E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 141 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, MARCH 21, 1995 No. 52 House of Representatives The House met at 12:30 p.m. and was their service and sacrifice. This con- For many of my constituents on called to order by the Speaker pro tem- tract has lasted more than 100 days. In Guam and for service men and women pore [Mr. BONILLA] fact, the commissary system dates throughout the Nation, commissaries f back to 1825 when it was provided to and exchanges translate into indirect service military personnel at remote pay for military families. A reduction DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO posts where provisions were very ex- would also translate into an erosion for TEMPORE pensive. Recent proposals to reduce or many of quality-of-life facilities avail- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- eliminate commissary and exchange able to these individuals and their fam- fore the House the following commu- services would jeopardize this contract. ilies. Profits from the exchange system nication from the Speaker: Today I am introducing a concurrent are used to support many quality-of- WASHINGTON, DC, resolution that will send a message life improvements such as the oper- March 21, 1995. that any elimination or cut in the com- ation of youth centers, arts and crafts I hereby designate the Honorable HENRY missary and exchange systems would centers, recreational areas, and child BONILLA to act as Speaker pro tempore on be a breach of faith with our active and development centers. Eliminating this this day. retired men and women in uniform and exchange dividend would result in re- NEWT GINGRICH, Speaker of the House of Representatives. that if any reduction is enacted, then ductions in the quality-of-life facilities f other forms of compensation should be available to our armed services at a paid to offset this loss. time when there have been many con- MORNING BUSINESS The Department of Defense com- cerns raised about these issues. The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the missary and exchange system are prov- The resolution that I am introducing order of the House of January 4, 1995, en parts of the military compensation today expresses the sense of Congress the Chair will now recognize Members package and contribute significantly that first, if the commissary and ex- from lists submitted by the majority to the morale and well-being of our change systems of the DOD are reduced and minority leaders for morning hour men and women in uniform and their or eliminated, the funds derived from debates. The Chair will alternate rec- families. It is critical in retaining ex- the reduction or elimination should be ognition between the parties, with each perienced members, it is valuable in re- used to increase other forms of com- party limited to not to exceed 30 min- cruiting new members, and reduces ex- pensation for current and retired mem- utes, and each Member except the ma- penditures by the Federal Government bers of the Armed Forces. jority and minority leaders limited to for training and recruiting or for direct Second, the resolution states that if not to exceed 5 minutes. compensation which would have to be exchange stores are reduced or elimi- The Chair recognizes the gentleman increased in order to maintain the nated, funds should be provided by the from Guam [Mr. UNDERWOOD] for 5 min- same retention rate. Department of Defense to upgrade and utes. Commissaries and exchanges are crit- avoid the erosion of morale, welfare f ical in recruiting and retaining quality and recreation activities, and other personnel and continue to be high- quality-of-life facilities provided to RESOLUTION BARRING ELIMI- lighted as a valuable aspect of military military personnel. The resolution en- NATION OR CUT OF COMMISSARY service. Among Armed Forces person- sures that the indirect pay on which AND EXCHANGE SERVICES nel, commissary privileges consist- service men and women rely will not be Mr. UNDERWOOD. Mr. Speaker, next ently rank among the top three bene- reduced and that the quality-of-life im- month the Contract With America will fits of military service, particularly provements on which the current sys- reach its 100-day conclusion. At a time among married personnel, and is one of tem relies will not be eroded. when Congress is acting on this con- the major factors in a service mem- Most importantly, this resolution tract, I rise to discuss another more ber's decision to remain in the armed sends the message that a reduction in enduring and longstanding contract services. The patron base includes 12 commissary and exchange systems with our active and retired members of million individuals including active would be a breach of faith in current the Armed Forces. Under this contract, duty military, military retirees, se- and retired members who have earned the Government has agreed to provide lected and ready reserves, Medal of this indirect pay through years of commissary and exchange services to Honor recipients, 100-percent-disabled faithful service. active and retired uniformed men and veterans, overseas civil service, and all Let's make sure that we don't breach women as a form of indirect pay for their dependents. the more longstanding contract that b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H 3329 H 3330 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE March 21, 1995 all of us have with active and retired stitutional amendment will answer sibility and compassion and the wis- members of the Armed Forces. I invite questions from the press. dom not to panic. and urge my colleagues to cosponsor At this time, I would like to yield to We have got some economic problems this important resolution and to join a truly great American. He is a Demo- brought about by the changing nature me in support of our men and women in crat on that side of the aisle, but he of work which puts people without uniform. stands up for America's veterans and technological skills at something of a Mr. VOLKMER. Will the gentleman for the armed services. disadvantage, exacerbated by the in- yield? Mr. MONTGOMERY. I thank very creasing integration of the inter- Mr. UNDERWOOD. I yield to the gen- much the gentleman yielding to me. I national economy. Those are things tleman from Missouri. certainly support very much the Amer- that we ought to be addressing. Mr. VOLKMER. I would be glad to ican flag amendment that the gen- But what the public is being offered join with the gentleman in his resolu- tleman from New York will drop in the by the Republican Party is an alter- tion. I know that probably one of the hopper at 3 o'clock. As the chairman of native explanation for that. It is a reasons that we see this type of resolu- the Committee on Rules mentioned, we form of scapegoating. Working Ameri- tion coming forward is concern with have 242 members who have signed up cans who have found their economic fu- what is going on as far as budgetary on the House side to sponsor this. We tures insecure are being told it is the cuts that are occurring here in the need 48 more Members to get the 290 fault of those poor people and those im- Congress at this time by the majority when we do get the opportunity to migrants and those women who keep party; is that correct? bring this constitutional amendment having children so they can make the Mr. UNDERWOOD. That is correct. resolution up that it will have a chance few bucks you get on AFDC. Mr. VOLKMER. We have seen a pro- to pass. In pursuit of that, what we will have posal that we saw in the defense rescis- I would like to thank the gentleman this week brought forward by the Re- sions bill that will cut back severely on from Texas, Mr. GENE GREEN, a Mem- publican Party is an assault on people veterans who have served this country ber of Congress, who has been getting who are poor, who lack education, who in the past, to cut back medical care Democrats on this side of the aisle to lack skills, and most of all we will facilities for veterans that was pro- sign that resolution. As the gentleman have an assault on children. posed by the majority party; correct? from New York said, it is nonpartisan. What we get in American politics Mr. UNDERWOOD. That was correct, It comes about that we did pass a sim- today is a very selective quoting of the in last week's rescission bill. I urge all ple law in the Congress and signed by Bible. The part that says you shall not Members to cosponsor this resolution. President Bush that said you cannot visit the sins of the parents on the chil- f hurt this great American flag. This was dren apparently has been written out turned down by the U.S. Supreme of the editions of many people, because AMENDMENT PROHIBITING Court who said Congress does not have we are being told that children who DESECRATION OF OLD GLORY that authority. make the terrible mistake of being The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under So it becomes now to protect the born in the wrong circumstance, chil- the Speaker's announced policy of Jan- flag.
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