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This document is archival in nature and is intended Le présent document a une valeur archivistique et for those who wish to consult archival documents fait partie des documents d’archives rendus made available from the collection of Public Safety disponibles par Sécurité publique Canada à ceux Canada. qui souhaitent consulter ces documents issus de sa collection. Some of these documents are available in only one official language. Translation, to be provided Certains de ces documents ne sont disponibles by Public Safety Canada, is available upon que dans une langue officielle. Sécurité publique request. Canada fournira une traduction sur demande. DOMINION OF CANADA REPORT OF THE ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE FOR THE YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 1941 TO BE PURCHASED DIRECTLY FROM THE KING'S PRINTER DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC PRINTING AND STATIONERY, OTTAWA, ONTARIO, CANADA OTTAWA EDMOND CLOUTIER PRINTER TO THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY 1941 Price, 50 cents DOMINION OF CANADA REPORT OF THE ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE FOR . THE YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 1941 Copyright of this document does not belong to the Crown. Proper authorization must be obtained from the author for any intended use. Les droits d'auteur du présent document n'appartiennent pas à l'État. Toute utilisation du contenu du présent document doit être approuvée préalablement par l'auteur. TO BE PURCHASED DIRECTLY FROM THE KING'S PRINTER DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC PRINTING AND STATIONERY, OTTAWA, ONTARIO, CANADA OTTAWA EDMOND CLOUTIER PRINTER TO THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY 1941 To His Excellency the Right Honourable the Earl of Athlone, KG., P.C., G.C.B., G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O., D.S.O., Governor General and Commander- in-Chief of the Dominion of Canada. MnY IT PLEASE YOUR EXCEÉLENCY : The undersigned :has the honour to present to Your Excellency the Report of -the Royal.;Canadiah. Mounted Police for theyear ended March 31st, 1941. .Respectfully submitted, ERNEST LAPOINTE, .Miniàterof justice, and Minister in Control of the Roy-al Canadian Mounted Police. JulY CONTENTS SECTION 1-GENERAL REVIEW- PAGE 1. Amendments to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act 7 2. Agreements with the Provinces 7 Agreements for the Policing of Towns 8 3. The Force at large 8 War Work 8 • Usual Duties 8 Increase in strength 9 Female Office staff 9 Headquarters 9 Canadian Police Colleges 9 4. New Duties Enemy Alien Registration 10 Intelligence Section 10 Investigations—Postal Censorship 10 Intelligence Bulletin 10 Firearms Registration Section 10 Finger Print Section 11 Civil Security • 11 Anti-Sabotage Section 11 « Air Raid Precautions 11 5. Health 11 Medical and Dental Services 11 Recreation • 12 6. Industrial and Other Disturbances 12 Alien Labour Problem in the Maritimes 12 Canadian Seamen's Strike on the Great Lakes 12 Strike at the Canadian Celanese Ltd., Drummondville P.Q 12 7. Enemies Actual and Potential 13 G eneral 13 Germans 13 Fifth Column Activities 13 Italians 13 Internments. 13 Communists 14 National Unity Party 15 Roumania and Bulgaria 15 Japanese 15 Jehovah's Witnesses and Others 15 Internment Policy 15 SECTION 2.—ADMINISTRATION OF THE FORCE- 1. Strength of the Force 16 Table Showing Strength, Rates of Pay, Etc 17 2. Divisions and Detachments 18 3. Increases and Decreases, Removals and Deaths 18 4. Administration and Organization at Headquarters 20 Increa.se in Headquarters Staff 20 Release of Uniformed Men from Clerical Work 20 Departmental Mail 20 Accommodation 20 5. Administration in the Field 20 General 20 Marine and Aviation Sections 21 33166-11 4 Administration in the Field—Concluded CONTENTS—Continued PAGE Prevéntive Service 21 Smuggling of Liquor 21 Customs Act 22 Excise Act 22 Tobacco Regulations 23 Conspiracy 23 Broadcasting and Wireless Equipment 23 R.C.M. Police Band 24 First Provost Company, C.A.S.F 24 6. Accommodation 24 Headquarters 24 Public Buildings Outside Ottawa 24 Rented Buildings 25 New Construction 25 Fires 25 7. Discipline 25 8. Honours and Awards 25 Order of St. John of Jerusalem 25 King's Police Medal 25 R.C.M. Police Long Service Medal 25 9. Medical and Dental Treatment 26 10. St. John Ambulance Association 26 11. Cemeteries 26 12. Transport 26 Aeroplanes and Seaplanes 26 Motor Transport 27 Ordinary Pedal Bicycles 27 Marine Transport 27 Other Water Transport 27 13. Horses 27 Police Farm and Breeding of Horses 28 14. Dogs—Sleigh and Trained 28 Sleigh Dogs 28 Trained Police Dogs 28 15. Clothing and Supplies 28 SECTION 3—RECRUITING, TRAINING AND RESERVE STRENGTH- 1.Pecruiting 29 Difficulty in Securing Recruits • 29 Rejections 29 Waiting List 29 Extent of Recruiting 29 2. Training 29 Training Syllabus for Recruits 30 Instructional Classes for Experienced N.C.O's and Constables 30 Training Other than at Regina or Rockcliffe 30 Training of Reserves 30 3. Musketry Practice 30 4. Revolver Practice 31 5. Equitation (Mounted Section) 31 6. R.C.M. Police Reserve Force 31 Training of Reserves 31 7. Instructional Staff—R.C.M. Police Colleges 31 5 CONTENTS—Cordinued SECTION 4—CRIME— PAGE 1. Review 32 Criminal Code ' 32 Murder 32 Federal Statutes 32 Provincial Statutes 32 Narcotic Drug Traffic 33 Counterfeiting 33 Customs and Excise 33 Conspiracy Charges 33 Railway Act 33 Defence of Canada Regulations 33 2. Crime Statistics 34 3. True Cases 34 4. Aids in the Detection and Apprehension of Criminals 36 Scientific Laboratory, Regina 36 Modus Operandi Section 37 Finger Print Sections 37 Photographic Section 38 R.C.M. Police Gazette 38 Gazette Supplement "A" • 39 Other Bulletins 39 Firearms Registration Section 39 5. Ticket-of-Leave Section 39 6. Acknowledgment of Assistance 40 SECTION 5—ASSISTANCE TO OTHER. DEPARTMENTS OF THE DOMINION AND PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENTS, MUNICIPAL AUTHORITIES, OTHER POLICE FORCES, ETC. 1. Other Investigations 41 2. Social and Humanitarian Services 42 3. Collection of Revenue 42 SECTION 6—NORTHWEST TERRITORIES AND THE YUKON TERRITORY-- 1. Preliminary Remarks 43 . . 2. Dogs and Dog Feed . . 43 . . , . 3. Barracks and Buildings 43 . 4. Inspections . Northwest Territories . - ". - . • ' 43: Yukon Territory . 44 •. 5. Patrols • „ , 44 . ,.. 6. Mining Develimment . • 44 . Yellowknife Area • . 45 . Great Bear Lake Area 45 Yukon Field . ' 45 7. Fur Trade 45 8. Crime 45 Criminal Code 45 Federal Statutes 45 War Measures Act 45 9. General Remarks . 45 6 CONTENTS—Continued SECTION 7—CONCLUDING REMARKS— PAGE 1. Impossibility of Further Expansion under Present Conditions 46 2. Distinguished Visitors 46 Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Julianna 46 Mayor La Guardia 47 T.R.H. the Crown Prince Olaf of Norway and Princess Martha, 47 Mr. Wendell Willkie. 47 3. Appreciation of Assistance 47 SECTION 8—APPENDICES- "A" Containing a list of Officers Commanding Divisions as at the 31st March, 1941, and items of interest and extracts from the reports of certain officers of the Force at R.C.M. Police Headquarters, Ottawa. 1. List of Officers Commanding Divisions 48 2. Assistant Commissioner in Charge of "C" Department—Assistant Commissioner R. R. Tait 49 3. The Director of Training—Assistant Commissioner T. B. Caulkin 52 4. The Intelligence Officer—Inspector A. Drysdale 56 5. The Alien Enemy Registration Section—Inspector D. Saul 57 6. The Firearms Section—Inspector R. Armitage 58 7. The Finger Print Section—Inspector H. R. Butchers 61 8. The Chief Preventive Officer—Inspector J. Healey 63 "B" Strength and Distribution by Divisions and Detachments 64 1. Recapitulation 77 2. Recapitulation by Provinces and Territories 77 "C" Returns of Investigations, cases entered and convictions, etc., for the 12 months ended March 31, 1941. 1. Recapitulation of Federal Statutes, Criminal Code and Provincial Statutes 78 2. Classified Summary of the disposition made of offences investigated under Federal Statutes from April 1, 1940, to March 31, 1941 79 3. Classified Summary of the disposition made of offences investigated under the 81 Criminal Code from April 1, 1940, to March 31, 1941 4. Classified Summary of the disposition made of all offences investigated under Provincial Statutes from April 1, 1940, to March 31, 1941 85 5. Return of Seizures made under the Opium and Narcotic Drug Act from April 1, 1940, to March 31, 1941 89 6. Summary of fines imposed from April 1, 1940, to March 31, 1941 89 7 ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE HEADQUARTERS, OTTAWA, April 15, 1941. To the Rt. HOD. ERNEST LAPOINTE, P.C., M.P., Minister •of Justice, (Minister in Control of the R.O.M. Police), • Ottawa. SIR,—I have the henour to submit the Annual Report cif the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for the year ended March 31, 1941. Broadly speaking, the form of the report is the saine as that submitted for several years pa-st, but, in view of the need for economy, the appendix to the report has been :confined to the usual statistics and only a few .extracts from reports of -Officers on the Headquarters Staff. The detailed annual reports of the officers .commanding the various divisions are available at this headquarters if they should be required. These Officers have all had an extremely busy year, and their reports are of necessity longer than usual, and it would be unsatisfactory to the reader to print short extracts only frein these reports.
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