JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY VOLUME 169 DECEMBER 1987 NUMBER 12 Samuel Kaplan, Editor in Chief (1992) Kenneth N. Timmis, Editor (1992) University of Illinois, Urbana Richard M. Losick, Editor (1988) Centre Medical Universitaire, James D. Friesen, Editor (1992) Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. Geneva, Switzerland University of Toronto, L. Nicholas Ornston, Editor (1992) Graham C. Walker, Editor (1990) Toronto, Canada Yale University, New Haven, Conn. Massachusetts Institute of Stanley C. Holt, Editor (1987) Robert H. Rownd, Editor (1990) Technology, Cambridge, Mass. The University of Texas Health Northwestern Medical School, Robert A. Weisberg, Editor (1990) Science Center, San Antonio Chicago, Ill. National Institute of Child June J. Lascelles, Editor (1989) Health and Human University of California, Los Angeles Development, Bethesda, Md. EDITORIAL BOARD David Apirion (1988) James G. Ferry (1989) Eva R. Kashket (1987) Palmer Rogers (1987) Stuart J. Austin (1987) David Figurski (1987) David E. Kennell (1988) Barry P. Rosen (1989) Frederick M. Ausubel (1989) Timothy J. Foster (1989) Wil N. Konings (1987) Lucia B. Rothman-Denes (1989) Barbara Bachmann (1987) Robert T. Fraley (1988) Jordan Konisky (1987) Rudiger Schmitt (1989) Manfred E. Bayer (1988) David I. Friedman (1989) Dennis J. Kopecko (1987) June R. Scott (1987) Margret H. Bayer (1989) Masamitsu Futai (1988) Viji Krishnapillai (1988) Jane K. Setlow (1987) Claire M. Berg (1989) Robert Gennis (1988) Terry Krulwich (1987) Peter Setlow (1987) Helmut Bertrand (1988) Jane Gibson (1988) Lasse Lindahl (1987) James A. Shapiro (1988) Terry J. Beveridge (1988) Robert D. Goldman (1988) Jack London (1987) Louis A. Sherman (1988) Donald A. Bryant (1988) Susan Gottesman (1989) Sharon Long (1989) Howard A. Shuman (1988) Joseph M. Calvo (1987) E. Peter Greenberg (1988) Paul S. Lovett (1987) Issar Smith (1987) A. M. Chakrabarty (1989) Scott R. Hagedorn (1988) Ben J. J. Lugtenberg (1989) John L. Spudich (1988) Keith F. Chater (1988) Barry G. Hall (1988) Robert Macnab (1988) Catherine Squires (1987) Terrence G. Cooper (1987) R. E. W. Hancock (1987) Philip Matsumura (1989) Robert Switzer (1987) John E. Cronan, Jr. (1989) Richard S. Hanson (1988) Larry McKay (1987) Godfried D. Vogels (1987) Jorge H. Crosa (1988) Robert Haselkorn (1987) S. Mizushima (1988) Barry Wanner (1987) Walter B. Dempsey (1989) Gerald L. Hazelbauer (1987) Edward A. Morgan (1987) Bernard Weisblum (1989) Patrick Dennis (1988) Dennis Henner (1988) Gisela Mosig (1988) Malcolm Winkler (1988) W. Ford Doolittle (1988) Charles L. Hershberger (1987) Robert A. Niederman (1988) Peter A. Williams (1989) David A. Dubnau (1989) Penny J. Hitchcock (1987) Hiroshi Nikaido (1989) David Womble (1989) Martin Dworkin (1988) James Hopper (1988) Allen T. Phillips (1988) David R. Woods (1989) Alan D. Elbein (1989) Martha M. Howe (1987) Patrick J. Piggot (1987) Henry C. Wu (1987) Bert Ely (1988) Karin Ihler (1987) Barry Polisky (1987) Duane C. Yoch (1989) Wolfgang Epstein (1987) A. W. B. Johnston (1989) Linda Randall (1987) Howard Zalkin (1988) Helen R. Whiteley, Chairman, Publications Board Kirk Jensen, Director of Publications Linda M. Illig, Managing Editor, Journals Sara Joslyn, Production Editor The Journal of Bacteriology (ISSN 0021-9193), a publication of the American Society for Microbiology, 1913 I St., NW Washington, DC 20006, is devoted to the advancement and dissemination offundamental knowledge concerning bacteria and other microorganisms. Instructions to authors are published in the January issue each year; reprints are available from the editors and the Publications Department. The Journal is published monthly, one volume per year. The nonmember subscription price is $340 per year; single copies are $25. The member subscription price is $41 (foreign, $56 [air drop shipping]) per year; single copies are $8. 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T., 5379 Anderson, Julia M., 5579 Fayet, Olivier, 5641 Matsuhashi, Michio, 5692 Shapiro, Mary K., 5496 Arieli, Boaz, 5466 Ferenci, Thomas, 5339 Matsuyama, Kenji, 5815 Shimizu-Kadota, Mariko, 5481 Arlat, Matthieu, 5626 Ferreira, L. C. S., 5776 Matsuzawa, Hiroshi, 5692 Shinagawa, Hideo, 5429 Armitage, Judith P., 5801, Feucht, Brigitte U., 5416 Matzanke, Berthold F., 5873 Silhavy, Thomas J., 5339 5808 Flores, Margarita, 5782 McConnell, David J., 5766, Silver, Richard P., 5489 Arnqld, Walter, 5393 5678 5771 Simpson, Warren J., 5633 Asoh, Sadamitsu, 5692 Ganem, Don, McHenry, Charles S., 5735 Singer, R.
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