LARGEST AUDITED COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER IN QUEENS Aug. 7–13, 2015 Your Neighborhood — Your News® 75 cents THE NEWSPAPER OF FLUSHING, AUBURNDALE, KEW GARDENS HILLS & FRESH MEADOWS Activist urges Cyclists fi ght human traffi cking care for black Borough-based burial ground CRASH SHUTS DOWN LIE advocacy group BY MADINA TOURE bikes across U.S. The Olde Towne of Flush- BY TOM MOMBERG ing Burial Ground Conser- vancy and elected officials are Members of a new nonprofit pushing for additional mark- advocacy organization, led by ers on the burial ground, but Dr. Santhosh Paulus of North the Parks Department said no Shore LIJ and several Queens design plan is under way. residents, finished a 3,400-mile Mandingo Tshaka, a Bay- cross country bicycle ride last side activist and co-chairman weekend to raise awareness of of the conservancy, became in- global issues of poverty and volved with the burial ground human trafficking, passing in the 1980s. through Queens on Saturday. He discovered that between As the founder of Cycling 1840 and 1898, more than 1,000 For Change, Paulus came up people, most of whom were with the goal of sponsoring African American and Native at least 100 children through American, were buried at the World Vision, which seeks to site on 46th Avenue between implement agricultural and 164th and 165th Streets. social solutions to world pov- A plan that was approved erty and hunger. by Community Board 7 in 2010 In partnership with the called for a memorial, includ- NOMI Network, a nonprofit or- ing a 6-foot obelisk and four ganization dedicated to estab- granite stone markers, accord- lishing economic opportuni- ing to a letter dated July 11, ties for victims and survivors 2014 to Queens Parks Depart- of human trafficking across ment Commissioner Dorothy the world, Paulus recruited Lewandowski from state As- several bicyclists to train over semblyman Edward Braun- the last 15 months to prepare stein (D-Bayside) and other for the coast-to-coast effort. elected officials. “They cycled across the The plan also called for a country in an effort to break steel barrier installed around A chain-reaction collision on the LIE at 165th Street sent eight people to the hospital, four in serious the cycle of world poverty and the in-ground stone markers. condition, and shut down the highway eastbound during morning rush hour. This young boy's moth- human trafficking,” said Pau- Former Queens Borough Pres- er watches as he is loaded into an ambulance. Photo by Michael Shain lus’ wife, Rajdeep Paulus, who ident Helen Marshall gave a escorted the dedicated cyclists Continued on Page 66 Continued on Page 66 A CNG Publication Vol. 24 No. 32 72 total pages Pols reject Iran deal Flushing book drive seeks to boost literacy Reps. Meng, Israel want U.S. gov’t to revise nuclear plan BY MADINA TOURE will take place Aug. 15 from BY MADINA TOURE 12 p.m. to 6 p.m.; Latimer Gar- The Queens Alumnae dens, Aug. 22 from 1 p.m. to 7 Two northeast Queens chapter of Delta Sigma Theta p.m.; and Pomonok Houses, lawmakers have reservations Sorority has kicked off a book Aug. 30 from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. about the current the U.S. nu- drive collection at the Latim- “We’ve got a generation clear deal with Iran. er Gardens Cornerstone of kids who may not really The agreement, known as Community Center in Flush- learn to read because they’ve the Joint Comprehensive Plan ing. The books collected will become so digitized and elec- of Action, was reached July 14 be given to children living in tronic, yet reading is funda- in Vienna by China, France, the New York City Housing mental to communication,” Germany, Russia, the United Authority’s developments. Moira Jack, the chapter’s States and Iran. In an effort to promote president, said. “If they can- The deal ensures that Iran’s literacy, the “Imagine and not read effectively ... they’re nuclear program will only be Explore the World Through not going to be able to com- used for peaceful purposes. It Reading” book drive, which pete economically.” will also result in the complete started Aug. 1, will accept do- Members of the Delta lifting of all UN Security Coun- nations of new or gently used Sigma Theta chapter, along cil sanctions against Iran. books for children in grades with U.S. Rep. Grace Meng U.S. Rep. Grace Meng (D- kindergarten through 12 at (D-Flushing) and two people Flushing) and U.S. Rep. Steve the center, located at 34-30 from the center were present Israel (D-Melville), who rep- 137th St. at the book drive’s launch. resents a portion of northeast People can drop off the Leticia Deans, a chapter Queens, say the deal has loop- books during the center’s member, and Dorette Lesesne, holes that will enable Iran to hours. The center is open co-chairwoman of the social develop its nuclear capabili- Monday through Friday from action committee, donated ties and continue to fund ter- 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. and during around 80 books. Their goal rorists’ activities. the weekend from 3 p.m. to 11 is to have 300 books to dis- Meng, a member of the p.m. tribute. House Foreign Affairs Com- The drive will conclude Chartered in June 1951, mittee and the Subcommit- Aug. 15. The donated books the Jamaica-based Queens tee on the Middle East, said will be given to youth at the Alumnae chapter of Delta she wanted to have time to Family Day events of Bland Sigma Theta Sorority focuses speak with President Barack Congresswoman Grace Meng says the United States should come up Houses at 40-21 College Point primarily on public service. Obama’s administration be- with a better Iran nuclear deal. Photo by Michael Shain Blvd., Latimer Gardens at Some of the programs that fore stating her position on the 34-25 Linden Place and Pomo- the chapter sponsors in the deal . out in the deal, saying that threshold state in 15 years. nok Houses at 67-10 Parsons borough include scholarship “It’s a difficult decision as money would be freed up for “Since President Obama Blvd. Each development will awards; Signature, an an- a Democrat and I do want to Iran to continue to fund ter- announced an agreement had receive 100 books. nual tutorial program; Teen commend President Obama rorist groups like Hamas and been reached on the JCPOA, The Bland Houses event Continued on Page 66 and Secretary Kerry for devot- Hezbollah and noting that Iran I have attended classified ing so much time to this very is still holding four Americans briefings and read the classi- important issue and I will hostage. fied annex to the agreement, continue to work with the ad- Israel expressed similar spoken personally with the ministration but we disagree concerns. president, held meetings with here,” Meng said. “There He thinks Iran may commit experts and advocates on needs to be a better deal.” small violations adding up to both sides, and listened to my She is wary of the fact that large violations without sub- constituents,” Israel said in a Iran must receive a 24-day no- stantial punitive mechanisms statement. “I tried very hard tice before the International in place and that the lifting to get to a ‘yes’ but at the end of Atomic Energy Agency, which of sanctions could enable the the day, despite some positive conducts inspections, can go Persian Gulf nation to further elements in the deal, the total- in and U.S. inspectors, as part enrich the weapons stockpiles ity compels me to oppose it.” of the deal, cannot be part of of Hamas and Hezbollah. Reach reporter Madina the inspection process Israel also said the deal Toure by e-mail at mtoure@cn- Meng also expressed con- provides technical capability glocal.com or by phone at (718) cerns about the lifting of sanc- and international legitimacy 260–4566. A Queens sorority has launched a book drive for children in Flushing. tions against Iran as spelled for Iran to become a nuclear Photo courtesy of Moira Jack IN THIS ISSUE HOW TO REACH US Police Blotter................................................10 Elder Care...............................................45-47 MAIL: 41-02 Bell Boulevard, Bayside, NY 11361 Editorials and Letters............................12-13 Borough Beat..............................................48 PHONE: Display Advertising: (718) 260-4521 — Editorial: (718) 260-4545 Mayoral Spin Cycle.....................................14 QGuide......................................................51-60 FAX: Advertising: (718) 224-5821 — Classified: (718) 260-2549 The Civic Scene...........................................14 Business........................................................52 Editorial (718) 224-2934 E-MAIL: Editorial: [email protected] Rhymes with Crazy.....................................15 Sports......................................................63-65 Display Advertising: [email protected] Queensline....................................................15 Classifieds...............................................67-71 Classified: [email protected] Dragon Boat............................................31-42 TO SUBSCRIBE: Call (718) 260-4521 Copyright©2015 Queens Publishing Corp. FLUSHING TIMES (USPS#03925) is published weekly by News Community Newspaper Holdings Inc., 41-02 Bell Boulevard, Bayside, NY.11361, (718) 229-0300. The entire contents of this publication are copyright 2015. All rights reserved. The newspaper will not be liable for errors appearing in any advertising beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error. Periodicals postage paid at Flushing, N.Y. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the FLUSHING TIMES C/O News Community Newspaper Holdings Inc. 41-02 Bell Boulevard, Bayside, N.Y. 11361 2 TIMESLEDGER, AUG. 7–13, 2015 FT TIMESLEDGER.COM Comfort woman returns to Kupferberg Center Korean victim of WW II sex slavery speaks out at QCC as activist against global injustice BY TOM MOMBERG others to join her in fighting reasons: Sexual violence is a injustice.
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