■'!_ .. .-T ’ . \ f» 1 ■I't ■nxuRHDAT. AFKXC t, 1 H 4 ^;j»AGE FOURTEEW Average Daily Clrenlatli^ The Wralher Manchester Epen (rig Herald \jfbr the Moath.of Mamh, 1944 FnrMMt Ol U. S. UriilOirr BorMHI \ R aym on<^. Delnlckl, 18, Mrs. Ellen Carlson, chairman: A Cloady, Moiewhat eoMer to­ PritLte John Browh, son of Mr. D orcas Society Mrs. Florence Byrne, Mrs. Sylvia A new course for Red Cross man 1-c, rton' trf Mr. and M>4.’ A. 8 , 7 0 6 night; imla beglnnlna late tonight iff Assistants Is scheduled to and Mrs. J. Seymour Brown, of 'Cocke, Mrs. Ruth Carlberg, Mrs. Delnickl/Felt Road. Wappirtg, has ending Satnrdny nftemoon; very iooh, to train volim* Hc^ry street, is home on a 15-day Miriam Carlson, Mrs.s Alm a Caa- ' Mmbcnr «r ttw AnfUt sr Snturdny. About Town completed basl, training at the E n joys JLecIlire \ tor helping la the otapter of- furlough from Camp Haile, Colo. person and Mrs. Norma Dickson. ' Bmea^: a t ClrcolatloM Submarine School, V.^ubmarinc MunMera for this course Samuel Taggart* and John Buckley The refreshment tables^were at­ Bas^' New London. G6nn>v,f5V duty aneheiter--‘A CUy o f PUla/ia t.lw r ible to give time during are at-.thia camp , and Wendell Che­ tractive \with r sp rin g' bouquet, A rcKulkT DieeUnjr o f the Royol ney . has left for the A ir Corps. the gro w ln g^ cct of urtder- the day, iuitween 9 a, m. and 5 About 50 Dorcas , Societ^x mem­ candles in pastel colors, Easter Blaclc Pr«eptory, No. II, will be Private Brown, who has been at flghtera. ^Fireman Delnjckl M d In O ran i» Hall tomorrow p. jn., and aUtnowledge of typing bers listened to an Interesting bunnies and napKins. (daMtted AdvectWag m i Page U ) MANt^STRR. CONN, ^ID AY* APRIL 7, 1944 ' (FOURTKENT PAGES) PRICE THIfEE CKN’TS Camp Hale since he entered the be entitled' to Wear the t rOL. LXnL. NO. 160 nl*ht at 8 o’clodu ^ is essenUal. ^ r t h e r information may be obtaine^t the chapter of­ service last September says It is. dolphin insigrtia of the submarin' talk last night at, Emanuel Luth- pretty tough up there in the Hock/ fice, phone 6637. service a ft« further experience churih by Miss Helena ■»- The office «C the Ixx»l War ice but he enjoys It. He hSs not ^ t ALICE cbFRAN aboard a'submarine during which Bdbth. teacher In one of the local vRrlce aaff-Batfcmtn* Boart ^11 be run across Dr, Alfred Sundqjuist (Known As queen Afire) he must demonstrate to his com­ schotJis. Mias Booth chose for her ^ Ancient Armor Clams With Yank* / T an day tomorrow. Good Fri- who has been there the /ame SPIRITUAL MEDIUM William DieUi Griswold manding officer that he is fully subjects "DolLs In a Changing le r street, has entered St>,^F^ncla length of tilhe. quailfled to carry put the duties Seventh Daughter nf a Seventh Son a p s P u s h World.” ^§he nad on display the Bom With a Veil hospital, Hartford, to undb^o an pf his rate. The insignia is- regard- 125 dolls In her collection, from operaUon. He is an employee of Sergt. George MerZe 4hd his Readings Dally, Including Sunday, <Rl 'as a mark of. distinction early times to the present and the Hamilton SUndard PropNjer wife are visiting with htC. Merae’s throughout’- the Na.vy. Dclnicki at­ 9 A. M. to U P. 51. o r By Apimtnt- parents, Mr. and Mr^. Mattho^ gave .an intercatjng description of division of Unlteu Aircraft, tended Ellsworth'High, So. Wind­ ment. In INe Service of the Peo­ Into Indian Area; Merz of North Main street. H4 is r-»ny of them, l^ e granted th« ple for SO Yeara a 16-day furlough from Camp sor, .Where he made the basket­ ■members the privileges of exam­ LAnFIZZA ball, soccer and track squads. He 169 Church .Street, Hartford, Conn. Odessa; The Men's Society of Emanuel BH^s, Texas. ining the dolls'clasely and an­ Phone e-7024 has been In the Navy a year and swered numerous q'ae.stipns about Lutheran church will m ^ '^es- had preliminary traini.ng at day evening at 8 o’cloch. The busl- Raljib\ S. Spear, sort of Mrs. them. Engaged^ bv A llies Sampson, N. Y. >ot neM session will be followed by the Susie F\Spear oi 464 Hartford Assorted sandwiches, coffee and annual re^stratton ot\ the Boy road, hair^bgur bpsic training at tea were served by the hostesses. Scout troop of the church. Nelson the U. S. Maritime Service train­ Members of the Young People's .Roofing—Asbestos iltrating into Terri­ Battles gly, executiv* director of Charter ing station abs^offman Island, N. Singing'Company of the Salvation Square ‘ Army going to Vernon for the ser­ High ijpsses Oak Council, Boy ScouU of Great­ Y. He is 31 yekrs pf age and had ^ Siding and Rock Wfi Have A Large A ^ortm en f^ f tory Slightly West of er Hartford, will be the speaker. ben employed byNhexprtlt's Patent vice this evening, are requested tp TALL CEDARS meet at the citadel at 6:1.5, Highway in Direction Grill ■Ilie jSiy Scouts will also have a Firearms Companyv. His brother \W o o l Insulation In Invasipp/ Orders Giveiv to Hold part/in the program. A /oclal hour Edgar W. Speat IsNn the Coast O f American-Operated On The Square with refreshments will follow In Guard stationed at TJertiilsport, BINGO CxperKworkniahahlp. All wbrk Easter Plants and Flowers Port at ‘Aliy Cost’ as guarant^d. Reairtinable Prloea. charge of the execuUve committee. Mast. Bengal-Assain Railroad TOMORROW MGHT No obligaUun' for 'gn eatlmate. Talk Rap^ted Favorable Positions A T 8 O’CLOCK Easter Lilies . - .•X''. .$1.50 aud'^2.00 ChapiH^ Court, Order of^rtma- Write. X - —Patrols Hamper Foes. Held Behind I.,agoon8, I ranth, w ill meet tomon'ow evertjng Tulips and DaC^dils ................... .......... 25c I In the Masonic Temple. A social ORAISGE HALL \ Bradley TeU$ Officer$ B y Yarik Bom heirs Lakes Protecting City; \ New Delhi, April 7.-—(/P)—■ time will follow the business ses Barton Insmqting Co. Cut Flowers ..... $3.00 a bouquet and up 2.1 REGULAR GAMES AT lapanese troops, with estab­ Naval Gunfire and Battle Tanks, Ihfan* PIKEHURST sion, with refreshments In charge 180 Oxford St. Hai^ford Corsages ............. $1.00 and ,up of Mrs. Maybelles Frankland and $1.00 A G AM E FOR 25c! Phone Hartford 82^515 lished road blocks along 15 Air P^Uie Will Sur- Ground Action on^ All try and Guns Sent to her committee. 7. SPECIAL GAMES Victo^Gardens .'...........• • • • $2.00 and up liles o f , the • Imphal-Kohima ooc y road, have driven deeper into prisej Lose Few. Italian Fronts Remains BI J Slaj^jig Rescue at Tarnopol. EASTER HAMS.. SWEEPSTAKES India and are now infiltrating At Virtual Standstill^ FOR TOP VALl ^ /|iURKE@ $5.00 WEEKLY PRIZE ito territory'^ slightly west WJth An American Infantry Di- 111 Bridgeport; Moscow, April 7.— (^P)— ss.’s v .s ';pr.T™ IN A NEW HOME^ . $25 WAR BOND The Florist the highway in the direc­ vi^n Bomewhere in England, 16 Nazi Planes Downed The Germans have rushed 1 low . the shank half of Swift Premium, Armour s McCONVILLE ytpril 7.— (/P)—=14eut. Gen. Omar N. MONTHLY PRIZE special units into line with Star or Cudahy’s Puritan Ham is only 1 point a pound. o r 87t Cf*<;'RST M4NCHfSTl8,(WI 3 8 \ Telegraph Delivery Service • , tion of the American-operat- I See the Ones Being Built To Be Given March SL Bengal-Assam railroad. It Bradley told American officers pre­ Warriors’ garb spanning the centuries recently msrehed side by side when American troops marched with Allied Headquarters, Na Woman Victim orders to defend Odessa at I*: Order a 7 or 8-pound cut . this will give you «nouffh I S^MAIN STREET TELEPHONE 5947 closed in a communique o f the paring for this invasion of Europe London’s H.Prtourtble.^tlllery Cdmpany, who wore armor of city’s old-Ume pikemcn. Parade was part pies, April 7.— (JF)— Heavy "any cost” and are battling, i so that we can cuf off a slice or two, if you want Us to GREENBROOKE outheast Asia command todj today that, "this stuff about tre­ of England's "Salute the Soldier” campaign. bombers of the U S. 15th Air Fleeing Man, Found on the close approaches to do so. • Chevmlet 85 to SO Mile* Awnv mendous losses is tominyrot.” * Force again attacked a Bal­ that Black sea port from fa­ HOMES, IN C "The'success of, the whole war (The Japanese posltlomr appar- kan target yesterday, ham­ Dead in Auto Two vorable positions behind the On Walker Street ^ ntly Diaced them 36 w SO nriles depends on this operation and I Arm our,. • Cudahy... Swift 4 - D o o i many lagoons and lakes pro­ & SON, INC. Dm the railway, lifelirte of Lieut. have no fear of its outcome," the Must Continue Volcanic British Labor mering this time at a German Blocks from Scene, For fnrtber iofomiotlon osD ot G! E. W IL Joseph W. Stllwell’s nprthera commander of ' Americim groimd airfield in the Croatian capi­ tecting the stronghold. Bed Star fVARIC^SE VEINS? ' — ' - Identified as Husband, Alnmnder Jarvis Co. office on \ offensive And the alr- forces in the United Kingdom as­ tal of Zagreb as ground ac­ dispatches reporteid today.^ / Center street or at M Alexander sured officers who wlB lead the lb.
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