FUNDAMENTAL BAPTIST FELLOWSHIP INTERNATIONAL RESOLUTIONS 1946 Resolution RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY FUNDAMENTALIST FELLOWSHIP AT GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN, MAY 23, 1946 46. 01 WHEREAS, The Northern Baptist Convention in session in Grand Rapids, Michigan, May 21-26, 1946 refused to adopt the theological directive but did adopt a resolution which permits the continuance of the inclusive policy in interpretation and practice, and WHEREAS, The Northern Baptist Convention, over the protest of hundreds of delegates, willfully committed itself to the support of the program of the Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America, thus violating the conscience of individual Baptists, and the autonomy of hundreds of Baptist churches, and WHEREAS, There is confusion, unrest, and dissatisfaction among so many of the ministers and lay delegates in attendance upon this Convention, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That we appoint a Committee of Fifteen from the three geographical areas of the Northern Baptist Convention territory to FIRST, Thoroughly investigate the effects of this Convention upon the Fundamentalist Fellowship; SECOND, Explore the Conservative Baptist bilingual groups and other Conservative Conventions and groups outside the Northern Baptist Convention, and ascertain their attitudes toward the Fundamentalist Fellowship; THIRD, Issue a call for three area conferences of the people of our churches for a consideration of the matter (after six months’ study on the part of the Committee) after which the three area chairmen will confer with the Executive Committee of the Fundamentalist Fellowship at its next annual meeting; FOURTH, Report next year the results of this exploration, the report to include definite recommendations with a view to preserving the pure testimony and the conservation of our Fundamentalist Fellowship, either within or without the organization of the Northern Baptist Convention. 1978 Resolutions RESOLUTIONS UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED BY THE FUNDAMENTAL BAPTIST FELLOWSHIP AT CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH, NORMAL, ILLINOIS JUNE 13-15, 1978 78. 01 REGARDING FUNDAMENTALISM A fundamentalist is a genuine believer in the person, work and doctrine of the Lord Jesus Christ who: 1. Regards the Bible, both Old and New Testaments as the verbally inspired, inerrant infallible Word of God. 2. Recognizes the Bible as the authoritative voice of God on all issues pertaining to life, including civil, social, and spiritual. 3. Endeavors to practice Biblical conduct in all areas of his life. 4. Believes in all the foundational truths of historic Christianity, including: a. The inspiration of the Bible. b. The virgin birth of the Lord Jesus Christ c. The deity of Christ. d. The bodily resurrection, ascension and literal return of the Lord Jesus Christ. e. Salvation by grace through faith and regeneration by the Holy Spirit. f. The eternal destinies of heaven or hell. g .Man is a sinner by nature and by choice. 5. Earnestly contends for the faith, which includes a militant defense and proclamation of the faith and separation from all forms of heresy, apostasy, unbelief, and inclusivism. 6. Is compelled by love to expose error, within and without the household of faith. 78. 02 REGARDING THE ECUMENICAL MOVEMENT The Fundamental Baptist Fellowship declares that the ecumenical movement as represented by the National and World Council of Churches is Satanic in origin and objective, and calls on all regenerate believers to separate from this apostasy. (II Cor. 6:14-18) 78.03 REGARDING NEW EVANGELICALISM The Fundamental Baptist Fellowship believes that the religious movement known as new evangelicalism, which encourages disobedience to the Biblical commands concerning separation from unbelief and apostasy, is to be rejected by Fundamentalists. This includes ecumenical evangelism as practiced by Billy Graham; new evangelical institutions such as Wheaton College and Fuller Theological Seminary; campus movements such as Campus Crusade and Intervarsity Fellowship; and magazines such as Christian Life, Christianity Today and Inspiration. (Rom. 1617) 78. 04 REGARDING PSEUDO-FUNDAMENTALISM The Fundamental Baptist Fellowship deplores the movement known as pseudo- fundamentalism; defines pseudo-fundamentalism as a movement that violates the doctrine of Scriptural separation; sees pseudo- fundamentalism as new evangelicalism in embryonic form; believes that pseudo-fundamentalism is destructive of true Biblical fundamentalism; calls upon all local Bible believing churches to reject such pseudo-fundamental activities as those of the Jerry Falwell ministries. (I Thess. 5:21-22-II Thess. 3:6) 78. 05 REGARDING THE CHARISMATIC MOVEMENT The Fundamental Baptist Fellowship exposes the modern-day charismatic movement as unbiblical, a counterfeit of true Christianity, the catalyst for the formation of the coming one world church of the antichrist; and, furthermore, denounces the practice of ecstatic speech called "unknown tongues" as unscriptural, deceptive and completely unrelated to the Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of truth. (I John 4:1; I Cor. 13:8; I Tim. 4:1) 78. 06 REGARDING WOMEN IN SCRIPTURE The Fundamental Baptist Fellowship opposes the Equal Rights Amendment and furthermore urges our legislators to stand firmly against the passage of this amendment or an extension of time to ratify the E.R.A. Furthermore, we oppose the ordination of women to the gospel ministry. (I Tim. 3:2; 2:12) 78. 07 REGARDING CAPITAL PUNISHMENT The Fundamental Baptist Fellowship favors the Biblical doctrine of capital punishment as a deterrent to crime, a means of preserving life, and of restoring respect for law and order; and appeals to our Supreme Court to restore it to the legal process of our nation. (Gen. 9:6; Ex. 21:12-14) 78. 08 REGARDING PARENTAL AUTHORITY The Fundamental Baptist Fellowship views with alarm the Increa5ing attempt by the government to invade the privacy of the home and supersede parental authority, by cries of “Child Abuse” and opposes any legislation that would restrict the autonomy of the American home. (Psa. 127:3; Eph. 6:1) 78. 09 REGARDING MORAL DEVIATION The Fundamental Baptist Fellowship believes that homosexuality including lesbianism are perversions of the God-given sexual drives and encourages all Bible-believing Christians to vigorously oppose all attempts being made to condition the American public to accept this perversion as “normal.” (Rom 1:24-24; I Cor. 6:9-11) 78. 10 REGARDING CHURCH PROMOTION The Fundamental Baptist Fellowship opposes the widespread use of carnal “Madison Avenue” methods of church promotion that have replaced the Biblical methods of preaching, praying, and witnessing, and urges a return to Biblical methodology in church building. (I Cor. 1:21; Psa. 127:1; I Cor. 10:31) 78. 11 REGARDING COMMUNISM The Fundamental Baptist Fellowship condemns Communism as a Satanic system, does not believe that true religious freedom exists in Communistic countries, and deplores attempts to make Christianity and Communism compatible. (Acts 5:29; II Thess. 3.10) 78. 12 REGARDING OUR DEFENSE POSTURE The Fundamental Baptist Fellowship deplores what appears to be the systematic dismantling of our military establishment and the strengthening of the enemies of this Republic through SALT talks, and calls upon our government to maintain a position of military superiority on the world scene to cope with any eventuality (Psa. 18:34; Luke 22:36) 78. 13 REGARDING THE FUNDAMENTAL BAPTIST CONGRESS The Fundamental Baptist Fellowship commends the World Congress of Fundamentalists meeting in Manila, Philippines, in November 10-14, 1980, as a worthy expression of true Fundamentalism and urges a wide an attendance as possible. (Psa. 133:1) 78. 14 REGARDING WORLD EVANGELIZATION The Fundamental Baptist Fellowship affirms its belief in the urgency of personal witnessing and world evangelization, and challenges all fundamentalists to intensify all efforts consistent with Biblical standards in this direction. (Mt. 8:19-20) 78. 15 REGARDING CHRISTIAN EDUCATION The Fundamental Baptist Fellowship commends the burgeoning private Christian school movement, urges all such schools to operate from a philosophy of theism rather, than secular humanism, and to resist all attempts for governmental control of private education. (Prov 4:14-16; Prov. 19:21; Rom. 12:1-2) 78. 16 REGARDING MUSIC The Fundamental Baptist Fellowship rejects thc sensual religious music of today because the unsound doctrine in music contradicts sound doctrine in the pulpit. We oppose the superficial and carnal fruit produced by this music in the lives of those exposed to it. We speak specifically of the music typified by the compositions of Bill Gaither, Andrae Crouch, and other charismatics. (Eph. 5:l9; Col. 3:16; Psa. 15O) 78. 17 REGARDING CHURCH AND STATE Be it resolved that this fellowship seeks to honor those who are in authority and recognizes government as being ordained of God: however, we firmly believe that Church and government can best work to achieve their purpose if each is separate from the other and therefore favor a complete separation of Church and State as set forth in the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. (Matt> 22:21) The Fundamental Baptist Fellowship wishes to extend its thanks to the people. Pastor, and staff of the Calvary Baptist Church of Normal, Illinois, for their hospitality. Respectfully submitted, Dallas Ainsley Wayne Van Gelderen Archer Weniger Allen Dickerson Bob Jones III James Singleton, Chairman 1979 Resolutions RESOLUTIONS TO BE CONSIDERED BY THE FUNDAMENTAL BAPTIST FELLOWSHIP AT SOUTH SHERIDAN BAPTIST CHURCH, DENVER, COLORADO June 12-14, 1979 79. 01 REGARDING FUNDAMENTALISM A. Fundamentalist is a genuine believer in the Person, Work, and Doctrine of the Lord Jesus Christ who: 1. Regards the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, as the verbally inspired, inerrant, and in fallible Word of God. 2. Recognizes the Bible as the authoritative Voice of God on all issues pertaining to life-civil, social, and spiritual. 3. Endeavors to practice Biblical conduct in all areas of his life. 4. Believes in all the foundational truths of historic Christianity, including: a. The inspiration of the Bible b. The virgin birth of the Lord Jesus Christ c. The Deity of Christ d.
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