POLISH AMERICAN JOURNAL • APRIL 2013 www.polamjournal.com 1 APRIL 2013 • VOL. 102, NO. 4 $2.00 PERIODICAL POSTAGE PAID AT BOSTON, NEW YORK NEW BOSTON, AT PAID PERIODICAL POSTAGE POLISH AMERICAN OFFICES AND ADDITIONAL ENTRY JOURNALESTABLISHED 1911 www.polamjournal.com PADEREWSKI AND HIS SECOND HOME: THE DEDICATED TO THE PROMOTION AND CONTINUANCE OF POLISH AMERICAN CULTURE UNITED STATES. PAGE 14 Wesołego Alleluja! Happy Easter! President of Know Their Onions “The auschwitz Sacred Easter Poland expresses PHOTO: CARLATOMASZEWSKI Volunteer” Wins Music of Poland “Joy” at Pope Top honors PHOTO: DANUSIA KMIEC francis election LOS ANGELES — “The Auschwitz Volunteer: Be- WARSAW (Polskie Ra- yond Bravery,” by Captain dio) — President Bronislaw Witold Pilecki, translated by Komorowski “received the Jarek Garlinski (Aquila Po- news with joy” that Cardinal lonica Publishing), has won Bergoglio had been selected the 2012 PROSE Award for by the Conclave of Cardinals Biography & Autobiography. as Pope Francis and invited The 37th annual PROSE him to Poland. Awards — the American “It is with great joy that I Publishers Awards for Profes- received the news of the se- sional and Scholarly Excel- lection of Your Holiness to lence — were presented Feb- the Holy See and can I, on ruary 7 at the Association of behalf of the Polish people, American Publishers’ Profes- offer the most sincere con- sional and Scholarly Publish- gratulations,” President Ko- Music and Prayer — continued from last month ing Division Annual Confer- morowski wrote on his web ence in Washington, D.C. by Staś Kmieć site. he Polish hymns and sacred songs of PROSE honors the best “The old historic motto of in professional and scholarly Lent, the Passion, and Easter stand next ‘Polonia semper fi delis’ [Po- to one of the richest collections of carols publishing, as judged by peer land always faithful] stressed publishers, librarians and aca- (kolędy) of any nation. For the symbolic the centuries-old unity be- forty days of Lent in the Polish Catholic demics. This year’s competi- tween the Polish nation and tion attracted 518 entries of Church, songs are sung, which penetrate the Holy See,” Komorowski with purity and melody. They describe books, reference works, jour- T said nals and electronic products events of the Gospel. Komorowski said that the in more than 40 categories. Sung today in the liturgy and worship, historically they TEACHER STAN TOMASZEWSKI (right) looks on while class closeness between Poland “We’re thrilled that ‘The were sung not only in the Church but as part of the popu- participants Jennifer Wegrocki-Parks and Gordon Creamer and the Vatican had been ce- Auschwitz Volunteer’ won lar mystery plays, liturgical drama, and the processions dice onions for Zupa Szczawiowa, Sorrel Soup, at the Spring mented by “the pontifi cate the 2012 PROSE Award for and meetings of penitential fraternities. Polish knights Polish Cooking Class held the Polish National Alliance Home of the Blessed John Paul II, Biography & Autobiogra- performed the songs in the chambers of the King during in Baltimore, Md. In time for Easter, participants also made whose activities — among phy,” said Aquila Polonica ceremonies that were combined with the great religious butter lambs for their swieconka baskets. many signifi cant achieve- president Terry Tegnazian. festivals of Easter, Ascension and Pentecost. ments — greatly supported The classes are sponsored by the PNA and Polish Heri- The power of the Roman Catholic Church has long been See “Pope Francis,” page 2 tage Association of Maryland. See “Aquila ...,” page 2 of prime importance in Poland’s social and political struc- ture. Since the Middle Ages, it has been the foundation of the nation’s culture. However, Church activity greatly ambassador Says Relations “Warm and excellent” diminished and in some instances wiped out traces of the old Slavonic background. One of the church’s aims was WARSAW — In an exclusive inter- which arrived in Poland for two-weeks States is really grateful for the incred- the eradication of Slavonic paganism. As a consequence, view for Polish Radio’s English Service, training. “We hope we won’t have to ible sacrifi ces that our Polish allies have Georgian chant and its musical arrangement partially re- U.S. Ambassador Stephen Mull talked fi ght any more wars after we fi nish our made [in Afghanistan], both in the lives placed the old musical structure, infl uencing even the rudi- about talks about American troops in Po- common efforts in Afghanistan, but you that have been lost, and the money and ments of Polish folk song. land and bilateral U.S.-Polish relations. never know, you have to make sure that resources that the Polish government The mission of Christ, culminating in Golgotha and the “One of the most important security your militaries are prepared.” has committed to this.” Resurrection, diffi cult to the perception of the peasants, did goals for us is to improve the ability Mull, who took over at the Ameri- He added that the best way “to keep not produce as many songs as the Nativity; however, there of our militaries to operate together,” can Embassy in Warsaw in November the relations active and alive is to keep are Easter songs of folk origin. “Ludu Mój Ludu,” from said Mull, referring to the fi rst Rota- described Polish-US relations as “warm introducing the United States to the new southeast Poland for instance, seems to appeal so strongly tional Detachment of the U.S. Air Force, and excellent,” adding that “the United generation of Poles.” to members of the congregation taking part in the collec- tive singing, that the continuity of the song is not infre- quently interrupted by the loud sobs of men and women. Iconic Orchard lake Shrine Celebrates 50th anniversary In Poland, litur- ORCHARD LAKE, of fi ne artistry and crafts- gical song appeared Mich. — On Sunday, March manship. At capacity, it was in the second half 3, 2013, the Orchard Lake designed to house up to 750 of the tenth century, Schools community cel- under the curved beams and with the adoption ebrated the 50th Anniversary roof purlins of laminated Or- of Christianity. The of the Shrine Chapel of Our egon Douglass Fir – a design oldest known Pol- Lady of Orchard Lake. feature that resembles “pray- ish religious hymn The occasion marked the ing hands” angled toward the may even be a song “new beginning” of the Cha- heavens. of Easter. The oldest pel located at the center of the On the evening of Novem- songs take the form campus and meant to repre- ber 29, 1962, members of the of trail – a para- sent the Holy Eucharist and Preparatory, St. Mary’s Col- phrase of the liturgi- its centrality in life. lege and the Seminary looked cal text of an appropriately selected melody. In style, the To truly appreciate the on in awe as the giant, 25-foot medieval songs, which survived, bear the traces of a mo- heart of the matter is to go statue of Our Lady of Orchard nastic austerity and simplicity. behind the scenes to uncover Lake, representative of the The fi rst mention of singing Easter hymns by the faith- the rich tradition and history queen of Poland and the Or- ful in the Church can be found in the twelfth century. “Eas- of the chapel’s treasures. In chard Lake Schools’ patron- ter songs, sung during the Resurrection as the believers are 1962, the site was dedicated THE SHRINE CHAPEL OF OUR LADY OF ORCHARD LAKE ess, was hoisted by crane to convinced that the greatest dramas of human life: suffer- and the structure — designed has been an symbol of the Orchard Lake Schools for the past her new home amidst the ing and death to justice are only a short-term test and the by OLS alumnus Walter Ro- fi ve decades. Rev. Msgr. Thomas C. Machalski, OLS chancel- pagoda gable of the Shrine See “Sacred Easter Music of Poland,” page 7 zycki — was underway. The lor and rector, has announced renovation plans to restore it Chapel. chapel epitomized a mosaic to its original grandeur. See “OLS Shrine,” page 2 2 www.polamjournal.com POLISH AMERICAN JOURNAL • APRIL 2013 ALMANAC VIEWPOINTS / The Most Rev. John F. Swantek Follow us on Facebook or visit us Do You Believe This? on the internet at: polamjournal.com On that Friday afternoon, Jesus After Jesus had expired, His life- men said to them; “Why do you and the life. Those who believe in Christ hung on the cross for about less body was taken down from the look for the living among the dead? me, even though they will die, will three hours as His mother, close cross and carried to the grave that He is not here, but has risen.” (Luke live, and everyone who lives and be- April Q Kwiecieñ friends, curiosity seekers, and en- was owned by a friend. Because of 24: 3-5). lieves in me will never die. Do you emies watched Him slowly die a the Jewish Sabbath, all of the funer- Pogody kwietniowe, “Why do you look for the believe this?” (John 11:25-26). słoty majowe. most agonizing death. Yet it was a al practices could not be completed. Do you believe this? The women would have to return to Fair April, Wet May. death in which redemption and the living among the dead? He is Our Lord asks this to everyone in forgiveness of sins became a reality after the Sabbath to finish what had not here, but has risen.” his Church. He did not ask “Do you 1 Dyngus Day (Wet Easter Mon- for the human family. not been done on Friday.
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