University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 10-5-1989 Central Florida Future, Vol. 22 No. 14, October 5, 1989 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 22 No. 14, October 5, 1989" (1989). Central Florida Future. 947. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/947 • • • T h ~ntral · Florida Future • Volume 22, Nu mber 14 University of Central Flo rida/Orlando Thursday October 5, 1989 • $1 millien 0-Team SunBank and Florida to fund takeover? • banking Eminent Scholar Chair Two senates to tangle by Lauren Curtis the work of outstanding by Eric Dentel • NEWS EDI TOR teachers, scholars and re­ MANAGING EDITOR searchers in the State Uni­ SunBank announced versity System. It wasn't all just punch and sand­ Tuesday the establishment SunBank will provide wiches Tuesday night. of a $1 million Eminent $600,000 to the University The first meeting of the studeni Scholar Chair in Banking at of Central Florida Founda­ senate, traditionally a time fO'r new UCF. tion, Inc. and, the state will senators to be sworn in and learn the Buell G. Duncan Jr., the provide $420,000 in match­ basic rules and procedures, was also bank's chairman and chief ing funds. the scene of a protest against an up­ executive officer, said, "We President Steven Altman coming faculty senate resolution and of hope to make it possible to and past presidents Trevor legislation designed to limit the powers find the finest banking Colbourn and Charles Milli­ of the student body president. scholar in the world to teach can, accepted the gift. However, the senators did get their future bankers of the Altman said: "We will get punch and sandwiches. world." a great eminent scholar. We The proposed resolution, which will The creation of the Sun­ are grateful. We applaud be introduced before the faculty senate Bank Chair will enable the SunBank." Thursday, calls for control of the new College of Business Admini­ Altman also said he student orientation program, or 0- • stration to hire a distin­ hopes other businesses in Team program, to be switched from guished professor in finance the area will follow student affairs to undergraduate stud­ to help improve the quality SunBank's lead. ies. The senate unanimously passed a of instruction in finance at According to Altman, the resolution opposing any attempts to UCF. SunBank Chair is very R. Scott HomMf. CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE move control of the program. Eminent Scho1ar Chairs SunBank Chairman and CEO Buell Duncan (Left) and Both resolutions simply register the are endowments that fund • see MONEY page 5 UCF President Steven Altman sit on $.3 million. opinions of the bodies involved and -----------------------------------------------.J have no authority over the decision. Among the reasons listed for propos- ing the change are allegations that students serving as members of the 0- Team have been advising incoming Program changed very few minds students academically and that at­ tending the program's retreat forces • see SENATE page 5 Student union may get a $7.5 million boost in bond bucks by Eric Dentel MANAGING EDITOR President Steven Altman told the senate Tuesday evening the university could receive a $ 7 .5 · million boost towards its new student union . • . The·' state Board of Regents, which oversees the nine state · ,. universities, wants to raise $65 million for student-related facili­ ties around the state: If the Board's bond issue re- :·: ,., ceives approval :from the Florida .. ,· "Legis1ature,. UCF ·would receive ". almost the entire difference be~ ·tween the $4 million it has accu~ :: · rriulated for the · proj~ct and the · ;.; $l.2 million the university says it .. : ~~ eds ~ '._ ....... ::: ...: :~;:· .·. .·: :.: :·- .·: ::·.\, .. Altman called UCF's lack ofa .,., Jorge Alvarez.IG !:Nl RAL FLO RIDA FUTURE Steve Littiren, southeast regional director for Operation Rescue America is escorted by UCF Police Officers Cpl. William Hartsfield (in uniform) and Sgt. Thomas Gorbas out of Monday's Hot Topic discussion presentation on abortion. ..};~! .:i~ng~li y r~a. ~fffii~!t . }rqie:.~;..d~fil i t;:_$ . comrri.:p. :ti~ men t~·.~; .. ::: by Joelle Subourne and Lance Turner students attended the debate, which the right to life, all other rights are Cl;NTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE was sponsored by the Speakers void." Committee of UCF's Program and Speaking for the pro-choice side, Representatives from both sides of Activities Council. Dr. Ralph L. Bundy said that the the abortion issue presented their Almost everyone left without chang­ "essence of our argument" is the views at the second "Hot Topic" pro­ ing their opinions on the issues. question, "does the government have gram Monday night. Dr. John Beasley, the first pro-life Just under 200 students and non- speaker in the debate said, ''Witho.ut see ABORTION page 4 ililtl~lflilii~i! II 2 The Central Florida Future, October 5, 1989 • EIN • • • • • • • • • • • • ... • • Any beer brewed with natural hops has a natural enemy. The sun. Because when exposed to light, it takes on a "skunky" smell. And a worse taste. • Bud's one beer that's made the natural way. With no additives or preservatives. ·So we make sure it never sees the light of day. It's brewed in the dark. And • packaged in a brown bottle, to keep it that way. te.. So next time you reach for a cold Bud, you can count on e.\)V®~ • that consistently clean, crisp taste. Because quality isrit 1~\$ ~~ ~ something we take lightly. ~1W 8 ..ivv· Light protection. It's just one of the reasons why f0~ ' • Budweiser has remained the King of Beers<!) for over 11 Oyears. , WAYNE ·oENSCH, INC. 851-7100 • UCF REP ERIC ERICKSON - 425-7005 . The Central Florida Future, October 5, 1989 3 • UCF taculty low in national salary rankings Staff Repon average salary of $38,760. Faculty at four-year SREB reported. Louisiana is also experiencing a COLLEGE PRESS SERVICE public colleges across the country earned an average severe faculty shortage. of$40,348in1988-89, while those in the South made Not all Southern salaries are that low. Maryland Faculty members at UCF are earning salaries less $37 ,890, the SREB said in its yearly state-by-state and Virginia wages exceeded the national average, than the national average according to Southern salary survey. UCFfacultymembers are also earning with faculty members.making $41,041 and $43,678 Regional Education (SREB) figures. $3,469 less than Florida's average salary. respectively. Although UCF salaries are lower than Dr. Daniel R. Coleman, director of institutional Louisiana faculty fared worse than their col­ average, Florida salaries are second highest in the research, estimates the faculty at UCF is earning an leagues nationwide, earning an average of $30,913, South, with faculty earning $42,229. • Office space a problem for • UCF adjunct instructors by Teresa Co le a little bit sped al. It is tough to work out CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE of your mailbox and over the tele­ phone," he said. "We're sort of bandits UCF employs approximately 620 in the night." full -time instructors, and 338 adjunct Stansberry said he loves teaching • (part time) instructors. Due to the and interacting with students. "I'm overwhelming growth at UCF, offices very eager to have students call me at are limited if not obsolete for adjuncts. my full-time job or at home," he said. Many adjuncts have to use a class­ He also said he didn't want to get • room as an office or an area of the caught up in the administrative duties department suite where there is a required of full-time instructors. desk. Other adjuncts have no office According to J uge, full-time faculty • space at all. They must work out of must have five office hours available to their mailboxes and briefcases. students per week. "We expect faculty Accordingto Dr. FrankJuge, associ­ to be available to students during those ate vice president of academic affairs, hours," Juge said. • adjuncts are required to have approxi­ ''When not teaching and meeting mately one to one and a half hours with students, full-time faculty are available to students per course. expected to be on campus and involved "We try to make offices available for in other activities related to their area • them for that purpose," Juge said. of teaching," he added. ''They usually share with other ad­ Stansberry also teaches part-time at juncts." Rollins College. When adjuncts work • Juge said most adjuncts are em­ an outside job or teach part time at ployed elsewhere and usually teach another college, theymust:file a "report only one or two courses in the evening. of outside employment." Adjunct office hours are usually the "The form serves the purpose of de­ hour before or after an evening class. termining if there is a conilict of inter­ Many adjunct instructors don't est," Jugesaid. "Wemayobjectifwefeel seem to mind not having offices. "It there is a conflict of interest or sched­ • makes no difference to me [because] I ule," he said. don't spend much time at UCF," said An example of a conflict of interest W. S. Cates, marketing instructor. would be if an instructor was working "Most students have not had a pro bl em on a research grant for some other col­ reaching me." lege or company, and UCF wants to Frank Stansberry, an adjunct pub­ undertake the same project.
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