Garage Parking n Visitors may park in garages at the hourly rate n All parking garages are open M-F on a space-available basis for visitors and students and do not require a permit n Manor (MAG) and San Jacinto (SJG) Garages have weekend hours and Brazos Garage (BRG) is open 24/7 Garage Parking Rates* 0 - 30 minutes No Charge 31 - 60 minutes $ 2 61 - 90 minutes $ 4 91-120 minutes $ 6 120-150 minutes $ 8 over 150 minutes $ 10 5:45 p.m. - close $ 3 (or midnight at BRG) * Applies to all university garages except GUG and ATT garage; rates and availability may vary during special events Parking Meters n Operational 24 hours a day, 7 days a week n Located throughout the campus n 25¢ for 15 minutes n Time limited to 45 minutes. If more time is needed, please park in a garage Night Parking n Read signs carefully for B ob Bu Te llock restrictions such as “At All Times” xas S H tate istor Mu y n seum After 5:45 p.m., certain spaces in specific surface lots are available for parking without a permit LE G E N D n Garages provide parking until Frequent Destinations 10:30 p.m. n Public Parking BRG provides parking for overnight visitors 24 hours a day, 7 Metered Parking days a week with an additional daily Parking for TCC Conference Attendees charge after midnight Parking for LBJ Library Visitors Kiosk / Entry Control Station Parking Lots Construction Zone n There is no daytime visitor parking in surface lots Tex Public Dining as Sta Ca te pitol n Permits are required in all surface lots from 7:30 a.m. to 5:45 p.m. M-F. Permits may be required at other times - read signs. BUI L DI ng D I R ECTO R Y CS5 Chilling Station No. 5 .................... B 1 NUR Nursing Building ........................ C 5 Public Parking CS6 Chilling Station No. 6 .................... B 2 PAC Performing Arts Center ................... C 2 CSA Computer Science Annex ................. B 2 PAI Painter Hall .............................. B 2 CCG Conference Center Garage ............... A4 DCP Denton A. Cooley Pavilion ................ C 5 PAR Parlin Hall ............................... A 3 BRG Brazos Garage .......................... B 4 DEV Development Office Building ............. E 2 PAT Patterson Laboratory ..................... B 2 GUG Guadalupe Garage ...................... A4 DFA E. William Doty Fine Art Building .......... C 2 PCL Perry - Castañeda Library ................. B 3 MAG Manor Garage .......................... D3 DFF UFCU Disch - Falk Field ................... D4 PHD Prather Hall Dormitory ................... C 3 SAG San Antonio Garage ..................... A2 EAS Edgar A. Smith Building ................... B4 PHR Pharmacy Building ....................... B 2 SJG San Jacinto Garage ...................... C2 ECJ Ernest Cockrell Jr. Hall .................... B 2 PPA Hal C. Weaver Power Plant Annex .......... C 2 SWG Speedway Garage ....................... B 1 ENS Engineering Science Building ............. B 2 PPB Printing & Press Building ................. D4 TRG Trinity Garage .......................... C4 ERC Erwin Special Events Center ............... C 5 PPE Hal C. Weaver Power Plant Expansion ...... B 2 TSG 27th Street Garage ...................... B 1 EPS E. P. Schoch Building ...................... B 3 PPL Hal C. Weaver Power Plant ................ B 2 ESB Experimental Science Building ............ B 2 RAS Russell A. Steindam Hall .................. B 3 ETC Engineering Teaching Center ............. B 2 RHD Roberts Hall Dormitory ................... C 3 ACA Academic Annex ........................ B 2 FAC Peter Flawn Academic Center ............. A 3 RLM Robert Lee Moore Hall .................... B 2 ACE Applied Computational & Engineering FC1-8 Facilities Services Complex ............... E 3 RRN R.O.T.C. Rifle Range Building .............. B 3 Science ................................. B2 FDF Frank Denius Fields ...................... D2 RSC Recreational Sports Center ................ C 4 ADH Almetris Duren Residence Hall ............ A1 FDH J. Frank Dobie House .................... C 2 SAC Student Activity Center ................... B 3 AHG Anna Hiss Gymnasium .................... B 2 FPC OFPC UT Austin Field Staff Office ......... E 4 SBS Red & Charline Mccombs Field ............ E 4 ANB Arno Nowotny Building ................... D4 GAR Garrison Hall ............................ B 3 SEA Sarah & Charles Seay Building ............. B 2 AND Andrews Dormitory ...................... A 2 GEA Mary E. Gearing Hall ...................... B 2 SER Service Building ......................... C 2 ARC Animal Resources Center ................. B 1 GEB Dorothy Gebauer Building ................ B 2 SHD Simkins Hall Dormitory ................... C 2 ART Art Building ............................. C 2 GIA Graduate & International Admissions ...... A 1 SJH San Jacinto Residence Hall ................ C 3 ATT AT&T Executive Education & Conference GOL Goldsmith Hall ........................... A 3 SRH Sid Richardson Hall ...................... D3 Center .................................. A4 GRE Gregory Gymnasium ..................... B 3 SSB Student Services Building ................. B 2 BAT Batts Hall ................................ B 3 GRG Geography Building ...................... A 2 SSW School of Social Work Building ............ C 4 BEL L. Theo Bellmont Hall ..................... C 3 GSB Graduate School Of Business ............. B 3 STD DKR-Texas Memorial Stadium ............. C 3 BEN Benedict Hall ............................ B 3 HMA Hogg Memorial Auditorium ............... A 2 SUT Sutton Hall .............................. A 3 BHD Brackenridge Hall Dormitory .............. B 3 HRC Harry Ransom Center ..................... A 3 SW7 2617 Speedway .......................... B 1 BIO Biological Laboratory ..................... B 2 HRH Homer Rainey Hall ....................... A 3 SZB George I. Sánchez Building ............... B 4 BLD Blanton Dormitory ....................... B 2 IPF Indoor Practice Facility ................... D2 TAY T. U. Taylor Hall ........................... B 2 BMA Blanton Museum Of Art .................. B 4 JES Beauford H. Jester Center ................. B 3 TCC Thompson Conference Center ............. D2 BME Biomedical Engineering Building .......... B 2 JGB Jackson Geological Sciences Building ...... B 3 TMM Texas Memorial Museum ................. C 2 BOT Biological Greenhouse ................... A 2 JHH John W. Hargis Hall ....................... C 4 TNH Townes Hall ............................. C 2 BRB Bernard & Audre Rapoport Building ....... B 3 JON Jesse H. Jones Hall ....................... C 2 TSC Jamail Texas Swimming Center ............ C 4 BTL Battle Hall ............................... A 3 KIN Kinsolving Dormitory .................... A 1 TSF Track/Soccer Field House ................. C 3 BUR Burdine Hall ............................. B 2 LBJ Lyndon B. Johnson Library ................ D2 TTC Penick-Allison Tennis Center .............. C 5 BWY Bridgeway Building (2616 Wichita). B 1 LCH Littlefield Carriage House ................. A 2 UA9 2609 University Avenue .................. B 1 CAL Calhoun Hall ............................ A 3 LFH Littlefield Home ......................... A 2 UIL University Interscholastic League .......... E 3 CBA McCombs School of Business ............. B 3 LLA-F Living Learning Centers A,B,C,D,E,F ........ A 1 UNB Union Building .......................... A 2 CCJ John B. Connally Center For Justice ........ C 2 LTD Littlefield Dormitory ..................... A 2 UPB University Police Building ................. D3 CDA Comal Child Development Center Annex ... E 3 LTH Laboratory Theatre ....................... B3 USS University Sign Shop ..................... B 1 CDL Collections Deposit Library ............... C 4 MAI Main Building ........................... B 3 UTA UT Administration Building ............... A 4 CEE Continuing Engineering Education ........ B 1 MBB Moffett Molecular Biology Building ........ B 2 UTC University Teaching Center. B 3 CMA-C Jesse H. Jones Communication Center ..... A2 MEZ Mezes Hall .............................. B 3 UTX Etter-Harbin Alumni Center ............... C 3 CML Child Development Center ................ E 3 MHD Moore Hill Dormitory ..................... C 3 WAG Waggener Hall ........................... B 3 COM Computation Center ..................... B 3 MMS Mike A. Myers Track & Soccer Stadium. D3 WCH Will C. Hogg Bulding ..................... B 3 CPE Chemical & Petroleum Engineering ........ B 1 MNC Moncrief-Neuhaus Athletic Center ......... C 3 WEL Robert A. Welch Hall ...................... B 2 CRB Central Receiving Building ................ D3 MRH Music Building & Recital Hall .............. C 2 WIN F. Loren Winship Drama Building .......... C 3 CRD Carothers Dormitory ..................... A 2 MSB 2207 Comal (Mail Service Building) ........ E 3 WMB West Mall Office Building ................. A 3 CS2 Chilling Station No. 2 .................... B 3 NMS Neural & Molecular Science Building ....... B 2 WOH Wooldridge Hall ......................... A 2 CS3 Chilling Station No. 3 .................... C 4 NOA North Office Building ..................... B 1 WRW W. R. Woolrich Laboratory ................. B 2 CS4 Chilling Station No. 4 .................... C 2 NST Nano Science & Technology Building ...... B 2 WWH Walter Webb Hall ........................ A 2.
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