:T / ' > ^ '4. ■ THURSDAY; JULY The Weather PAOB TWENTY-FOUE flanrl|p0ti?r £tt»nfns Hmtlb Foreoasl of C. a. WeothM Low tonight oroand 70, ehaaee of thundershowers. Saturday y a ^ Dtreotars at the Zlpaer Club will 1 ab Budcley ' SchooL She tind. Iba tBidarai had Miiiated 13,736 ly sunny, hot and mnggy wtHi meet Saturday at 3 pjn. at the Board Makes BJS. from D untary State Ifas. WWidt ftor .Aree yean on a ehanoe at thodershowers In the About Town club. The annual picnic at the clUb CoDege. baa lO yeaia iMlf^tiiiw buis. afternoon. High near 90. will be held Sunday from 10 ajn. tiTtiliH: espeitonoe. and win start Itaee appobabnenta to the aac- Manchester— A City of.Village Charm 1 0 « Xkntiy MeEmn, 337 Spruce until dark at North Elid Park, Staff Shifts at 3T.MO. retarial ataiT incliide; SU Mon BvvtireUaaJ UtUieran East Hartford. Refreehmenta will Mia* Barfaen J. Buaaiere. to Mrs. ftene J. Moore, to work taach Grads 1 at South School.. She m the ijn^Tncekmal Materials ChMWli, WM rfHEBent tMe areigt be served, z' YGL. im u wa MC (FOUBTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1963 (Claaotfled AdyeiUsing oa Page 13) PRICE SEVEN CENTS M a det«g«t« to tlM tegith MennlaJ The board at edaCatiacL m ac­ has a a s . from F5tehbaTg (Mass.) A n tcr im a 52-week basis. She will aowrenttan at th e IMemaiUonal The VFW Auxiliary will have its tion on personnel mattera.. laaC State College and will start at $6.- start at 33J76, Step I of the sec- LtUtheran Wotnen’e Missionary annual dinner Tuesday, July 23, at night accepted two teacher reacg- 510. ratailea achisliile. effective July 22. iP‘^ r LesEue, vrMoh oonvenee this week 6 p.m., at Miller’s Restaurant. Res­ nations. made eight tcachBr ap­ Ml s Jean T. Freeman, to teach Mn. Rita A. Boudreau to work at the MpeMeUxsich Hotel and the ervations will close Saturday and pointments and three to the seere- Grade 2 at Bentley School A BS in the Bowers School office on a tardal staff, amd filled a vacBiwy graduate of the Umverwty of What a happy experi­ Muntotpul' Aiuditoriurti, Kansas may be made with Mrs. John 40-yeek baaia She wil start a/t S ta te N ^ ds Syria Kills dty, Mb. She wUl be aooompanied Vince. 227 McKee St., or Mrs. John for a school nurse at ManchcKer- 'Maine, abe wiB start at $4J>7K $use. ence good eating can by MIsb Mbrion A . E)rdin. 706 Buchanan, 176 Woodland St. High School. Jfcs. Barbara E. Murphy, to Mra Ruth K. Murray, to wrr-'< be. A ctually, five ways Resignations accepted are: teach Grade 9 English and Spaniah aa secretary to the dean of the Center S t , who is org<anlst of< the happy, when you en­ Roundup Ten Rebels oilurciL Members of the Citizen's Ad­ Mias Rosalie Brjwistree't. hmred at Beimet Jveiior High SebooL Cbmmuntty College on visory Council of the Mancheatcr recently to teach am d fBiiiewttary Sbe bas a B.A. from Brandeis a 52-week b a ss. She wiH start at Joy our wonderfully Reviles ConununitV <k>lleg-e on Monday grade, who has ance^yied araocho' Cmversity and an M.A. from the 54.524. Step I of the secretaries fresh produce. Prove evening from 7:30 to 9 o’clock will position elsewhere. VmTersity of Bridgeport, and ■will scheduto. efTective July 22. it yourself by sampling Hafez Says be in the teachens’ lounge at the Mrs. Helen Neuman, pbyaicall ed- staiTt at S6.230. THROW ’EM critically — apprecia­ Hubert W. Slone DONT AW’A Y ! Manchester High School to an­ ucatiom teacher at Bennel Jiannicie- MerrUun S. Hurwitz. to swer inquiries concerning the col­ High School, for maternity rea­ teadi an elementary grade aa yet Tax Office Open tively. To Head c n :c BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP)— Mill plenty of wear left in lege, which opens in September. sons. unasHgned. She bs.s an A.B. from Note the bloom on MaJ. Gen. Amin Rafez, the Added to the teachilig sttaff are: your shoes when you have (Boator, University, and 'wiB start Two Saturdays our fruits, the crisp­ HARTumm (AP> — Bdbcrt W. Syrian army strong man, an­ j them rehuUt In a profession­ ATHLETE’S FOOT Miss Phyllis J. AdamaoBn.. to at $4,700. teach junior high Englisii She iias ness of our vegetables. nounced today 10 persons im­ -War, Scores al shoe repair shop. AU, Herbert F^gani. to teach sopho- 1 WORK Ol’AR.ANTEED! HOW TO TREAT IT — a B A. from L.ake Foresn OoBLege ntnee E n g h ^ at Man(diester High Manchester Collector of Rev­ See the rich glow of plicated in an uprising Thurs­ Apply iimtank-dryinc T-i-L. You feet it and will Stan at M.7(W School. He has a B.A. from St_ enue Paul Cervmi has announced color that promises day against Syria’s Ba’athist take hold to t’herk iicfainfc. buming. in Mrs. Mary O. Boliein. to teacit Bjoavaicure Umversity and an tHst his office will be open for SAM YULYES minuten. Then in S to 5 dayit. wateh the coUection of town taxes from ripe flavor. Check the Socialist government have infected skin nlough off. Hatch healthy Grade 3 at Buckley School She M.A. from the Umversity of Ono- Same Side As Watkins necticut, and will start at $6,230. 9 sjn. to noon the next two Sat- fragrance, the plump been tried and executed. nkin replace it. If not pleaned IN ONE . has a B.S. from New T oit Uasrer- P eWaaa .1 esrittlhe Radio Damascus broadcast Ha­ S3 OAK STREET UOVB, your 4Hc ba<’K at any drug ; sity and am M.A. from the Unu>- Mrs. Helen Nietoon was appoint­ nrdaTa firmness that says capnrity. Store. NdW at Weldon Drug Store. fez’s statement after a new cur­ versity of Comnecticat and artK ed school Horse at the high school Fim period 1963 taxes will be “fresh-picked.” Taste OPEN MONDAYS delinqaesit. and subject to a pen­ few was clamped on the entire start at 36.770. at a saJary of $4,000. reptacing our greens, our fruits, — Chinese Stand Hear country and Syrians were warned Mrs. Mat-v Oummoe_ to Seartt Mrs. Ceceha Wandt, who has re- alty. if not paid by Aug. 1. - eC tha eaneS’s Read Herald Ad vs. our crisp root vege­ to stay Inside or be shot. s u i t s tha A colonel identified as Hi.sham tables — savor their Shabib, five noncommissioned of­ delicious fresh flavor. to the cooncO, ficers and four civilians were research Mmmmmmm — that’s See— tried by a court-martial formed 1 Russian Optimistic!^^.**'^*^®*** L’^a Lcf^ala- by the national revolutionary; good eating! tn n O m i a He served as eonanlt council and quickly executed, the ! W h a t’s more, your stot to Ok Legirinttve Ctamcn when radio said. All the soldiers were good sense of thrift at dtaS ad Vat state’s B e m t Rule from the army, signal corps. | Art. wtdrh'rta* pasaad by flte U67 Over N-Ban Treaty will approve. Here (as Sm ell- Hafez, who is deputy military i governor, Interior minister, dep­ everwhere in our uty premier, defense minister friendly store) fresh­ N B C A F O g ’ and army chief of staff, warned! MOSCOW (API—Soviet Premier ______ ness, top quality and (AP) — NBCAP that disturbers of the peace must Khrushchev expres.sod optimi.mi J M O SC O W (AP) — Soviet be punished. He said the court abundant choice are F eel Taste ■today about the chances for a Big prem ier Khru.shchev declared was still in session. yours at budget prices. The executions were the fir.st i Three agreement in current nego-' todav a new World w ar iS IlOt • nations on a limited nuclear test * a. i_ -u But-^see for yourself. such in Damascus to follow a ban and said he would like to see ' to build ComTnu- coup or attempted coup in more You’ll be glad you did. : «»yiB Naeteea Ahhhhhhhhh! outlawing of all such tests, inciud- nism Or .*<peed Up revolution, . FWtar MoertB. aaid than 10 years. Syria’s eight post­ Elephants at MQwaukee’s Zoo find a way to beat 90-plus temperatures as they dip in war revolutions have been al­ ing tho.se underground. He said a nuclear war could most bloodless. ’^ e ^\net leader reiterated in (jestrov mankind and even th w i»ivate pool ami seem to laugh a little as they spray one another. (AF Photo­ . a Kremlin speech that he wanted ,u i. ■ j • antivttiaa win ba Shortly after the curfew was nan Elast-West nonapgression pact. ! w ho SUTMVed ITIlRht SwiH'% Premium FROM NEARBY Delicious SELECTED fa x .) lifted for daylight hours early this morning, it was reimposed. Hafez I He did not in.si.st that it be tied . “ envy the dead. ” FARMS LARGE SBcrttaga already I to the treaty being negotiated ' The Soviet leader laid down lha «^y wtS be betd, reminded Syrians of the ban Fruif... CAUFORNIA against demonstrations or carry-: i here to forbid nuclear teat blasts blunt challenge to his (Chinese SHORT CUT CRISP. GREEN I in the air. outer space and under Communist opponents—who believe SEMI-BONELESS Water Safe ing arms. International telephone; S A N T A R O S A Id Nrak to aa Save-Dollar Moves lines were cut again.
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