Titles Added February 2019 Call No

Titles Added February 2019 Call No

Titles Added February 2019 Call No. Author Title R PE 823.007 PRE/P Pretty John P Portrait of the writer as women: R PS 305.562 DHA/I Dhanya C D In-migration to Kerala: Cyril Bradley 782.714 CYR/V Rootham Voice training for choirs and schools/ Cyril Bradley R 782.714 CYR/V Rootham Voice training for choirs and schools/ R 534 PAT/S Sound/ 534 PAT/S Sound/ 786.7 JUL/M Julio D' Escrivan Music technology/ R 786.7 JUL/M Julio D' Escrivan Music technology/ 780.903 3 PET/M Music and aesthetics in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries/ R 780.903 3 PET/M Music and aesthetics in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries/ R 781.090 34 IAN/M.2 Music analysis in the nineteenth century (vol.2): 780.71 HAR/I An introduction to music studies/ R 780.71 HAR/I An introduction to music studies/ R 781.407 8 Colin Lawson | Robin COL/H Stowell The historical performance of music : an introduction/ R 781.1 JOS/R Representation in western music/ 781.1 JOS/R Representation in western music/ 781.090 34 IAN/M.1 Music analysis in the nineteenth century (vol.1): R 781.090 34 IAN/M.1 Music analysis in the nineteenth century (vol.1): Colin Lawson | Robin 781.407 8 COL/H Stowell The historical performance of music : an introduction/ 294.382 325 Maitreyee Yogesh MAI/W.2 Deshpande World view of jataka stories (vol.2)/ 294.382 325 Maitreyee Yogesh MAI/W.1 Deshpande World view of jataka stories (vol.1)/ 121 UMA/D Uma Chattopadhyay Dishonoured by philosophers: S 181.42 VAC/T Vacaspatimisra Tattvabindhu/ Mangala R 181.043 MAN/S Chinchore Studies in Buddhism/ 294.401 7 SHU/S Social consciousness in Jainism / S 181.42 BHA/P Bhagaban Panda Pre-gangesa concept of lingaparamarsa: S 181.42 BHA/P Bhagaban Panda Pre-gangesa concept of lingaparamarsa: S 181.43 GOT/N Gotama Nyayadarsana of Gotama/ H 181.43 KAM/N Kamala Sharma Nyayadarshan mein praman vichar/ H 181.43 KAM/N Kamala Sharma Nyayadarshan mein praman vichar/ S 181.43 RAG/N Navya nyaya dialectical texts/ S 181.43 RAG/N Navya nyaya dialectical texts/ 181.43 ANI/N Anita Kotwal The Nature of perception: 146.3 SHA/M Sharda S R Materialism and mankind/ 160 RAG/K Raghunath Ghosh Knowledge, meaning & intuition: 294.391 ALK/K Alka Barua Kathavatthu: 294.391 ALK/K Alka Barua Kathavatthu: R 934 AJI/K.2 Ajit Kumar Kailashnath hetu (v.2): R 934 AJI/K.1 Ajit Kumar Kailashnath hetu (v.1): 181.044 RAY/J Raynade B B Jaina philosophy: 121.680 954 UJJ/I Ujjwala Jha Indian hermeneutics: Belvalkar S K | 181.409 BEL/H Ranade R D History of Indian philosophy/ 954.8 NAR/F Narayanan M G S Foundations of South Indian society and culture/ H 294.592 6 SAS/D Sasi Kasyapa Dharmasastrom mein nyaya vyavasta ka swaroop/ 181.43 MAR/C Marathe M P A critical examination of nyaya: 891.220 9 RAM/S Ramaratnam S Sanskrit drama : Avadhesh Kumar 891.209 AVA/R Singh Revisiting Literature, criticism and aesthetics in India/ S103 207 DAM/R Damodaran P M Rasamudra/ R 294.382 325 Maitreyee Yogesh MAI/W.2 Deshpande World view of jataka stories (vol.2)/ R 294.382 325 Maitreyee Yogesh MAI/W.1 Deshpande World view of jataka stories (vol.1)/ 792.3 PAU/B Paulose K G Bhagavadajjukam in kutiyattam/ S181.484 1 MAD/S Madhavacharya Sarvadarsanasamgraha/ S103 2 KAL/R Kalidasa Raghuvamsamahakavyam/ S100 7 MAH/G Mahatapa Bal The gita govinda of poet Jayadeva: R 398.209 548 3 KKN/P Poorakkali and Maruthukali: Kumunda Prasad S 808.1 KUM/V Acharya Vrttaratnavaki of venkatesa: R S 491.25 Ramanuja Charyulu RAM/A.2 K Alankaramanihara (v.2)/ R S 491.25 Ramanuja Charyulu RAM/A.1 K Alankaramanihara ( ekam adhyayanam) / Belvalkar S K | 181.409 BEL/H Ranade R D History of Indian philosophy/ R 934 DPC/H.9.2 History of science, philosophy and culture in Indian civilization (v.9 : part 2 ) 294.551 RAM/V Ramkrishna Gopal Vaisnavism, saivism and minor religious systems/ Bhandarkar 294.544 PAT/A Patrick Olivelle The asrama system: R 934 DPC/H.15.3 History of science, philosophy and culture in Indian civilization (v.15 : part 3) 294.551 3 MOT/P Moti Lal Pandit The philosophical and practical aspects of Kasmira saivism: 491.375 THO/P Thomas Oberlies Pali : R 704.948 943 Anand K ANA/O Coomaraswamy Origin of the Buddha image/ R 934 DPC/H.12.5 History of science, philosophy and culture in Indian civilization (v.12 : part 5) R 704.948 944 Anand K ANA/J Coomaraswamy Jaina art/ 294.551 3 MOT/I Moti Lal Pandit An introduction to philosophy of trika saivism/ 411.709 54 AHM/I Ahmed Hasan Dani Indian palaeography/ 306.093 4 PUR/I B N Puri India in the time of Patanjali/ 580 LAL/B.1 Lalta Prasad Pandey Botanical science and economic growth : R 725.170 934 Anand K ANA/E Coomaraswamy Early Indian architecture- palaces/ R 725.209 34 Ananda K ANA/E Coomaraswamy Early Indian architecture: 294.513 03 Narendranath NAR/D Bhattacharya A dictionary of Indian mythology/ 294 NIL/D Nilakanta Sastri K.A Development of religion in South India/ 704.948 945 Jitendra Nath JIT/D Banerjea The development of hindu iconography/ R 934 DPC/H.10.1 History of science, philosophy and culture in Indian civilization (v.10 : part 1) 294.342 11 PUS/B Puspa Niyogi Buddhist divinities/ R 704.948 943 JOH/B John Marshall The buddhist art of gandhara: 934 DPC/H.6.2 History of science, philosophy and culture in Indian civilization (v.6 : part 2) R 726.145 095 487 GER/A Gerard Foekema Architecture decorated with architecture. Later medieval temples of Karnataka 294.551 2 VIT/A Vittal Doss K R Alwars and the Indian vaishnavite literatures/ 294.551 3 NAV/A Abhinava perspectives on Abhinavagupta/ S2 SHU/M Shudraka Mrichakatikam/ S103 207 BIL/V Bilhana Vikramankadevacarita/ S 491.23 GAU/S Gaurishankar Bhiksu Sarvalaksana samgraha: S 181.4 HAR/S Haribhadra Suri Shaddarsana samuccaya/ S2 KRS/P Krsna Mishra Yati Prabodhacandrodaya/ S 491.25 BHA/A Bhattamalla Akhyata Candrika (a lexicon of sanskrit verbs)/ S 294.592 5 SRI.2 Srimad devibhagavad (v.2)/ R S 294.592 5 SRI Srimad devibhagavad (v.1)/ S 294.592 5 VYA/S.5 Vyasa Shivamahapuranam mool tatha bhashanuvad pancham khand R S 294.592 5 VYA/S.5 Vyasa Shivamahapuranam mool tatha bhashanuvad pancham khand S 294.592 5 VYA/S.4 Vyasa Shivamahapuranam mool tatha bhashanuvad chaturtha khand R S 294.592 5 VYA/S.4 Vyasa Shivamahapuranam mool tatha bhashanuvad chaturtha khand R S 294.592 5 VYA/S.3 Vyasa Shivamahapuranam mool tatha bhashanuvad triteeya khand S 294.592 5 VYA/S.3 Vyasa Shivamahapuranam mool tatha bhashanuvad triteeya khand R S 294.592 5 VYA/S.2 Vyasa Shivamahapuranam mool tatha bhashanuvad dweetiya khand S 294.592 5 VYA/S.2 Vyasa Shivamahapuranam mool tatha bhashanuvad dweetiya khand R S 294.592 5 VYA/S.1 Vyasa Shivamahapuranam mool tatha bhashanuvad pratham khand S 294.592 5 VYA/S.1 Vyasa Shivamahapuranam mool tatha bhashanuvad pratham khand S 181.452 PAT/P Patanjali Patanjala yoga darsanam with Vyasa bhasya and yogabhashya chandrika S 181.452 PAT/P Patanjali Patanjala yoga darsanam with Vyasa bhasya and yogabhashya chandrika S 294.548 SIV/V Vastushanti padathi/ S 181.4 HAR/S Haribhadra Suri Shaddarsana samuccaya/ S 181.4 HAR/S Haribhadra Suri Shaddarsana samuccaya/ S 294.592 12 MAX/R.5 Rgveda mantranam varnanukramasoochi (v.5)/ R S 294.592 12 MAX/R.4 Rgveda samhita (the sacred hymns of the brahmans (v.4 Mandala 10)/ R S 294.592 12 MAX/R.3 Max Muller F (ed.) Rgveda samhita (the sacred hymns of the brahmans (v.3 Mandala I)/ R S 294.592 12 MAX/R.2 Max Muller F (ed.) Rgveda samhita (the sacred hymns of the brahmans (v.2 Mandala I)/ R S 294.592 12 MAX/R.1 Max Muller F (ed.) Rgveda samhita (the sacred hymns of the brahmans (v.1 Mandala I)/ S 294.5 SHI/M Moolshanti padathi/ S 294.5 SHI/M Moolshanti padathi/ S 294.592 5 VIJ/S.2 Srimad- devibhagavatam (v.2)/ R S 294.592 5 VIJ/S.2 Srimad- devibhagavatam (v.2)/ S 294.592 5 VIJ/S.1 Srimad- devibhagavatam (v.1)/ R S 294.592 5 VIJ/S.1 Srimad- devibhagavatam (v.1)/ S 726.145 095 4 ANU/B Anubhuti Chauhan Bharatiya pratimasastra: paramparika pravritiyam S 726.145 095 4 ANU/B Anubhuti Chauhan Bharatiya pratimasastra: paramparika pravritiyam S 181.45 NAR/Y Narayana Tirtha Yogasiddhanta chandrika/ 181.48 SRI/V Sridhar Majumdar Vedanta Philosophy: 181.48 SRI/V Sridhar Majumdar Vedanta Philosophy: S 294.595 KHA/T Khandelwal S N Tantra tatha kaulasadhana ka rahasy/ S 294.595 KHA/T Khandelwal S N Tantra tatha kaulasadhana ka rahasy/ S 181.484 4 GIR/S Giridharaji Maharaj Suddhadvaitamartanda/ S 181.484 4 GIR/S Giridharaji Maharaj Suddhadvaitamartanda/ S 891.208 038 2 Vithalanatha VIT/S Dikshita Vidvanmandanam/ S 891.208 038 2 Vithalanatha VIT/S Dikshita Vidvanmandanam/ S 720 BHO/S.2 Bhojadeva Samarangana sutradhara (v.2)/ S 720 BHO/S.2 Bhojadeva Samarangana sutradhara (v.2)/ S 720 BHO/S.1 Bhojadeva Samarangana sutradhara (v.1)/ S 720 BHO/S.1 Bhojadeva Samarangana sutradhara (v.1)/ S 133.5 SUR/P.2 Prasnamarg dweetiya Bhag (17-32 adhyaya)/ S 133.5 SUR/P.2 Prasnamarg dweetiya Bhag (17-32 adhyaya)/ S 133.5 SUR/P.1 Prasnamarg prathamo Bhag (1-16 adhyaya)/ S 133.5 SUR/P.1 Prasnamarg prathamo Bhag (1-16 adhyaya)/ S 520 VAR/P Varahamihira Pancasidhantika: the astronomical work/ S 520 VAR/P Varahamihira Pancasidhantika: the astronomical work/ S 294.592 18 RAI/B Brhadaranyaka Upalnishad/ S 181.482 VIJ/B Vijnanabhikshu Bhrahmasutra- vijnanamritabashyam/ S 181.482 VIJ/B Vijnanabhikshu Bhrahmasutra- vijnanamritabashyam/ S 294.595 NAR/B Narahari Bhodasara/ S 294.595 NAR/B Narahari Bhodasara/ S 181.482 VAS/P Pancadasi with the commentary of Ramakrsna/ S 181.482 VAS/P Pancadasi with the commentary of Ramakrsna/ H 891.430 9 SHI/V Shivprasad Shukla Vaishvikaran evam hindi gadya sahitya/ H300 7 SHI/U Shivadatta Vavalkar Upanyaskar Vinod Kumar Shukle/ H300 7 GIR/S

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