ENGLISH - 103 AGUIDETOA GUIDETO PRAYERPRAYER ININ ISLAMISLAM M. Abdul Karim Saqib The Co-operative Office for CallCsll & foreignersto.eigne.sGuidance at SultanahSullrnah Under thelhe supervisIOnsuoeftsron 00llvinistrvI Ministry 010lIslam samicc AHai Allars$ and EndowmentEndowmenland and Cal I and Gu idance TelTe4240077 4240C//FaxF 42510054251005P0POBox80x926i5Riyadh11663EnE92675 Riyadh 11663 E-mail Sultanah22@holmailSullanah22@halma com *i f!fi li #1rt\:i# IN'IHEIN THE NAMENAI}IE OF ALLAHALIJ\H 11IETIIE MERCIFULMERCIFI,'L 'IHETHE COMPASSIONATECOMPASSIONAIE $iJl~lo~4~.., ;Ii4 LL.c A GUIJD)EGII]I]Dtr TO ililPilIRA\YililEffiR INms ISJLAMnsn,aMt M.fi|. ~lJdultbdul KfJrimKarin SoqilJfagib A GUIDE TO PRAYER INril ISLAMrsLAM * ResearchedRenearchedand Edited by: Mohammed Abdul Karim Saqib. * Translated by: IjazljazBegum Saqib. FOREWORD There are many books dealing with the SubjectSubiectof Salat in both Arabic and Urdu. Many of these books are welllvell written and provide an informative and comprehensive view of how Salat should be performed according to the teach­teach- ings of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Unfortunately~.Unfonunately( there are very few books in English which deal with the subject in the same informative and comprehensive way.way.The The books, which do exist, have three main disadvantages. Firstly, literature concerning Salat available in English is either so brief that it does not cover essential points in nearly enough detail, or it is so bulky and detailed that it becomes difficult to use it for quick reference, and es~es- sential points may get lost in the unnecessaryunnece$sarydetail. Secondly, the text of the Salat lacks the quality of direct research from the sunnahzunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). There are also books which contain material with­with- out any reference to the original sources. Thirdly, the majority of books have been written accord­accord- ing to the views held by certain schools of thought and for this reason some people hesitate to follow them. Because of these weaknesses in existing literature in English we felt that the need existed to prpduceprgduce a medium sized book on Salat which would approach the subject according toio the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). The Prophet, himself, said, "Pray as you have seen me praying." Such a book needsneeds.toto contain all the essential details of Salat without being 'too too bulky or complicated so that the reader can use it as a point 01oJ reference on a journey or at home. Itft was also fE~ltfelt that a comprehensive book on Salat in English would be useful for converts to Islamlslam and for Muslim youth brought up in this country. Keeping in 5 mind the needsof our brothers and sistersevery effort has been made to produce this book in simple and easy language. During our researchwe sometimes found that differences occurred between established practices in various prayer books. In these circumstances we referred to authentic hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), so that the points could be clarified as much as possible. This was, because, for a true Muslim there is no greater proof for settling arguments than authentic hadiths and practicespractices of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). We hope that Allah will accept this humble attempt be­be- cause without his support and help we would never have been ableabfe to do this work. Finally we ask all our Muslim brothers and sisters to study the text and to strive to pray according to it. Iflf anyone finds anything unacceptable or to be against the sunnah of the Prophet (SAW) we would be grateful if they wo!!ldworrld inform us. Muhammad Abdul Karim Saqib 6 c0ilrEilrsCONTENTS PagesPages ForewordForeword ......................•....... 55 NotesNotes ..............................t010 Chapter One ...................................t212 Before doing WuduWuqu (Ablution)(Ablution) ...................................t212 Tooth Stick (Siwak) ...................................I122 Niyat for WufluWuc;lu (Ablution) ..............................J212 Actions of wudu (Ablution) ...................................r212 Specialfacilities in Ab.ution. ..............................,.....I13 3 Du'i[Du'a at the end of Ablution . .....I13 3 Tayammum .............................. l414 Chapter Two .............................. 16r6 Time of $alat~alat (Prayer) ...................................16I 6 Forbidden Times for PraYerPlayer ..............................,.....t717 Placefor $alat~alat (Prayer)(PraYer) ...................................18l8 Dress for ~alat$alat (Prayer) ......................................18l8 Types of $alat (Prayer) ...................................19I9 FarQFar{ or ObligatoryObligatoryPraPrPra}er ...................................19I 9 Nafl Prayer .......•..........................,.19l9 Sunnat Mu'akkadah (canpulsory)(conPulsory) ..............................,.....2020 Nafl (extra) PrayerPraYer ..............................20 Number of Rakats ..............................22 Chapter Three ..............................22 StoryStory of AzanAian ..............................23 The MuazzinMuai2in ..............................23 TextText ofof thethe AianAian ..............................2424 AzanAian forfor FajrFajr ..............................2424 ListeningListeningto to thethe AZanAian ..............................2525 DariidafterDanidafter thethe AzanA2an ..............................2525 Du"aDu'ii afterafter thethe AzanAian ..............................2626 lqamatlqamat ..............................2626 TexTextt ofof IqamatIqamat 7 ChapterChapterFourFour .....2828 'Sutra'Sutra .....2828 QiblahQiblah .....2828 IntentionIntention(Niyat)(NiYat) .....2828 TalcbirTakbirTahrimah Tahrimah .....2929 Folding ofof hands .....2929 .RecitationRecitationbefore Fatihah .....2929 Ta'awwuz .....3030 'fasmiahfasmiah .....3030 Surah Fatihah .....331I Recitation of Surah Fatihah Behind Bdrindan Imam ..-.-.3232 Ameen .....3232 Recitation after Surah Fatihah ._ .........-....-.3333 Ruku (J,owing)(&owing) 34 Du'as inin Ruku :":::::::::::::::::::::::::::i135 Qawman (standing after Rukii)Rukfr) ................3636 Du'asDu'is inin Qawmah .....3737 First Sajdah .....38.38 Du'asDu'[s in Sajdah .....3838 Jalsah (sitting between two Sajdcbs)Sajddrs) .....39.39 Second SajdahSajdalt .....4040 Jalsah-e-IstarahatJalsah+-Istarahat(sitting for rest) .........4040 Second Rakat .....4040 Tashahud .....4040 Standing up for third Rakat ................41.41 $alat~alat Alan-Nabi (Dariid)(Darfid) -. ................42.42 Du'asDu'5safter $alat~a1at Alan-nabi (Dari"xl)(Darfrd) ........42.42 EndingFnding the Prayer 45 Du'asDu'6s after Salutation .45 Chapter Five 48 Witr Prayer .48 Number of Rakat ofofWitr Witr PraYerPrayer 48 Time of Witr Prayer 49 How to PrayWitr :::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::.1349 Du'i QunfitQuniit in witr Prayer ................5050 Text of Du'EDu'i Qunilt 50 Jumah(Friday Prayer) ·· .................5511 Importanceof FridayPrayer ..---...........5151 lmportanceImportance of Cleanlinessfor lridayIriday Prayer .....5151 Goingearly to FridayPrayer ...-............5252 Prayerbefore JumaltJumah 52 I8 Listening toto Khutbah(Sennon (Sermon 53 Prayer after Jumah ::::::::::::::::::::::::ii54 Eid Prayer .5454 JanazahJunazuhl)rayerllrayer 56 ConductConduct,I If'f Janazah Prayer 57s7 FirstFint Takbirl-akbir 57 Du'asDu'Esof starting 57 Surah Fatihah 58 Recitation of a Surah 58 Second Takbir 58 Third Takbir 59 Du'asDu'frsof Janazah 59 Ending the Janazah Prayer 616r Fourth Takbir 616l Prayer During a Journey 616l When to shorten and combine Prayers ........6262 D-urationDuration of journey 63 NatlNafl Prayer on a journey .6363 ••••••••••••oo oa oo oo oo tt 9 thtesNotes about the Transliteration The following system has been adopted tot0 represent correspondingr:orresponding sounds of the Arabic Alphabet. ArAr.rbicJbic letter English Example Example Equivalent ItArabic)Arabic) ((English)English) I a Allah ~ppleApple ~Y b bismillah bat ~dr t Tirmizi !oyloy '-oJ,i• thrh uthman t.Drougthroughh Cc J Jabir jugiug C;c h Ra~eemRaheem bate[ate Cc kh Khalifah no English equivalent ..)J d Dn.miDn,mi thelbe oJj i Aian re~emblereEemble J) rI Asrfur riverliver J) z2 zahid !erogero IJ"tA s salamsal5m ~eenseen ... fJ'",.* sh shuaib mopshop oj'.c ~I ~alatsalat ~ardinesardine ~ d{ wu~uwudu no equivalent f ,I fahir no equivalent j; -b ,?1 ~uhrguhr ra~orrazor e , JamIt'atJam6'at no equivalent e gh Maghrib no equivalent ~15 f Fajr-Fajr fanlan qg Iqamatlqamat queen ~(l, k kitab feenf,een J I Jibreel lean rI m Muhammad !!loonl[oon Uo n Nisai noon jt w wUQuwu{u walletfiallet ~j h janazah ttour[our I , • \ no equivalent (t in the middle of the letter)letterI c.SL5 yv 'yearyear 10to TheThe followingfollowing system system has has beenbeen adopted adopted to to representrepresent somesome of of thethe complexcomplexsoundssounds ofof thetheArabic Arabiclanguage.language. AA macronmacron (-) (-) placedplaced 0n on aa transcribedtranscribed ArabicArabic vowel vowel indicatesindicates lengtheninglengtheningofof thethesound sound ofof thatthatletter. letter. ArabicArabic EnglishEnglish ExampleExample ExampleExample EquivalentsEquivalents (Arabic)(Arabic) (Enslish( English)) .- ea AilAhAllih AppleApple r5l\.sL eeee RaheemRaheem seenseen )J Ii istanjaistanja sitsit ISo ioreei or ee seenseen '16.Jb hThi hehe I'I u bootboot -uu ll)1 u 0awfidDawud truetrue jijf aw sew ii)1 aww awwal shovel $i(51 ay baYbay Cft5i aYyayy age 13t~~ ivviyy Note: Sometimes$ometimes an Arabic letter changes sound according tot0 its position inin the word; for example;whether
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