Edited'& Published by .Jerzy. Page •- 88®888®8^@88®8888$®e8ee8e®8ee®®8e8®? PSEUDONYM INDEX by Don Franson 92 LORE. NOTES by the editor 103 ' NOTES TOWARD AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY (Poem) by Leo Tifton' ' 103 QUESTIONS ' ' ' .' 10L Drawings (page 92) by Jerry ..Burge ' Subscription rates listed on page 103 Copyright © 1966 by Gerald W. Page ^sses9&ss&&s&segsss&sess&&sss&8&essssi . THE NATIONAL FANTASY. FAN .FEDERATION PRESENTS, ONCE AGAIN ' FANTASY PSEUDONYMS —Assembled., this time., by Donald Franson, with the assistance of countless ' unknowing collaborators. The assembler is not responsible for mistakes due to other ' lists he has pirated from; but care has' been taken to avoid obvious errors and not ' to create, new ones. As a' special service to future compilers, tnere is a list of ' not-pseudonyms (see letter'X), names which are real and not pseudonyms, though they ' have, at one time or another, been considered as such. A few noh-fantasy pseudonyms ' are included. ' ’ ' • ■ __ jjp EDITOR'S NOTE: Through the courtesy of 'Donald Franson, this' issue of Lore is made ‘ available to the National Fantasy Fan Federation, without cost. Future issues of Lore will, of course, • contain follow up material on this' index. All readers are urged to contribute any comments, observations, additions or corrections. While, extraordinary care was' taken in compiling and. stenciling this in- jP dex, errors have been detected in the short space since it wak stenciled and others' •* possibly exist. It is hoped we will ha ve time to" prepare a crdkb:'index by Authors" tor an upcoming issue of Lore. Addenda to this index tha.t appears in Lore will not be given free to N3F members, .but the N3F is hereby granted permission to reprint' any such material in The National Fantasy Fan, if they so chob'se. ■ I would like to thank Donald Franson for the- quality of this index, and the ex­ tensiveness of it and for making it available to Lore. ' . —Jerry Page -91- Lore Page 92 A is for Anvil, a much hammered-on thing; His real name is Crosby, but it couldn't be Bing. 1. ANTHONY ABBOT: Fulton Ousler. 22. VICTOR APPLETON: Edward Stratemeyer; 2. HAZEL ADAIR: Hazel Iris Wilson Addis. Howard R. Garis, et al. 3. GORDON AGHILL: Robert Silverberg and 23. VICTOR APPLETON II: ? Randall Garrett. 2h. GUY ARCHETTE: Chester S. Geier. h. BERT AHERNE: Albert Hgrnhuter. 23. E.L.ARCH: Rachel C. Payes. 3. ALEJANDRO: Alejandro Canedo. 26. ROGER ARGOT: Robert Dora Id Locke. 6. ED ALEXANDER: Edward A. Emshwiller. 27. RICE ARDEN: Maurice A. Weakley. 7. ARTHUR ALLPORT: Raymond Z. Gallun. 28. MICHAEL ARLEN: Dikran Kuyamjian. 8. JOHN ALVEREZ: Lester del Rey. 29. ANTHONY ARMSTRONG: Anthony A. Willis. 9. R. ALVERFZ: Lester Del Rey. 30. GEOFFREY ARMSTRONG:John Russell Fearh. 10. GRENDON ALZEE: Arthur Leo Zagat. 31. ROBERT ARNETTE:Geier(?); Silverberg. 11. WES AMHERST: Richard S. Shaver. 32. ELROY ARNO: Leroy Yerxa. 12. ROBERT ANDREA: ? 33. JOHN ARNOLD:Frederick Arnold Kummer Jr. 13. ELTON V. ANDREWS: Frederik Pohl. 3h- STEPHEN ARR: Stephen A. Rynas . lh. THOMS ANDREWS: Sewell Peasle- Wright. 33- NICOLAI ARZHAK: Yuli Daniel. 13. PAUL ANNIXTER:Howard AllisonSturtzel. 36. PaUL ASH: Pauline Ashwell. 16. S.ANSKY: S.Rappaport. 37- GORDON ASHE: John Creasey. 17. FRANK ANSTEY: Thomas Anstey Guthrie. 38. WILLIaM ATHELING JR: James Blish. 18. JOHN ANTHONY: John Ciardi. 39. JOSEPH ATTERLEY: George Tucker. 19. PIERS ANTHONY: Piers Jacob. hO. FRANK AUSTIN: Frederick Faust. 20. ANTHOS: hl. MaRY AUSTIN: Jane “ice. 21. CHRISTOPHER ANVIL: Harry C. Crosby. h2. THORNTON AYRE: John Russell Fearn. B is for Briarton, Grendel by name; B The letters in "Reginald Bretnor" are same. 1. TED BAIN: E.C.Tubb. 2h. EDWARD J. BELLIN(h): Henry Kuttner, 2. EaRL BaLONS: C .M. Ko rnbluth. C.L.Moore, et al. 3. D.R.BANAT: Ray Bradbury. 23. JOHN BENNET: James Weakley. h. EDWARD BANKS: Ray Bradbury. 26. EDWIN BENSON: Real name used once by 3- GREGO BANSHUCK: Hugo Gernsback. Richard S. Shaver. 6. PHILLIPS BARBEE: Robert Sheckley. 27. STELLA BENSON:Mrs J.0.Anderson. 7. GABRIEL BARCLAY (h): Manly Wade 28. ANTHONY BERKELEY:Anthony Berkeley Cox. Wellman, et al. 29. JULIAN BERRY; Ernesto Gastoldi. 8. LESTER BARCLAY: Berkeley Livingston. 30. JOHN BEYNON: John Beynon Harris. 9. DAVE BARNES: Arthur K. Barnes and 31. EANDO BINDER: Earl&Otto Binder; Otto Norbert Davis. Binder. 10. GRANDALL BARRETTON: Randall Garrett. 32. CORTWAINER BIRD: Harlan Ellison. 11. B.X.BARRY: Ray A. Giles. 33. ZEALIA B.BISHOP:Zealia Brown Reed. 12. PHILIP BARSHOFSKY: M.M.Kaplan. 3h. ALEXANDER BLADE (h): H.Browne,M.Cooke, 13. PHILIP Jacques BaRTEL: M.M.Kaplan. Geier, E.Hamilton, Heinrich Hauser, 111. GEORGE O.'EN BAXTER:Frederick Faust. B,Livingston, W.P.McGivern, D.W. 13. NICK BEAL: Forrest J Ackerman. O'Brien,L.H.Sampliner, Shaver, David 16. ANNE BEALE:F.0rlin Tremaine. Vern, Don Wilcox, Yerxa, Roger P. 17. NORMAL BEAN: Edgar Rice Burroughs. Graham, Silverberg, et al. 18. NORMAN BEAN: Edgar Rice Burroughs. 33. NICHOLAS BLaKEiCecil Day Lewis. 19. CHARLES BEAUMONT: Charles McNutt. 36. CHRISTOPHER BLAYRE:Edw. Heron Allan. 20. ALLEN BECK: Hugh B. Cave. 37. JOHN BLOODSTONE: Stuart J. Byrne. 21. DONALD BEDFORD: H.Bedford-Jones. 38. EDMUND BOISGILBERT: Ignatius Donnelly. 22. FRANCIS BEEDING: John Leslie Palmer & 39. LEE BOLT: Frederick Faust. Hillary St. George Saunders. hO. J .HARVEY BOND: Russ Winterbotham. 23- NEIL BELL: Stephen Southwold. hl. GEORGE BORODIN: George Sava. ■Lore. #7 Page 93 h.2. AMTHONY BOUCHER:Wm Anthony Parker White. 38. MONTAGUE BRISSARD: H.Bedford-Jones. 213. MARJORIE BOWN:Gabrielle, M.V.Long. 39. COUTTS BRISBANE: R. Coutts Armour. • hh. MORTON BOYCE:John Russell Fearn. 60. JOHN A. BRISTOL: Jack Speer. h3» FELIX’BOYD: Harry Harrison. 61. LYNN BROCK: Allister McAllister. ' U6. LEIGH BRACKETT is Mrs EdmondHamilton. 62. WILLIAM BROIN: Ernest H. Richter. ‘ L7• ADAM BRADFORD: Joseph Wassersug. 63. CRAIG BROWNING:. Roger P. Graham. 2j.8. ERNEST BRAMAH: Ernest Braham Smith. 62i. JOHN S. BRO WING: Robert Moore Williams L9. CARYL BRAHMS: Doris CarolineAbrahams. 63. JOHN BRUNNER same asK.Houston Brunner 30. MAX BRAND: Frederick Faust. 66. PETER BRYANT: Peter George. 31. CARL BRANDON: Terry Carr. ' 67. BRADNER BUCKNER: Ed Earl Repp. .. ' 52. FRANK BRANDON: Kennfeth Bulmer.' 68. ALGIS' J .BUDRYS: Algirdas' Jonas Budrys". 53- WILLIAM BRENGLE(h): Browne, et al. 69. WALTER BUPP: Randall' Garrett. ' 3h. LEO BRETT': R. Lionel'Fan thorp e . ' 70. RALPH BURKE: Robert. Silverberg. 33. GRENDEL BRIARTON:. Reginald Bretnor. 71. CECIL BURLEIGH: Lu. Senarens. 36. FRANK J. BRIDGE: Frank J .Brueckel, Jr. 72.' WALTER C. BUTLER: Frederick’ Faust. ‘37• JOHN BRIDGER: Joe Gibson. 73. C. BUXTON:'Harold Hersey. ' C is for Clement, or Harry G. Stubbs, C . ■ Who uses this pen-name on all that he pubs. 1. JOHN YORK CABOT:David Wright O'Brien. 33. CHARLES CLOUKEY: Charles Cloutier. .. 2. JEFF CAINE: Rainer Eisfeld. 3h. KIT CLYDE.: Lu Senarens. 3. WILLIAM CALLAHAN: Raymond Z. Gallun. 33. C.S.CODY: Leslie Waller., . L. LEIGH CAMERON: Sewell Peasley Wright. 36. JOHN COLERIDGE: Earl & Otto Binder. 3. CLYDE CRANE CAMPBELL: Horace L. Gold. 37• MANNING COLES: Adelaide Manning and 6. T.P.CARA VAN: ? '. ' Cyril Coles. 7. RALPH CARCHILL: Arthur Jean Cox. 38. HARRY COLLIER: Harry Walton. 8. HUGH B.CARLETON (h): Browne, et al. 39. HUNT COLLINS: Evan Hunter. 9. ’S.CARLETON: Su-.vn Carleton Jones. JO. ELI COLTER: Elizabeth Colter. 10. LEWIS, CARROLL: Charles Lutwidge hl. JAMES COLVIN: Wiichael Moorcock. Dodgson. h2 . CONaNIGHT ; Chester -Cphen .& Damon Knight 11. BRUCE CARTER:Richard Alexander Hough. h3. CHESTER B.CONANT: Chester Cohen. 12. NICK CARTER(h):JhnCoryelljFredericDey. ,hh-. ALAN CONN: Alan Connell. 13. KENT CASEY: Kenneth McIntosh. b3- J«J.CONNINGTON:Alfred Walter Stewart. 12i. RICHARD CASEY(h):Leroy Yerxa, et al. h6. JOSEPH CONRAD: Teodor Josef Konrad 13. ROBERT CASTLE: Edmond Hamilton. Korzeniowski. : , 16. CAXTON: W.H.Rhodes. h7 • BOWEN CONiiiAY: John Michel. 17. HENRY CECIL: David H. Keller (also h8. RITTER CONWAY: Damon Knight name of real British author.) h9. LATHAM CONYERS: Arthur Leo Zagat. 18. H.F.CENTE: Ross Rocklynne. 30. ARTHUR COOKE: E.Balter, Kornbluth, 19. GEORGE CHALLIS: Frederick Faust. Lowndes, J.Michel & Wellheim. 20. M.E.CHABER:Kendall Foster Crossen. 31. CHAN CORBETT: Nathan Schachner. 21. LAWRENCE CHANDLER(h):H.Browne, et al. 32. MICHAEL CORBIN:. Cleve Cartmill. 22. LESLIE CHARTERIS:' Leslie C. B. Lin. 33. BARRY CORD: Peter B. Germano. , 23. ADAM CHASE: Milton Lesser. 3h. MARIE CORELLI: Mary Mackay. 2h. JAMES HADLEY CHASE: Rene Raymond. 33. LEE CORREY: G. Ha-rry Stine. .■ 23. CLEVELAND B.CHASE: H.Bedford-Jones. 36. CECIL CORWIN: C.M.Kornbluth. ,■ 26. WALTER CHINWELL: Forrest J Ackerman. 37. P .F. COSTELLO(h):Geier, et al. 27. ROBERT ORR CHIPPERFIELD: Isabel .,38. ARTHUR COSTER: Richard DeMille. Ostrander. 39. JOHN COTTON: John Russell Fearn. 28. JOHN CHRISTOPHER: Christopher S.Youd. 60. WAYNE COOVER: Reiner Eisfeld. 29. DALE CLARK: Ronal Kayser. 61. J .J.COUPLING: John R. Pierce. 30. HAL CLEMENT: Harry Clement Stubbs. 62. JEAN COX: Arthur Jean Cox. 31. RUPERT .CLINTON: Kenneth Bulmer. 63- A .A .CRAIG: Poul Anderson. 32. DENNIS CLIVE: John Russell Fearn. 61, WEBSTER CRAIG: Eric Frank Russell. Page 9h Lore #7 ,6?., DAVID CRAIGIE: Dorothy M. Craigie. gcmerr. .. j: . ■ ■ 66t.EHIC CRANE: -Gabriel Setterberg.' 69. ESTIL CRITCHIE: Arthur J. Burks. 6?. ROBERT CRANE: Frank Chester Robinson. 70. GEM-GROSS: Arthur Jean Cox. ' 68. EDMUND CRISPIN: Robert Bruce Morit- 71. POLTON CROSS: John Russell Fearn -D is for Dexter, the pen-name of three; D ■But no one wants "Sinister"—not right, you see. 1. GEORGE E. • DALY.:: Isaac Asimov; 28. BRUCE DENNIS: David Wright 0'Br‘ien. 2. HAMLIN DALY: E. Hoffman Price. " . 29. ROGER DE SOTO: ? . ' 3. CARL DAMON: Calvin W. Demmon. 30, ARCHIBALD DESTINY: Larry Shaw.
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