%.11I♦ It • • - - AGR I C. COLLEGE OCT 9 1948 THE SPECTRU LIBRARY VOLUME LXIII STATE COLLEGE STATION, NORTH DAKOTA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1948 NUMBER NINE ARE CANDIDATES FOR QUEEN * * * Post-Game , Final Plans Drawn For YMCA Hop This . 15 . Bliss! Festivities Set For 10 (According to a late news re- lease, selection has been made of the five Homecoming Queen In Festival candidates whose pictures will be submitted to John Powers for Following the -football game to- final selection. These candidates, night, an all-college dance will be taken from the original group sponsored by the NDAC YMCA. of nine, are Marjorie Hale, Jo Scheduled to start at 10 in Fest- Ann Herigstad, Mary Jane Low ival hall, with dancing till 12, the Donna Jean Nellermoe, and hop will feature the music of Ken- Emily Vukelic.) ny Sutton and his orchestra. Vukelic ' Nellermoe - While coach Howard Bliss' Biso: The dance will climax a week of eleven were running roughsho , membership drive work by the YM- over the Augustana delegatior CA. student planners were putting th Arrangements will be handled by lid on preparations for NDAC' Pete Fog and Gordon Tollerud. 48' Homecoming. Rudolph Malpert will be in charge In the midst of the activity of checking and Martin Aaser will campus or g a nizations selecte, head the ticket committee. their their most beauteous mere hers and entered them in the corn petition for Homecoming Queer Candidates for the Queenship, and their respective organiza- '48-'49 Student tions, are Emily Vukelic, Dakota Larson h a 11; Dorothy Abrahamson, Directory Now Gamma Phi; Virgina Peterson, Phi Mu; Lara Kristjansen, Ceres hall; Delores Larson, Kappa In Preparation Delta; Jo Ann Herigstad, Alpha Gamma Delta; Marjorie Hale Preparation of the 1948-49 Kappa Kappa Gamma; Donna Student Directory is now under Jean Nellermoe, Kappa Alpha way, according to Alfred H. Par- Theta, Mary Jane Low, Indepen rott, Director of Admissions and dent Students Association. Records. Judging on a basis of personal Parrott emphasized the need ity, poise, appearance, scholarshi for immediate and correct in- and activites, an impartial pane formation from students. Hale Kristjainsen Low Abrahamson Peterson of local judges will narrow th field of nine candidates down t Parrott said, "Copy for the In- SURROUNDED BY nine campus lovelies, candidates for the Homecoming queenship, coach How- stitutional Directory for 1948-49 five. Bliss, carries on manfully at the blackboard working out a "dark one" to hand the Morning- is now being assembled in the and Joyce Johnston, chairman of th Office of Admission and Records. siders. Queen Selection committee, an It is important that all addresses nounced that pictures of the fiv and telephone numbers, partic- * * * * * * * •* * * girls will be submitted to Joh ularly for students, in this direc- Robert Powers of the famed Nei tory be correct." York modeling agency. Bison Favored To Defeat Morningside Powers will select the Home "Accordingly," Parrott em- coming Queen, and his decisio- phasized, "all studentsare urged will be announced at a Wednesda to check with the office of Ad- In NCC Game At Dacotah Field Tonight noon luncheon for the five con missions and Records (in Old testants which will be sponsore' pepper-legs Don Weaver, the Larnan on the first squad. Mc- Main) immediately, especially Dacotah field partisans are by Senior Staff and the Studer Bison outplayed the Vikings on Larnan, took off for 50 yards in where this information was not scheduled to get another burst Commission. furnished at the time of regis- of good news tonight. land and through the air and the Viking game, and with Weaver Tickets for the Homecomin : turned in one of their better may form a potent halfback tration or where changes have Morningside, which has copied dance are on sale this week a games offensively. combination. been made. October 11 is the Michigan's offensive formation tickets sales chairman, started the . Drews, the old reliable work- dead-line for all such corrections but not its winning habits. faces Besides Weaver, Dennis Drews, stated thr horse, will be back at full and ticeket sales chairman, or additions." the' Herd in a North Central Bill Toussaint and Ted Barnick from all ma; Freddie Troubridge, who retur- tickets are available conference game at 8 and to were slightly outstanding in a organizations and the NDA( the learned gentry, the Bison game in which the whole team ned to the lineup last week and performed brilliantly, especially bookstore. A trophy will t Lisbonliiigh Accepts will be an even-so-slight favorite was in rare form. awarded to the Organization sel on defense, will take over at to nudge its way to another ling the most tickets. Homecomin , Lisbon high school was the first quarterback. victory. Tonight the Bison will be fac- dance tickets will be sold to NDA( to accept NDAC'S invitation to If the Bison do it, however, ing a pass-mirided Maroon outfit, Bliss was pleased with the per- students and alumni only. participate in its Homecoming act- they'll be doing it without the which through Coach George Al- formance of the line against Aug- George Olsen and his nation- ivities, college officals said today. services of Don Bredell, regular len, has borrowed the Michigan ustana and will come back with ally popular hotel dance orch- Kenneth Enstad, Lisbon band halfback, and Vern Freeh, a offensive formation, a spinner about the same starters. estra have been boked for the director said This organization will starter at guard. Both Bredell and series off the single wing. Rob Roy, who took over at Homecoming dance; Olsen and march in the AC Homecoming Freeh were injured in last week's Howard Bliss, who masterminds center to allow Ted Barnick to company comes to Fargo after parade Saturday, Oct. 16. The band brutal encounter with the vast the Bison, has left little doubt jam up a drought of tackles, recent bookings at the New will be guests of the Athletic de- Vikings of Augustana and will that the Bison are on the road proved that he could handle the York Waldorf Astoria and Cop- partment during the game in Dac- see little if any service tonight. to improvement. Bliss said last job and will be back for more. acabana and at the Chicago otah stadium also. * * * . week that he is confident that Clink McGeary, a stalwart on de- Aragon and Trianon Ballrooms Letters have been sent to about (Last week, the Bison treated the Herd can stop the single wing fense last week, and Dick Hanson and the Edgewater Beach Hotel. 60 North and Minnesota high a fair-sized crowd to some better and the pass defense was vastly are likely end starters. Bandleader Olsen will also talc, schools, inviting bands to part- than average football and dished improved against Augustana. Steve Vujovich and Jerry Sav- part in portions of the three da: icipate in the parade and view the out their first home win in over The Bison coach also announced ageau will be at guard and Bar- Homecoming program. According game between th Bisori and the two years. the shift of Weaver to right "half nick and Henry Mott will probably to Dori Wischow, Homecoming South Dakota State Jackrabbits. Led by the mad antics of and the placement of Jack Mc- start at tackle. (continued on page 2) WHEN YOU EAT OUT, MAKE IT THE TREAT FOR YOURSELF THATIT SHOULD BE. EAT AT IDCWEUS COFFEE SIFICID PAGE TWO THE SPECTRUM FRIDAY OCTOBER 8, 1948 .Hultz To Receive Fargo SA Brothers Walster Trip To Central Welcome On October 27 Visit NDAC America One Of Interest An official welcome from the ber. Tickets will be on sale in Recent visitors at NDAC were by GEORGE PRATT replaced. He also found that the ity of Fargo will be received by the public relations office at Carlos D. Gasparri and Roberto lOn July 15, Dean Walster sailed tropical climate causes a rapid _ )r. Frederic S. Hultz, presiderit NDAC, late next week. J. Gaspari, research workers in from New York City as a guest loss of humus and nitrogen, so f NDAC, at a banquet which will In addition to the faculty, other agriculture in South America. of the United Fruit Company of attempts are continually made to e held Wednesday evening, at members who are being invited Carlos, of Montevideo, Ur- the United States for a trip replace them. :30 October 27, at the Elks club. include the Board of Higher Ed- uguay, and Roberto, of Buenos through the banaria growing re- The next leg of the trip was During the banquet the deed to ucation, country agents, state leg_ Aires, Argentina, are cousins who gion of Central America. He made by plane to Tegucigalpa, ?le 312 acres of ground recently islators, North Dakota college are particularly interested in the traveled on the Fra Berlanga, a the capital of Honduras, where equeathed the college will be presidents and presidents of near- research work of the NDAC ex- banana boat ,as a member of a they visited the Pan American ransf erred to the Board of by Minnesota institutions, state periment station concerning wheat, party of agricultural deans and Agricultural School. Boys from all ligher Education. At the same FFA and -4-H presiderits and their corn, flax and potatoes. directors. Central and South American Re- ime, the Chamber of Commrce of chapter advisors, Governor Aan- The cousins have been visit- The party landed at Puerto publics attend the school where largo, hosts will horior certifi- dahl and his staff, Chamber mem- ing the Minnesota, North Dak- Cortes Honduras. Traveling on a they study mosty herticulture.
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