest to fine hearing imagine that he Bhould form a theology time his superiority in this respect was BUSINESS CARDS. Particular attention given to Cleaning and Re­ With folded hands, and thoughts that rise that we mortals can ever get, and it sets and I should b e his little god, he would os unquestioned as his skill in war. At suoh w ill be the case. I cannot, fellow- Inducements will be offered to Cask Buyers. pairing. Above all earthly care or folly. Will furnish any other Machine, if desired, one thinking o f what George E lliot Calls dome very neatly as near understanding length, when a b rief armistice between citizens, find it in my heart to indulge in d . CARMICHAEL, lswer than they can be bought of any other party. What pictured saint in Reuben’s eyes Office, M ain St., op. Ocean House. m e as I do Jehovah. H e would under­ the Frenoh and English armies enabled feelings of malioe toward the people of Could seem as pure, or yet so holy ? “ the roar that lies on the other side of I. YARD IN REAR. CORNELIUS PECK, the North. When I witness their mag­ « .filer at Law & Master iu Chancery, lyat T a m s R iv er, N . J , silenoe.” at fiffr stand just M much o f me as he had fac­ the marshal to invito some of the British L-Od N o song or sermou needed she Almost any tim e in the country the ulties in himself like m<>—the same in­ officers to dine with him, he entertained nanimous and generous conduct toward office on Main street, T o lift her gentle heart to heaven, SEWING MACHINES. the Southern people, I feel like pulling toms e iv ir , n . t. Nor yet to how ou bended knee noise of a hammer driving nails can be telligence. But w liat conception would his guests by untwisting the links of a o ff my hat aud standing uncovered in AUMACK’S YARD, A WONDERFUL REDUCTION! To ask that sin might be forgiven. heard; it ia a th rifty sound, suggesting he form of mathematical researches? chain, and challenging them to do the DK*IR12 TO INFORM THE PEOPLE ^LB KB r Cl. WAHTIIC, well-kept fences and gates, carefully W liat conception Will- a dog form of my like. The English general modestly dis­ their presence. Oh, grander than the Opposite Bailroad Depot, Toms River 1of Ocean county, that I am now prepared to The Lord was iu his temple there; offer victory at Appomattox is the v ie t >ry won Before him all were quiet keeping, mended form implements and things mind that runs out in a poetical thought? claimed any pretention to rival his Ex­ .Uiorney wul Solicitor in Chancery, First-Class Machines by the people of the North in their noble Bowing the head in silent prayer, generally kept in repair. T h e farmer W hat idea has a dog of eloquence? cellency’s strength, but added that there oillce over the Bank, LUMBER, COAL, at the following p r ic e s N o . 6 Wilson Machine, $27; No. 6 Witson, paneled cover, $30; No. 6# To reach the inward voice was speaking. whose hammer is bright with frequent W liat idea has a dog of staU’smeuship ? was a Flemish blacksmith in one of the and generous contributions to the striok T oms Riv e r . N. J. LIME, CEMENT AND BRICK, Wilson, paneied cover, 3 drawers, drop leaf, $33; en and suffering South. Upon that fated No. 9 Wilson, paneled cover, fi drawers, drop leaf, With song o f bird and clover bloom use, is likely to have fertile fields, aud W hnt idea has n dog of these complex adjacent villages who might perhaps be $33; No. T Wilson, highly finished, Bilver plated, to make a good show of vegetables and notions that are fruitful in men’s miuds capable of doing so. Baxe, kindling np field the South surrendered her sword. j£OUEItT ALLEN, JH., DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, folding cover, 6 drawers and drop leaf, $40. Gen­ The summer air was sweetly laden, uine Singer Machines at the following prices Now wafted through the unpainted room and that lift them up to the higher walks at the bare thought of any man presum­ W ithin the shadow of the dark wing of No. 1 Singer, $27; No. 8 Singer, paneled cover, stock at the agricultural fair. Iu the Counsellor at Law, Master in Chancery Also, Blacksmiths’ Coal, $30; Ne. 3 singer, side drawers and drop leaf, $86. As If to greet the Quaker maiden. fall when the barns are full o f hay and in life ? They’re all gone—gone ? They ing to bo as strong as himself, eagerly pestilence, beside the new-made graves AND Any of the above machines furnished for $20 of her lioroio sous and dunghters, with down, and balance in three months. Other ma­ And like a benediction lay grain, the music of the Hails resounds never came. H e hasn’t the measure of inquired where this athlete was to be Commissioner for N ew York <fc Pennsylvania. AT LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH chines furnished at short notice. The golden sunbeams all around her, through the air, and iuBpirits like a mili- it in him self; and looking upon me, I met with, and riding thither next morn­ bowed head and tearful eyes, she extends WM. ALMACK. Please give me a call, or address by mall Red Bank, N. J., October 4. 50tf EDWARD IRON*, As if they sought on holy day tary march. T h e wood-chopper’s axe is have no doubt he wonders I don’t run ing with several of bis officers, bade the her hand and surrenders her heart to the 3m47 Manchester.
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