NUI HONORARY DEGREES AWARDED Note 1: The graduates listed below obtained honorary doctorates from the Royal University of Ireland in or before the year 1909, and subsequently registered as graduates of the National University of Ireland. Adeney, Walter E DSc 1897 Anderson, Alexander, DSc 1909 BA, 1880; MA, 1881 Byrne, Very Rev. Peter LLD 1909 Cameron, Sir Charles A, MD 1896 CB Cochrane, Robert LLD 1905 Conway, Arthur W., BA, DSc 1908 1896; MA, 1897; FRS D’Alton, Very Rev. LLD 1909 Edward A., Canon Delany, Very Rev LLD 1885 William Flood, William H. G. DMus 1907 Healy, His Grace the DLitt 1885 Most Rev John Hogan, Rev Edmund DLitt 1897 Hyde, Douglas, (first DLitt 1906 President of Ireland) LLD University of Dublin McClelland, John, BA DSc 1906 1892, MA 1893, FRS McGrath, Sir Joseph LLD 1892 Pye, Joseph P., MD, DSc 1882 MCh 1871 Senier, Alfred DSc 1908 Windle, Sir Bertram LLD 1907 C.A., FRS Note 2: The Senate of the newly founded National University of Ireland awarded honorary doctorate degrees on the persons listed below; they had attended the Catholic University of Ireland for conscientious reasons, but the Catholic University did not have the authority to award degrees. Bodkin, His Honour Judge LLD 1915 Mathias McDonnell Cannon, Richard MD 1915 Connolly, Nicholas T. LLD 1915 Creagh, William LLD 1915 Crean, Lt.-Col. John Joseph LLD 1915 Crean, Thomas J. MD 1915 Cuffe, Surgeon-General Sir LLD 1915 Charles McD, KCB Dawson, Charles LLD 1915 De La Pasture, Rev. Charles LLD 1915 E, SJ Dillon, Rev. Henry, OFM LLD 1915 Dillon, William LLD 1915 Fottrell, John G. LLD 1915 Furlong, Nicholas MD 1915 Griffin, Gerald LLD 1915 Hayden, John Joseph LLD 1915 Jennings, Lt.-Col John B. LLD 1915 Kearney, Matthew MD 1915 Kilbride, John MD 1915 Laffan, Thomas MD 1915 MacCarthy, Charles J. LLD 1915 McCarthy, Charles W, MD 1915 McCullagh, John MD 1915 McKenna, Thomas MD 1915 Macnamara, George Uthank LLD 1915 Maunsell, Surgeon-General LLD 1915 Thomas, CB O’Brien, Richard B LLD 1915 O’Donnell, The Most LLD 1915 Reverend Patrick O’Farrell, Lt.-Col Ignatius LLD 1915 O’Sullivan, Daniel A. MD 1915 O'Carroll, Joseph F., MB, LLD 1915 MCh, 1883; MD, 1889 Quirke, Joseph MD 1915 Redmond, Charles S. MD 1915 Redmond, Sir Joseph M. MD 1915 Ronayne, Charles O MD 1915 Rooney, Col. James P LLD 1915 Ryan, James P MD 1915 Ryan, John MD 1915 Scallan, Francis J. LLD 1915 Stafford, Major Patrick W. LLD 1915 Stephenson, Edward A MD 1915 Walshe, Denis MD 1915 Watters, Rev. Felix J, SM LLD 1915 Williamson, George J. LLD 1915 Prior to 1997, all NUI Honorary Doctorate Degrees were awarded at a central location by NUI. Subsequent to the 1997 Universities Act *,honorary conferring ceremonies have been held in NUI and in the four Constituent Universities. *This Act re-constituted the then Constituent Colleges as Constituent Universities, and in addition, the then Recognised College, St. Patricks, Maynooth as a Constituent University. Key / Eochar N = National University of Ireland, 49 Merrion Square Dublin/Ollscoil na hÉireann, 49 Cearnóg Mhuirfean, BAC DC = Dublin Castle/Caisleán Bhaile Átha Cliath RHK = Royal Hospital Kilmainham/ Ospidéal Ríoga na hÉireann NGI = National Gallery of Ireland/Gailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann IH = Iveagh House/Teach Eathach RCPI = Royal College of Physicians in Ireland/ Coláiste Ríoga Lianna na hÉireann D = University College Dublin/Coláiste na hOllscoile Baile Átha Cliath D/RC = D, Ryder Cup/Corn Ryder D/BL = D, 100th Anniversary of Bloomsday D/CL = D 150th Anniversary D/IPA = IPA 50th Anniversary C = University College Cork/ Coláiste ne hOllscoile Corcaigh G = National University of Ireland, Galway/Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh G/LA = National University of Ireland, Galway at Los Angeles G/SH = Shannon College of Hotel Management M = National University of Ireland, Maynooth/Ollscoil na hÉireann, Má Nuad R = Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland/Coláiste Ríoga na Máinleá in Éirinn R/NCH = National Concert Hall NCAD = National College of Art and Design (NCAD) S = Singapore P Penang Medical College, Malaysia Recipients Degree Year location Aga Khan IV, Prince Karim LLD 2008 M Agagianian, His Eminence LLD 1961 Cardinal Gregory P Ahern, Bertie, Taoiseach LLD 2006 N/DC Ahlstrom, Richard DSc 2015 G Allen, Myrtle LLD 2000 C Amoroso, Emmanuel C., MB BCh DSc 1963 BAO Anderson, Anne LLD 2011 N/RCPI Anderson, Benedict Professor DLitt 2014 UCC Andrews, Christopher S., DEconSc 1955 BComm, 1926 Anissimov, Alexander DMus 2001 D Annan, Kofi, United Nations LLD 1999 N/DC Secretary-General Arbour, H.E. Louise LLD 2006 N/RHK Arnold, Tom LLD 2009 N/RHK Arthur, William B. DEconSc 2000 G Ashby, Eric DSc 1954 Asmal, Kader LLD 2003 G Atkins, Henry St. J., BSc 1915; DSc 1955 MSc, 1923 Atluri, Satya N. DSc 1989 Atwood, Margaret DLitt 2011 G Bain, George LLD 1998 C Baldessari, John DFA 2006 G Barbirolli, Sir John DMus 1952 Barcroft, Joseph DSc 1933 Barone, Angela R. DLitt 2001 G Barrington, Justice Donal LLD 2009 N/RHK Barrington, Ruth LLD 2005 M Barrington, Thomas J. LLD 1986 Barroso, Manuel Durăo LLD 2014 C Barry, Anthony D. LLD 1995 Barry, Peter LLD 2000 N/DC Barry, William, BA, 1928 LLD 1948 Barton, Dunbar P. DLitt 1926 Bassiouni, Cherif LLD 2001 G Bates, David R., FRS DSc 1975 Bax, Sir Arnold DMus 1947 Bazin, Renè DLitt 1929 Beattie, James M. DSc Public Health 1933 Beatty, Alfred C. LLD 1951 Beaver, Sir Hugh E.C. DEconSc 1959 Beckett, James C. DLitt 1990 Beeching, Lord Richard DSc 1967 Begley, John DLitt 1939 Behan, John DLitt 2000 G Beit, Sir Alfred Lane, BT LLD 1979 Bell Burnell, Dame Jocelyn DSc 2009 N/RHK Belloc, Hilary J.P.R. DLitt 1929 Benabid, Professor Alim-Louis DMed 2005 G Bergin, Joan DLitt 2012 D Best, Richard I. DLitt 1920 Beveridge, Sir Gordon LLD 1995 Biggart, Sir John Henry DSc 1973 Binchy, Daniel A., MA DLittCelt 1973 N Binchy, Maeve DLitt 1990 Bird, Charlie LLD 2004 D/CL Birkhoff, George D. DSc 1944 Birrell, Augustine DLitt 1929 Bischoff, Bernard DLitt 1962 Bishop, William W. DLitt 1937 Blacher, Boris DMus 1974 Bodkin, Thomas P., BA, 1909, LLD 1961 DLitt, 1927 Bolam, Sir Robert A. MD 1933 Boland, Eavan DLitt 1997 D Boland, Frederick H. LLD 1961 Boland, John P. LLD 1950 Boland, Michael DMed 2009 C Bolger, J.S. DArts 2014 G Bougon, Pierre LLD 1995 Bourke, Patrick A. DSc 1973 Bowen, William H. MD 1995 Boydell, Brian DMus 1974 Boyle, Professor Kevin (post LLD 2011 G obitum) Boyle, Leonard E., OP DLitt 1993 Brackenbury, Sir Henry B. MD 1933 Bradbury, Ray LLD 2005 G/LA Braiden, Dr Olive LLD 2008 D Bramsbäck, Birgit DLitt 1981 Brazil, Áine M DEng 2015 G Breathnach, Diarmuid, (jointly DLitt Celt 2002 M with Máire Ní Mhurchú) Brendel, Alfred LLD 2007 D Brennan Glucksman, Loretta LLD 2007 C Brennan, Joseph, MA, 1910 LLD 1938 Brennan, Mr. Justice William LLD 1990 Brennan, Tom LLD 1985 Brodie, Michael DSc 2011 N/RCPI Brosnan, Denis LLD 1999 C Brosnan, Joseph LLD 2011 M Brosnan, John F. LLD 1960 Brosnan, Pierce LLD 2004 C Browne, Daniel DSc 2011 D Browne, His Eminence Michael, LLD 1954 Cardinal, OP, DD Browne, Most Rev. Michael, DD, LLD 1971 DCL. Brownell, The Hon. Herbert (Jr.) LLD 1957 Brück, Hermann A., DPhil, PhD DSc 1972 Bruton, John LLD 2005 N/RHK Buckley, John J.C., DSc LLD 1972 Bulger, William M. LLD 2002 G Bunn, Edward B. LLD 1965 Burke, Liam, Lord Mayor of Cork LLD 1985 Burke, Very Rev. Thomas W., LLD 1961 OCarm, BSc, 1945; MSc, 1947; PhD, 1949; HDip in Ed, 1953 Burns, Conn LLD 1988 Burstall, Aubrey F. DSc 1959 Butler, William F.T., BA, 1891; DLitt 1926 MA, 1894 Butterfield, Herbert DLitt 1954 Byrne, David LLD 2004 D/CL Byrne, Gabriel DArts 2007 G Caird, Rev. Donald A., LLD 1995 Archbishop Callaghan, Lieut. Gen. William LLD 1986 Callan, Curtis G. Jr DSc 2005 M Camilleri, Andrea DLitt 2011 D Campbell, Séan LLD 2011 G Campbell Sharpe, Noelle LLD 2007 M Canning, Mary DLitt 2014 N/RCPI Carey, Edward P., BA, 1911; LLD 1954 BSc, 1913; MB, BCh, BAO 1914 Carey, Martin C. LLD 1992 Carlisle, James M. LLD 1951 Carney, James P., B.A. DLittCelt 1979 Carolan, Nicholas DMus 2007 G Carr, Marina DLitt 2011 D Carrigan, Joseph E. DEconSc 1950 Carroll, John, DSc LLD 1979 Carroll, Michael M. LLD 1992 Carroll, The Hon Miss Justice LLD 2004 N/NGI Mella Carson, Ciaran DLitt 2011 D Carter, Charles F. DEconSc 1968 Casey, Caroline LLD 2006 N/RHK Cassells, Peter LLD 2002 N/RHK Cavanagh, Tom LLD 1996 Ceannt, Rónán É. LLD 1966 Chadwick, Nora K. DLittCelt 1959 Chauviré, Roger DLitt 1929 Chesterton, Gilbert K. DLitt 1929 Childers, Erskine H. LLD 1973 Christiansen, Reidar T. DLitt 1954 Clare, George DLitt 2005 G/LA Clarke, John G.P. DLitt 1976 Clarke, Kathleen LLD 1966 Cleary, Ignatius LLD 1989 Cleary, Michael B. LLD 2004 M Clifton, Harry DLitt 2011 D Clinton, Hillary Rodham, First LLD 1999 G Lady of the United States of America Clunie, James DSc 1988 Cody, Brian DArts 2012 C Coffey, Denis J., BA, 1886; MA, DSc 1940 1897; MB BCh BAO, 1888 Cohen, Harriet P.A. DMus 1960 Cohen, Sir Henry DSc 1952 Cole, Rufus DSc 1933 Coleman, James DFA 2006 G Collins, Bernard LLD 2010 G Collins, Eileen Marie DSc 2006 D Colum, Padraic DLitt 1951 Commins, Patrick DLitt 2008 M Concannon, Helena (née Walsh), DLitt 1929 BA, 1900; MA, 1902 Conlon, Michael N. LLD 1995 Connell, His Eminence Cardinal LLD 2001 N/DC Desmond, Archbishop of Dublin & Primate of Ireland, DLitt Connellan, Liam LLD 2009 G Connellan Liam DSc 2014 D Connolly O'Brien, Nora M.
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