MARITIME REPORTER AND ENGINEERING NEWS ...j ~M*wm »»» mm -»mm AmShip Division Christens Longest Vessel On Great Lakes (SEE PAGE 12) can do it; If you need a sophisticated marine refrigeration or air conditioning system, call us. We have the know-how, the engineers, the mechanics and a vast inventory of essential component parts to do the job. That's why we are able to turn out such equipment in a matter of weeks instead of several months that most companies require. And yet; our systems are all custom-built while most others are from a standard line. What's the difference? You needn't accept standard dimensions when our flexibility of design permits us to make units small enough to fit through a watertight door or large enough to air condition an entire ship's quarters. Our units are complete in every detail and only require securing to foundations and connecting to water and electric supply outlets. Repair parts, if needed for any of our equipment, are on the shelves at all of our locations on the East and Gulf Coasts. a Bailey exclusive that is added to our Marine Pax for cooling, heating, water chilling or dehumidification, incorporates a magnetic controller and refrig- erant control panel in a custom- designed module. Let BAILEY, a recognized leader in marine refrigeration and air conditioning for over three decades, bid on your next job. 74 SULLIVAN STREET • BROOKLYN, N.Y. 11231 • 212/855-3958 AVENEL, N.J. 07001 • 2323 Randolph Avenue • 201/382-1225 Offices and Warehouses NEW ORLEANS, LA. 70117 • 632 Alvar Street • 504/943-2461 NORTH MIAMI, FLA. 33179 • 524 N.E. 190th St. • 305/651-4160 WASHINGTON, D.C./VA. Area 703/750-1901 BAILEY DISTRIBUTORS, INC. Affiliated Companies BAILEY CARPENTER & INSULATION CO., INC. BAILEY JOINER CO., INC. Write 125 on Reader Service Card The biggest call on McAllister wsats* •. • i M "-"•""••p.frf in New York Baltimore Norfolk and Philadelphia McAllister Brothers, Inc. Towing and transportation. 17 Battery Place, New York, N. Y. 10004. (212) 269-3200. Baltimore (301) 547-8678 • Norfolk (804) 627-3651 Philadelphia (215) 922-6200 • San Juan (809) 724-2360 McAllister/^ @ Write 425 on Reader Service Card we build ARM CO V them — Preview—RO/RO '81 page 39 Strong, tough, corro- sion-resistant AQUAMET shafts are AmShip Division service proved on a host Christens Longest Vessel of vessels including naval craft, trawler On Great Lakes Put a fleets, crew and supply page 12 great boat shaft boats, inland and off- to work for you shore tugs, and other Ever have the feeling ocean-going craft. your boat shafting is Find out foryourself Pinnacle Asks Title XI all the advantages of working against you On Three Deck Barges through premature Armco AQUAMET Boat breakage—bending— Shafting. Your copy of To Cost $7.4 Million Total corroding? You can put the Armco AQUAMET Pinnacle Company, Houston, a stop to many of these Boat Shafting Product has applied to the Maritime Ad- problems with Armco's Data Bulletin is avail- ministration for a Title XI guar- family of premium- able by clipping this ad antee to aid in financing the con- quality AQUAMET Boat to your letterhead and struction of three 300-foot deck/ WE CAN Shafting. mailing to Armco, Stain- specialty barges for use in the Armco® AQUAMET-5 less Steel Division, U.S. Gulf of Mexico. Misener In- Dept. SS-81, Box 600, dustries, Inc., Tampa, Fla., is the Boat Shafts—available builder, with deliveries scheduled in AQUAMET 17, 18, 19 Middletown, Ohio 45043. FIX THEM! for this year. (formerly SEALOY®) and The requested guarantee is for 22—are designed to Lockheed has built a string of govern- $6,450,000, or up to 87i/2 percent ment ships — roll-on/roll-off trans- beat the rugged condi- of the total estimated actual cost tions your boats face. of $7,402,410 of the three barges. ports, destroyers, frigates, hydrofoil, And they'll keep on de- assault transports, cruiser, icebreakers livering dependable . Ships with a wide range of elec- service trip aftertrip. Manhattan Tanker Asks tronic, armament, material handling, and propulsion sophistication; ships Title XI On $6.8-Million powered by steam, diesel, diesel- Tanker Reconstruction electric, automated gas turbine . Manhattan Tanker Company, And the know-how that builds them, Inc., a subsidiary of Transeastern can fix them. Our estimators have Associates, New York, has ap- sharpened their pencils and are waiting plied to the Maritime Adminis- for your job. tration for a Title XI guarantee to aid in financing the reconstruc- tion of the 114,000-dwt tanker Manhattan in compliance with new U.S. Coast Guard require- ments. The 43,000-shp vessel was built LDCKHEED and delivered by General Dynam- ics' Shipbuilding Division, Quincy, SHIPBUILDING AND Mass., in 1962, and lengthened in CONSTRUCTION COMPANY in 1969. New inert gas and crude 2929 1 6th AVE. S.W.. SEATTLE, WASH. 98134 oil washing systems are to be in- PHONE 206-292-5656 • CABLE LOCKSHIP /s-i stalled in the vessel, which oper- ates worldwide. 3 floating drydocks to 18,000 tons If approved, the Title XI guar- Shipways to 100 x 700 feet • Piers to 1,100 feet antee would cover $6,000,000, or approximately 87V2 percent of the Write 118 on Reader Service Card estimated cost of $6,858,142. Write 241 on Reader Service Card 107 EAST 31st STREET MARITIME Maritime Reporter/Engineering News is published the 1st and Member NEW YORK, N. Y. 10016 15th of each month by Maritime Activity Reports, Inc. Controlled Circulation postage paid at Waterbury, Connecticut 06701. REPORTER (212) 689-3266 AND Postmaster send notification (Form 3579) regarding undeliver- bpa able magazines to Maritime Reporter/Engineering News, V ENGINEERING NEWS Business Publications ESTABLISHED 1939 107 East 31st Street, New York, N.Y. 10016. Audit of Circulation, Inc. (USPS 016-750) No. 12 Volume 43 AH MATERIAL FOR EDITORIAL CONSIDERATION SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO ROBERT WARE, EDITOR. Write 367 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News Gilbert Snyders Named expansion by Ryan-Walsh Steve- At present coal is moving Coal is the fastest-growing car- doring Company. Ryan-Walsh re- through New Orleans by mid- go on the Gulf, say industry VP-Manufacturing At cently signed a five-year lease stream transfer, a technique prac- spokesmen, turning south because with the New Orleans Port Au- ticed by Ryan-Walsh and other of Atlantic Coast congestion, and Marinette Marine thority to operate the facility as stevedoring firms in which float- will be a major cargo in New a private terminal. ing derricks are used to transfer Orleans, Mobile, Alabama, and Spokesman for Ryan-Walsh say coal from barge to vessels an- possibly a few other Gulf ports they expect to handle some 1.75 chored in the Mississippi River. for many years. Inquiries about million tons of coal at the facil- Under this system, ships do not the bulk terminal may be made ity during the first year of the have to experience weeks of wait- to Ryan-Walsh through its New contract, with tonnages rising to ing to get to congested berths, Orleans office at (504) 586-0400, the 3.5-million level by the fifth saving shippers demurrage that or its corporate headquarters in year. Their contract contains re- is adding millions of dollars a Mobile at (205) 438-4771 or (800) newal options for additional years. year to the cost of coal shipments. 633-6758. SCHOTTEL-Tugs dominating Gilbert J. Snyders in the Port of Hamburg Gilbert J. Snyders was recently appointed to the position of vice president, manufacturing at Mar- inette Marine Corporation, Mar- inette, Wis. Prior to joining Mari- nette, he had been with Newport News Shipbuilding and Drydock Company since 1956. At Newport News he held positions in design; supervisor, machinery; general superintendent; construction manager; manager, production control; and director of interna- tional development. SPC Coatings Combat Rising Fuel Costs- Literature Available Following the Arab oil embargo in late 1973, International Paint Company rose to the challenge of combating rising fuel costs with the introduction of the Inter- smooth SPC (self-polishing co- polymer) antifouling coating sys- tem. The newest member of this family of coatings is Intersmooth SPC-20. It polishes more slowly than the other products and, in combination with an Intersmooth SPC-4 or SPC-9 system, allows extended in-service periods be- yond 30 months. Other members of the Inter- smooth SPC family include SPC- 4, which has the most extensive in-service record, and SPC-9, spe- The launching of another SCHOTTEL-Tug owned by Peter- Wherever they are in operation, the excellent manoeuv- cially designed for more severe sen & Alpers Towing Company, Hamburg means that by ring features and the outstanding safety potential of this fouling environments and low- 1980 a total of 14 tugs of the successful series of modern new generation of tugs have led to decisive improvements activity vessels. The latter has twin-screw SCHOTTEL-Tugs will be in service in the Port in tug technology and in providing assistance to sea-going been used widely for ships oper- of Hamburg. The new vessel, which was built at the Mutzel- vessels, not only in Hamburg, but in many other harbours ating from Japan, where fouling feld-Shipyard in Cuxhaven, is fitted out with two steerable all over the world. is severe, and for ships that op- SCHOTTEL-Rudderpropellers type SRP 503/505 and For almost 30 years the SCHOTTEL-System has proved erate with repeated idle periods. powered by two KHD diesel engines type SBA 6M 528, itself throughout the world and has made possible the For further information and each having a capacity of 640 kW (870 hp) at 900 r.p.m.
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