Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Nevada Test Site and Off-Site Locations in the State of Nevada Volume 1 Appendices A - F US. Department of Energy Nevada Operations Office Las Vegas, Nevada TABLE OF CONTENTS 4. DESCRIPTION OF PROJFCTS AND ACTIVITIES ................................. A-l A.1 Ikfensc Prograin ......................................................... A-I A.1 . 1 Alternative 1 ..................................................... A-l A.1.1.1 Stockpile Stewardship ...................................... A-1 A.1. I . I . I Nuclear Test Readiness .......................... 4-3 A.1 . 1 .I .2 LJnderground Nuclear Wiapons Testing ............. A-3 A.I.I . 1.3 Science-Based Stockpile Stewardship ............... A-6 A . I . I .I.4 Dynamic Exprriments and Hydrodynamic Testy ....... A-8 A.1 . 1 .2 Stockpile Maiiageinent .................................... A-l 1 A . I . I . 3 Nuclear Eiiiergcncy Response ............................... A-11 A . I . 1.3. I Nuclear Emergency Search learn ................. A- 1 1 A . I . 1.3.2 Federal Kadiological Monitoring and Assessment Center ............................. ,21-1 A. Aerial Measuring System ........................ A-12 A.I.1.3.4 Accident Response Group ..................... a-13 A . I . 1.3.5 Radiological Assistance Program ................. A-I 3 A.1 . I . 3.6 lntcriial Emergency Management Prcogrm .......... A-I2 A . I . I . 4 Storagc and Disposition of Weapons-Usable Fissile M;iterial ....... &I 3 A.1.I . 5 Large . Heavy-Industrial Fxility ............................ A -13 A.1.I . 6 Twopah Te\l Rangc Activities ............................. ;\-13 A.I.2 Altcrn;itive 2 .................................................... A-13 A.1.3 A ltemativc 3 .................................................... ,4-13 A.1.3.1 Stockpile Stewardship ..................................... a-14 A.1.3. I . I NuclemTest Keadincss ......................... a-14 I .2 Underground Nucleai- Weapons Testinf .............A-14 A.I.3.I 3 Science-Based Stockpile Steward5hip .............. A-14 A.l.3.1.4 Advanced Nuclear Weapons Simulatol-s ............ A-13 A.l.3.2 Stockpile Management .................................... A-I? A . Construction of a Stockpile Manageinent Complex ..................................... a-17 A.l.3.3 Nuclear Emergency Response ............................... A- 1 R A . I . 3.4 Storage atid Disposition of Wrapoils-llsahlc Fishilc Materials ...... A-18 A.l l4.1 Storage of Weapons-Usable FideM;itcrials ........ /-IF! A.1 34.2 Ihposition of Weapons-Usablc~ihsileMaterial5 ..... A-IX A.I.3.5 Large . Heavy-Induhtrial Facility ............................. a-18 A.1.3.6 Tonopah Test Range Activities .............................. .A -19 A . Potential Tests ................................ A-19 A.1.4 Alternative 4 ................................................... a-19 A.2 Waste Management Program ............................................... A- 19 A.2. I Altcrnative 1 ................................................. A-23 A.2.1. I Area 3 Kadioactivc Waste Management Site .................... A-23 A.2.1.2 Area 5 Kadioactive Waste Managcment Site .................... A-23 A.2.1.3 Area 6 Waste Management Operations ........................ A-25 A.2.1.4 Area I1 Explosive Ordn;ince Disposal Cnit .................... A-2.5 A.2.2 Alternative 2 ................................................... A-26 A.2.2. I Area 3 Radioactive Waste Managcment Site .................... A-26 i l‘ablr of Contents ! NEVADA TEST SITE FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT . A.4.4.4 Envlronmcntai Management. and Technology Development Program .................................... H-L~ A.4.4.S Environmental Research Park ............... ... 4-43 A.5 Work for Others Program .............................. ................. A-43 A.5.1 Alternative 1 A-43 ................................................. A.S.I . 1 Treaty Verification ....................................... A-43 A.51.1 . 1 Threshold Test Ran Treaty ....................... A-43 1.1.2 Peaceful Nuclear Explosion Treaty ...... .... A-43 A.S. I . 1.3 Chemlcal Weapons Conventlon ...... .... A-43 A.S. 1 .I .4 The Treaty on Open Skies ....................... A-4 .; A.S.l.2 Nonproliferation ......................................... A-43 A.5.1.3 Counterproliferation Research and Development ................ A-44 A.5.1.4 Conventional Weapons Demilitarization ....................... A-44 A.S.1 .5 Defense-Related Research and Development ................... A-45 A.52 Alternative 2 ~-46 .................................................... A.S.3 Alternative 3 .................................... ................ A-46 A.5.4 Alternative 4 .......................................... .......... A-47 A.6 Site Support Activities at the NTS ........................................... zi-~i A.6.1 Alternative I ............................ ...................... 4-38 A.6.1 . I Utilities ..... ............. .................... A-48 A.6.l . 1.I Electrical Power .............................. ,4.49 A. Natural Gas .................................. A-52 A.6. I . 1.3 Water Supply ................................. A-52 A.6.1 . 1 .4 Nonhazardous and Nonradioactive Wastes .......... a-16 A.6.1.2 Communications ......................................... A-57 A. Telephone Service ............................. ,4.57 A. Microwave Systeln ............................. A-59 A. DataCominunications ........................... 4-59 A. Video Communications .......................... 4-50 A.6.1.2.S Video Teleconferencing ......................... A-59 A. Radio ....................................... A-59 A. Mail .................................. ...... A-60 A.6.1.3 Transponation Systelns .................................... A-60 A. Roads ....................................... A-60 A. Related Facilities .............................. A-62 A. Railroads .................................... A-62 A. Air Facilities .................................. A-62 A. Pathways .................................... A-63 A. Parking ...................................... A.6.1.4 Facilities and Services ..................................... A-63 A.6.1.S Off-SiteSuPPm ......................................... A-63 A.6. I .6 Landlord-Related Construction and Maintenance Projects ......... A-63 A.6.2 Alternative 2 ....................................... ............. A-64 A.6.3 Alternative 3 .......................... .......................... A-64 ... A.6.4 Alternative 4 .................. B . FEDERAL REGISTER NOTICE .................... ............................. B- I iii Tahlr of Contents . ,VEVAD.A TEST .SITE FINAI. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMEIYT C . RELEVANT RECCILATOKY REQUIREMENTS .................................... C-! C . I Federal Environment;ll Statutes and Regulations .................................. C-l C.2 Executive Orders .......................................................... C-8 C.3 L1.S. Departrncnt of Energy Kcgulations and Orders and Policies ..................... C-10 C.4 State ofNevadnI~ws...................................................... C-12 C.5 Permits ...................................................... C-13 C.6 Pollution Prevcntion and Waste Minimization ................................. c-13 C.7 Iteferences ...................................................... C-25 D . DISTKBUTION LIST ......................................................... D-l E . IMPACT ASSESSMENT METHODS ............................................ E-I E.1 Introduction ............................................................ E-l E.2 Methods and Assuinptions of Analysis ......................................... E-l E.2.1 Land Use ........................................................ E-l E.2. I . I NTS Site-Support Activities .................................. E-I E. Alternative 1 ................................... E-l b. Alternative 2 ................................... E-2 F,.2.!.1.3 Alternative 3 ................................... E-2 E.2.1 . 1 .4 Alternative 4 ................................... E-2 E.2. I . 2 .Airspace ................................................. E-3 E.2.2 Transportation ...................................................... E-3 E.2.2. I On-Site Traffic ........................................... E-3 E.2.2.2 Off-Site Traffic ............................................ E-4 E.2.2.3 Transportation of Materials and Waste ......................... E-5 E.2.3 Socioeconomics ................................................... E-5 E.2.3.1 Economic Activity, Population, and Housing .................... E-6 E.2.3.2 Public Finance ............................................ E-8 E.2.3.3 Public Services ........................................... E-9 E.2.4 Geology and Soils ... ........................................... E-9 E.2.5 Hydrology ...................................................... E-IO E.2.5.1 Surface Hydrology ........................................ e-10 Ii.2.5.2 Water Resources ......................................... e-10 E.2.5.3 Assumptions and Limitations ............................... E-l 1 E.2.6 Biological Resources .............................................. E-l 1 E.2.6.1 List of Species Names ..................................... E-13 E.2.7 Air Quality and Climate ............................................ e-13 E.2.8 Noise .......................................................... E-I? E.2.9 Visual Resources
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