Fl:SF/IND 55 TECHNICAL IHPORT 8 u v u I REPORT PREPARED FOR nn GOVERNMENT OF INDIA IY nn FOOD AND AGR.RCULTURIE ORGANIZATION OF THIE UNITED NATIONS ACTING AS EXECUTING AGENCY FOR nn UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS BANGALORE 1971 PREFACE The Pre-Investment Survey of Fishing Harbours is being conducted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in co-operation with the Government of India. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, on this Project, is acting as the Executing and Participating Agency for the United Nations Develop­ ment Programme. The Project has its Headquarters at Bangalore, India. This Technical Report constitutes one of a number of reports which will be issued during the course of the UNDP/SF Project. The contents of this Report are based on the work of professional and technical staff provided by the Government of India and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. The conclusions and recommendations given in the Report are those considered appropriate at the time of its preparation. They may be modified in the light of further knowledge gained at subsequent stages of the Project. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this document do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the United Nations or the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations concerXting the legal or constitution-il status of any country, territory or sea area, or concerning the delimitation of fror:tiers. FAO. Andhra Pradesh - Development of Fishery Harbours prepared by the Pre-Investment Survey of Fishing Harbours Project, India, 43 p. 2 Maps. FI:SF/IND 55 Technical Report 8. A B S T R A C T Field and office work for the report was done during the second half of 1970. Investigations were aimed at obtaining a comprehensive review of the nature and extent of development of the fishery industry during the preceding decade. Special emphasis was placed on identifying limiting factors and those parts of the industry which were likely to develop during the next decade. The investigations showed that development of mechanized fishing during the 1960's was not encouraging. Mechanized boats were dependent upon Government support, financial and other. The number of boats in operation in 1970 was small in relation to the total number built and considering the time elapsed since mechanized boats were first introduced. The eco­ nomics of boat operations were not good in spite of the fact that the boats have access to two ports, and may undertake fishing up to 200 days per season. Freezing or c&nning of fish has not develor-od in Andhra Pradesh. The main conclusion of investigations was that the deve:i.opment of marine fisheries in Andhra Pradesh does not primarily depend upon expansion of harbour facilities. As, furthermore, the coastline of Andhra PraCiesh lacks natural advantages for constructing harbours, the Report recommends that:- (a) the performance of thE present fleet be improved (by, for example, better boat n a.intenance, longer fiw1ing how·s, easy access to proce:•sing and storage facilities~· etc.); and (b) pilot projects ;_n mechanized fishing be laurtched at both Narasapur and Nizampat9J11 to investie;ate the -possibilities of fishing from undisturbed river-mouths, bc:fore any funds arc invested in civil woTks for harbours. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. Chanter 1 INTRODUCTION 1 Chapter 2 FISHERIES IN ANDHRA PRADESH 2 2.1 Introduction 2 2.2 Inland Fisheries 2 2.2.1 Production 2 2.2.2 Consumption 4 2.3 Traditional Marine Fishing 4 2.4 Mechanized Marine Fishing 6 2.4.1 Introduction 6 2.4.2 Effort 7 2.4.3 Yield 8 2.4.4 Value of Landings 9 2.4.5 Performance and Profitability 9 Chapter 3 MARKETING OF FISH AND FISH PRODUCTS 10 3.1 Existing Markets and Trade Practices 10 3.1.1 Introduction 10 3.1.2 Fresh Fish and Crustaceans 11 3 .1. 2 .1 Supply 11 Consumption 11 3.1.3 Cured fish and Crustaceans 12 3 .1. 3 .1 Supply 12 Consumption 13 3 .1. 3. 3 Trade 14 3 .1. 4 Other Products 15 Frozen Products 15 Canned Products 15 Fish Meal and Oil J_5 3.2 Market Potential 16 3.2.1 Importance of possible increase 16 in Landings 3.2.2 Possibilities of Disposal 16 Cba<Jter 4 MARIIm l~ISH STOCKS OFF ANDHRA PRADESH 19 4 .1 Pr··~sent Explqi tati on 19 4.2 Area of Fishing Grounds 19 4.3 Potential Exploitation 20 4.4 Implications associat.ed with Harb,:iur Development 20 Chapter 5 DEVELOPMENT OF FISHERY HARBOURS 22 5.1 Introduction 22 5. 2 'Th.:: Northern region of. the State 22 5,3 The Southern region of the State 23 Page No. 5.4 Need for Fishery Harbour 24 Development . 5.4.1 Introduction 24 5.4.2 Performance in Mechanized Fishing Operations and Ancillary Industries 25 5.4.3 The need to expand Harbour Facilities at Visakhapatnam and Kakinada 26 5.4.4 Provision of extra Harbour Basin at Kakinada 5.4.5 Need for Harbour Facilities at Landing Centres outside Visakhapatnom and Kakinada 30 5.4.6 Conditions for investment in Fish Landing Centres at Narasapur and Nizampatam 30 Chapter 6 SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS 33 6.1 Salient Features of Marine Fisheries in Andhra Pradesh 33 6.2 Observations on development of Mechanized Marine Fisheries in Andhra Pradesh 34 6.3 Recommendations 35 Appendix 1 Note on Kakinada 38 Appendix 2 Note on Narasapur 4o AJ2.Pendix 3 Note on Nizampatam 42 Andhra Pradesh Map showing Districts and Coastline Andhra Pradesh Map showing Coastline '.1nd extent of Cont- inental nhelf 1 Ch~ter 1 INTRODUCTION This Report contains recommendations concerning development of fishery harbours in Andhra Pradesh and a review of the information on which these recommendations are based. The recommendations are an attempt to answer the vital q_uestions of when, where and how fishing harbour facilities ought to be provided in the State. Previous reports issued by the Pre-Investment Survey of Fishing Harbours Project included detailed economic evaluations of proposed harbour facilities. These evaluations - based on elaborated projections of the nature of future fishing activities - were possible as at the landing centres in question, mechanized fishing ·was an important and documented activity already at the time of site investigations by the Project. In Andhra Pradesh, more than 90% of mechanized fishing effort is centred at two ports and for the first time the Pre-Investment Survey of Fishing Harbours Project has been investigating the suitability of providing landing centres at places where mechanized fishing has been conducted only sporadically if at all. Conseq_uently, there are very few reliable pieces of information which can provide the detailed, integrated know­ ledge needed to estimate the extent and efficiency of future mechanized marine fishing at these centres. Marine fisheries is a term which in Andhra. Pradesh covers the activities of at least a few hundred thousand individuals. The majority, the active fishermen and their famili2s, 1 ive and work along a cc :st tha.t is a thou­ sand kilometres long. Therefore, be ca.use of the vast number of uni ts in­ volved it is a time-consuming task to obtain a good understanding of the activities of these individuals. In order to make "good'' predictions it is necessary to know something about the past as well as about the pre­ sent. In the fishermen community literacy is loss common than what is normal in the coastal areas of the State. Records are seldom kept and hence it is an almost impossible task to document past and present de­ velopments. Notwithstanding the difficulties noted in the preceding paragraphs the State Director of Fisheries has )ffered every facility to the Project_ and access , when required, have ··,een given to Departme1 .tal records . The Project realizes that its kn )wledge of marine fis1wries in Andhra Pradesh is incomplete. Many det::t ~ls are missing. HoweV('r, it is be­ lieved that the general otservat.Lons presented in this Report are cor­ rect and useful for poJicy decisions concerning the expansion of fishing harbour facilities in Andl'ra Pradesh. 2 FISHERIES IN ANDHRA PRADESH 2.1 INTRODUCTION Fish is an important food item in Andhra Pradesh. It is estimated that almost three-quarters (72%) of the population consume fish. Thus in 1970, the fish consumers numbered about 30 million people. Fishing on either full-time or part-time basis provides employment for a large number of families. In the late 1960's, there were about 82,000 active marine fishermen. The fishermen community, in­ cluding members not engaged in fishing on the sea numbered about 250,000. At one time or another during the years, the number of men engaged in inland fisheries is probably about 80,000. However, for most of them fishing is likely to be only a part-time occupation, the ma­ jority living and working in the delta areas of the Godavari and Krishna Rivers. During the middle of the 1960's, annual marine fish landings in Andhra Pradesh were estimated to about 75,000 tonnes (G.O.I. statistics) and annual inland fish landings (during 1967/68) also about 75,000 tonnes (State Govt. statistics). How important is fish in the diet of inhabitants of Andbra Pradesh? If 50% of the weight of uoth marine and inland fish lar:~_ings are consumed, and, if average protein content is about 16% (weight) for 8,ll fish, and, if the daily needs are about 50 grammes per inhabi­ tant, then the protein needs of about 660,000 individuals can be satisfied annually through fish, · 2.2 INLAND FISHERIES 2.2.1 Production Fir:hing in the brackish waters of r1 vers and backwaters as well as fii;ning in tanks, ponds, channels and reservoirs are collsidered "in­ lv.i:d fisheries".
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