PAGE TWENTY - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn.. Fri„ April 16, 1976 MCC picked as site for secretary exam The weather Inside today Manchester Community spring semesters, MCC College will be the site of offered a six-session Unseasonably warn! today, highs in Area new s........... 6 Churches ............. 5 the 1976 Certified refresher course to help m izer the low 80s. Fair tonight, lows in 50s. Business............... 3 Obituaries ..........12 Professional Secretary local secretaries prepare Mostly sunny, warm, Sunday, high in Classified .. 8, 9, 10 Sr. Citizens..........2 exam May 3 and 4. for the exam. The course the 80s. National weather forecast map lEiipntng BpraUt Comics............. 11 Sports............... 7, 8 MCC will be one of more sessions were on the six on Page 9. **The Bright One” Dear Abby........ll Week-Review .. 12 than 200 centers for the part^of the exam. TWELVE PAGES / Editorial .............4 W ings....................4 two-day, six-part exam The parts are: En­ WEEKEND INSIDE MANCHESTER, C»NN., SATURDAY, APRIL 17, 1976- VOL. XCV, No. 168 PRICEi FIFTEEN CENTS given 4,500 secretaries in vironmental relationships the United States, Canada in business, business and and Puerto Rico. public policy, economics The exam is open to all and management, financial secretaries who have the analysis and the right combination of mathematics of business, ^SSiwiV schooling and experience. communications and deci­ To date, 8,713 secretaries sion making and office Syria may pull out troops have earned use of the CPS procedures. designation by passing the exam. Easy To learn more, call Mrs. Lee Caputo at 646-4900, ext. to place, those from civil war-torn Lebanon quick-action Want 341. BEIRUT, Lebanon (UPI) — A new But nowhere in the published por­ tion on a tim e lim it for the Jumblatt withheld immediate ap­ During the fall and Ads. Sell your idle Syrian initiative to end Lebanon’s items for &tsh. tions of the peace plan did the two withdrawal, but A1 Bayraq said the proval after a 30-minute conference Only 5 in Stock for year-long civil war won cautious sup­ negotiators mention the leftists’ Syrians would start to move back in with Arafat Friday, saying only that port today amid indications Syria main demand — withdrawal of Syrian 48 hours. the leftists had taken a “constructive Admires DAR award IMMDNATE DELIVERY! would withdraw its troops from troops, who have blocked arms Socialist leader Kamal Jumblatt, attitude" to the plan. Lebanese soil. Howeyer, the seven- supplies to Lebanon. head of the leftist forces, planned to Cynthia Hither admires her Good Citizen pin AfxJ that s not al' The s one economy car that knows howttms to move Prove 4 to yousell' Test point peace program negotiated in However, newspapers today said discuss the proposal with his allies awarded her by Orford Parish Chapter, PONTICELLI Green House & Nursery drrve the Spunky new Mtzpf m efther alour<]oor Fighting declined Friday as the sedan or 2 door coupe or get the same great - FREE - Damascus Friday by Syrian Presi­ one of the undeclared provisions of today, but political sources said the political maneuvering intensified. Daughters of the American Revolution. Looking rrtdeageraroomyMaer wagon tor not fr>uch more dent Hafez Assad and Palestinian 427 North Main St. • Manchester AM-FM RADIO or the Assad-Arafat agreement was tact that the Palestinians — the lef­ More than 17,500 persons have died on are Rebecca Timbrell, left, and Meg CB RADIO guerrilla chief Yasser Arafat needed that Syrian troops would pull back tists’ military backers — had swung since last April in the war between Egazarian, also named Good Citizen girls. with each Mazda Sold final acceptance by leftist Lebanese across the border. behind Syria would push Jumblatt Christian rightists and Moslem lef­ Quality Plants at April 8-30, 1976 before it could take hold. Most newspapers withheld specula­ into accepting the agreement. tists. (Herald photo by Pinto) Assad and Arafat negotiated a plan Reasonable Prices! that promised a unified stand against anyone resuming military operations mazaannzBr in the civil war. They also reaffirmed Three students given • AZALEAS • EASTER LILIES A little goes a long long Minot continues to battle • HYACINTHS • GARDENIAS Syria’s major role in peace efforts. DAR citizen awards • TULIPS* • DAFFODILS Political sources said two Syrian army officers. Col. Ali Madani and rain, wind, mud and flood Three local and Manchester High School; • ROSE RUSHES INRLOOM Col. Mohammed Kholi, both veterans of previous truce talks, were Manchester area students Miss Egazarian is a stu­ MANCNESTER MOTOR SALES record flood waters from braking expected to arrive today to begin MINOT, N.D. (UPZ) - Workers flooded city, and 1,200 of 3,600 were honored recently as dent at East Catholic High fought the Souris River, rain, wind through clay dikes and pouring over a residents left their homes in Velva, Good Citizens by Orford School, and Miss Either is WE’RE OPEN 9 A.M. to 7 P.M. work on enforcing another cease­ 512 West Center St., Manchester, 643-1511 fire. and mud today in the battle to keep bird of the city of 32,290. N.D., 22 miles downstream. Parish Chapter. Daughters attending Bolton High The river was rushing through The river, fed by melting snow in of the American Revolu­ School. Minot 6V4 feet above flood stage, Canada, also flooded more than 50,- tion. one-quarter foot short of the crest 000 acres of ranchland, forcing some Honored with Good Ford economists stick predicted for Easter Sunday, but ranchers to evacuate. Citizenship pins were heavy rain threatened to push the President Ford has declared nine Rebecca Timbrell, to inflation prediction river higher. counties in North Dakota disaster daughter of Mr. and Mrs. More than an inch of rain fell in the areas because of flooding, making Edward H. Timbrell Jr. of Souris River valley Friday and early them eligible for federal aid. 19 Indian Dr.; Meg WASHINGTON (UPI) - Top ad­ fighting to win the White House on ministration economists insist new his own. But administration today, and the National WeatherSer- The fast-moving river, also known Egazarian, daughter of Mr. vice said that may call for a revision as the Mouse, was eroding the 10-20 and Mrs. Harry Egazarian price hikes for gasoline, steel, copper economists said they provided no and lead — combined with the reason for alarm. of the crest prediction to as high as foot dikes in Minot and it was too of 44 Bancroft Rd., East Symbol of Easter eight feet over flood stage. slippery to continue driving trucks Hartford, and Cynthia prospect of aluminum increases — do “These price increases are within The lily is the traditional symbol of Easter. Tomorrow not alter their projection of 6 per our forecast of 6 per cent inflation About 13,000 persons have and bulldozers up on them to dump Either, daughter of Mr. evacuated their homes in this often- rocks and dirt on the weak spots. and Mrs. Wendeli Either of Manchester area Christians join millions throughout the world cent inflation in 1976. this year,” William Seidman, Ford’s 149 Bolton Center Rd., in celebraUng.^ChrisUs resurrection. The weather forecast in­ The price rises, all announced in chief economic adviser, said Friday Bolton. dicates an above normal temperature and fair weather for those the past few days, were certain to in an interview. Miss Timbrell attends create new inflationary pressures at Seidman anticipated no extraor­ who plan outings over the weekend. (Herald photo by Dunn) a time when President Ford was dinary efforts by Ford to discourage CANG plans inquiry Square dance such increases, although the ad­ spring ministration is closely monitoring into helicopter crash Saturday night them. Others government economists EAST HARTFORD (UPI) - The A three-foot-long metal shaft was Manchester Square Easter vigils announced said they considered these increases Dance club will have a Connecticut Army National Guard imbedded in Bonetti's roof. “It Solemn vigils will be kept tonight, to be normal in a period of economic dance Saturday from 8 to keeping vigils tonight are St. James Church, 7:30, service; Community recovery. plans an official inquiry into the sounded like a shotgun going off when 11 p.m. at Manchester and then voices raised in loud Hosan­ Church, 7; 30, liturgy and Mass of the Baptist, 7, service followed by cause of a Guard helicopter crash at it hit," he said. nas for the Risen Christ will break Price developments over the past High School. story Easter Vigil; St. Mary’s Episcopal breakfast; Church of the Nazarene, week included: Rentschler Airport. the silence of Easter dawn at sunrise Earl Johnston will call Church. 7, Baptism, vigil and first 6, service on church grounds; Con­ — A one cent per gallon increase in Neither the instructor-pilot, Maj. “it must have had a lot of velocity services in the Manchester area the squares on the new Communion. cordia Lutheran, 6:30, Easter vigil gasoline by several major oil com­ John M. Sivilla of East Granby, nor behind it. It would never have gone graduate level, and Russ tomorrow. Local churches planning sunrise and first Eucharist of Easter with his student, CWO-3 Gary Reviezky of through the roof if it just fell from Among the Manchester churches panies, combined with a 2-cent, two- and Anita White will cue services tomorrow are Calvary vesting of altar followed by stage increase by Marathon Oil Co. Newington, were reported injured. the helicopter.” Bonetti said. the rounds. breakfast; St. Mary's Episcopal, — An increase from 21 to 23 cents a The Huey helicopter crashed on a Maj. John F. Freund, state adju- Mr.
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