FIRE PROTECTION SPRINKLER SYSTEM CONTRACTORS AND THEIR RCW 18.160 CERTIFICATE HOLDERS (LEVELS 1, 2, 3, U, AND ITT) Sorted by the licensed contractor's name, this list shows all certifications issued and operating under the license of a Fire Protection Sprinkler System Contractor in compliance with the authorities of RCW 18.160 and is updated as changes occur. No contractor may use or employ any Certificate of Competency or Inspection and Testing Technician EXCEPT when listed upon the issued certification as their employer and reflected herein. 1st Fire Solutions, L.L.C. / 1STFIFS861DF Level: 3 Certification Level: 3 Berger, Rick / 3928-0591-CG 3 Kings Environmental, Inc. / 3KINGEI036K3 Level: U Certification Level: U Annotti, Dennis Michael / 6034-0417-D A F P Systems, Inc. / AFPSYI*091BZ Level: 3 Certification Level: 3 Berry, Richard D. / 7754-1012-C AA Atlas Fire Inspections, Inc. / AAATLAF832KC Level: 3 Certification Level: 3 Ehrhardt, Douglas Robert / 1308-1017-C Last Updated: November 6, 2017 Page 1 of 63 AAA Fire Protection, Inc. / AAAFIFP844PS Level: 3 Certification Level: 3 Harpole III, J. D. / 7107-1192-C Certification Level: ITT Bauer, Jacob Andrew / 5331-1007-EG Brassfield III, Morgan Edward / 9510-0511-E Cropper, Chris / 4429-0208-E Hilderbrand, Mickey Ray / 7805-0207-E-H Mencias, Ricardo / 8021-0911-E Pitts, Franklin Dee / 9947-0610-E Rees, Richard A. / 2458-1007-E Sample, Chris Eugene / 8620-0609-E Sample, Seth Eugene / 2384-0317-E Walsh, Michael J. / 8226-0209-EG Washburn, George Walter / 2103-1009-E ABC Fire Control, Inc. / ABCFII*981KU Level: 3 Certification Level: 2 Burton, Caleb Mark / 2690-0911-B-H Certification Level: 3 Schubert, Richard George / 1726-0899-CEG Certification Level: ITT Benitez, Santiago / 5716-0709-E Hansen, Edward J. / 9312-1209-E Longee, Michael D. / 4004-0309-EG Schubert, Richard George / 1726-0899-CEG Accel Fire Systems, Inc. / ACCELFS846OZ Level: 3 Certification Level: 3 Willingham, Amy Angell / 6093-0910-C Accrete Construction, L.L.C. / ACCRECL993NP Level: U Certification Level: U Gurule, Zachary R. / 9841-0115-D Last Updated: November 6, 2017 Page 2 of 63 Ace Fire System, L.L.C. / ACEFIFS908M3 Level: 3 Certification Level: 3 Moffett, Jerry Dan / 0043-0691-C Certification Level: ITT Weber, Bradley Eugene / 5445-0207-EG Aces Four Construction Company / ACESFCC014NW Level: U Certification Level: U Middlebrook, Richard Gaetano / 3648-0407-D Active Construction, Inc. / ACTIVCI164JL Level: U Certification Level: U Bachmier, David J. / 0907-0606-D Calhoun, Jamie / 7122-0606-D Carollo, Eugene / 4779-0606-D Detray, Walter Thomas / 0503-0606-D Morse, Scott / 5039-0606-D Tennant, Michael T. / 7323-0606-D Togstad, Ricky Allen / 2661-0606-D Adam's Plumbing & Fire Systems / ADAMSPF858JA Level: 1 Certification Level: 1 Mika, Adam / 7869-0810-A Adept Fire Protection / ADEPTFP841KQ Level: I&T Certification Level: ITT Schunk, Gary Matthew / 6164-0209-EG Advanced Excavation, Inc. / ADVANEI965NL Level: U Certification Level: U Carlile, Shane D. / 4485-0408-D Last Updated: November 6, 2017 Page 3 of 63 Advanced Fire Protection, Inc. / ADVANFP199B6 Level: 3 Certification Level: 3 Balsley, Michael / 2437-0991-CG McKay, William / 6423-0591-C Moen, Jeffrey R. / 8131-0209-CF Certification Level: ITT Foltz, Peter Justin / 4489-0209-EG Rice, Thomas Shane / 8776-0209-EG Advanced Fire Systems, Inc. / ADVANFS902B7 Level: 3 Certification Level: 3 Skelton, Richard Gordon / 5672-0409-CF Certification Level: ITT DeMara, Dustin R. / 6887-0409-EG Advanced Plumbing, L.L.C. / ADVANPL917LS Level: 1 Certification Level: 1 Gill, Thomas / 7678-0409-A Alanbrook Construction, L.L.C. / ALANBCL840PM Level: U Certification Level: U Landin, Seth Rian / 7998-0917-D Alden Plumbing, L.L.C. / ALDENPL900L4 Level: U Certification Level: U Alden, Kirk Antone / 3013-0915-D All Service Plumbing, L.L.C. / ALLSESP919J9 Level: 1 Certification Level: 1 Whipple, Benjamin Keith / 4451-0815-A Allied Construction Associates, Inc. / ALLIECA008DF Level: U Certification Level: U Bjella, Clinton James / 9209-1106-D Allways Plumbing / ALLWAP*031OR Level: 1 Certification Level: 1 Linklater, Chad P. / 3894-0708-A Last Updated: November 6, 2017 Page 4 of 63 Alpine Development, Inc. / ALPINDI055JA Level: U Certification Level: U VanderWel, Mark / 2288-0399-D Alpine Fire Sprinklers, Inc. / ALPINFS919MW Level: 3 Certification Level: 3 Bartholomew, Duane / 0363-0706-C Alta Fire Protection Company / ALTAFFP876M4 Level: 3 Certification Level: 3 Lloyd, Ronald Elvin / 3515-0913-C American Plumbing Contractors, Inc. / AMERIPC945RJ Level: 1 Certification Level: 1 Conner, Kevin Joseph / 6882-0109-A American Sprinkler Corporation / AMERISC087NC Level: 3 Certification Level: 3 Buehler, Douglas A. / 4327-0797-CEG Certification Level: ITT Buehler, Douglas A. / 4327-0797-CEG Apollo, Inc. / APOLLI*061KB Level: U Certification Level: U Burke, Kevin Norman / 1871-1209-D Jarrett, Donald C. / 8244-0797-D Archer Construction, Inc. / ARCHEI*219DR Level: 3 Certification Level: 3 Maguire, Michael / 1440-0791-C Queen, Theodore M. / 4930-0205-C Certification Level: ITT Olsen, Robert D. / 3322-0409-EG Pace, Christopher Roth / 5275-0416-E Ariston Pacific, Inc. / ARISTPI852NF Level: U Certification Level: U Rojas, Daniel Lee / 1924-0607-D Last Updated: November 6, 2017 Page 5 of 63 Arrow Fire Protection, L.L.C. / ARROWFP847PK Level: 2 Certification Level: 2 Smith, P.E., Michael Conley / 2868-1016-*B B & B Utilities and Excavating, L.L.C. / BBUTIUE948LN Level: U Certification Level: U Brown, Jeffery F. / 0846-0409-D B & R Plumbing, Inc. / BRPLUI*099DF Level: 1 Certification Level: 1 Howard, Richard Lee / 7966-0310-A Sargent, Carl / 0073-0310-A Baker Underground & Construction, L.L.C. / BAKERUC986D6 Level: U Certification Level: U Baker, Gregory W. / 4649-1196-D Barcott Construction, L.L.C. / BARCOCL846JQ Level: U Certification Level: U Barcott, Coleman Michael / 5616-0217-D Basic Fire Protection, Inc. / BASICI*235R1 Level: 3 Certification Level: 3 Groshong, Dale Ryan / 6812-0199-C Certification Level: ITT Byer, Larry Richard / 0957-1208-EG Smith, Jason Ian / 5925-0209-E* Stofiel, Jason L. / 2102-0209-EG Bayshore Concrete, L.L.C. / BAYSHCL937MK Level: U Certification Level: U Nurmi, Forrest Cal / 5229-0916-D Speed, Joshua Blaine / 9975-0916-D Stroud, Zachary Tyler / 0753-0916-D Last Updated: November 6, 2017 Page 6 of 63 Beacon Backflow, L.L.C. / BEACOBL981LF Level: 3 Certification Level: 3 Sell, Arthur P. / 5476-0895-CE Certification Level: ITT Sell, Arthur P. / 5476-0895-CE Bechtel National, Inc. / BECHTN*204NR Level: 3 Certification Level: 3 Law, Kevin Wayne / 8866-0707-C Certification Level: ITT Keever, Carrie Larissa / 6993-1212-EG Meester, Richard L. / 2887-0110-E Bellingham Lock and Safe, Inc. / BELLILS995PK Level: 3 Certification Level: 3 Russell, Christopher Michael / 0445-0910-C Certification Level: ITT Benham, Bryce Cameron / 7479-0207-EG Harman, Jacob Edward / 0514-0914-E-H Pudell, Brian William / 2007-0908-EG Sharp, Cody Don / 0578-1010-EG Visser, Michael James / 9874-0206-EG Watt, Matthew Steven / 6315-0912-EG Best Plumbing Group, L.L.C. / BESTPGL973CD Level: 1 Certification Level: 1 Moody, Brandin Lee / 4129-0317-A Big D's Construction of Tri Cities, Inc. / BIGDSDC893DT Level: U Certification Level: U Howard, Duane / 3644-0509-D Big Mountain Enterprises, L.L.C. / BIGMOEL972MB Level: U Certification Level: U Moore, Jason / 1353-1207-D Last Updated: November 6, 2017 Page 7 of 63 Black Hills Excavating, Inc. / BLACKHE959KJ Level: U Certification Level: U Lambert, David / 6162-0106-D Blackstone Fire Protection, L.L.C. / BLACKFP830D9 Level: 3 Certification Level: 3 Lazdins, Peter Karl / 0670-0417-C Blue Mountain Fire Protection, Inc. / BLUEMMF890CQ Level: 3 Certification Level: 3 Stillar, Zene / 0216-0395-C Blythe Plumbing & Heating, Inc. / BLYTHI*235L0 Level: U Certification Level: U Morse III, David C. / 5017-0116-D Bob Holm Company / BOBHOC*012L8 Level: U Certification Level: U Holm, Robert L. / 7188-0204-D Bowen Construction, Inc. / BOWENCI993QR Level: U Certification Level: U Bowen, Brian Curtis / 2621-1104-D Boyd's, Inc. / BOYDSI*966BW Level: 1 Certification Level: 1 Aho, Jason T. / 9873-0910-A Dillon, Robert / 1084-0910-A Bremmer Construction, Inc. / BREMMCI044BS Level: U Certification Level: U Bremmer, David Frederick / 2303-0913-D Brimstone Fire Safety Management, L.L.C. / BRIMSFS918KO Level: 3 Certification Level: 3 Syverson, Darin / 3135-0914-C Certification Level: ITT Gehlhausen, Timothy S. / 1425-1107-E Last Updated: November 6, 2017 Page 8 of 63 Brumfield Construction, Inc. / BRUMFCI114K4 Level: U Certification Level: U Brumfield, John Edward / 9213-0315-D Burns Fire Protection Systems, Inc. / BURNSFP841DU Level: 3 Certification Level: 3 Yates, David / 2605-0898-C Certification Level: ITT Kyle, Keith Allen / 8694-0906-EG C & E Trenching, L.L.C. / CETREL*025KA Level: U Certification Level: U Wray, Curtis / 4226-0207-D C. Johnson Construction, Inc. / CJOHNCI954RB Level: U Certification Level: U Johnson, Corey / 7604-1009-D Campbell Underground, L.L.C. / CAMPBUL848RN Level: U Certification Level: U Campbell, Mark Andrew / 7060-0908-D Cannon Construction, Inc. / CANNOCI055CS Level: U Certification Level: U Sheard, Thomas Gregory / 6723-0214-D Capital Septic & Excavation, L.L.C. / CAPITSE940KA Level: U Certification Level: U Clark, Jason Robert / 685-0506-D Capitol Fire Protection, L.L.C. / CAPITFP850L2 Level: 3 Certification Level: 3 Knight, Richard / 5029-0392-C Carman's Construction, L.L.C. / CARMACL922NF Level: U Certification Level: U Carman, Kevin / 4129-0110-D Last Updated: November 6, 2017 Page 9 of 63 Cascade Alarm, L.L.C. / CASCAAL962RW Level: 3 Certification Level: 3 Craine, Roxanne Marie / 7327-0202-CG Certification Level: ITT Anderson, Robin L. / 8115-1208-EG Bennett, Ronald E. / 9032-1208-EG Cascade Fire Protection Company, Inc. / CASCAFP203MW Level: 3 Certification Level: 3 Cowgill, Malon L. / 4235-0991-C Hagadorn, David A. / 5116-0602-C Morris, Christopher Paul / 0839-0112-C Certification Level: ITT Avey, Mark A. / 4542-0109-EG Collins, Jessica Lynn / 0228-0315-E O'Brien, Kevin / 5502-0809-E Ogren, Darrin / 5446-0809-E Cascadia Fire Protection, L.L.C.
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