23 July 1966 Leading Articles MEDICAL JOURNAL 189 2 to 6% calcium oxide in commercial talcs. When the talc intermittent and irregular twitching of the muscles around is wetted the boric acid reacts with the calcium hydroxide to one eye, and later may spread to those around the so mouth, Br Med J: first published as 10.1136/bmj.2.5507.189 on 23 July 1966. Downloaded from produce the highly insoluble calcium borate. Absorption that intermittent sharp and momentary contractions of the from dusting powder when the surface of the skin is intact is entire facial musculature on one side may ensue. The negligible and harmless, but if the surface is broken a dusting probable cause is compression or irritation of the facial nerve powder is probably not the best treatment anyway. within its bony canal, but regrettably there is no certain It should be recognized that there is no single blunderbuss method of determining the site of the lesion, so that operations method of treating napkin rashes, because they are not all of designed to decompress the affected nerve are rarely success- the same type or due to the same cause. The common ful. A similar type of intermittent twitching may be seen ammonia dermatitis, with its diffuse erythema where the wet following a severe Bell's palsy in association with the facial napkin was in contact with the skin, leaving the-creases clear, contracture which can occur as a result of partial regeneration is due to the liberation of ammonia from the urine by in the facial nerve. urea-splitting organisms from the stools. This is encouraged Yet another interesting and unusual form of involuntary by leaving the napkins on in a wet state for prolonged periods. movement of the facial musculature has been called " facial A variety of preparations offer effectual treatment, including myokymia." F. Andermann and his colleagues' described quaternary ammonium compounds. A useful lotion is one four personal cases and found seven in the literature; of these containing 4% tannic acid in 0.1% proflavine. It is essential 11 cases, eight were probably suffering from disseminated to see that the napkins are changed sufficiently frequently- sclerosis. More recently, W. B. Matthews2 has described and that the mother has enough of them to make this seven episodes of myokymia occurring in five patients whom possible. he had observed personally over a six-year period. He points Isolated vesicles in the napkin urea are likely to be due out that the onset of the condition is usually abrupt and that to monilia. They may be numerous, and may coalesce. it seems to affect the whole musculature on one side. Patients Nystatin ointment usually clears the rash satisfactorily. The often complain that the face feels screwed up or swollen, and so-called psoriasiform napkin dermatitis has been the subject some when looking in a mirror have observed flickering move- of recent studies.7 8 A. G. Fergusson and colleagues7 write ments. The appearance is highly characteristic in that all of that it begins as a napkin dermatitis and later spreads to the muscles on the affected side of the face appear to be in a affect the trunk, limbs, and scalp. They describe 52 cases, state of slight contraction; the palpebral fissure is narrowed, and consider that it is a response to monilia in a child with the angle of the mouth drawn up, and the lips are pursed. a seborrhoeic type of skin. The growth of monilia may be There is a continuous flickering from frontalis to platysma; the result of the administration of antibiotics by mouth. The this differs from fasciculation, as it recurs with extraordinary condition does not respond to nystatin ointment but does to rapidity and appears to pass over the face in rapid undulating corticosteroid ointment, such as betamethasone five parts and waves. In Matthews's cases, the duration of the disorder Lassar's paste one part. varied; while showing some waxing and waning in intensity, All these rashes have to be distinguished from seborrhoeic it usually lasted for anything between three weeks and six eczema; in this the skin of the flexures of the napkin area months. One patient found all sounds seemed louder in the http://www.bmj.com/ is attacked, and there are characteristic clear areas round the affected ear, but none had abnormalities of taste sensation. red patches. It usually responds to triamcinolone-and- Electromyography showed rhythmical spontaneous discharges chlovhydroxyquinoline ointment with equal parts of Lassar's occurring in the affected muscles. paste. As Matthews points out, this syndrome of facial myokymia differs from the form of benign fasciculation in the limbs to which the name " myokymia " has also been given.3 This benign fasciculation is often widespread and "coarse " and Facial Myokymia is commonly accompanied by anxiety, muscle cramps, and on 27 September 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. excessive sweating. Electromyography in such cases usually Twitching of the face is common and usually benign. The shows grouped discharges of two or three motor units repeat- simple tic or habit spasm is a movement -of the facial ing at intervals, and thus differs from the spontaneous- musculature, often bilateral, which appears involuntary; but fasciculation activity observed in motor neurone disease, in it is probably in the first instance consciously performed to which the potentials are usually single. Facial myokymia relieve tension, and as the habit becomes established the must also be distinguished from the benign myokymia of the patient is progressively less aware of the movements. Focal lower eyelid which is often seen in normal people. twitching of one corner of the mouth occurs episodically in Facial myokymia has never been described after facial focal Jacksonian epilepsy, and is usually easy to recognize. palsy; its onset is usually abrupt and eventual recovery Recently it has become clear that certain persistent facial appears to be invariable, though more than one attack may dyskinesias, in which there are pursing, chewing, and other occur, and both sides of the face may be successively affected. bizarre movements of the lips and tongue, may result from Though there is no histopathological proof, it has been long periods of treatment with phenothiazine drugs. The suggested that the lesion is probably intramedullary, lying movements of chorea, whether of the Sydenham's or close to the facial nucleus. H. Oppenheim4 first described Huntington's type, frequently involve the facial musculature, the disorder in patients with multiple sclerosis, and E. H. and grimacing movements, which are slower but not otherwise Lambert and his colleagues5 reported it in a case of pontine dissimilar from those of chorea, are also seen in hepato- lenticular degeneration (Wilson's disease). Andermann, F., Cosgrove, J. B. R., Lloyd-Smith, D. L., Gloor, P., and More common, and often McNaughton, F. L., Brain, 1961, 84, 31. wrongly diagnosed, is clonic 2Matthews, W. B., 7. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiat., 1966, 29, 35. facial spasm (heini-facial spasm). This benign 3Denny-Brown, D., and Foley, J. M., Trans. Ass. Amer. Phycns, 1948, condition, 61, 88. which is always accentuated by tension or embarrassment, 'Oppenheim, H., Neurol. Zbl., 1917, 36, 142. affects only one talf of the face ; it often begins 5Lambert, E. H., Love, J. G., and Mulder, D. W., Newsl. Amer. Ass. with an Electromyogr., Electrodiagn., 1961, 8, 8. 190 23 July 1966 Leading Articles BRITISH glioma. In one of the five patients described by Matthews the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis was incontrovertible, and Uric Acid and Behaviour in another it was probable; in the other three the facial Gout has always fascinated doctors. One feature which has Br Med J: first published as 10.1136/bmj.2.5507.189 on 23 July 1966. Downloaded from myokymia occurred as an isolated event. Matthews's contributed to this interest is the high proportion of experience suggests that the condition is not uncommon and patients who are out of the ordinary. Many victims have it is to be hoped that histopathological studies will eventually been men of distinction, and several reports have indicated clarify the pathogenesis of this mysterious but benign a connexion between uric acid and social or intellectual attain- affliction. ment. Patients with gout attending hospital clinics tend to be of a higher social class than other patients.' Executives have a higher mean level of uric acid in the serum than craftsmen,2 while the intellectual level of soldiers in the Predicting Coronary Disease United States army has been found to bear a positive relation to that of the serum level of uric acid.3 All men over 40 have coronary atheroma, and when severe In the most recent study of this type G. W. Brooks and it leads to angina, myocardial infarction, and even sudden E. Mueller4 have tried to relate the personal characteristics death. Research into its cause turned attention at an early of 113 professors at the University of Michigan with the stage to disorders of lipid metabolism. level of uric acid in their sera. The professors submitted to It was soon realized that a high blood level of cholesterol a psychosocial analysis derived from questionaries and has a close relation to the development of coronary atheroma. interviews, and were quantitatively graded with respect to The most striking example of this is the death in their early seven variables-namely, drive, achievement, leadership, 20s of young men and women with familial hypercholesterol- pushing of self, range of activities, attitude towards pressure, aemia. Then a more detailed series of studies led to the and emphasis on research. From the combined figures was serum lipids being separated by centrifugation and to analysis calculated a total behaviour score.
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