CASS C'ITY CHRONICLE VOLUME 32, NUMBER 11. CASS CITY, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1937. EIGHT PAGES. 115 t O a C " h about the face when the car collided Two Cass City Students Graduate with a new Chevrolet truck of the WEREPR[ ENT[D OLD LANDMARK Art & Duff Trucking Company 50 CLASSESHAVE BEEN GIVEN from University of Michigan June 19 Tuesday night about ten o'clock. The accident occurred a few miles 10 BE RI:PLAGEDnortheast of Care, on M-81. DIPLOMASIN CASSCITY SCHOOL WITHHI H, ;GHOOL Dillon, officers say, was driving northeast and in passing the truck Mizpah Mennonite Church in travelling in the opposite direction, In the Years from 1887 to 1937 Groups of DIPLOmaSIUE ;DAY he turned too quickly to the left, Evergreen Township Will the front wheels of his car striking Students Ranging from Two to Sixty- the rear of the truck, .tearing the Be Rebuilt. rear end out of the heavier vehicle. Six in Number Have Finished High School John Patterson, driver of the truck, escaped without injury. Courses Here and Appeared in Commence- LAST SERVICE IN PRESENT ment Functions. BUILDING ON JUNE 20 SOIL CONSERVATION Back in the days when oxen on the village streets were no un- CHECKS RECEIVED common sight, when board sidewalks were a mark of affluence, and Forty-one years ago, when a Frank Sweet, secretary and corduroy roads in rural districts were prevalent, the Cass City High wooden bridge ,still spanned the treasurer of Sanilac County Agri- School gave diplomas to its first graduating class with nine members. deadwaters of the Cass River in cultural Conservation Association, That was in 1887 just 24 years after .the first district school was es- Fifty-seven of them--one of the Evergreen Township, there was received 1,840 checks this week in tablished in Elkland Township. six largest high school classes that built the Mizpah Mennonite Church. the amount of $123,367.21; making Each year thereafter, with the exception of 1896, graduating ha~ e graduated in Cass City--were For over two score years this a total received to date of $231,- church and its pastors have been exercises have been held in church, opera house or school, and diplomas .presented w4th diplomas Class 975.79. presented to classes ranging from two to 66 members. In 1896, William ministering to the spiritual needs The average payment per farm Night, and when the last certificate Miller was the only student to complete a high school course here, and of this community. That this min- is $60.38. containing the information that the istry is appreciated has been shown in order ,to avoid the expense of graduation exercises to the school~ he course of study had been completed Florence Marion Schencko Lewis ~ass ulnney. by the ready response to a sub- waited until June, 1897, when he received his diploma with members of was presented Tuesday evening, scription which has ~een circulated the 1,159th pupil in the history of the class graduating that month. The groom was attended by Jo- for the purpose of rebuilding the The Class of 1889 had only two members and the Class of 1936 the Cass City High School was seph B. Gurdon of Detroit. church. Nearly fifteen hundred DAVIDSONPLEADED graduated. claimed the larg~ group of students, numbering 66. Since 1929, com- Later in the day, a bounteous Simplicity was the keynote of the BA;CALAURAT dollars have been subscribed and dinner was served to about thirty- the end is not yet. mencement time has witnessed the graduation of classes numbering 44 stage setting, and with the 57 young five relatives at ,the Gurdon home. and more students. High school enrollment has steadily grown in the people in caps and gowns, the scene The new building will have a full GUILTYT8ROBBERY Guests were present from Logan, last 12 years due to greatly increased non-resident attendance. was one of which school patrons ; RVi[;E;IJNDAY basement for furnace and Sunday West Virginia; Toledo, Ohio; De- In the years from 1887 to 1937 inclusive, in which 50 high school and parents were proud. School class rooms, an auditorium troit, Monroe, Gagetown and Cass commencement programs have been presented, there have been grad- Clifford Ryan presided as master 28x44 feet with an addition 10x26 Comlpanion Pleaded Not Guilty City. feet on the west end for pulpit l uated 1,159 students. Here are their names arranged by classes: of ceremonies and presented nine School Auditorium Was Well and Will Stand Trial of his classmates, who participated Mr. and Mrs. Gurdon left on a space and a small room for Sunday. trip to places of interest in Michi- Class of 1887 Class of 1894 Class of 1900 in the Class Night program. The Filled at Union Service School use; also an addition 12x18 gan after which they will make feet on the east end containing the, on Charge. Walter J. Gamble Jessie Crosby Leola Lauderbach salutatory by Marjory Schwegler, of Churches. their home for the present with Homer C. Weydemeyer Harry Weydemeyer Ella Cross the president's address by Eugene entrance and basement steps and Lizzie Ale Clark McKenzie James Schwaderer the groom's parents in Elkland cloakroom. Minnie Laing Cora Martin Ber£ha Benkelman Spencer, the valedictory by Jean Vivian McLachlan, 22, of Ever- Township. Elder W. Schroeder of Pontiac, Lily Wickware Harry B. Outwater Ida Striffler Kerbyson and Shirley Lenzner and The bride was a graduate from green Township, pleaded guilty to a reading by Mary Slimko intro- The school auditorium was well who was pastor at the time and Dora Schenck Jane McKenzie Corals Fitch the Gagetown High School in 1935. a "hit and run charge" before Ella Peterson Willard Nash .... Stanley Schenck duced the more serious thoughts filled with friends and relatives of chief builder of ,the church, has the 57 members of .the Class of been invited to preach at the final Judge Louis Cramton in the Tus- Tena McDougall Hollis McBurney and expressions of students, while l cola County Circuit Court Tuesday. Ada Armstrong Percy Eno 1937 who came to attend the bac- services in the old building to be Class of 1895 the class prophecy by Delbert Raw- He was remanded to the custody of C. Leroy Spencer son, the giftatory by Myrtle Green- calaureate service here Sunday eve- held Sunday, June 20. Other spe- Class of 1888 Mima MacArthur Frances Mar tus ning. the ~sherifL to await sentence. Mc- Maude Smith leaf, anecdotes by Russell Hicks VASSARHigh WINS cial features of these services will Isabelle McArthur As Miss Re.tin Charter played a attract ,the attendance of many. Lachlan was the driver of the auto- Cassius Wood Class of 1901 and the class will by Floyd Ken- Jennie McArthur Melinda Wright march, the seniors, in single file, Church officials extend a cordial mobile which struck and injured nedy presented a humorous side to Mrs. Mose Karr of Gagetown on Carrie Hitchcock John Morrison the program. Delbert Henry played were ushered to seats at ,the front invitation to all to attend. Class of 1897 Oreno Schenck TUSIOLA CO, MEET the afternoon of Memorial Day, on Mary Somerville "Witches' Dance" by MacDowell as of the auditorium by Miss Martha Class of 1889 William Miller McCoy, president of ,the junior M-81, in front of Elkland Cemetery. A. A. Hitchcock Minnie Demin~, a piano solo. Clinton Davidson of Pontiac Laura Wickware- Janet McLellan Supt. J. Ivan Niergarth presented class. Rev. L. A. Kennedy gave McMANN--WARNER. [ J. E. Kelley Winnifred McClinton the invocation, the high school Caro High School Is Second pleaded guilty to the charge of Beryl Koepfgen medals .to 12 honor students of the Ella Lepla Chauncey Boulton glee club sang "God's Glory in robbery unarmed and he was also Class of 1890 Ida Ross class and Willis Campbell, high with Only Two Points r MiSS Irma W~rner, daughter of I remanded to the custody of the Emma Burg school principal, gave .the diplomas Nature" by Beethoven, scripture Calvin Ale Kate Miller Minnie Kinnaird sheriff to await sentence. David- Andrew Wood Charles McCue to the graduates. The program was read by Rev. Charles Bayless Behind the Winner. Spencer Hunt and prayer was offered by Rev. son was arrested in Cass City on Hattie Wood Mollie Annin was concluded by the pronouncing of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson McMann, of Bessie Miller Paul J. Allured. The second so- the night of May 31, several hours Nancy McArthur Margaret Miller of a benediction by Arlington Hell- Cass City, were quietly married at after .the robbery of the drug store Class o.~ 1898 man, a member of the Class of 1937. lection of the glee club was "Lovely Vassar High School defeated Agnes McIntyre 8:00 p. m. Saturday, June 5, in the at Gagetown when James Lindsay, Class of 1891 era Wickware Edythe Marshall Appeal'," a composi`tion by Gounod. Care High School by the close home of the bride's parents in Pon- Roy. George A. Spitler chose as the proprietor, was relieved of ap- Nelson McClinton Florence Clark Walter Schell margin of two points in the annual tiac. They will make their home proximately $30. Floyd Chapel of Eva Wickware Pearl Schenck Myrtle err Students Returning the subject of the baccalaureate track and field meet of the Tuscola in Pontiac where the groom is Belle McKenzie Margaret Zi{anecker address, "A Trinity of Trinities." Ellington, who was with Davidson Dick Landon County High School Athletic As- employed as an inspector for the Belle Monroe Edward Pinney Herbert Karr In the beginning o~ his address, Turn to page 8, l~lease.
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